I'm back from hell

Chapter 405: Beast, don’t touch me!

Zhao Yongwu.

"I am willing to rejoin the team and serve the country."

he said firmly.

prior to.

When retired soldiers were recruited to join the army, he did not go because the announcement clearly stated that disabled soldiers would no longer be recruited.

just now.

Faced with the recruitment of members of the Special Incident Investigation Bureau, he chose to join without hesitation, and he was excited deep in his heart.

Because this is what he has dreamed of.

Zheng Quanfu.


Faced with the solicitation of members of the Special Incident Investigation Bureau, he hesitated and said, "I want to ask my family."


The members of the Special Incident Investigation Bureau in front of them were stunned for a moment.

Zheng Quanfu is not young yet, but he doesn't have the power to make the final decision on this kind of thing?
More importantly, many people now want to be soldiers, and even want to join the Special Incident Investigation Bureau, but the other party actually said that they should consider it?


The member of the Special Incident Investigation Bureau didn't say anything. He nodded and reminded: "If you want to join, you can contact us at any time."

"it is good."

Zheng Quanfu nodded, and after exchanging contact information with Zhao Yongwu, he also left.

He was just about to take out his mobile phone and make a call, but...


"We are from the Qiangsheng Martial Arts School. I heard that you have not joined the Special Incident Investigation Bureau? Are you interested in joining us? We..."

A strange, strong middle-aged man walked over.

"Feel sorry."

"I am not interested."

Zheng Quanfu refused without hesitation.

From the time the martial arts 'organization' appeared until now, he has not been optimistic about it, so how could he join it?

not to mention.

Now he is a hot potato!
Even if you join a martial arts gym, you must join the Wang family martial arts gym!
"Hello, we are..."

"Brother, are you interested in joining us..."


Next, Zheng Quanfu met several people from martial arts schools to win over him.

He refused them all.


He did leave the contact information of one person, because the other person was from the alliance martial arts school, and the main reason was... the other person said that he had established a long-term cooperative relationship with Xie Shaokun's team.

Zheng Quanfu knew that he was definitely not qualified to join Xie Shaokun's team, but...if he joined the alliance martial arts school, he would have the opportunity to cooperate with Xie Shaokun's team.

In the spirit of 'one more choice', he didn't say anything.

after that.

Get in a taxi.

Zheng Quanfu took out his mobile phone and made a call.


"Quan Fu, what's the matter with you? You haven't been seen for two days?"

"You won't get into the fog incident, will you?"

A low and rich voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Brother Chao."

"you guessed right."

Zheng Quanfu said in a low voice.

Brother Chao on the other end of the phone is named Zheng Chao. He is Zheng Quanfu's cousin. He has a successful career and is a well-known rich man in Huayang City.


Hearing this, Zheng Chao was obviously very surprised, and then he thought of something: "You are calling me now, which means... you survived it?"


Zheng Quanfu couldn't suppress his excitement and joy, and said: "Brother, I survived!"


The two chatted for a while.

We made an appointment to talk in detail.

after an hour.

The two met in the study room of Zheng Chao's home.

In the living room, Zheng Chao and Zheng Quanfu's wives and children were all there, but no one dared to disturb them.

"Well done!"

Zheng Chao patted Zheng Quanfu on the shoulder and said, "Quick, tell me what's going on."

Zheng Quanfu recounted the situation in detail.

"Xie Shaokun is here too?"

Zheng Chao's eyes flashed and he said: "No wonder you can participate in the fog incident in Huayang City."

"How's it going? Have you awakened your powers?"


Zheng Quanfu's expression darkened and he said, "I don't have the physical talent you have, Brother Chao."

"Psychics are one of a kind."


Hearing this, Zheng Chao frowned slightly, then relaxed and said: "At least, you have become a psychic."

"In the future, we brothers will definitely be able to build a bigger family fortune in the apocalypse by joining forces."


Zheng Quanfu nodded.

The two chatted for a while.

Zheng Quanfu asked: "Brother, are you really not planning to join the Special Incident Investigation Bureau? At present, this is the best choice."

Half a month ago.

Zheng Chao was on a business trip, and he didn't know whether he was unlucky or lucky, but he got into a foggy incident. Fortunately, he survived and became a psyker.

after that.

He temporarily rejected the official solicitation and decided to take a look at the situation first.

at the moment.

The situation has become clear.

Domestically, joining the Special Incident Investigation Bureau is the best option.


He doesn't plan to go.


Zheng Chao did not hesitate, nodded and said: "I think so too."

"Brother Chao."

Zheng Quanfu immediately thought of something and asked, "Would you consider joining Xie Shaokun's team?"

"As a psyker, you can definitely join it and even become its vice-captain."

"In this fog incident, I met people from Xie Shaokun's team. How can I say...even they can join, you can definitely join."

"You underestimate them too much."

Although Zheng Chao has never met Xie Shaokun and others, he obviously knows more about Xie Shaokun and others. He said, "Let's not talk about people with super powers."

"Just talking about those people without superpowers, after they have been in the team for so long, their strength is estimated to have reached the peak level of the first-level spiritual realm."

"Much better than me."

"In addition, these people are brave enough to fight and are very skillful with guns."

"Except for my abilities, I am inferior to them in everything."


"The one who joined after me is not qualified enough. If I become the vice-captain hastily, I will only be ostracized and isolated."

"Moreover, the development of a small team is limited. They need to be at the forefront of everything. They may die one day."

"Join them instead of joining the Special Incident Investigation Bureau."


Zheng Quanfu thought so and couldn't help but nodded and said, "I didn't think carefully enough."

"Brother Chao."

He continued to ask: "Then I will accompany you to join the Special Incident Investigation Bureau?"

He didn't want to charge forward either.

"let me see."

Zheng Chao thought for a moment and asked, "Does that alliance martial arts school you mentioned really cooperate with Xie Shaokun's team?"

"It should be true."

"How dare they lie about this kind of thing?"

Zheng Quanfu asked rhetorically.

"I'd better ask."

Zheng Chao picked up the phone.

After half an hour.

"There is cooperation."

Zheng Chao gave a definite answer.

"You see."

Zheng Quanfu asked: "Brother Chao, do you want me to join them?"


Zheng Chao nodded and said: "With your strength, if you join the Special Incident Investigation Bureau, you will probably be at the forefront and be in danger."

"Zhao Guohui is an upright person. Even if I want to protect you, I have to do it slowly."


"If I promote you, it's basically impossible without merit."

"It's different if you join an alliance martial arts school."

"First, there are relatively few psychics now. You will definitely become a high-level person inside after joining."

"Second, with me here, the alliance martial arts school will soon be under your control."

"When the time comes, if I want to cooperate privately with Xie Shaokun and others, I can do it through your hands."

Hearing this, Zheng Quanfu's eyes lit up.

Thumbs up.


"It's really high!"

"Brother, you should think carefully."

"I'll listen to you."

He spoke.

"Then it's settled."

Zheng Chao said.



Xie Shaokun et al.

The fog incident they participated in lasted for two days and two nights, so... when they came out, Xia Yu hadn't come out yet.

When everyone learned that Wang Shang was attacked and Gao Mengmeng reappeared, they all looked stern.

"With such a big commotion this time, we are more likely to be exposed here."

"Although there are no clear clues pointing to the location of Xiajiacun, but... just in case, I will not leave the base."

"Me too."

"Me too."


For a while.

Hong She, Han Sanguang, Su Qian and Ah Xiong all said they would not leave.

Only Xie Shaokun, he couldn't guarantee it because... he wanted to see Chen Ziqi.

No one was surprised.


Hong She said: "What we need to leave the base to do is the construction of the 'Island in the Lake' project."

Although arrangements have been made before, some situations will always happen in such a large project, for example... some workers no longer want to work.

This is the most common question.

For example...some machines are broken.

For example...


"Yeah." Everyone nodded.

Hong She continued: "As long as we leave the base, the three of us will be together."

"One person is in the light, two people are in the dark."

Everyone nodded again.

this time.

Charis Damayo was the first to nod and said, "I'm in charge."

Everyone's eyes came to him, and they instantly understood what Charis Damayo meant.


"Thanks for your hard work."

"Good work."


Everyone spoke one after another.


Everyone reached an agreement: As long as they leave the base to do anything, Charis Dama will do it in the light, and Han Sanguang and Hong She will do it in the dark.

The reason why I chose Han Sanguang and Hong Shezai is because...

These two are very good at hiding themselves.

Especially Han Sanguang.

Although Hong She is not as good at hiding as Han Sanguang, he has super powers!
The remaining people, except Xie Shaokun... all stayed in Xiajiacun.

Xiaonan was still lurking at a high place, Ayigulan was still looking for a place to look for Doudou's 'weakness', and Su Qian, Ah Xiong and the red-eared turtle stayed at the base.

This configuration can be said to be the best choice.


The 'Island in the Lake' project is underway again.

Everyone then learned a lot of news from the outside world:
First, a large number of people in Xiajiacun chose to participate in the fog incident.

This group of people participated in the fog incident, half died and half lived, and then the living ones were transported to the new city.

This made Xiajia Village even more deserted.

Second, after this fog incident, the country became even more anxious.

Although the country has not clearly announced the time when the end of the world will come, everyone knows that... with each batch of fog events, the end of the world is closer.

Death is also closer.

and so.

Everyone will release themselves more.

If it weren't for the massive increase in security and the tireless 24-hour patrols, I'm afraid... chaos would have broken out.

Third, the relocation work of the new city is basically completed.

This point has to be said to be very efficient.

The GJ department and public institutions have completely completed their relocation. Now... only those who have bought houses in the new city or experienced the fog incident and survived have not all entered the new city.

Fourth, the attack on Wang Shang not only did not make everyone doubt the security of the new city, but made everyone trust the security of the new city more.

First of all, the soldiers are dispatched extremely fast, far faster than the outside world.

Furthermore, such a terrifying explosion failed to blow up the Wang Family Martial Arts Hall. It can be seen how high the construction quality of the new city is.

In the end, the senior management, led by Captain Yang, all came out to apologize, and released the surveillance footage in detail, introducing the development process of the matter in detail.

Nothing to hide.

Fully adhere to the principle of openness and transparency.

As for why so many people died...

It’s completely because Gao Mengmeng and others are too strong!
It’s not that the soldiers are incompetent.

"This group of rats only dares to do such small tricks when the soldiers are all entering the fog event."

This is the most commonly said sentence on the Internet.



In a private villa.

"The area where Gao Mengmeng and the others are fighting... there is a Xiajia Village. Construction is currently underway. It seems that a 'moat' will be dug to protect one family."

"According to the information provided by Lord Fox Faced God, that tortoise is in these yellow-marked areas, and Xiajiacun happens to be in the yellow-marked area!"


A twenty-one or twelve-year-old man took off his silver-rimmed glasses, wiped them with a glasses cloth, and said, "I suspect that Xiajiacun is the base of Xie Shaokun's team."


A tall figure, wearing a moonlight yellow shirt and white shorts, looks quite casual and has a cold temperament. He is the cold goddess of Massachusetts Medical University in the eyes of outsiders - Xu Jingwen.

She glanced at the silver-framed man coldly and asked, "Xiajiacun is currently under construction and seems to be digging a 'moat'. Is there anything suspicious about this?"


The silver-framed man raised a finger and said, "Xia Yu, surnamed Xia."

Then, he raised a finger and said: "The guarded family has transformed from the original three large tile-roofed houses into a three-story 'fortress'."

"Do you still think it's not suspicious?"

Xu Jingwen fell silent.


The silver-framed man continued: "Almost all the villagers in Xiajia Village 'snatched' the quotas for these two fog events. Don't you find it strange?"

"I suspect that Xia Yu relied on his relationship with Zhao Guohui to help the villagers of Xiajia Village to obtain the quota."

"Of course, these are all what I have heard. Whether they are true or false has yet to be verified."


Xu Jingwen said a word lightly.

The silver-framed man, who was feeling proud and felt that he had finally gained the limelight in front of Xu Jingwen, couldn't help but frown and asked: "You...what do you mean?"

Xu Jingwen was still extremely calm.

"You have such a large network and energy to find out this information. Why don't you check if there is a person named Xia Yu in Xiajia Village?"

she asked rhetorically.

It's just his tone and demeanor that make him look down on you.


The silver-framed man hesitated.

It makes sense, but...it really makes me look stupid.


You must hold on!

"Jingwen, my people can only find this information. If you want to find out whether there is a person named Xia Yu in Xiajia Village, you need to find the village chief or villagers of Xiajia Village."

"However, the village chief and villagers of Xiajia Village all went to participate in the fog incident, and those who survived were sent directly to the new city."

"I couldn't get in touch at all."

He quickly made up a reason.


Xu Jingwen's face was full of disdain.

Man with silver frame: "..."

For some reason, Xu Jingwen's silence made him even more embarrassed and uncomfortable.

The more I think about it, the more uncomfortable I feel.



He slapped Xu Jingwen on the face and cursed: "How can you talk to me?"


Xu Jingwen gritted her teeth and looked directly at the silver-framed man without giving in at all.

"Still watching?"


The silver-framed man slapped him again.

Xu Jingwen couldn't dodge at all, because... the silver-framed man was very fast, reaching the fourth level.




The man with the silver frame slapped her several times, until Xu Jingwen lowered her head, and then he stopped, but... he didn't feel the 'satisfaction' of venting, but felt unusually empty.


"Jingwen, are you okay?"

"Come, let me rub it for you."

The silver-framed man hurried forward to help Xu Jingwen rub her swollen face.

When he touched Xu Jingwen's hand covering her face...

"Go away!"

Xu Jingwen opened his hand with a very tough attitude, not hiding her disgust at all.


The silver-framed man gritted his teeth in anger. He was about to lose his temper, but finally restrained himself and said, "Jingwen, I'm sorry."

"I love you so much that I can't hold it back."

"You also know that I'm usually very nice to you, but I couldn't hold it back just now. What you said was unpleasant and your attitude was not good, right?"


"Do not be angry."

"We are still the best couple in the world."

"Come on, brother, let me rub it for you."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand again.

"Do not touch me!"

Xu Jingwen opened the silver-framed man's palm again.

The silver-framed man gritted his teeth, obviously trying to control his temper, but... he failed in the end.


"It's shameless, right?"


"I really thought I didn't know that in the eyes of others, you are a otaku goddess and a school beauty, but you are secretly being taken care of by a rich man."

"Why can that middle-aged man with a big belly make you extremely obedient, kneeling and licking you like a dog, but I can't?"

"I'm more handsome than him! I'm younger than him! I can last longer than him! I can make you feel better! You can feel good longer!"

"And I can give you money too!"

"I also helped you become stronger! You have become a master at the pinnacle level of the second-level spiritual realm!"

He broke out completely and became hysterical: "Ah? I'm asking you something!"



"What's wrong with me? Huh?"




Slap in the face, punch and kick...

In order to vent, the man with the silver frame can do anything.


Xu Jingwen held her head and huddled in the corner, shivering, and her whole body was filled with despair.


"If you don't say anything, I'll beat you to death!"

The silver-framed man continued to vent, with no intention of stopping.

As he said that, he kicked Xu Jingwen's arm again.

There was a 'click' and the sound of bone cracking.


Xu Jingwen screamed.

The man with the silver frame still didn't understand his hatred and was about to continue, but then he felt that it was very exciting. He tore off Xu Jingwen's clothes. Looking at the bruised and smooth skin, his desire became more and more intense.

It gnawed at it like a hungry wolf pouncing on food.


"Get away! Don't touch me, you beast!"

"Pah! Be honest!"





Xu Jingwen struggled wildly, and finally...

She found that she could not avoid being violated. Instead, she was beaten continuously because of her struggle. She could only let the man with the silver frame do what he did to her.

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