I'm back from hell

Chapter 416 Xia Yu’s speculation


Being struck by the words, Huang Zijian's parents were not embarrassed at all. They were obviously very shameless and even explained: "We really didn't see it."

"Yes, your uncle and I are highly myopic and the other is hyperopic."

"And you were right in the middle, so none of us saw you."

Xie Chunyan: "???"

Song Lei: "???"

Even Huang Zijian looked confused, how could he explain it like this?

You don’t even blush when you lie!
"Dad, Mom, let's go quickly."

Feeling the eyes of others looking at him, he quickly pulled his parents away without mentioning how embarrassed he was.

Huang Zijian's parents did not struggle and left. Before leaving, they said, "Chunyan, come to my house again when you are free."

"Yes, we all survived this mist incident and became psychics. We will definitely be able to enter the new city and live longer in the future. After you and Zijian are together, we can also help take care of your children in the future."


"How shameless."

"Your son and I are just classmates. Who is with your son? Just because of you two, I won't be with your son."

"You still want me to have a baby, so just dream!"

Xie Chunyan said.

In fact, she was explaining to Song Lei's mother.

The reason why...

First, Song Lei gave her money, and she had the obligation to continue pretending to be Song Lei's girlfriend.

Second, we still don’t know what the future situation will be like, but Song Lei and Song Lei’s mother treat him well and are currently his best companions.

"This family is really interesting."

Song Lei’s mother lamented: “These days, there is really everyone for everyone.”


Song Lei smiled gratefully at Xie Chunyan, then looked at his mother, and calmly advised: "Mom, it's better for us to stay away from this kind of person, and don't get angry with him, it's not worth it."


His mother nodded and said to her son: "Don't worry, your mother is more open-minded."

"As long as my son is happy and happy, that's fine."

As she said that, she looked at Xie Chunyan, held Xie Chunyan's hand with both hands, patted it twice, and said softly: "Chunyan, you and Xiaolei must be fine. What the family just said is right. .”

"We are all psychics. Even if we encounter the fog incident again, we will not change. We can live in the new city in the future. With so many soldiers protecting us, our safety is guaranteed and we will definitely live longer."

"I can help you take care of your children in the future."

Song Lei: "..."

Xie Chunyan: "..."

the other side.

"Son, why are you pulling us?"

"That's right! Isn't that your girlfriend!? Why don't you understand us at all? We didn't see her at that time, how could we stop to save her? Why don't we understand people at all!"


Huang Zijian's parents continued to complain.

Huang Zijian: "..."

Although he is usually domineering, but... he feels that he is still too young compared to his parents.


It's so shameless.


He noticed a strange phenomenon.

I saw that many people around me were trembling, and a 'hole' appeared in everyone's neck, a 'hole' that penetrated the neck, as if something had penetrated these people's necks.

But there was no blood flowing out, which was strange.


What's even more frightening is that the 'thing' that penetrates these people's necks is approaching from far away, approaching them and their parents from all directions! ! !

His eyes widened and he squatted down subconsciously.




There were two sounds of penetration in my ears.

Then, Huang Zijian trembled when he saw his parents, their nagging mouths suddenly closed, and the whole world seemed to be quiet.

"Dad! Mom!"


His eyes widened, sadness, fear and shock welled up in his heart. He opened his mouth, wanting to say something else...


He felt something entering his mouth, his esophagus, and his stomach... Then this 'thing' changed into three in his stomach, and then three into many, spreading to all parts of his body in an instant.

He seemed to be able to clearly feel the trajectory of 'things' movements.

The severe pain crazily stimulated his pain nerves.

But he couldn't make any noise.


He felt something 'something' passing through his body again.

A few seconds.

He felt like decades had passed.

A large number of past memories flooded into my mind, like a movie playing.

till the end.

Consciousness gradually blurred, and finally disappeared completely.


Huang Zijian couldn't understand how he died, nor did he expect that he would die like this.

Before death.

He looked at Xie Chunyan and found that Xie Chunyan was looking at him and smiling slightly.


"They...what happened to them?"

"what happened!"

at the same time.

Song Lei and others in the distance were shocked when they saw this scene.

Everyone thought everything was fine and relaxed, but suddenly dozens of people died silently?
Originally these dozens of people were normal, talking and laughing, but suddenly they collapsed and their bodies turned into mummies!

Moreover, dozens of people fell to the ground in unison. This scene was indeed terrifying.


The timid one even screamed.

On top of the pagoda, Xia Yu and Xiaonan immediately cast their eyes down.

After seeing this scene, the expressions of the two of them suddenly froze.

"what happened?"

Xia Yu's eyes were like lightning and he asked urgently.


"Sister, I... I just sensed Brother Ah Xiong's breakthrough, and my attention was attracted, so I didn't notice what was going on below."

The little girl said reproachfully.

Xia Yu frowned and did not blame anything, but ordered: "Keep an eye on it."

"it is good."

The little girl blamed herself even more and nodded heavily.

'The Millennium Blood Man Willow deliberately created the bleeding puppet general to attract my attention and Xiaonan's, so that it could attack these people. '

Xia Yu instantly made a guess.

The dozens of people who were killed were in the center of the park, which meant... the Millennium Blood Man Willow must be in the park!
Looking at the dense crowd, she frowned.

With such a dense population, there is no room for the Millennium Blood Man Willow to grow.

Is it underground? ? ?

No matter where they are, the Thousand-Year Blood Willow must be in the park. These survivors must not be allowed to escape, otherwise they will lose the opportunity to find the Thousand-Year Blood Willow!
"Da da da."

Xia Yu picked up a submachine gun directly from Xiaonan's side and fired into the air.

The people who were originally running away were so frightened that they all squatted down with their heads in their hands.

Some people are still running around...

"Da da da."

Bullets were fired in front of them.


These people were too scared to move.

Since then.

Everyone in the park squatted down quietly.

Xia Yu didn't explain anything, but stared at the person below, frowning tightly.

"big sister."

"No suspicious circumstances were discovered."

Xiaonan said aloud.


Xia Yu nodded, not surprised: "Just wait."


The little girl was stunned.

"The Millennium Bloody Willow must be here. As for where it is and what form it exists in, I don't know."

Xia Yu said: "It will definitely take action again."

Hearing this, Xiao Nan instantly understood: when the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow takes action again, they will take the opportunity to lock in the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow's location.




Xia Yu fired three shots in a row and gave the signal.




Xie Shaokun and others quickly returned.

Everyone gathers.

"Sister Yu."

"There are too many blood puppets outside, and they haven't been killed yet."

Xie Shaokun asked in confusion: "Why did you call us back?"

Xiao Nan took the initiative and said: "The Millennium Blood Man Liu has taken action again."

"What? This..."

Everyone was shocked.

The little girl pointed to a location below.


When everyone saw a large number of mummies, they all looked stern: "What are you doing here?"

"This... didn't find the true form of the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow?"

Hearing this, Xiaonan blamed herself and briefly described the situation just now.

Everyone was silent.

"It will definitely strike again."

Charice Damayo said with certainty.


Xie Shaokun nodded in agreement and said: "Sister Yu called us back just to keep an eye on this place. When the Thousand-Year Blood Man Liu takes action again, we will catch him."


Hong She and others nodded.

"Sister Yu."

"Tell me, what should we do?"

Charice Damayo asked proactively.

Everyone turned their attention to Xia Yu.

Xia Yu didn't talk nonsense. After a short period of thinking, she quickly made arrangements. Just when everyone turned around and was about to leave, she reminded: "First, try not to fall to the ground."

"Second, be prepared for a protracted war."

Hearing this, everyone was suddenly stunned.

The first point is that they are worried that Millennium Blood Man Liu will take the opportunity to attack them. After all, the opponent is powerful and secretive, making it difficult to predict.

However, they are also fully prepared to deal with possible plots by the other party.

The second point is that when Thousand-Year Blood Man Liu senses danger, he will probably remain silent for a period of time and will not act rashly again.


Everyone nodded and left quickly.

ten minutes.

half an hour.

One hour.

...The survivors in the park have long since returned to their previous state of panic and anxiety, and the entire park has become chaotic again.

of course.

It was more orderly than before, mainly because Xie Shaokun and others did not allow these people to move around at will.

Except for going to the toilet.

The voices of survivors are also becoming quieter.

"What happened just now? Did you notice it?"

"I don't know. Who knows what happened? I heard that dozens of people fell down suddenly. These dozens of people turned into mummies in an instant, and their flesh and blood were sucked dry. It's really scary."

"Oh my god! What kind of alien is this time? It seems like they are among our group of people."


Xia Yu has been listening to the discussions of some people nearby.

Although these people don't know much about this fog incident, everyone will look at the problem from their own perspective.

Some of their words and opinions may be able to inspire you.

For example, now.

Xia Yu's eyes flashed slightly as he thought about what he had just heard: 'What kind of alien is this time! It seems that he is among our group of people. '

This sentence made Xia Yu boldly guess, is there a possibility: Thousand-year Blood Man Willow is in the human body? ? ?
Although it sounds incredible.


During the fog incident, nothing should be surprising.

Remember one sentence: nothing is impossible unless you think of it.

She began to recall the suspicious people around her when the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow took action several times before, and then looked for these people in the park and focused on them.

When the Thousand-Year Blood Man Liu took action in the past few times, there were many suspicious people around, but not many people came to the park alive, so Xia Yu could see through it alone.

Two hours later.

it's dark.

Many people in the park have become bolder, and these people are becoming more and more 'dishonest'.

Mainly because these people are hungry!

After an afternoon, the situation was still so tense and exciting...

Normal people will definitely consume too much.

I can bear it for an hour or two.

If it takes longer...something will happen.


"Da da da."

Xia Yu shot out another shuttle before everyone started making trouble.


Everyone became honest again.

"big sister."

"It's dark and our line of sight is blocked. Even if these people are killed, it will be difficult for us to locate the Millennium Blood Man Willow."

The little girl reminded anxiously.

Xia Yu frowned.

She knew that what Xiaonan said was true.


She also knew that the Thousand-Year Blood Man Liu must also know this, so... she was almost certain that the Thousand-Year Blood Man Liu would definitely take advantage of the night to take action.

"Be careful."

"The Thousand-Year Blood Man Liu will probably take advantage of the night to take action."

Xia Yu took out the walkie-talkie and said, "You should also be careful."

"Roger that!"

"Roger that!"


The voices of Xie Shaokun and others rang out.


Charis Damayo said through the intercom: "This thousand-year-old blood-man willow is too cunning."

Xie Shaokun: "It's such a big size, once we get started, we will definitely find clues."

"Do not."

Xia Yu picked up the walkie-talkie and said shockingly: "I suspect it is hiding in someone's body."


There was silence on the intercom for a while.

Obviously, no one expected this, and they were stunned for a while.

Followed by.

Hong She's voice sounded: "Sister Yu, the Millennium Blood Man Willow must be very big, right? How can the human body possibly accommodate it?"

Xia Yu: "Under normal circumstances, the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow is indeed quite large."

Xie Shaokun: "What we encountered is not a normal situation."

Xia Yu said: "Of course, it is also possible... there are two thousand-year-old blood willow trees!"

Everyone was shocked and stunned again.

long silence.

Charis Damayo was the first to react and asked: "Sister Yu, is there anyone you suspect?"

Xia Yu: "Yes."

Su Qian: "Who?"

Xia Yu named five people: Song Lei, Song Lei's mother, Xie Chunyan, Wang Zhengchao, and Li Yun.


She informed everyone of the location of these people and added: "Keep an eye on these people."

"Roger that!"

"Roger that!"


Everyone agreed.

With the goal in mind, everyone's mentality has obviously become more stable, they are no longer as confused and overwhelmed as before, and they are more confident.

The little girl looked at the state of everyone below and asked, "Sister, do you want to give these people some food?"

Xia Yu refused without hesitation: "You won't die if you starve all night. Let's wait until daybreak."


Hearing Xia Yu's words, Xiaonan nodded.

at the same time.

Xie Chunyan, Song Lei and Song Lei's mother were also talking quietly on the sidelines.

Song Lei said: "It seems we can't go anywhere tonight, we are going to be hungry."

Song Lei's mother responded: "Let's just let it go. Let's wait until daybreak. It's too dangerous at night."

Song Lei nodded in agreement: "This is the only way."

Xie Chunyan listened to the conversation between their mother and son and said with emotion: "Get some rest quickly. I don't know if there will be danger in the middle of the night. I hope nothing will happen."

Song Lei's mother held Xie Chunyan's hand and said comfortingly: "The three of us should stay close together and let Xiao Lei keep an eye on us. Let's go to bed first."

Song Lei nodded in agreement: "Okay. Mom, Chunyan, you two go to sleep first."

Most people made similar choices to the three.

Now even if they are asked to find food, they dare not go.

And being hungry all night is not a bad thing.

They all wanted to wait until daybreak before talking.

As time goes by, the night becomes darker and darker.

The entire park became extremely quiet.


It was late at night.

Xia Yu and others are getting more and more energetic, because they all know one thing clearly: this is the most difficult time for human beings. If the Millennium Blood Man Liu is smart enough and understands this, he will definitely take action at this time.



A gust of wind blew from nowhere.

The dazed Ye Xiang shivered and couldn't help but open his eyes.

The moon is bright and clear.

The spiritual energy of the world around him was extremely strong, and he felt that the cells all over his body were extremely active. It was really refreshing to feel that he was getting stronger all the time.

"Don't let anything happen."

He shook his head, rubbed the blurry eyes, and murmured to himself: "I am a psychic now, and I can rent a house in the new city after I leave."

"Maybe I can join a martial arts school in the future. The days are still long."

"I must survive."

"Live to see what the end times will be like."

He also thought of one thing: after the outbreak of the apocalypse, it will have a great impact on the world, and the number of human beings will definitely decrease sharply, including those so-called 'middle class' and 'high-level people' before the outbreak of the apocalypse.

The entire social order will be disrupted, and human beings will be reclassified. This is an indisputable fact.

He also has the opportunity to step into the middle class and upper class, not only in material wealth, but also in the spiritual satisfaction brought by the improvement of social status and improvement of interpersonal relationships.

As long as his status is higher and he earns more, it will be easier for him, a single man, to find a girlfriend.

The days will get better and better.

This is his simple and true wish.

Just when Ye Xiang was thinking to himself, he suddenly touched something, something very hard.


The skin is a little soft.

Moreover, this thing is still very long.


"What the hell?"

He frowned, looked down, and turned on the flashlight.

But saw nothing.

'strangeness. ’

Ye Xiang raised the flashlight and shined it around.


He saw that all the 'neighbors' who were fine before going to bed turned into mummies!

Ye Xiang was so frightened that he screamed. He was completely energetic. He jumped up suddenly, hugged the big tree beside him, and climbed up crazily, with a look of horror on his face.

"what's the situation?"

"What happened?"



The sleeping survivors were woken up one after another, and they didn't know why.

And then……



"Wife, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?!"

"Son! Don't scare me."


The scene instantly became chaotic.


Xia Yu noticed Ye Xiang when he turned on the flashlight. After all, there were only a few people in the whole park who did this.

after that.

She noticed that Ye Xiang seemed to be touching something.

And then.

She noticed something was wrong, and before she could do anything... Ye Xiang screamed.

The scene became chaotic.

Xia Yu immediately launched a flare and scanned the situation below with eyes like an eagle:
First, the mummies below were scattered everywhere with no pattern.

Second, the willow branch was just taken and has not been taken back yet!


She immediately swooped down, as fast as a vigorous cheetah, rushing straight to the ground.

After landing, she immediately clenched the knife in her hand. With a flick of her wrist, a sharp knife flashed. The moment the blade touched the willow branch, one branch after another was cut off.


The willow branches were quickly pulled away.

Although it is invisible, the wound is bleeding!


Xia Yu immediately followed the trail, and at the same time lowered his body slightly, trying not to reveal his presence.

The moment the 'scream' came out, Xie Shaokun and others immediately stared at the suspicious characters, but they found that... none of these suspicious characters had any suspicious behavior, and they all followed the flow of people and headed towards Running in all directions.

Just when they were a little confused and didn't know what to do.

Xia Yu's voice came from the walkie-talkie: Work in pairs and follow those suspicious characters secretly!


Xie Shaokun and others' expressions condensed and they set off quickly...

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