I'm back from hell

Chapter 419 Kill him 1

"Stop poking."

"it's useless!"

Because he saw the blood puppet being killed last time, Zhao Wu knew how to get rid of it and shouted: "Get the hammer."

"Punch him!"

"First hit its knees and shoulders to cripple its limbs."


Zhao Wu's prestige and power were deeply rooted in his bones, so after everyone heard his words, they took action without questioning or hesitating.


The sound of bone cracking sounded.

Just small.



"Keep going! Work harder!"



Less than half a minute.

The blood puppet's right knee was smashed out of shape.

Obviously, at this moment, everyone's potential has been greatly stimulated. Even if they are hungry and dizzy, they still burst out with great power.

"for you."

The man swinging the hammer was panting from exhaustion and handed the hammer to the other man.

"it is good!"




The other person took the hammer and also swung it up and smashed it down.

Soon the knee of the second leg was smashed.



Qin Sanyang turned around and ran away.

Followed by Li Sheng and Wang Xiufen.


They ran so suddenly, because they would be able to deal with this blood puppet immediately, which made Zhao Wu and others a little confused: "What are you doing? Why are you running? There are still two arms that have not been beaten!"


Before Qin Sanyang could answer, the girl with a thick braid holding the other leg next to Zhao Wu screamed and got up and ran away.

Zhao Wu suddenly felt wind blowing on his back, and with an ominous premonition, he turned his head sharply.


He saw another blood puppet appearing behind him at some point, and he panicked instantly.

Caught off guard, he was thrown to the ground.

"Save me! Together!"

"do not be afraid!"


Zhao Wu was already injured when fighting the first blood puppet. When he pressed the leg of the first blood puppet, he also expended a lot of energy. At this time, he was thrown to the ground by the second blood puppet... …

The consequences can be imagined.

In an instant, he fell into an absolute disadvantage and was in danger.

But in the room, the other two men wielding hammers had no intention of saving him and planned to run away.


One of them had his leg grabbed by the first blood puppet and could only scream and struggle. It was obvious that he could not save himself.

The other person did escape, but he was just exhausted and lost all strength. When he went down the stairs, he accidentally stepped on the air and fell to the ground.

When he got up and wanted to continue running away, Qin Sanyang and others were nowhere to be seen in front of him?
Since he can't catch up, he should find a place to hide and survive first, he thought.

He endured the pain from his sprained ankle and continued to run for his life.

As a result, when I just arrived at the door...

He was bitten on the back of the neck.

"no no!!!"

Frightened screams rang out from his mouth, but it didn't help.


The male high school students who had been observing the movement secretly were stunned.

It was not because Wang Xiufen and others could escape smoothly. After all, with so many people, it was normal for a few to escape. What surprised him was that Wang Xiufen and others who escaped actually ran to their hiding place! ! !
What a coincidence!

His heart suddenly rose to his throat, and he silently prayed that the blood puppet would never come after him.


Seeing this bloody puppet dragging Zhao Wu's body, biting the man who had just sprained his foot, and running straight towards the house where he was, the male high school student felt a chill in his heart and felt extremely desperate.

to the end.

He was even ready to fight to the death.


I don’t know if my prayers have any effect...

After the blood puppet passed by the door, it didn't even come in. Instead, it ran away.



The male high school student didn't know what happened. He felt as if all his strength had been drained from his body and he was about to collapse. He collapsed to the ground, gasping for air.

Qin Sanyang, Li Sheng, Wang Xiufen and the girls with thick braids were even more so, they were scared to death.

At this time, everyone's mood was very complicated, full of fright and fear, but fortunately they survived for the time being, and the feeling of surviving the disaster was stronger than ever.


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

after that.

Qin Sanyang suddenly kicked Wang Xiufen, which shocked everyone. Wang Xiufen also screamed in pain, which made everyone tremble with fear again.

Even the male high school students upstairs felt nervous.

Fortunately, the girl with thick braids had quick eyesight and quick hands, and she covered Wang Xiufen's mouth immediately.

The screams suddenly stopped.

Fortunately, there was no sound at the gate.

"what are you doing?"

Li Sheng growled at Qin Sanyang and said, "If you want to say hello in advance, we cover her mouth."

Qin Sanyang also knew that his behavior might be a bit extreme and too impulsive. He nodded apologetically and explained: "I just felt that she had to speak just now, which attracted the blood puppet's attention."

"Everyone almost died there."

"So I couldn't help but kick her."


Li Sheng's eyes changed when he looked at Wang Xiufen, and he couldn't help but kick Wang Xiufen.

Wang Xiufen shivered in pain, but she didn't dare to make any more noise for fear of being beaten again.

"You bitch, you fail more than you succeed."

Li Sheng also scolded: "You have lost all my bread."

I just ran away and lost everything.

Qin Sanyang had no food on him, so he didn't feel much about this matter. He continued to say to Wang Xiufen: "If you yell and scream again, I will throw you out to feed the blood puppet."

"Did you hear that?"

Wang Xiufen nodded quickly.

On the side, the girl with thick braids released her hand covering Wang Xiufen's mouth.


Immediately, the girl with thick braids helped to change the subject: "We have to hide here for a long time. Let's see if there is any danger here. By the way, let's find out if there is anything to eat here."


Qin Sanyang and Li Sheng nodded.

They also know that they have to hide here next, and they can't go out for the time being. It's important to find food.

The two stood up immediately.

What they were thinking in their hearts was: There was probably no danger here, otherwise they wouldn't have survived until now after making so much noise for so long, so... they had to find food as soon as possible!

Whoever gets it belongs to whom!

The girl with thick braids obviously realized this and rushed to the kitchen immediately.

Qin Sanyang and Li Sheng followed closely behind.

Wang Xiufen hesitated for a moment and walked to other rooms to look for something.

Because she knows...

No matter how much stuff there is in the kitchen, it may not be enough for the braided girl, Qin Sanyang and Li Sheng to share. It would be useless if she went there. She wouldn't be able to share anything, maybe even nothing at all.

It's better to 'find another way'.

A few minutes later.

"found it!"

"A box of unfinished Anmuxi!"

"There are four bottles in it! That's great!"

Wang Xiufen opened a bottle without saying a word, said "Gulu Gulu", and drank it quickly.

Then open the second bottle and continue drinking.

She must drink more before Qin Sanyang and Li Sheng come over!


The rest will not be hers.


When Qin Sanyang and Li Sheng arrived here with the things they found, Wang Xiufen had just finished drinking all four bottles of milk. Her stomach was bloated and she even burped.

Qin Sanyang glanced at the empty milk box and didn't understand what was going on?


He slapped Wang Xiufen on the face and cursed: "Smelly bitch, you are so greedy!"

"Who told you to finish drinking??"

"Why are you so selfish?"

Wang Xiufen lowered her head and said nothing.

She knew that the more she spoke, the more mistakes she made, so it was better to shut up and suffer in silence.

Wait until the fog incident is over before calling the police!

Qin Sanyang pushed Wang Xiufen and continued to look for food.

Another few minutes passed.

I checked all the rooms except the room where the high school boy lived, and found nothing except a few bags of snacks.

"What's going on in this room?"

"Why is it locked from the inside?"

"Will there be someone?"

Qin Sanyang and Li Sheng looked at each other with alert expressions.

"Is there anyone in there?"

"We are human beings!"

"Why don't we come out and join forces together! The chance of survival is greater! How about that?"

Qin Sanyang said aloud: "We have two women here. You don't have to be afraid."

His voice was gentle.


The male high school students inside were unmoved at all, because they were sure that Qin Sanyang did not dare to slam the door hard.

as predicted.

I talked for several minutes to no avail.

Everyone had different guesses and doubts and began to discuss.

Qin Sanyang frowned and asked in a low voice, "Is there no one here?"


Li Sheng said: "The food is all outside. If there was someone here, they would have come out and brought the food into the room."

"Then why is it locked from the inside?"

Qin Sanyang was still a little worried.

"Is it possible that the people inside have become mutants?"

The girl with thick braids speaks astonishingly.

As soon as these words came out, Qin Sanyang and Li Sheng were startled, and then...


Qin Sanyang shook his head and said: "If we had been talking for so long, if it was a mutant, it would have pounced on us long ago."

Everyone nodded.

"do not care."

Li Sheng glanced around and said in a low voice: "Block the door with something!"

Qin Sanyang understood instantly and nodded immediately.


The two of them did what they said, being cautious throughout the process and not daring to make any noise.

It also took a long time because of being too cautious.

It is worth mentioning that they had found two backpacks before. At this time, the food was placed in the backpacks and carried on their backs, so it did not affect the movement at all and would not be taken away by others.

Twenty minutes later.

The door to the room where the male high school student was located was piled with tables, sofas and chairs, blocking the door tightly.


Qin Sanyang and Li Sheng were panting from exhaustion and sat on chairs, breathing heavily.

"Can I have some?"

"Very hungry."

The girl with thick braids covered her belly with one hand and pointed at the backpacks Qin Sanyang and Qin Sanyang were wearing, and asked with a pleading look on her face.

When she just went to the kitchen, she didn't get anything. The raw eggs, fruits and drinks were all snatched away by Qin Sanyang and Li Sheng.

"Eat your sister."

Qin Sanyang cursed angrily.


The girl with thick braids gritted her teeth in anger.

Qin Sanyang ignored her, but looked at Li Sheng and said, "It's a blessing in disguise that we got this batch of food."

"Now, I can last another three to five days."


Li Sheng nodded.

He calculated the time and felt that the fog incident would not last long, and a certain thought in his heart became more urgent and vivid.

The two continued to chat, discussing what had just happened and their next plans.

However, they all had a tacit understanding and did not mention Zhao Wu and others.

a moment.

Li Sheng looked at the girl with thick braids and suddenly asked: "Xiao Cui, do you want to eat?"

"I don't have that much money."

The girl with thick braids swallowed her saliva, shook her head and said.

"follow me."

Li Sheng didn't talk nonsense and came to another room on the second floor with a half-smile.


Everyone frowned, not knowing why.

The girl with thick braids followed her anyway.

no way.

So hungry.

Wait until she enters the house.


The door is closed.

"what are you doing?"

The girl with thick braids frowned and asked warily.

"rest assured."

"I won't do anything to you."

Li Sheng said.

The girl with thick braids thought about it for a while. In this environment, the other party didn't dare to do anything to her. At worst, it would be a dead end.

"An apple costs ten thousand yuan."

Li Sheng said.

"I told you, I really don't have any money."

The girl with thick braids shook her head again, wondering why Li Sheng still mentioned the money.

"Ten thousand yuan will buy you once."

"How about it?"

Li Sheng stared seductively at the girl with thick braids and said in a low voice: "At this price, you can even play as a young model."

"You...you are shameless!"

"What is going on outside now? You can still have your head filled with yellow dye. You are indeed an animal that thinks with its lower body."

The girl with thick braids took a step back, obviously not expecting that Li Sheng would make such a request.


Li Sheng didn't care, shrugged, took the apple out of the bag, and said seductively: "Then just go hungry and see how long you can stay aloof."

As he spoke, he took out a Durex and said, "This is what I just found."

Girl with thick braids: "..."

She looked struggling.

"You should have heard my nickname."

"As long as we are fast enough, Qin Sanyang and Wang Xiufen outside will not know what we have done."

"Just treat it like a mosquito bite."

Li Sheng began to be "good at tempting".


The look of struggle on the face of the girl with thick braids became more intense. She kept swallowing as she looked at the red apple.



"I promise to help you solve it!"


"I have a boyfriend and I can't betray him."

She blushed and whispered.


Li Sheng was stunned for a moment, not understanding what girls with thick braids meant, but then he realized it and said with a smile: "That's okay."

"It doesn't matter to me anyway."

"As long as you can help me get it out."

( words omitted here)


As a man, Qin Sanyang quickly understood what was happening in the room. His eyes flickered and his heartbeat started to accelerate for some reason.

Especially thinking of Xiao Cui's youthful and beautiful appearance, he became more and more irritable and felt hot all over.

Just now.


"Let me help you."

"As long as you give me something to stutter."

As someone who had come before, Wang Xiufen could naturally see Qin Sanyang's condition at a glance. Her gentle voice sounded and she leaned over softly.


Qin Sanyang pushed her away and said disgustedly: "You stink, don't disgust me."

"I'm not horny enough yet."


"This guy Li Sheng is not afraid of encountering a blood puppet at this time."

"When the time comes, how can he run away when all his strength is spent on women?"

"A guy who can't tell the difference between seriousness and seriousness."


He walked to the balcony on the second floor, looking out at the dark street, preparing to smoke a cigarette, and then...he heard a scream coming from the dark night in the distance, and he suddenly became more awake.

The desire suddenly disappears.

He cursed in a low voice: "This is such a shitty fog incident, Cao!"

Qin Sanyang felt that it was more important to survive.

Before the fog incident, he was still beating Wang Xiufen. Dozens of people were surrounding him, and hundreds of people were coming and going on the street.

When the fog event came, the once bustling streets suddenly became deserted, and there was not a single living person left.

What now?
Only he, Wang Xiufen, Li Sheng and Xiaocui are still alive.

And the fog incident is not over yet!
Who will die next?
"As long as I run faster than Li Sheng and the others, I can live longer."

"The longer you live, the more likely you are to survive until the fog incident ends."

"When I get out of the fog alive, I will join the Special Incident Investigation Bureau, a martial arts gym, or a martial arts school as a psychic."

"Straight across class and become middle class."

"When the time comes, what kind of woman do you want?"

Qin Sanyang's mind was spinning. He puffed away smoke and leaned against the wall to have a good rest.

physical strength.

most important.

Less than a minute.

The girl with thick braids tiptoed out, with a red face and lowered head. She held an apple tightly in her hand. She was not in a hurry to eat it, but went downstairs to rinse her mouth.


"Fake clean."

"waste water."

Wang Xiufen cursed in a low voice.


"Would you like to come in?"

Li Sheng walked out of the room, unabashedly lifting his pants, glanced at Qin Sanyang on the balcony, walked to Wang Xiufen, and asked in a low voice: "I can give you two apples."

What Li Sheng didn't expect was...

"Go away, I am not so hungry that I can only choose you."

Wang Xiufen glared at him directly and cursed.


Just as Li Sheng was about to slap him, he heard the sound of a machete hitting the wall from the balcony. He was so frightened that he finally retracted his hand.


"Let's see how long you can last."

Li Sheng was in his sage moment now, and he no longer had much desire for Wang Xiufen, so he said, "Just hold on!"

"Starve to death you bitch."

Wang Xiufen glanced at Li Sheng coldly and said nothing.

Although Li Sheng is right, but...

She is not without options.

She could still bear it until daybreak.

When Wang Xiufen planned to go next door to check the situation, she still didn't believe it. She had hands and feet, but she couldn't find anything to eat!
In a daze.

She fell asleep.

Male high school student.

He didn't know what was going on outside, and he kept looking sad because... although this place was hidden and the blood puppets didn't come in, but...

When people like Wang Xiufen come here, what if something happens?
When the time comes, you will be unlucky if you are implicated.

Especially these people have limited food in their hands and will run out quickly.

'Of course, there are benefits. '

'If there is danger, the blood puppets will definitely target these people first and cause trouble. I don't have to keep an eye on them. '

'Take this time to take a good rest. '

Although the male high school student was full of energy, he had been nervously observing his surroundings for several days in a row without taking a good rest, and his whole body became depressed.

This is the perfect time to relax, have a good sleep, and replenish your energy.

Wait until tomorrow for him to find another chance to leave.

Silent all night.

the next day.

On the fifth day of the fog incident, the early morning sunshine shone on Manghua Town, bringing some warmth, but it did not bring any hope to the survivors.

The fog at this time still has not dissipated, and the situation in the center of Manghua Town has undergone great changes.

As Xie Shaokun and others fell into a disadvantage and turned from offense to defense, their support for the survivors dropped significantly, and their restrictions on the blood puppets and blood puppet generals became smaller and smaller.

Especially since yesterday, the Millennium Blood Man Willow has been attacking the pagoda continuously, completely restraining Xie Shaokun and others, leaving them no time to take care of other survivors and unable to kill the blood puppets and blood puppet generals.

This has also led to an increasing number of blood puppets and blood puppet generals in the center of Manghua Town.

Survivors are more likely to be found.

In just one hour, seven blood puppets passed by the gate of the courtyard where the male high school students and others were.

Blood Puppet General does not.

But it also means that the situation is getting worse.

Wang Xiufen got up very early just to prevent Qin Sanyang and others from discovering her. When the time comes... Qin Sanyang and others would probably follow her secretly and steal her food.

She was starving to death.

It can't be delayed any longer.


The door opened slightly, and Wang Xiufen cautiously stuck her head out to take a look.

She was lucky, there were no blood puppets or blood puppet generals on this street at this moment.


Wang Xiufen felt a little more relaxed, then she gathered her strength and rushed diagonally across the street to the house where the male high school student had gone. After entering, she immediately closed the door and started searching everywhere.

ten minutes later.

Nothing was found. "This...this is too unlucky."

She was speechless.

Head, dizzy again.

She knew she couldn't hold on for long and she had to find food as soon as possible, otherwise she would probably die completely if she fainted.


Because of her anxiety, Wang Xiufen did not conduct too many observations. She just saw that there were no blood puppets or blood puppet generals on the street, so she rushed out immediately.


She is greedy.

Get ready to go to the convenience store not far away!


Before I could run a few steps, my whole body froze.


She saw a figure standing on the roof of a three-story building not far away.

A skinny monster!

Blood puppet general! ! !

Wang Xiufen became energetic instantly, adrenaline surged in her body, her whole body burst out with amazing potential at this moment, and she ran towards a house next to her at an extremely fast speed.

He glanced back.

The blood puppet will disappear.

Her heartbeat accelerated instantly, because it was scarier to not see the trace than to see it.

Just as he was thinking this, he bumped into something.

Seems to be……

a wall.

It's not like that either.

Turning back, Wang Xiufen saw the blood puppet general's withered face.

this moment.

Time seemed to be frozen.

Followed by.


A piercing scream resounded.

In an instant, the peace around him was broken.

inside the room.

Qin Sanyang and others seemed to be conditioned to react, and they were instantly awakened. Their hands unconsciously touched the weapons next to them, their faces full of vigilance.

I was relieved when I realized that the scream was coming from the street.

similar situation.

They have seen too much these days.


When they found that Wang Xiufen was no longer around, their hearts were lifted again.

"Where's Wang Xiufen?"

Li Sheng's eyes widened and he lowered his voice and asked.

You can hear it.

He was a little scared because his voice was trembling.

Qin Sanyang and the girls with thick braids shook their heads.

this moment.

They all had a bad premonition and guessed a possibility: the girl screaming outside was Wang Xiufen! ! !
In the next room.

The male high school student who was originally immersed in sleep was also awakened. He immediately came to the window and saw Wang Xiufen's body being carried away like a doll by the bloody puppet. His eyes were full of horror. .

"Teacher Wang is... dead?"

He thought silently in his mind, his face full of disbelief.

Originally, the person he wanted to take revenge on most was Qin Sanyang, followed by Wang Xiufen.

just now……

Wang Xiufen is dead.

Qin Sanyang is still alive.

This obviously did not meet his psychological expectations and was very dissatisfactory.

Even felt quite disappointed.

It feels empty.


Now, he can't do anything, but has to be more careful.

After half an hour.

Qin Sanyang and others had already come to their senses and were completely sure that the person who screamed on the street just now was Wang Xiufen.


The girl with thick braids was sobbing softly, as if she was frightened or had other emotions.

Qin Sanyang glanced at the girl with thick braids and did not stop her, but his expression was a little complicated.

Although he hated Wang Xiufen for betraying him, he even beat her up.


After all, both parties are still husband and wife.

One day husband and one hundred days of grace.

In just a few days, his wife died, and Yin and Yang were separated. How could his mood be better?


He sighed, looking a little lonely.

"Deserved it."

Li Sheng said: "If you don't have the ability, you have to go out and die. If you don't deserve it, it's a good thing it didn't involve us."

The girl with thick braids and Qin Sanyang glanced at him but said nothing.

"What are you looking at?"

The looks between these two people made Li Sheng very unhappy. He said, "You don't know what Wang Xiufen went out to do, do you?"

"Old Qin, you didn't give Wang Xiufen food, so you were indirectly responsible for her death."


Qin Sanyang frowned, but was speechless for a moment.

"And you, Xiaocui."

Li Sheng then looked at the girl with thick braids and said, "Do you think you are very noble? If you are really noble, why don't you give Wang Xiufen half of the apple I gave you yesterday?"

The girl with thick braids lowered her head and remained silent.

The three of them stopped talking.


The relationship between them became very bad at this moment and reached a freezing point.


Li Sheng did not continue talking. He looked at the two hypocritical people with disdain, and his heart was full of disgust. He felt that these two people were really both bitches and arrogants.

He is obviously doing very cruel things, but he insists on pretending to be a noble person.

It was this type of people that he looked down upon the most.



the other side.




The location of the pagoda was particularly chaotic, and violent explosions kept coming.



Xie Shaokun and Ah Xiong were thrown out one after another, vomiting blood crazily in the air.



Su Qian and Hong She rushed over and caught Xie Shaokun and Ah Xiong in the air.


Han Sanguang's figure flashed, holding a grenade and a crystal core, staring at the willow branches blown to pieces in front of the pagoda, his brows frowning more and more.

From yesterday to now, the Millennium Blood Man Willow's offensive has become more and more urgent, one wave after another.

A total of six waves lasted.

With the help of thermal weapons, crystal cores and their own combat power, they easily withstood the first three waves.

Starting from the fourth wave...

Xie Shaokun, Xiaonan, Hong She, Su Qian, Ah Xiong, Han Sanguang and others joined forces and could no longer support it.

Without any choice.

Ayigulan and Doudou also joined the battle.

The suspects Wang Zhengchao and Li Yun gathered together and were guarded by Xiaohua and the red-eared turtle.


Ayigulan and Doudou's combat power was quite limited. Even if they tried their best, they could only help Xie Shaokun and others withstand the fourth wave of attacks. The fifth wave of attacks...

It can't be stopped at all.

Without any choice.

They can only use crystal nuclei, large quantities of crystal nuclei, to continue to support them.

Finally got over it.

But just now...

Just under the sixth wave of offensive, Xie Shaokun and Ah Xiong were seriously injured, but for Han Sanguang who divided the 333 crystal nuclei into ten parts and detonated them in every corner of the park.

I'm afraid Xie Shaokun and Ah Xiong's lives are in danger!

Dust falls.

Trees, benches, fitness equipment...everything in the park was blown to pieces, and no one was spared.


Because Han Sanguang bombed indiscriminately and successfully destroyed a large number of willow branches stretched out by the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow, Xie Shaokun and Ah Xiong were rescued.


Han Sanguang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the sixth wave of offensive was suspended. He immediately came to Su Qian and others to discuss the next plan. He was the first to say: "I can't hold on any longer."

"When the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow attacks again, the pagoda will surely fall."

"What will happen to the survivors up there then?"

Xie Shaokun spat out another mouthful of blood and said, "If it doesn't work, take them into the air!"

Hong She placed Ah Xiong on the highest floor of the pagoda. He felt that the flow of life in his body had stopped, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "No."

"If these people have the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow in their bodies, we will be in trouble."

Su Qian nodded and did not agree to take them to the sky.

"Now what?"

Xie Shaokun asked.

"It just doesn't work."

"Take them to the center of town."

Han Sanguang suggested: "That place has not been covered by the willow branches of the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow."

"Just dealing with those blood puppet generals and blood puppets, we can still do it."


Su Qian nodded in agreement with the proposal.

Hong She also nodded and said, "After we get it there, we can delay it for some more time."

Xie Shaokun frowned and asked, "But how do we send these people there?"

"What if we are attacked by the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow along the way?"

He had just been touched by a willow branch of the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow. Half of his body was crippled, more than a dozen bones were broken, and his internal organs were severely injured.

Even the heavy ruler is slightly deformed.

Everyone was silent.


What if you are attacked?
The strength of the Millennium Blood Man Willow has reached the level of fourth-grade spiritual energy. Although only a very small part of the willow branches can threaten everyone, but...

There is a huge gap in strength there.

Even if just a willow branch threatens everyone, they need to detonate a large number of crystal nuclei to break it and blow it away.

However, if they really want to detonate the crystal core, they can retreat through the mechanical wings and their own strength. What about ordinary people?
By the time.

Don’t you need to fly away with them?
"But... we have no better way for now, right?"

Hong She asked.

Xie Shaokun was also silent.

"It's better than sitting around and waiting for death."

Hong She immediately made a decision: "Without further delay, let's set off!"


Everyone nodded.

Xie Chunyan and other five suspects and dozens of survivors were all very cooperative. After all, they had seen clearly the battle from yesterday to now.

Knowing that if you stay, you will definitely die.

"set off!"

Xie Shaokun's right leg has recovered 30%, but his right arm is still unable to move. He limped in front of the crowd with a heavy ruler.

Hong She and others were flying in mid-air, holding crystal cores and grenades, ready for battle.

As for psychic weapons...

All put away.

Because... according to the combat experience of the past few days, holding these psychic weapons is of little use.

Ayigulan and Doudou were at the back of the team.

Ah Xiong was driving the 'Mechanical Wing', but he was still vomiting blood from time to time in his mouth, indicating that his injuries were still serious and he was just trying to hold on at this moment.


Charice Damayo casts a supernatural power.

Figures gathered around the team and beyond.

Their existence...

It is to serve as an early warning.

Once the Millennium Blood Man Willow's offensive comes, they will be the first to be attacked. After all, a living person is right in front of them, and the Millennium Blood Man Willow will definitely not miss it.

By the time.

Charis Dama informed Han Sanguang and others of the date who were ready to fight at any time.


They all threw grenades and crystal cores.

Even if the willow branches are invisible, they can still repel the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow's attack by using their numbers and the large explosion range.

All this arrangement.

It is the most perfect transfer plan that everyone came up with after the discussion just now.

In fact.

Their plan was perfect.

"call out."



The willow branches of the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow did attack Charis Damayo's clone.

After Charis Damayo notified Han Sanguang and others, they all threw grenades and crystal cores.

The explosions occurred almost simultaneously.

Just around the team where Xie Chunyan and others were.


Screams came and went.

Chaos arises.

Although Xie Shaokun and others told them in advance that this scene would happen, they would still be afraid after this scene actually happened. It is understandable that they reacted like this under stress.

"Everyone, please stop messing around."

"Follow me and run!"


Xie Shaokun roared loudly and led everyone forward.

As for the survivors who ran elsewhere...

Can't care anymore.


What everyone didn't expect was.

This time, the Millennium Bloody Willow's attack was even more fierce than the last time. Although a large number of branches were blown off, some branches still rushed over and instantly killed the survivors who were running around.

One of them was directly penetrated through the waist and abdomen.

Because the branches are too thick, it looks like a 'cut in half' effect.

Blood flowed like pillars, and he screamed in pain.

The other person was luckier. His head was hit and exploded on the spot, but he didn't feel any pain.

See this scene.

Han Sanguang and others' expressions changed.

Because at this time...

They can no longer continue to detonate crystal cores to deal with these branches.

But if the crystal core is not detonated, there will definitely be a massacre!

They can even imagine what the upcoming scene will look like.


The weird thing is.

These branches did not continue to attack the crowd...


Han Sanguang and others frowned, feeling an ominous premonition in their hearts.

Xiaonan was the first to react and shouted: "Brother Kun, fly quickly!! Quickly!"

Xie Shaokun relied on his amazing hearing to hear Xiaonan's voice amid a burst of screams and screams, and subconsciously looked back.


Just as he was about to make a move, something caught him!

"It's the Millennium Blood Man Willow!"

Xie Shaokun's expression changed.

Xiao Nan and others also widened their eyes. They never expected that Millennium Blood Man Liu would leave so many weak survivors and choose to attack Xie Shaokun!

Xie Shaokun, who was already seriously injured, spurted out another mouthful of blood, and his face turned red.

"Brother Kun!"

The little girl swooped down without hesitation.

"Little girl, you..."

Su Qian's expression changed, but she hesitated for a moment.

Xiaohua rushed forward with the red-eared turtle.

Followed by.


Ayigulan and Doudou were also trapped by the thousand-year-old bloody willow and were in danger.

Their strength is weaker than Xie Shaokun.

Although he is in good condition, his strength is limited after all.

Maybe, you will die faster!


The situation was very critical at this moment. Han Sanguang and others were anxious, but they were helpless.

Their hearts were filled with helplessness and grief. They had tried their best, but still could not prevent this from happening.

Everyone fell into helplessness and despair.

In the fog.

Xia Yu has been here for so long, but has never found the true form of the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow.

On the contrary, my understanding of the rules of the fog is getting deeper and deeper.

Eat the food in your backpack when you're hungry.

Take a nap when you feel sleepy.

His amazing physical strength and the 'best rest method' he learned in his last life during the apocalypse played a huge role.

Sleeping for half an hour every day can keep her energetic throughout the day.


She accidentally touched many willow branches and roots countless times, but she did not take action, but chose to dodge.

The reason for this choice is simple:
Don’t reveal your strength!
Anyway, after revealing its strength, it can only cut off a branch and a root of the Thousand-Year Blood-Man Willow, but cannot damage the main body of the Thousand-Year Blood-Man Willow at all.

It's better to pretend to be a 'weak' and paralyze the Millennium Blood Man Willow!

Just now.

She took a step forward.

Suddenly feeling like hitting a 'wall', Xia Yu's eyes widened suddenly, and she made a judgment instantly: It's not a willow branch!

It is the true form of the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow!
She immediately placed the backpack in her hand next to the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow's body and detonated it.

There are dozens of crystal nuclei in the backpack.

There are also ten first-grade crystal nuclei and one second-grade crystal core!
The power can be imagined.

In order to prevent Millennium Blood Man Willow from throwing her backpack away with roots or willow branches after feeling threatened, she did not leave in a hurry, but prepared to wait for the moment before the explosion to leave.

Thousand-year Blood Man Willow's body was very anxious, but...

In the mist.

How can it be so easy to attack someone?
Its willow branches and roots are clearly targeting Xia Yu, but what's the result?

It always appears in strange places.


Xia Yu was not attacked once, and then she ducked away.


A violent explosion sounded.


Here is the fog.

This power... is not enough to change the rules of the fog.

not to mention.

Xia Yu has a deep understanding of the rules of the fog. Although he cannot move away from the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow body in a straight line, he can probably tell whether he is moving away or approaching.

and so……

The unfortunate thing that happened to her when she walked back and forth to the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow's body and the backpack would not happen to her.

At the moment of the explosion, Xia Yu had already retreated outside the fog.

According to the development rules of the fog rules:
Initially, sounds and explosions within the fog can be transmitted outside the fog relatively easily, but the size and power of the sounds will be greatly reduced.

As the fog events occur more and more often, the rules of the fog become more and more perfect and powerful, and the reduction of sound and power will become more and more severe.

It is worth mentioning that Xia Yu's understanding of the rules exceeds the speed of rule development.

At this rate.

Sooner or later she would be able to freely enter and leave the fog.



Xia Yu only felt a huge wave of air hitting her body. The flesh on the arm in front of her face was slightly deformed, as if it wanted to leave her arm, but she didn't care.

After taking a few steps back, Xia Yu stopped.


He breathed a sigh of relief.

Xia Yu had nothing wrong with him.

As a senior third-level psychic realm master, this bit of 'damage' is nothing at all.


The figure flickered, and she came into the mist again, heading straight for the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow's body.

According to her speculation...

The fog incident lasted for five days.

The Millennium Blood Man Willow should have grown to the level of the fourth-grade spiritual realm, and blood crystals will definitely be born.

at the moment.

Now that the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow has been blown to death or seriously injured, it's an excellent opportunity to get the 'trophy', so naturally you can't miss it.

Relying on her understanding of the rules of the fog, she spent three minutes and finally came to the body of the Thousand-Year Blood Man Liu again.

Holding a blood butterfly.

Slide down a little bit along the body of the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow.

Xia Yu discovered that the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow had really been blown to death and was surrounded by hanging willow branches. It took her a while to cut off the outer wickers and touch the body of the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow again.

the other side.


Xie Shaokun knelt on the ground, gasping for air.

I have lingering fears.

not dead?

Why did the branches of the Millennium Blood Man Willow suddenly lose their strength?

It’s Sister Yu!
"It's Sister Yu!"

His mind was spinning, and he quickly thought of something. He widened his eyes, stood up suddenly, and looked in the direction of the mist.

"Sister Yu?"

The little girl who came to him couldn't help but be stunned when she heard Xie Shaokun's words.

"It was Sister Yu who saved me!"

Xie Shaokun said: "Sister Yu must have killed the thousand-year-old bloody man Liu!"

"definitely is!"

Hearing this, the little girl finally reacted, with a look of ecstasy on her face.


Hong She and others in the sky also showed excitement: "Thousand-year-old Blood Man Liu is finally dead!"

After waiting for so long, I finally waited for Sister Yu to take action!

Very good!
in the crowd.

Xie Chunyan suddenly raised her head and stared at a certain direction in the fog, with a solemn expression flashing across her face...

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