I'm back from hell

Chapter 408 Xia Yu’s arrangements


Hong She and Xie Shaokun nodded.

They also noticed what Charis Damayo said.

"Also... I think the place where Jiang Yitao was resurrected can also determine its rules through experiments."

Charice Damayo continued.

"You mean...a few more explosions?"

Hong She asked.


Charice Damayo nodded.

"Then explode!"

"At worst, we will provide the crystal core."

Xie Shaokun said decisively.

Zhao Guohui had been listening to the three people's chat, and now he said directly: "We are not short of crystal nuclei either."

"Then explode!"


Charis Damaya and the other three nodded.

The next three hours.

Jiang Yitao was killed nearly twenty times. The reason why the number of times was so few was because... Jiang Yitao took longer and longer to resurrect, otherwise he would have been killed more than twenty times.

Nearly hundreds of crystal nuclei were consumed.

The entire laboratory was badly bombed.


The laboratory is 'thick' enough and can still be used even if it is riddled with holes.


Destined for a major overhaul!

of course.

After nearly twenty experiments, everyone still obtained some highly credible experimental data:
First, Charis Damayo said before that killing Jiang Yitao with a crystal core explosion would prolong his resurrection time, which is correct.

Every time a crystal core is used to explode, the time will be extended by about five minutes.

The number of crystal cores used increases, and the resurrection time is extended.

If the grade of the crystal core used increases, for example, a first-grade crystal core is used, even if the power produced by using an ordinary crystal core is exactly the same, the resurrection time can be extended.

Secondly, every time Jiang Yitao is killed by a bomb, the 'place' where he is resurrected is different.

Judging from the slow playback of the ultra-high-speed camera, this... is probably related to Jiang Yitao's brain.

Although Jiang Yitao's brain will be blown into "fog", the "fog" belonging to the brain is distributed unevenly. Every time Jiang Yitao is resurrected, the "place" is where his "brain" is more distributed.

Third, as he was killed more and more times, Jiang Yitao began to have problems with his sanity and memory.

In other words, although Jiang Yitao will not die, he started to have problems with his brain because he was killed too many times.

What exactly happened remains to be studied.

"It's been quite rewarding."

Charice Damayo spoke.

Hong She and Xie Shaokun nodded.

Zhao Guohui was silent for a moment and then said, "I have another idea."

Charis Damayo and the other three cast their eyes over.

"We have been conducting experiments on Jiang Yitao in a laboratory. I was thinking... if there are thick walls between various parts of Jiang Yitao's body, can Jiang Yitao still be resurrected?"

Zhao Guohui asked.

Charis Damayo's eyes widened suddenly, obviously she didn't expect Zhao Guohui to be so 'cruel'.

Zhao Guohui could see her thoughts at a glance, and he didn't even need to use his powers. He said, "I'm not that rigid."

"Treat the enemy."

"Never relent."

Charice Damayo nodded.

Zhao Guohui's impression quietly changed in her heart.

In fact.

She prefers Zhao Guohui like this.

I also understand why Zhao Guohui can cooperate with Sister Yu.


It's a deal.

"I agree."

Xie Shaokun spoke first.

Hong She also nodded in agreement.

Charis Damayo asked: "Dismember the body first?"

"Need not."

Zhao Guohui shook his head.

Charice Damayo was puzzled.

next moment.


Jiang Yitao's body was exploded again and turned into blood mist.

Followed by.

Zhao Guohui pressed a certain button.


Most of the 'blood mist' that Jiang Yitao turned into was sent to four other laboratories through the four 'vents' of the laboratory, leaving only a small part in the current laboratory.

In other words, Jiang Yitao is divided into five parts.

See this.

Charice Damayo breathed a sigh of relief.

If Jiang Yitao is really cut into pieces, she will feel some physical discomfort.

Thirty minutes later.

A strange scene appeared.

The 'bodies' of four of the laboratories began to converge towards one of the laboratories.

After these 'bodies' were attached to the walls of the laboratory, they began to seep into it little by little.

Because the walls are thicker and the material is special,...these 'bodies' penetrate slowly.

after an hour.

These 'bodies' have just been completely submerged into the wall.


They come out of the wall, and they probably don't know how long it will take.

"Let's take turns guarding."

Charice Damayo suggested.

"it is good."

Zhao Guohui nodded.

He has many things to do, and he really can't stay here forever.


After discussion.

Xie Shaokun and Chen Xiao are in a group.

Hong She and Qian Yihao are in a group.

Wang Quanzhi and Charis Damaya are in a group.

There is no need for Zhao Guohui to keep staring at this place.

Two days later.

The four parts of Jiang Yitao's body turned into blood mist and came out of the wall one after another.

More than half an hour passed.

Jiang Yitao came back to life again.

And this time...

It happened that Wang Quanzhi and Charis Damayo were observing and recording.

"let me out."

"I want to eat tofu nao. I can cooperate with you. I will agree to any conditions you propose. I want to eat braised noodles. Don't believe Xu Jingwen. She is nothing..."

Jiang Yitao shouted loudly.

Wang Quanzhi and Charis Damayo looked at each other and frowned.

"The problem in the brain seems to be bigger."

Charice Damayo spoke.

Wang Quanzhi nodded.

"I can't complete the task, wuwu..."

Jiang Yitao actually cried as he spoke: "I was wrong, I shouldn't have treated you like that, Jingwen, I loved you too deeply."

"Don't misunderstand me."

"Woo...I was wrong. I will change it later."

"Xia Yu, I'm going to kill you... Wuwu... I was wrong, don't kill me, don't kill me again."

Wang Quanzhi didn't pay much attention to it at first, but when he heard the word 'Xia Yu', his pupils suddenly shrank.

"Xia Ruisi, did you hear Jiang Yitao say a name?"

He looked sharply at Charis Damayo and asked.


Charis Damayo was frightened and told lies with her eyes open.

"Xia Yu!"

Wang Quanzhi said: "He said the word 'Xia Yu'! Does he have any grudge against Xia Yu?"

Although he felt that there was no possibility between him and Xia Yu, after all, this woman was the woman he had chased before, and she had a deep impression on her, so when he suddenly heard the name, his reaction was still huge.

"Did you hear that correctly?"

Charis Damayo immediately changed the topic, and in order to prevent Jiang Yitao from continuing to talk nonsense, she decisively pressed a button.



The explosion happened again.

The miserable Jiang Yitao turned into blood mist again.

"Next, let's divide his body into ten parts."

"I think the problem with his brain may be related to the time when his body was resurrected."

She took the initiative to speak.

"Resurrection time?"


"I'm speaking Xia language!"

"never mind."

"I'll go watch the video."

Wang Quanzhi was about to explain, but then he felt that Charis Damayo and Xia Yu didn't know each other at all, so he didn't continue to explain and chose to leave: "You stay here and keep an eye on them."

Charis Damayo wanted to stop it, but then realized that she had no such right, so she could only think of other ways: "Wang Quanzhi, is it not good for you to leave your post without authorization?"


Wang Quanzhi obviously didn't expect Charis Damayo to say this to him, and frowned.

Then he thought that the two parties belonged to different organizations. If he left at this time, if Charis Damayo did some 'little tricks', then his responsibility would be greater.

Unable to explain to Zhao Guohui.

and so……

He could only stop.

"I'm going to the toilet."

Seeing this, Charis Damayo breathed a sigh of relief and spoke.


Wang Quan's wisdom froze.

You can leave, but I can't, right?


He nodded.

After all, Charice Damayo was going to the bathroom, and there was nothing he could do to stop her.

People have three urgent needs.

He also went to the toilet half an hour ago.

Charis Damayo did not stop him at that time.


After Charis Damayo left, she immediately called Zhao Guohui, recounted the situation just now, and said, "Team Zhao, I'll leave the video recording to you."


Zhao Guohui nodded.

After hanging up the phone, Charice Damayo returned.

Wang Quanzhi didn't doubt anything. What he was thinking at this time was: Maybe the 'Xia language' Jiang Yitao spoke of was not the Xia language he knew.

He may have been a little too excited.

Thinking of this, his mood became much more stable and he was no longer anxious.

not to mention.

Now, Jiang Yitao was imprisoned here and couldn't escape at all. Even if he wanted to cause trouble for Xia Yu, he couldn't.

'There's still an hour until shift change. '

'Hold on. '

Wang Quanzhi thought to himself.

Charis Damayo also said nothing.

after an hour.

Wang Quanzhi said hello to Charis Damayo, turned around and left, preparing to find the video.


Zhao Guohui called.

Wang Quanzhi left immediately.

"Huh." Seeing this, Charis Damayo breathed a sigh of relief again.



When Xia Yu came out.

Xie Shaokun, Charis Damayo and others all gathered in the base.


At this time, Charis Damayo should be over there in the laboratory.

However, when Xia Yu came out, Charis Damayo came back.

Ten minutes later.

Xia Yu learned about what happened these days from Xie Shaokun and others.

"I didn't expect so much to happen."

Her eyes flickered.

Gao Mengmeng attacked and killed Wang Shang.

Ah Xiong got the treasure of heaven and earth.

The fox-faced god actually has an envoy, and this envoy also wants to capture the red-eared turtle and kill her.

These three things.

Whichever one it is, it's huge.

"Let's talk about it one by one."

Xia Yu said.

The expressions of Xie Shaokun, Charis Damayo and others suddenly became solemn.

"Let's talk about Gao Mengmeng's attack on Wang Shang first."

Xia Yu glanced at everyone and said, "Everyone already knows that it was the young man named Lin Fan who had a grudge against Wang Shang and persuaded Gao Mengmeng."

"It doesn't matter what deal they have."

"What's important is Gao Mengmeng's strength..."

"The peak of the third grade."

"This strength can already threaten us."

Everyone nodded.

Especially if they cooperate with Captain Yang to deal with Gao Mengmeng this time, they are likely to be resented by him.

"big sister."

"Do you think Gao Mengmeng is not dead?"

Xiaonan asked.


Xia Yu shook his head.

No one was surprised.

After all, Gao Mengmeng’s body has not been found yet!

As for Gao Mengmeng, who was at the peak of the third level and a mutant, it was hard for her body to be incomplete.

If Gao Mengmeng's body was 'sound', then Captain Yang and the others had to use so much manpower to find it.

"It's the same sentence."

Xia Yu continued: "Improve yourself! Here at the base, it is still as usual, at least three people are here."


Everyone nodded.

"Axiong, the treasure you got is probably a kind of elixir called 'Blood Pill'."

Xia Yu's eyes fell on Ah Xiong.

Everyone's eyes turned to Xia Yu with a searching look.

After Xia Yu’s explanation, everyone knew:

Blood elixir is a special elixir that can supplement and strengthen one's own vitality by absorbing the vitality of others while the medicine is in effect.

Hear the words.

Xie Shaokun and others instantly showed a look of surprise.

Especially Han Sanguang.

No wonder after Ah Xiong took the blood pill, they felt like something was passing away from their bodies.

"Can blood pills also improve defense?"

Han Sanguang asked.

"I don't know."

Xia Yu shook his head.

Everyone frowned.

Even Sister Yu doesn’t know?
"According to what you said, Ah Xiong's defense and physical strength have been significantly improved. There may be many reasons for this."

Xia Yu pondered for a moment and said: "Two of them may be: First, the blood pill is mixed with other things. As for what it is, I don't know."

"Second, this blood elixir is a low-quality elixir. After taking it, it caused a mutation in Ah Xiong's physique, but this possibility is very low. Because generally, inferior elixirs will only bring side effects and bad physical changes. "

Everyone looked at Ah Xiong.

Ah Xiong shook his head and said, "I didn't feel any discomfort."

"No matter what."

"The strength has improved without any side effects."

Su Qian said: "This is a good thing."

"No need to explore."

Everyone nodded.

Xia Yu also nodded.

Because, even though she had lived for ten years in the apocalypse, she still could not figure out the situation in the alien space clearly, because the alien space was too vast, and the creatures and various skills in it...

There are so many.

It simply cannot be figured out in ten or eight years.

Even the creatures in the alien space cannot know everything about the alien space.

"I got the blood elixir from this fog incident."

Ah Xiong continued: "I owe Han Sanguang, Xie Shaokun, Hong She, Second Sister-in-law and Sister Yu each a share of heaven and earth treasures."

He deliberately mentioned this matter at this time to let Xiaonan and others know about it, just to tell Han Sanguang and others that he would never default on this matter.

In fact, Han Sanguang and others did not think that he would default on his debt.


Xia Yu said: "Although your talent is not as high as Han Sanguang's, it is not difficult for you to become a second-grade psychic changer."

"Next, you have to spar more."

"Maybe you will break through before the next fog incident comes."


Ah Xiong nodded.

Xie Shaokun said: "I'm here to help you."


He planned to cooperate with Hong She and compete with Ah Xiong.

"Jiang Yitao's matter..."

Xia Yu changed the topic and said, "We are lucky this time."

"Next time, that won't be the case."

Everyone nodded solemnly.

Jiang Yitao is too strong, if he really finds Gaojiacun... the consequences will be disastrous.

"The next batch of fog events."

"The fog incident I want to participate in requires the participation of several of you."

Xia Yu thought of something and continued.

Everyone's expressions changed.

Especially Xie Shaokun.

It's been a long time since he joined forces with Sister Yu.

"Xie Shaokun."

Feeling the eager gazes of everyone, Xia Yu started to call names without any nonsense.


Xie Shaokun looked happy and responded immediately.

"Han Sanguang."

Xia Yu read out the next name.


Han Sanguang was also delighted.

Everyone looked at Han Sanguang with eyes full of envy.

"Hong Snake."

Xia Yu continued.


Hong She was also delighted.

"Ah Xiong!"

Xia Yu spoke again: "You try to complete the breakthrough before the next fog event starts."


Ah Xiong nodded.

"Su Qian."

Xia Yu said.


Su Qian was also delighted.

"Ayigulan, Doudou, Xiaonan and Charis Damayo."

Xia Yu continued: "You all get involved."


Everyone thought it was over, but didn't expect everyone to go in?

"This fog incident."

"Dangerous and not dangerous at the same time."

Xia Yu said.


Everyone was even more confused.

However, since Sister Yu said this, just listen.


This is the first time that all of them are out in force!
This experience has never been experienced before, and it will probably be very rare in the future.

So, everyone is very excited.

Xia Yu did not continue to explain.

Charis Damayo asked curiously: "Sister Yu, we are all gone, what should we do here at the base?"


Hong She was also quite worried.

His mother is still in the base!

"And the one in prison named Chen Wei."

Su Qian reminded.

"Auntie is going to Xincheng."

"Take a walk."

"She hasn't been there yet, has she?"

Xia Yu said.

Everyone instantly understood what Sister Yu meant: leave the base and hide!
This is indeed the best way.

"Chen Wei's words..."

Xia Yu said: "Send it to Xincheng Laboratory."

"Ask Zhao Guohui to help keep him in custody for seven days."

seven days?

Everyone was stunned for a moment, so long?
"Sister Yu, the next batch of fog events will last for seven days?"

Charice Damayo asked.


Xia Yu said: "It's the fog incident we participated in, which lasted for seven days."

"However, none of you can tell this news."


Xie Shaokun, Charis Damayo and others looked at each other with concentration.

"Dahua and Erhua are also sent to Xincheng."

Xia Yu said.

Everyone nodded again, but...

This exposes the existence of big flowers and second flowers.


Now and then, now they... are not afraid of exposing Dahua and Erhua.

"Xie Shaokun, come and communicate with Zhao Guohui."

Xia Yu said.

There is no need to say any extra arrangements.

Xie Shaokun has experienced so many things, and Zhao Guohui is very careful, so he must know what to do.

"Because in the next mist incident, everyone will participate together, and everything in the base will be removed, so there is no need to worry about the revenge of the divine disciples and divine envoys."

Xia Yu said: "After that, we have been staying in the base, waiting for the end of the world to break out."

"By the time……"

"Even if there are divine disciples and divine envoys coming, we don't have to be afraid!"

The last foggy event before the apocalypse?


Everyone looked stern and responded in unison.

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