I'm back from hell

Chapter 414 The blood puppet appears!


"This world."

Song Lei's mother sighed, looked at Xie Chunyan, and said, "Girl, let's come together."

"It's too dangerous for you to be alone."

"it is good."

"Thank you."

Xie Chunyan didn't expect that Song Lei's mother would take the initiative to invite her, and she was so amiable. Unexpectedly, she naturally nodded and agreed without hesitation.


Zhao Ziyong's mother acted too fiercely just now, which was in sharp contrast to Song Lei's mother.


Song Lei's mother took Xie Chunyan's hand and rushed towards the pagoda together.

Song Lei scratched his head, obviously not expecting his mother to make such a choice.


Considering my mother's character and daily dealings with others, it's not that surprising that she can do this.

Then he thought of the current situation and stopped continuing his wild thoughts. He hurriedly followed the two men, holding the dagger in his hand tightly and scanning the surroundings vigilantly.



not far away.

The boy suffering from 'peach blossom epilepsy' and his sister were hiding in a room on the second floor.

The door was shut tightly.

After the mist incident, the boy's father turned into a mutant and bit his stepmother to death. He and his sister were frightened and hid here.

They never went out and didn't even dare to make a sound, for fear that their father who had turned into a mutant would hear them and discover them.


The crazy boy's father was killed.

But the crazy boy and his sister still didn't dare to go out, because the person who killed the crazy boy's father was Xia Yu, and he did it quietly and extremely quickly.

Neither the boy nor his sister knew that their father had been killed.

until now.


"My dad is not dead, right? Or has he left?"

Only then did the crazy boy dare to speak out and asked, "Shall we open the door and take a look at the situation?"


His sister shook her head and whispered: "What if he squats at the door?"

"I don't want to die."

Thinking of her mother being killed, her stomach turned again and she began to vomit.

She struggled to control her movements.

The crazy boy frowned, not because he felt his sister's vomit was disgusting, but... how could the mutant not hear his sister's loud movements?
According to his understanding, mutants have abnormal hearing.


There wasn't much movement near the door, so there shouldn't be any mutants around.

and so.

The reason why the father who had become a mutant did not rush over was probably because he was dead or had left.

He wanted to leave here and go outside to see the situation.

"what are you doing?"

Seeing her brother stand up, her sister was startled and hurriedly grabbed him: "When the fog incident is over, there will be soldiers to save us. If you go out now, what if you encounter other mutants?"

"We are mutants now. When the end of the world comes, we will not become mutants. We will be new humans in the future!"

"After that, we will enter the new city, which has the safest security measures in the world. Even if we enter the fog incident again in the future, nothing will happen."

"That means... we can still live for a long time."

What did the crazy boy just want to say...

"Dong dong dong."

There was a knock on the door.


The crazy boy and his sister were both startled. They immediately leaned against each other and huddled in the corner. Their hands holding the knives kept trembling.


It is simply impossible to expect them to fight against the mutants.

"Dong dong dong."

The knocking on the door continued.

"Sister...she shouldn't be a mutant."

The peach-shaped boy thought about it and asked: "Mutants will not knock on the door, but will only violently break the door, unless they have wisdom."

"And the mutants with intelligence have already come in to kill us."

"It's impossible to wait until now."

"Maybe it's a human. Let's open the door and take a look?"

"Are you crazy?"

His sister grabbed his arm hard, using too much force due to nervousness. The arm of the crazy boy turned slightly white, and asked, "If it's a human, why didn't you say anything?"

"Just knock on the door?"


The peach blossom boy was speechless for a moment, but he understood what his sister meant.


"Stop talking nonsense."

His sister lowered her voice and said: "The guy outside the door is not sure if there is anyone in the house. As long as we keep quiet, he will leave after a while."


The crazy boy took a look at his sister's vomit and said, "Sister, it's the person you made the sound of vomiting just now that attracted her."

"How could the other party not be sure that there is someone here?"


His sister hesitated and ran out of ideas: "Then... what do you think we should do?"

"Dong dong dong."

The knocking got louder.

The whole door was shaking.


The other party kept knocking on the door but said nothing, which made the boy and his sister even more nervous and uneasy.

People are always more afraid of the unknown.


The crazy boy knew that he must now come up with a countermeasure to deal with the situation at hand, otherwise they may be in greater danger.

He gritted his teeth suddenly, as if he had made up his mind, and said, "You hide."

"I'll open the door."

"If it's a mutant, just hide and don't come out. Remember, no matter what happens, don't come out no matter what you hear."

"Ah? What if he eats you?"

His sister was moved and asked worriedly.


"You care about me so much and you still say you don't like me?"

The crazy boy asked.

His sister: "..."


"If I survive in the end, can you stay with me?"

The peach-shaped boy asked sincerely.


The sister immediately blushed, pushed the crazy boy, and said, "What are you talking about? I have always regarded you as my younger brother, and I have a boyfriend."


"I don't mind if you have a boyfriend."

The crazy boy said nonchalantly.

His sister: "..."

Is this what I mean?
What else does she want to say...

"Dong dong dong."

The knocking on the door turned into a banging on the door.

The whole room was shaking.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

Seeing that the door might be knocked open at any time, his sister nodded in panic and agreed.

"You really like me!"

"You have to wait until the moment of separation between life and death before you admit it."

The peach blossom boy said excitedly.

His sister: "..."

She felt that this brother was really mentally ill, and his words and deeds were completely incomprehensible.


Immediately, the crazy boy held the knife in his hand tightly and asked: "Who?"

Very loud sound.

There was silence outside the door.

The crazy boy and his sister looked at each other, puzzled. They just didn't speak. Why were they so quiet all of a sudden?
next moment.




The door was hit hard.

The crazy boy and his sister were startled.

"Hide now."

The crazy boy pushed his sister into the closet and told her, "Sister, hide, don't forget your promise." Then he came to the window tremblingly and opened it.

He's not that stupid.

The other party is most likely not a human being. If you open the door directly, you will easily die suddenly, so...


The door was knocked open directly.

A skinny man, his eyes were dull, his mouth was open, the corners of his mouth were torn to the base of his ears, and a large amount of saliva flowed out.

The appearance is exactly the same as that of a mutant.

The only difference is...

He was lying on the ground, and his limbs moved forward step by step, approaching the crazy boy, like a dog.

"You...are you a human or a mutant?"

The crazy boy asked boldly.


The crawling man did not answer, but suddenly accelerated and pounced on the crazy boy.



The face of the crazy boy changed wildly, and he was completely sure that the other party was not a human being. He threw the knife in his hand without hesitation, then turned around and jumped from the second floor.


The crawling man jumped up and jumped out of the window without hesitation.



He fell to the ground.

Here comes a dog chewing mud.

And on the ground.

But there is no crazy boy.


When the crazy boy jumped down, he was cautious and jumped onto the outdoor air conditioner hanging on the wall.


The crawling man quickly found the figure of the crazy boy and jumped up with a roar.

He actually jumped more than two meters high and headed straight for the crazy boy.

"Get out of here!"

The crazy boy became fierce and kicked the crawling man in the head.


The crawling man fell to the ground again.

This is not to say that the peach blossom boy is very powerful, but because...

First, the peach blossom boy bursts out of great potential under fear, and this potential is far beyond ordinary.

Secondly, although the crawling man is powerful, comparable to a master in the first-level spiritual realm, he has no experience in biting or jumping, which limits his combat effectiveness to a certain extent and prevents him from fully displaying his true strength.

Third, when the crawling man jumped up and arrived in front of the crazy boy, his own kinetic energy had been consumed a lot, especially the speed...

A lot lower.


Although he escaped, the crazy boy was so frightened that his whole back was covered in cold sweat. He didn't care whether he would attract more mutants. He shouted, hoping to be saved: "Help! Help!" !”


The crawling man was fine at all. He quickly climbed up, adjusted his posture, and then jumped out again like a nimble dog.


Got kicked down again.






In the room, the sister of the crazy boy finally couldn't help but poke her head out, her face full of confusion.

Why is my brother not dead yet?
Is your brother so powerful?
She hesitated, but finally couldn't help but walked out.



The crawling man jumped up and jumped from the window into the room.

It's not that it has become smarter and wants to attack the crazy boy from the room, but...

It was dropped one after another, and its right foot was fractured. It failed to control the force when exerting force, and deviated from the direction when it jumped up, and finally landed in the room by accident.

Eyes facing each other.

"Sister! Be careful!"

The crazy boy reacted first and shouted: "Don't come out!"

He didn't know that his sister had come out of the closet.

next moment.


My sister’s cry rang out.


The crawling man jumped up, like a killing machine, and rushed towards the sister of the crazy boy.


Hearing this, the crazy boy's face changed, and he was impatient. However, his strength was really limited. He had just experienced another 'hard battle', which consumed a lot of physical strength. At this time, he had no ability to climb from the outside of the air conditioner into the room. .

Instead, he fell because he was too anxious.


He screamed in pain.

But he didn't care about this and quickly climbed to the first floor, preparing to go up and fight to save his sister!
inside the house.


The sister of the crazy boy let out an even more piercing scream.


At this moment, there was a 'bang'.

The crawling man who had already thrown the crazy boy's sister to the ground suddenly trembled.

'Shot in the back of the head, you will die. '

The little girl who was far away on the top floor of the pagoda saw this scene through the scope. She felt slightly relieved and was about to remove the muzzle of the gun, but then her expression changed.

Just see.

The monster that was suspected of being a mutant actually bit the woman to death without being affected at all!


The little girl kept pulling the trigger.

at the same time.


Su Qian and Ah Xiong, who were closest to the Peach Blossom Boy's home, quickly approached with the help of mechanical wings.

When they come closer...

The crawling man jumped out of the window with the sister of the crazy boy in his mouth.


fall to the ground.

"Do it."

The two took action quickly.

"I come."

Ah Xiong grabbed Su Qian's arm and swooped down.

Su Qian didn't show off.

Ah Xiong is powerful, but the enemy is not that strong. She just stays in the air, which is the best choice.


Ah Xiong stepped on the crawling man's head.

A 'click' sound.

The crawling man's head deformed on the spot.

But he is still not dead.

He can still move!



Ah Xiong punched wildly, hitting hundreds of punches in just half a minute.

All the bones in the crawling man's body were broken into pieces, completely rendering him unable to move.


"There's something wrong with this girl!"

Su Qian in the air quickly reminded him.

Ah Xiong didn't waste any time, and with a simple pull, the sister of the crazy boy turned over, revealing a shriveled face.


"The Millennium Blood Man Liu has taken action!"

Su Qian's expression changed.

Ah Xiong obviously guessed it, and immediately took action, lifting the sister of the crazy boy, and then fished it out with his hands, touching the slippery 'rope-like' object.

He gave it a firm grip and wrapped it around him.

Dropping the woman who had turned into a corpse in his hands, he pulled her back with all his strength. His face, which was already dark, instantly turned red.


Seeing this, Su Qian still didn't understand that Ah Xiong had touched the willow branch of the Thousand-Year Blood Willow. She fired three shots into the sky, quickly swooped down, came to Ah Xiong's side, and stretched out her hand to touch the front.

Soon the invisible willow branch touched the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow and joined in the pulling.


The two of them worked together, and they were only as good as each other!

They instantly chose another plan: hold off and wait for support!

The Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow was not stupid. When he realized that the 'battle' could not be resolved quickly, he immediately abandoned the willow branch and ran away!

Su Qian and Ah Xiong fell backwards due to inertia.


When Xia Yu heard the news, he flew over.

Su Qian and Ah Xiong had just gained a foothold.

"what happened?"

Xia Yu asked.

Su Qian raised the willow branch that was still dripping blood in her hand and said, "Sister Yu, that guy took action again, and... he also used blood puppets."

As she spoke, she kicked the bloody puppet lying on the ground.

Xia Yu narrowed her eyes slightly.

Can blood puppets be made?


"Thousand-year Blood Man Liu's strength has reached the second-level spiritual realm."

Her words were astonishing.


"So fast?"

"Is it cheating?"

Su Qian's face was full of disbelief.

How long has it been before you have entered the second-level spiritual realm?

This made her feel like she was a waste.

"Which direction."

"I'll chase him."

Xia Yu immediately asked.

Although she felt that there would still be no gains, but...

There is no other way now but to do this.


Su Qian pointed in a direction.


Xia Yu, who had been hovering in the air without landing, flew away from here and left a message at the same time: "You guys take action and find those blood puppets."

"The blood puppet does not eat people. It will only drag living people to the ground near the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow. Then... the roots of the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow will pass through the ground or its willow branches will shoot out. Finally, Stab into the body of a living person and suck the flesh and blood.”


Su Qian nodded.

The potential meaning of Sister Yu’s sentence is:

First, the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow is around!

Secondly, as long as he doesn't expose himself and is not discovered by the blood puppets, it is difficult for Thousand-Year Blood Man Liu to kill people.

'If you say so...'

'Next, Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow will only attack those survivors! '

'As long as the survivors are gathered together, the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow will naturally jump out on its own. '

Su Qian quickly figured this out, left with Ah Xiong, notified Xie Shaokun and others to find the survivors hiding in the dark, and escorted them to the pagoda.


The crazy boy rushed out of the house, looking at his dead sister, he let out a suppressed cry.

the other side.


Xia Yu was gliding in the air, scanning everything around her.

Except for the discovery of a few survivors such as Xie Chunyan, there is still no trace of the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow.

She frowned, becoming more and more strange.

She already knew that the Thousand-Year Blood Man Liu could become invisible, but...she was on the other side just now, and now she ran to this area again.


'Could it be possible that it can still move? ? ? '

Thinking of this, Xia Yu's face became more solemn.

In general.

The growth of seeds has its own natural laws. After taking root and sprouting, and growing into a big tree, it cannot move again without external force. The Millennium Blood Man Willow should also comply with this natural law.

But the current situation seems to be completely contradictory.


The Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow is so big, even if it has a lot of intelligence, it will definitely make a lot of noise if it moves, but... she has been in the air just now, paying close attention to the situation in the entire Manghua Town.

Still no abnormalities found.

This is very strange.


This thousand-year-old bloody willow tree is more troublesome than previously thought.

at the same time.

After Xie Shaokun and others received the news from Su Qian and Ah Xiong, they immediately took action and told the survivors in Manghua Town to hide by shouting and conducting carpet searches!
Don't come out!
And their eyes were like lightning, searching for the blood puppets below, and then took action one by one.


Xia Yu was not involved. She came to the pagoda and asked the girl: "Have you discovered anything?"

"Except for finding a lot of blood puppets."

Xiaonan shook her head and said, "No other abnormalities were found."

Xia Yu nodded.

Because the Millennium Blood Man Willow is not strong enough and has only reached the level of the second-grade spiritual realm, its willow branches and roots cannot be far away from the main body.

However, the blood puppets made by the Millennium Blood Man Willow can move around at will and reach long distances.


As long as the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow doesn't want to be exposed, he will basically not use his willow branches and roots to kill people.

It will only carefully let the blood puppet bring the 'meat' to a nearby hiding place, and then 'eat' from its willow branches or roots.

This is currently the most perfect method.


Xia Yu frowned. She always felt that the Thousand-Year Blood Willow was not that simple, and there was something else that she couldn't figure out clearly.

And this...is crucial.

It is related to the murderous methods of the Millennium Blood Man Liu.

It's about how they find and solve this thousand-year-old bloody willow tree.

Xiaonan didn't know what Xia Yu was thinking. She continued to observe the entire Manghua Town through the scope with vigilance.



Qin Sanyang, Wang Xiufen and male high school students.

The three of them had been making trouble for more than half an hour before the fog incident came, making it known to everyone. There were many people gathered around. When the fog incident came, the number of mutants who appeared here was naturally the largest.

For a while.

There were heavy casualties.

Qin Sanyang, Wang Xiufen and the male high school student were all lucky enough to become psychics and returned home immediately. Although they didn't have time to close the door, they avoided the first wave of 'bloodbath'.

They ran to the second floor, hid in a room, closed the door, and worked together to push the bed behind the door.

after that.

Listening to the screams one after another outside.

The three of them were trembling, and none of them dared to make a sound.

After that.

Han Sanguang and others appeared and killed all the mutants around...

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