I'm back from hell

Chapter 412 Crush

"I'll make the final arrangements."

Xia Yu ignored the looks of people around her and calmly spread out a map.

This map is a detailed map of the center of Manghua Town that she just drew. It has all the streets, shopping malls, residential areas, etc., and is marked in great detail.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the map in front of them.

Xia Yu pointed at the map and said calmly: "After the fog incident breaks out, if there are no alien races we have never encountered before, then we will attack the mutants and don't let any of them go."

"After killing them all, collect the crystal cores."

"A group of three."

"By the way, pay attention to the seeds of the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow."

Before anyone could ask what the Millennium Blood Man Willow looked like, Xia Yu took the initiative and said, "I don't know if it is the same as an ordinary catkin."

She didn't lie in this sentence.

In her previous life, she had only seen the Millennium Blood Man Willow from pictures, but she had never seen what its seeds looked like.

In this life, I will see its seeds with my own eyes and unveil its mystery.


"It feels weird. Let's catch it first and then talk about it."

Xia Yu said.


Everyone nodded.

"If there is any abnormality, fire three shots into the sky. The interval between the first shot and the second shot is two seconds, and the interval between the second shot and the third shot is half a second. When others hear the signal, they will immediately support you. Do you hear me clearly?"

Xia Yu said.


Everyone took note.

"it is good."

"Start grouping now."

Xia Yu said.

Just as everyone was about to divide themselves into groups, Xia Yu began to designate: "Xie Shaokun, Hong She and Su Qian are in a group."

"Han Sanguang, Ah Xiong and Xiaohua are in a group."

"Little Flower brings the red-eared turtle."

"Ayigulan and Charis Dama will make a group appointment, and Ayigulan will take Doudou with him."

"I'm in a group by myself."

"Little girl, be careful. Once you find anything unusual, just jump down from the top of the tower. There will be no danger in flying in the air."


Everyone nodded.


Xia Yu gave a final reminder: "Kill the mutants at the maximum speed, explore every corner of the town, and don't miss any place."

"Also, don't forget our main purpose..."

"It's to find the seeds of the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow!"


Everyone nodded heavily again.

Immediately, they began making final adjustments.

More and more people around noticed Xia Yu and others, and started talking loudly: "What do these people do? We don't seem to have such a group of people in our town, right?"

"Who knows, maybe it's a delivery person. The national highway passes through our town, and delivery people often come."

"There's something wrong with these people."


"Speak less. The world today is too chaotic."


Xie Shaokun and others ignored these people's interruption and focused on their own rest and recuperation work.


At this moment...

Two law enforcers in police uniforms came over.

"Who called the police?"


Upon seeing this, Hong She guessed something instantly and couldn't help being speechless.

"How to do?"

Everyone also frowned.

"give it to me."

Hong She said.

"Try to delay as long as possible."

Xia Yu reminded.


Hong She nodded and took the initiative to greet him.

"Who are you?"

"Bring me your ID card."

One of the tall and strong law enforcers was holding a baton and reaching for a stun gun with his other hand.


He is also on guard against Hong Snake.


"We just talk about business, we are all businessmen."

Hong She took out her cigarette and prepared to give in.

The tall and strong law enforcer refused directly and said: "Bring me your ID card and let me see it."


Hong She touched the clothes on his body and quickly found the familiar ID card. He handed it to the other party warmly and showed great cooperation.

Xie Shaokun is a famous person with a high reputation, while Hong She's reputation is relatively low. Even those within the law enforcement system are not impressed by him.

So at this moment, the tall and strong law enforcer frowned and looked at and compared carefully, but he didn't recognize Hong She!

Hong She: "..."

Han Sanguang and others: "..."

"Cough cough."

Charis Damayo lowered her voice and said, "Sister Yu, don't we need to wear masks? No one knows us anyway."

Xia Yu: "..."

The next few minutes.

Hong She kept arguing with the other party and stalling for time.

When the tall and strong law enforcer was a little impatient, he looked at the time and saw that there were only the last three minutes before the fog incident broke out, so...

He leaned forward.

The tall law enforcer raised his eyebrows, immediately grabbed the stun gun, and asked warily: "What are you doing?"

"Comrade, don't be nervous."

"I have two things to say to you."

Hong She raised her hand and spoke.

The tall and strong law enforcer frowned, and finally...he listened attentively.

"Do you know Xie Shaokun?"

"We were his teammates."

Hong She said in a low voice.


The tall and strong law enforcer was stunned at first. He subconsciously thought that Hong She was joking and didn't believe it at all. He said, "If you were his teammate, I would still be his brother."

Xie Shaokun: "..."

Hong She: "..."

Xia Yu and others: "..."

"Comrade, it's really us."

Hong She didn't expect that the other party didn't know him even after he had a showdown. He couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth and secretly complained: 'How low is my popularity?'
Immediately, he could only continue to say: "The fog incident is going to break out here, so..."

The tall and strong law enforcer's expression changed.

"What are you talking about?"

"Do you think I will believe the things you just made up?"

Immediately, he realized that he didn't believe it at all. Instead, he felt that Hong She's behavior was weird and suspicious, and it was best to take him back for questioning.


The mist incident may have occurred here, and it was very involved. Although he didn't believe it, deep down he decided to report the matter to his superiors as soon as possible.

"That's Xie Shaokun."

Hong She had no choice but to turn around and point at Xie Shaokun and said, "I am a member of his team - Hong She."

"Look at me again, are you sure you don't recognize me?"

He was still a little unwilling.


He really doesn't have such a thing as fame.

It was seen that the tall and strong law enforcer still didn't believe what Hong She said, and he took out the stun gun even more vigilantly and pointed it at Hong She.

Hong She: "..."

Xia Yu and others: "..."

Immediately, the tall and strong law enforcer thought of a person in Xie Shaokun's team, who seemed very similar to the Hong She in front of him?
Could it be that what the person in front of me said was true?


His expression changed again when he thought of this possibility.

He immediately pointed the stun gun at Xie Shaokun, his face full of vigilance, but his tone was extremely gentle, and he said: "You...please take off your mask."

Hong She: "..."

Xia Yu and others: "..."

Xie Shaokun took off his mask.

"It's really you!!!"

The tall law enforcer's face hardened and his eyes widened.

It was also at this time that people around him saw Xie Shaokun's identity and exclaimed: "Xie Shaokun! It's Xie Shaokun! This is my idol!"

"Brother Kun, can you tell me when the apocalypse will break out?"

"Brother Kun, can you take a photo with me?"


For a while.

Everyone's discussion became louder and louder.

Hong She: "..."

This gap made him extremely speechless.

"Mr. Xie, is it really... that a fog incident is going to break out?"

There was a hint of tremor in the tall law enforcer's voice.

I don’t know if it’s caused by excitement or fright.

The ordinary people around him immediately turned their attention to him.

The emotions of these people are also different, some are excited and some are scared.


Xie Shaokun held the heavy ruler on his back in his hand.

The appearance of this iconic weapon once again caused a wave of exclamations.

"It's about to begin."

Xia Yu stared at the looming fog in the distance and said in a deep voice.


The little girl immediately rushed to the top of the pagoda.

At the same time, Xie Shaokun, Su Qian and others tensed their bodies, gripped their weapons, and were ready to take action at any time.

The people on the pagoda were the first ordinary people to discover the fog in the distance. They screamed out in surprise and hurriedly took out their weapons.

The ordinary people around Xie Shaokun and others were the second group to prepare for battle, and they were even more panicked.




"It hurts!"


The spiritual energy of heaven and earth poured into every corner, and screams appeared.

The mutation begins!

Xia Yu reminded with a serious expression.



The first mutant appeared around.



Xia Yu was the first to take action.

A life-and-death struggle began between everyone and the mutants.


It should be said that it was torture.




The most powerful of these mutants are only in the first-level spiritual realm. Even if a mutant beast appears, Xia Yu and others will be killed instantly.

after all.

Xie Shaokun and others are powerful and have various equipment, so their overall combat power is extremely strong.

Su Qian, the weakest, has the strength to fight undefeated against second-grade psychic realm beings.

Not to mention everyone else.

and also……

Under Xia Yu's order, everyone formed a group of three and cooperated with each other... If these mutants had thoughts and could speak, they would definitely say: The script is wrong! I am a hunter! Why did he become prey instead?


have to say.

Xie Shaokun and others' killing efficiency was extremely high, and none of them used firearms.

The killing methods of Xie Shaokun and others were very efficient. It is worth mentioning that... they did not use any firearms when performing their tasks.

In just over ten seconds, not a single mutant in the entire park was spared, and a total of more than 400 were eliminated.

At this moment.


The tall and strong law enforcer completely believed that these people were Xie Shaokun's team, and he immediately put the stun gun back on his waist.

Facing the mutants...

Stun guns are not effective at all and are worse than batons.

"Don't panic, everyone, come closer to me!"

"Enter the pagoda!"


He glanced at the corpse of his colleague who had been transformed into a mutant and was lying on the ground. He immediately looked away and yelled.

The crowd around them saw the people around them turning into mutants and rushing towards them. Just when they wanted to resist or escape, these mutants were all killed.

For a moment, they became extremely confused.

After hearing the voice of the tall law enforcer and seeing the clothes he was wearing, he subconsciously followed the instructions.




A large number of figures flocked to the pagoda.

the other side.

Xia Yu and others have been divided into four groups and are killing in four directions.

Although Xia Yu is alone, her killing efficiency is the highest among the four groups.

One minute later.

She had already killed half of the street, killing more than 500 mutants, including three mutant beasts.

All the psychics who could stand a little support in front of the mutants were all rescued by Xia Yu and became survivors.

The little girl who was on the top floor of the tower couldn't help but gasp when she saw Sister Yu shooting towards the army of mutants like a sharp arrow, destroying everything she passed.

"Big sister, you are so strong."

The little girl couldn't help but sigh.

On the other hand, the teams led by Xie Shaokun, Han Sanguang and Charis Damayo were much inferior in comparison.


The overall combat power of these three groups is not much different, so the killing efficiency between them is also similar.

Look back.

Xiaonan looked at other places in Manghua Town.


The fog incident has erupted for more than a minute. Those who should have become mutants have become mutants, and those who should not have changed will not change again.

Those survivors also knew this, so they gathered together with confidence to fight against the surrounding mutants.


The survivors are at an absolute disadvantage.

However, because these survivors had weapons nearby, because they could use the terrain, because they cooperated with each other, because... in short, with the blessing of various reasons, their casualties were greatly reduced.

Even so, there were dozens of casualties with every passing second.


First, there was the rescue from Xia Yu and others.

Second, in the process of their resistance, a large number of people's inner fears were alleviated and they became more daring to fight.

Third, although a large part of the survivors who were rescued by Xia Yu and others chose to hide, there were still some who chose to support other survivors who were not out of danger for various reasons. This made it difficult for those who were not out of danger. Survivors, the pressure plummets.

For a while.

Casualty numbers kept falling.


The little girl was not idle either. She kept pulling the trigger, and bullets came out one by one, killing the mutant beasts or powerful first-level mutants and reducing the pressure on the survivors.


As time passed, her brows became more and more frowned.


She has never found the seeds of the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow!
Manghua Town is relatively large, and... the various buildings are uneven. Even if she is at a high point, she cannot see all the corners.

"Sister Yu, you must find the seeds of the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow."

The little girl kept pulling the trigger, and at the same time... she kept praying in her heart.

She knew clearly that every second of delay...

The seeds of the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow will grow stronger.

will kill more survivors.

This principle.

Xia Yu and others also knew.

His eyes came to Xia Yu again.




Her killing efficiency is always at the highest level.

Plenty of stamina!
Moreover, in battle, she can always use her power in the most effective way to minimize unnecessary consumption.


Even if Xia Yu can maintain the highest level of killing efficiency for an hour, he can do it!

Not only that.

She can even devote her energy to observing every corner around her, looking for any possible threats or things that behave abnormally, trying to find the seeds of the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow.

five minutes.

ten minutes.


Xia Yu killed at least five thousand mutants, but still couldn't find the seeds of the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow.

Xie Shaokun, Hong She and Su Qian killed at least four thousand mutants, but still could not find the seeds of the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow.

Han Sanguang, Ah Xiong and Xiao Hua killed at least 4,500 mutants but could not find the seeds of the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow.

Ayigulan, Doudou, and Charis Damayo killed at least 4,300 mutants, but could not find the seeds of the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow.

Everyone is fighting and searching with all their strength.


What no one expected was that inside the largest mall in the town, the Loncin Mall, among the piles of corpses, strange changes were taking place: the corpses of survivors who were originally lying on the ground did not turn into mutants. , the flesh and blood shriveled up strangely, and there was no chance of turning into a mutant, but...the characteristics of these corpses were very much like those of a mutant.

Real skinny.

What's even more strange is that the pool of blood originally formed on the ground is disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Half an hour passed.

Before Xia Yu and others ended the battle, all the corpses in Loncin Mall and the surrounding area turned into mutants.

As for the survivors in Loncin Mall and the surrounding area...

Everything is fine.

Another ten minutes passed.


The battle between Xia Yu and others was over, and everyone gathered at the top of the pagoda.

"big sister."

"I didn't find anything here."

Xiaonan shook her head and said, "It's not even abnormal."

"Same here."

Xie Shaokun said.

Han Sanguang: "It's the same here."

Charice Damayo: "So are we."

Xia Yu frowned.

"Are the seeds of the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow gone?"

Xie Shaokun asked: "A more powerful alien race has appeared?"


Han Sanguang also nodded and said, "What should we do now?"

Everyone looked slightly condensed.

They observed very carefully and were sure that they did not see any catkins in the area they passed.

Xia Yu also quite agrees with this statement.


"I suspect that the seeds of the Millennium Bloody Willow appeared directly in the soil at the moment the fog incident occurred."

she guessed.

"Sister Yu, you mean that the seeds of the Millennium Blood Man Willow are hidden in the soil, so we didn't find them?"

Charice Damayo asked.


Xia Yu nodded.

"Then let's look for it again!"

Xie Shaokun said.

"The seeds of the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow grow by sucking flesh and blood, so... the survivors around it are likely to die."

Xia Yu reminded: "You still remember where there are survivors, right?"


Everyone nodded.

As their strength improves, their memory becomes better and better.


"You must pay attention to safety!"

"By the way, take away the crystal core from the head of the previously killed mutant."

Xia Yu said.

In order to kill the mutants as quickly as possible and let more people survive, they were not in a hurry to take away the crystal core.


Everyone nodded.

"set off!"

Xia Yu stopped talking nonsense.




The crowd turned into afterimages, quickly flying in all directions.

After so long, if the seeds of the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow really exist, they must have started killing people secretly, so... the longer the delay, the more people will die.

They must seize the time and try to protect as many survivors as possible.

Xie Shaokun, Hong She and Su Qian soon arrived at a place - a large supermarket.

There were originally seven survivors here.

just now……

Still 7 people!

The three of them breathed a sigh of relief and began to pry open the heads of the mutants on the ground, looking for the crystal core.


While looking for the crystal core, Su Qian said to the seven survivors: "You should leave here first."

"If there are aliens coming around, you won't be safe here."

"Oh, good."

"thank you all."

"Are you Xie Shaokun? Great! We are saved!"


The seven survivors showed joy and turned around and left obediently.

One of the women was Xie Chunyan, who appeared here at some unknown time. She was surrounded by her 'third boyfriend' and her parents.


Xie Chunyan watched Xie Shaokun and the others searching for crystal nuclei. She hesitated for a moment and then said, "We can help you."

“There are more people and faster speeds.”

"No need."

Hong Shek refused directly without raising his head.


After being bluntly rejected, Xie Chunyan did not leave, but said in a shocking voice: "I discovered something unusual."

Everyone's eyes turned to Xie Chunyan.

Xie Shaokun asked eagerly: "What abnormality did you find?"

"It turns out that there was a pool of blood there, but...but it's gone now."

"And there."


"Oh, by the way, this salesman was originally a fat man. The mutants just killed him, and he was killed by you before he could eat. But now... now you see, this fat man has inexplicably turned into a bamboo pole, and He...he is not a mutant yet."

Xie Chunyan was thoughtful and memorized the contents of the fog incident manual issued by the state. After comparison, she observed many anomalies. At this time, she was quite excited and said all the anomalies she observed in one breath.

After saying that.

Suddenly I felt relieved.

A huge sigh of relief.


After Xie Shaokun and the others heard this information, their faces immediately became tense, and their bodies tensed up instantly...

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