I'm back from hell

Chapter 441 Betrayal

Chapter 441 Betrayal
"it is good!"

The principal of the alliance martial arts school immediately nodded in support.

After all, no matter what the other party's purpose is to capture Su Qian, taking action against the person who captured Su Qian at this time will win the favor of Xie Shaokun's team.

not to mention.

At the moment, they are three against two, occupying the numerical advantage, and they only need to hold off the opponent.

In this situation……

The three of them don't have to worry about safety at all.

"it is good!"

Huang Sheng also nodded in agreement.

He was just a little puzzled... During this period of time, as he developed his 'good luck' ability more and more deeply, his recent fortune could be said to have skyrocketed.

The simplest example is.

Now I keep picking up money when I go out for a walk, which is... very annoying.

It seriously affected his speed on the road.

Logically speaking, since my luck is so good, I always feel that something like that just shouldn't happen to me!
But just when he was doubtful.


Suddenly, he saw a grenade being thrown at his feet. He didn't care about attacking at all, smashed the glass violently, came out of the window, and fell to the ground.


An explosion occurs.

Because there is a wall of steel, the grenade cannot reach him at all, and it cannot cause harm to him.

When Huang Sheng was about to fight back, he was shocked to see the two figures who were about to take this opportunity to leave fell to the ground, their bodies separated, and they could no longer die.


Huang Sheng's forehead was filled with questions.

Just when he was confused, he suddenly felt something in his heart and looked to the left.


He saw an afterimage flash away and disappear from sight.

And then.

"Cough cough."

Su Qian slowly appeared, one hand covering the back of her neck where she had just been attacked, and the other hand holding on to the wall. She glanced at the principal of the alliance martial arts school, the dean of Jiangnan martial arts academy, and Huang Sheng, and said with a smile: "Everyone is okay. Bar?"

"Let's continue talking. Where did we just talk?"

Principal of the Alliance Martial Arts School: "..."

Dean of Jiangnan Martial Arts Academy: "..."

Huang Sheng: "..."

Seeing that Su Qian was safe and sound, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

After all, the scene just now was so thrilling that it left them with lingering fears.

"Oh, right."

Su Qian continued: "Our captain thinks your performance just now is very good, so we decided to let all three of you participate in tomorrow's fog incident at the same time."

"Also, there will be a fog incident in two days where star ore resources will appear. The captain also plans to tell you."

Hearing this, the eyes of the principal of the Alliance Martial Arts School, the dean of Jiangnan Martial Arts Academy, and Huang Sheng flashed with passion. Everything was the best arrangement for them!

Although the injuries on their bodies were extremely painful, they all endured it and sat back to their original positions.

Because the resources in the mist incident have a fatal attraction for them, this injury is nothing.

They couldn’t help but sigh in their hearts:

This can be considered a blessing in disguise.

How about more kidnapping plots like this?

Xia language.

She stood on the top floor of the villa, the wind blew gently, lifting her hair and clothes, and the wind moaned like a whisper in her ears.

She stared into the distance, no one could guess what she was thinking.

At his feet was the disciple who had kidnapped Su Qian just now. He didn't have any wounds on his body, and his body was still warm, but he just lay there and didn't move.

Just like a corpse.


The cell phone rings.

It's Zhao Guohui.

"Xia Yu."

"Your brother is fine. The money god who attacked the institute was captured alive."

He spoke.

Xia Yu closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and calmed down her emotions.


She responded and hung up the phone.

Waited a few more minutes.

The phone rang again.

After connecting.

"Sister Yu."

"Lin Yuxia is fine, Lin Xueyin committed suicide."

Charis Damayo's voice came.

"Let her wait."

Xia Yu said: "I will go find her."


Charice Damayo responded.

The phone hangs up.

There wasn’t much waiting this time.

Xie Shaokun called: "Sister Yu, guess what our record is?"

His voice was filled with excitement.

"Rape all the enemies?"

Hearing such an excited tone, Xia Yu couldn't help but guess.


"more or less."

"Captured two divine envoys and killed seven divine disciples."

"There were two other people who were shrouded in the fog incident when they launched the charge."

Xie Shaokun told excitedly.


Xia Yu frowned.

Two people were shrouded in fog?


What a stroke of luck.

"Are you sure you can solve the two people who were shrouded in the fog incident?"

Xia Yu paused after saying this, and then said: "Forget it, I will go back in person after I finish handling it here."

"Sister Yu!"

Xie Shaokun said confidently: "Don't worry, we can hold on."

"The fighting power shown by Ah Xiong is too terrifying. Coupled with Xiaonan's high-altitude sniping, Hong She's weakened ability, my enhanced ability, and our thermal weapons, we can deal with a divine envoy and a divine disciple. It’s simply not too easy.”

He didn't try to be brave and told the truth.

This battle made him change his original understanding of the fourth-grade divine envoys, and he felt that these people were not as difficult to deal with as he had imagined.

We are all human and have weaknesses.

As long as you pinpoint their weaknesses, even the strongest enemies will be defeated.

So what if you were immortal?

They are also imprisoned in the cells of the base!

There is no escape!


Xia Yu thought of the scene where Wormwood exerted its supernatural powers and said, "I'll tell you something."


Xie Shaokun asked curiously.

Xia Yu briefly described the matter of mugwort.


"She... almost killed a fourth-level spiritual envoy by herself???"

After listening, Xie Shaokun was stunned and felt incredible.

However, he knew that Xia Yu was a person who would not exaggerate, so this matter must be true, but...

Is mugwort so strong now?
Xie Shaokun said: "That's wrong."

"I heard Qian Yihao and the others mention Wormwood before, but I didn't realize her powers were so powerful."


He knew that the main reason why Wormwood could kill enemies beyond two levels was its superpower!

Throughout the whole process, he was showing off his superpowers.

"She has developed her powers to the second stage."

Xia Yu said.

"The second stage? There are still different levels of superpowers?"

Xie Shaokun keenly captured the key points in Xia's language.


Now that the words have reached this point, Xia Yu no longer hides and explains, "The development of superpowers is indeed divided into levels."

"In the first stage, if the superpower can be ranked in the top 100 on the superpower list, then... you can basically surpass the first level of combat."

"In the second stage, those with powers that can be ranked in the top 100 on the power list can basically fight two levels higher."

The reason why I use 'basically' is because the battle scene is extremely complex, and any unexpected factors may affect the result.

No matter how strong a person is, a single oversight may lead to his death.

Not to mention the current combat power, which is greatly affected by thermal weapons.

There are countless counterattacks.

and also……

Superpowers are in the first stage and are divided into strong and weak ones.

There is a huge gap in combat power between the first stage of development to the extreme and the initial stage of development.

The same goes for superpowers that are in the second stage.


The abilities in the second stage are usually stronger than the abilities in the first stage.

This is the consensus.

"It turns out that super powers can be so powerful."

After Xie Shaokun heard this, a light flashed in his eyes. He took a deep breath and sighed: "It seems that I have to speed up the development of my powers."

For a long time, under the influence of Xia Yu, he and Hong She believed that one's own level of strength was the most important, and both felt that superpowers were only auxiliary means.

and so.

Although I also exercise my powers on weekdays, I do not develop them further. I spend more time and energy on training and improving my own strength.

It can be said that they are not as good as Charice Damayo in terms of development and emphasis on superpowers.

Now it seems……

Their understanding is correct, but they don't pay much attention to superpowers.

Next, we should still focus on improving our own strength, but also devote more time and energy to developing abilities. This is the right thing to do.

"Tell Hong She about this."

Xia Yu reminded.


Xie Shaokun understood Xia Yu's purpose in telling him this, and he was not an unmotivated person. He immediately agreed and said, "Sister Yu, don't worry, we won't slack off."

"You also need to be careful."

Xia Yu reminded again: "Now is the end of the world, the fog incident may break out at any time, and the second round of attacks by the disciples and envoys of the gods may appear at any time."

"You must reserve enough time to use your abilities. Only in this way can you better respond to various crises."


Xie Shaokun agreed again.

After hanging up the phone, he immediately told Hong She the situation.

Hear the words.

Hong She's eyes lit up, and her face showed uncontrollable excitement.

For a long time, because his talent was not outstanding enough, his strength was not improving as fast as Han Sanguang, and he was far behind.

Because he is not working hard enough, his strength is not improving as fast as Xie Shaokun.

Because his opportunities are not big enough, his strength is not improving as fast as Ah Xiong.

And he doesn't have Xiaonan's shooting talent.


In short.

He is continually surpassed.

Although I never said it, I still feel very depressed.

Now that he heard that the supernatural power has been developed to the second stage and can display such terrifying combat power, his originally depressed mood instantly improved a lot.

'I must upgrade my abilities to the second stage as soon as possible. '

Hong She secretly made up her mind and vowed to drive back those who were surpassed.

Although his powers were not as flashy as Wormwood, he knew...that his powers were just as practical and powerful.

He heard Sister Yu say that his superpowers were still among the top 100 on the superpower list!

Not weak!
'In addition to hard work, talent is also very important in developing superpowers. '

Xia Yu's eyes flickered.

Ai Cao's physical talent is not very good, but she didn't expect her talent in developing supernatural powers to be so strong!
At this stage, there are absolutely no more than one person in the world who can develop their abilities to the second stage.

If the previous mugwort was considered a lucky person with special powers, then mugwort can reach this stage...it can be said to be a genius!

Thinking of Wormwood's strength improvement process, Xia Yu's eyes flickered twice.

strictly speaking.

Wormwood is now in the middle stage between ghouls and humans, and may turn into a ghoul at any time.

It is an unstable factor.

In this regard, not everyone can compare with Gao Mengmeng. Gao Mengmeng is not a human, but a mutant, and has a natural affinity for the crystal core.

In addition, her desire to become a human is extremely strong and her willpower is strong enough, so she can become a ghoul while taking so many crystal nuclei.

other people……

Can't compare to Gao Mengmeng.


Xia Yu calmed down.

She found that everyone was getting stronger, and she...

You can’t stand still!
'Exercise superpowers! '

She no longer hesitated, sat cross-legged, and used her supernatural powers.

One minute of power casting time is still too short.

It’s not enough to predict what will happen a second or so in the future.



In a deep space filled with nebulae and surrounded by darkness.

A huge snake coiled around a black star, exuding black energy, was sleeping.

This star is a hundred times larger than the sun.

a moment.


The snake suddenly opened its eyes, mouthed a human voice, and a burst of anger burst out of its body.

Its tail swung violently.

A natural satellite next to it, which was about the same size as the Earth, was directly exploded, and the fragments were scattered everywhere.

"A bunch of trash!"

It cursed again.

It is the underworld snake god.


After using such terrifying power once, its aura dropped sharply. It realized that its energy consumption was huge and it needed to recover as soon as possible.

Immediately afterwards, it quickly gathered its body and continued to coil around the black star.


I don't know what happened, which made every 'movement' consume a lot of energy, and it would take years and months to recover.

Therefore, it must remain as still as possible.

Better to sleep.

Use your own abilities to accumulate energy.

For example, controlling the disciples and envoys of gods to do things, such as communicating with other 'hims' across endless light years.

"The Snake God."

"Are all your people trash?"

"This operation was a complete failure."

The fox-faced god's voice rang in his mind.

The Nether Snake God looks dissatisfied. It has suffered great losses and is in a bad mood. However, in order to restore strength and believers, they must work together to deal with the current crisis.

Therefore, it still suppressed its anger and responded as gently as possible: "Fox-faced God."

"My losses this time are much greater than yours."

"If you want to blame it, blame those divine envoys and disciples for being too stupid."

The fox-faced god snorted coldly.

"Xia Yu, this woman is too insidious."

He said: "The three of us joined forces and used a strategy, but she was able to deal with it perfectly. Not only was she fine, but our people were severely injured."

"What are you going to do next?"

"Just let Xia Yu go?"

"Let her go?"

"Don't think about it!"

"If you don't kill her, it will be difficult to relieve the hatred in your heart."

"If we don't kill her, it will be difficult for us to develop followers and restore strength."

The Dark Snake God no longer hides its dissatisfaction and anger, but it understands that the current situation is not optimistic and must proceed with caution.

It spat out the message, casually rolled up the hundreds of thousands of creatures raised on a nearby natural satellite, swallowed it into its belly, and then said coldly: "Do you have any good ideas?"


"However, you need to convince Jinpeng Shen."

The fox-faced god's voice sounded.

The Dark Snake God raised his eyebrows.

"The inside should be in harmony with the outside."

The fox-faced god continued: "This time... we will make them hard to guard against!"



Earth star.

No. 9 New Town.

In the villa where Su Qian is.

"Then it's settled."

Huang Sheng, the dean of Jiangnan Martial Arts Academy and the principal of the alliance martial arts school reached an agreement and extended their hands: "It's a pleasure to cooperate."

Su Qian also extended her hand and said, "It's a pleasure to cooperate."

at this time.

The ambulance was already parked outside the door.

"Let's go."

"Go to the hospital and take out the bullet."

"If it takes a while, the wound will become permanent."

The dean of Jiangnan Martial Arts Academy said.

"I am no longer as good as you young people when I am older."

The principal of the alliance martial arts school was the first to say goodbye and leave, saying: "Let's go first."


The three of them left one after another.


At this time, Su Qian breathed a sigh of relief, and then immediately started practicing without any hesitation.

This battle made her even more eager to improve her strength.



Time flies.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

These three days seem to pass quickly, but in fact, for many people, it seems like a year.


Aliens are about to appear.

It will be another battle concerning the life and death of mankind!

At the gate of New Town No. 42, a part of the area happened to be shrouded in fog.

At this moment, the fog incident ends.

A group of people with horns, as strong as bulls, and more than three meters tall appeared outside the fog incident. They were holding weapons and their eyes were filled with bloodthirsty light. They were obviously eager to find prey.

As for the group of people shrouded in the fog incident, they had all been killed long ago.


The gate is the city's first line of defense, but because the fog incident shrouded the gate of the new city, these aliens appeared directly in New City No. 42.

Will not be blocked by the gate.




After smelling the strong human scent, these aliens excitedly launched a charge into the city.


New City No. 42 has been prepared for a long time. Outside the fog incident, there are countless soldiers, countless guns, countless barrels, and countless fighter planes...

"Da da da."




The battle broke out instantly.

For a time, there was a hail of bullets and artillery fire.

This group of aliens were just about to harvest their 'prey', but they tasted the taste of artillery fire.

Destruction in the blink of an eye.

Most of them were killed or injured.

Those who were alive had their legs broken off or half their bodies were blown away, and their combat power was almost completely lost.

Followed by.

The soldiers stopped shooting and began to clean the battlefield.

These alien races have high research value.

Especially alive.

So, staying alive is an extra task in this battle.

At the same time, alien races are also appearing in other areas.

Fights broke out one after another.


Even in a country with good protection measures, the number of soldiers is ultimately limited, and the artillery shells are also limited and cannot be released at will, nor can they cover all areas of the country.


Not all fog events are guarded by warriors.


A large number of alien races began to be active in every corner of the world.

Cao Yun.

The psychic who killed Brother Lang before and took away Brother Lang’s wife, Zhang Yun.

Currently active in Huayang City.

These days, he can be said to be a popular drinker and live a prosperous life.

First of all, with his own powers, he attracted a group of people who were unwilling to enter the new city for various reasons, a total of 9 people.

These nine people are either former fugitives like Cao Yun, or they are ordinary people who are unwilling to hand over their family members who have become mutants and want to continue to protect their families and wait for them to regain their sanity, or...

In short.

Everyone has his own destiny.

Everyone has a reason to stay.

Furthermore, among these nine people, there are chefs, doctors, gangsters with upper-middle-level physical talents, secretaries who wear glasses and are good at planning, and some who are extremely familiar with every street and alley in Huayang City. A familiar takeaway guy, so...

With the help of people like them, Cao Yun lived a very comfortable life.

With the support of these people, Cao Yun is even more confident about future development.

The nine people helped each other, and the soldiers almost killed all the mutants and mutant beasts, so none of them had died so far.

But at this moment.

As the fog incidents in Kayo City gradually came to an end.

A large number of alien races appeared.

Most of them were killed by Qian Yihao and others.


Some of them escaped. When Qian Yihao and others had time, they immediately sent people around to hunt down these aliens.

Cao Yun and others were unlucky and encountered two of the aliens.

These two aliens look exactly like humans, but are less than one meter tall. One of them is quite old, has white hair, and holds a scepter in his hand. The other is not very old, is a female, and looks quite handsome. Cute, holding a dagger made of wood in his hand.

They wear some kind of special national costumes that have never appeared on Earth.

Their strength is not strong.

It has only reached the level of the first-level spiritual realm.

It is hard to imagine how they escaped from the encirclement and suppression by Qian Yihao and others.

"These soldiers are too careless."

"They actually escaped."

Cao Yun immediately hid behind everyone and looked at the two aliens. He didn't find anything powerful about them. Instead, he saw that the two men were seriously injured and were not strong in combat.


The fear in his eyes gradually dissipated, and he began to complain: "Thank you for meeting us."

"Otherwise, I don't know how many compatriots will be killed by them."


Zhang Yun echoed: "Brother Cao, how should we deal with them?"

Obviously, they have regarded these two aliens as disposable trophies.

"Catch him."

"Slowly reason with them and win them over."

Cao Yun stared at the foreign girl with squinting eyes, pursed his dry lips, and said, "Our human race must have the heart to tolerate and absorb all races."


Hearing this, Zhang Yun and others couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

They thought about killing the two aliens.

I thought about letting these two aliens go.

But I never thought of recruiting them into the gang!


"Brother Cao is wise!"

"Brother Cao has a broad mind!"


Everyone began to praise Cao Yun.

Cao Yun felt very comfortable being licked. He was in a good mood and felt a little elated. He looked at the two aliens and said, "You two, what do you think?"


The two aliens remained silent and on guard.

Obviously, they didn't understand what Cao Yun was talking about.

Language barrier.

"Cough cough."

Cao Yun also realized this, so he coughed dryly and said, "Go up."

"Catch him first and then talk about it."


Zhang Yun nodded but did not move.

Everyone looked at each other, and in the end it was the gangster with an upper-middle level of physical talent who took the lead and launched the charge.

Cao Yun did not move, but stood behind everyone and reminded: "Move quickly and don't give them the chance to make a big fuss."

"Also, don't hurt that girl..."


Before he finished speaking, the old alien man recited something in a low voice, and suddenly a white ball of light rose from the top of the scepter.

See this.

Everyone was stunned.

Including Cao Yun.


They watched helplessly as several white rays of light shot out from the white ball of light, sinking into the eyes of the gangster and others at extremely fast speeds.

And then.

The gangster and the others' eyes widened, and before they could even scream, they fell on their backs.

There was a burning smell and heat emanating from the area between the eyebrows where he was shot.

On the contrary, the blood has not flowed out for a long time.

Extremely weird.


"Run away!"

Cao Yun and others finally came to their senses and were about to escape.

But it's too late.


The white ball of light on the scepter suddenly enlarged and enveloped the entire room.


They hit the white ball of light, as if they were hitting a white wall. They couldn't escape at all. Instead, they were bruised and swollen, staggering back, and some even fell to the ground.

Their faces were full of horror, not knowing what was happening.


"Brother Cao, kill them!"


Everyone was panicked for a moment and could only think of calling Cao Yun for help.

Cao Yungang wanted to use his powers, but found that there was no wind at all.

He instantly realized that this place was probably isolated by the other party using special means, so there was no wind.

He calmed down and took out his hand.


Shoot at the alien old man.


An invisible barrier appeared in front of the alien old man, blocking the bullets.


The bullet was stopped.

The invisible barrier also collapsed.




Cao Yun fired several more times until all the bullets in the pistol were poured out.

Still failed to kill the old foreigner.


Continuous attacks took a huge toll on the foreign old man.

The white ball of light that originally isolated this place dissipated.

The wind blows in again.


Cao Yun was overjoyed, he knew the opportunity had come.

Lifting off the ground in an instant, feeling the wind under his feet and around him, Cao Yun smiled again, and that familiar sense of control returned.

He was also full of confidence.

Cao Yun said: "This old man can't hold on anymore, he's about to die."

"Don't even run."

"Kill it together!"

After these few days of getting along, Zhang Yun and others have an instinctive fear of Cao Yun, not to mention...

They also saw that the alien old man was in a dispirited state.

As for the alien girl...

With him always guarding you, he probably won't be that powerful.

and so.


I don't know who shouted, and everyone rushed forward again.

The alien old man was about to show his determination.

The alien girl tugged on his clothes.

"Gulu ilawu."



The two aliens exchanged a few words quickly.

Although Zhang Yun and others were a little confused, they still followed Cao Yun's instructions and did not stop.

Just when everyone was about to rush forward, the two alien races finally reached an agreement.

The alien old man stepped back.

The alien girl rushed forward.

"Be careful."

"Don't hurt my woman."

Cao Yun reminded everyone again.

Zhang Yun frowned, murderous intent appearing in his eyes.

Cao Yun is lustful.

This foreign girl is so cute and beautiful, and more importantly... her skin is really good.

Although he is short in stature, his alien status greatly adds to his charm.

In addition, Cao Yun is tired of playing with himself, so...

If Cao Yun really allowed Cao Yun to capture this foreign girl alive, her status would plummet. She couldn't imagine what the consequences would be.

It wasn't what she wanted to see anyway.

'She must be killed. '

Zhang Yun tightened the triangular spur in her hand and launched a charge.

She wanted to create an 'accident', kill this foreign girl, and make Cao Yun unable to see that she had killed her intentionally.


What happened in the next moment caught everyone by surprise.

Before Zhang Yun could rush out, the alien girl's killing spree began.

The alien girl's eyes flashed with a cold light.

Her strength is not very strong, and she is injured, so her combat power is slightly stronger than that of an ordinary adult, but every time she makes a move, her legs and hands will glow with white light.

It seemed as if she was blessed by some mysterious power, which greatly increased her speed and strength.

It’s actually comparable to a second-grade spiritual master!

It is as easy for a second-level spiritual master to deal with people like Zhang Yun as chopping melons and vegetables.

and so.

Less than twenty seconds.

Cao Yun's men were all killed.

Only Cao Yun and Zhang Yun survived.


Cao Yun turned around and ran away without hesitation. At the same time, he ordered without looking back: "Zhang Yun, why are you still standing there?"


"Go on!"


Zhang Yun came back to her senses and complained wildly in her heart: Fuck your sister!

Why don't you come?


She turned and ran.

However, she also knew that she was not strong enough and had no special powers. She could not outrun Cao Yun and was about to be overtaken and killed...


She smashed through the glass and fell from the third floor onto the road in the community.

He fell half to death.


The alien girl just wanted to chase him out.

The old alien man behind him immediately spoke up, and the alien girl also silently recited a spell.


Cao Yun's flight speed dropped sharply, and he felt as if he had fallen into a swamp. The more he struggled, the deeper he fell.

This feeling made him extremely desperate.


He wanted to open his mouth and shout, trying to attract the attention of the soldiers in the distance.


The alien girl didn't give him this chance at all.

Cao Yun felt as if something similar to sand had entered his mouth. Not only was he unable to speak, but he felt as if his throat was blocked and it became difficult to breathe!

At this moment, he was even more scared.

What ability is this?
Do not!
I'm no longer lustful.

I will never commit a crime again. I want to go to the new city, which is so dangerous.


He regretted it immensely.


Just when he was about to suffocate to death, a gunshot suddenly rang out.

Go straight to the alien girl's eyebrows.


The white pendant worn by the foreign girl's neck suddenly lit up with a white light, blocking the bullet, and then cracked.

next second.


The alien old man quickly dragged the alien girl behind the bunker.


A figure came from behind the bunker.

It was Zhao Cancan.

The woman whose right ear was cut off and who participated in the 'subway incident' with Xia Yu.

Since joining Zhao Guohui, she has been keeping a low profile, studying constantly, participating in various actions, and her abilities and strength have been significantly improved.

Compared with many of her colleagues, her combat effectiveness is not inferior.

at this time……

She also followed Qian Yihao and others to take charge of the cleanup work of aliens in Huayang City.

"Both of you."

Zhao Cancan stared at the two aliens upstairs and said, "Are you members of the 'Lam tribe'?"

There was no response from upstairs.

"You are surrounded."

"There's no escape."

"Why don't you surrender, I can guarantee your safety."

She continued to persuade.

Still no response from upstairs.



Cao Yun had regained his composure at this moment, and while breathing heavily, he said, "Beauty, they can't understand human speech."

"Don't waste your efforts."


Zhao Cancan glanced at Cao Yun and said in confusion: "Who told you that they can't understand human speech?"


What did Cao Yungang want to say...

"You have the final say?"

Upstairs, the old foreigner asked.


Cao Yun was stunned.


Zhao Cancan said: "My current position is not high, but... I can talk directly to the person who has the final say."

The alien old man didn’t believe it.

Zhao Cancan pointed the pistol at his temple and pulled the trigger.

"Hey! You..."

Cao Yun was startled and was about to stop him.


The bullet came out.

But it stopped three inches away from Zhao Cancan's temple.

From the perspective of Cao Yun and the old foreigner, the bullets can also be seen spinning at high speed. This scene is extremely weird.



"You...you...you're a psyker too!"

Cao Yun's eyes widened instantly.

This power is much more powerful than my own!
I'm jealous!
"Now, do you think I'm qualified?"

Zhao Cancan ignored Cao Yun at all, but looked at the old foreigner and asked.


The old man from the foreign race knew that psykers were powerful people in this world and had the right to speak, so he just remained silent for a moment and then nodded.

of course.

He couldn't judge whether Zhao Cancan kept his word.

However, now he has no choice, because more and more soldiers around him heard the movement and came closer, holding dark weapons in their hands.

It was that kind of weapon that killed many other alien races and their people in the alien space.

If he were in peak condition, he could still fight.

just now……

Had to surrender.

"very good."

Zhao Cancan smiled, but still didn't care, and used his powers all the time.

Cao Yun on the side was preparing to leave quietly, not wanting to deal with these soldiers, but...

How could Zhao Cancan give him a chance?

"If you don't want to die, just stay here."

She spoke without looking back.

Cao Yun's steps suddenly stagnated.


"I don't have anything else to do, so I'll leave first."

He spoke.


"I saved you and didn't even say thank you?"

Zhao Cancan asked.

Cao Yun: "..."

There was a pause.

He also completely gave up his plan to leave, because a large number of soldiers had surrounded him, and there was no possibility of him escaping.

five minutes later.

"Let's go."

Zhao Cancan took Cao Yun, Zhang Yun and two members of the Lamu tribe on the way back to the city.

among them.

In order to prevent the two Lamu tribesmen from seizing other people as hostages, they sat in a self-driving air taxi.

Followed by a large number of fighter planes.

Cao Yun and Zhang Yun were sitting in an armored vehicle on the ground.

Followed by a large number of military vehicles.


They drove out of Huayang City and headed straight for New City No. 9.

Qian Yihao and a few others stayed and continued to search for survivors.



Outside the base where Xie Shaokun and others are located.

The fog also dissipated.

Originally, the villages and roads around Gaojia Village were relatively intact, but at this moment... the area shrouded by the fog incident was completely destroyed.

The ground has been shaved off a layer, which is more than ten centimeters lower than the area outside the fog incident.


Extremely fierce fighting took place here.

Wherever you look.

There is no trace of the disciples and envoys of the gods.

"Most of the divine disciples are dead."

"The words of the divine messenger..."

"Be careful of its resurrection."

In the air, Xie Shaokun immediately reminded him.

Hong She then added: "If all the divine envoys are defeated, then...there may be aliens still alive here."

The voice just fell.

Under the ground, one after another blood-red centipedes crawled out. They seemed to have smelled the human scent from the base, and they all charged towards the base.

Among them, the smallest blood centipede is more than one meter long and has densely packed joints. The longest blood centipede is more than three meters long and stands taller than a person.

The jointed feet touch the ground and directly dig holes in the ground.


The legs of these blood centipedes are extremely sharp.

"Keep them away!"

Xie Shaokun's expression changed and he immediately pulled the trigger.

"Da da da."


Suddenly, bullets rained down.

They hit these blood centipedes one after another.


Among them, the sniper bullet shot by Xiaonan also has an explosive effect.


Except for the sniper bullets fired by Xiaonan which had some effect and injured a few blood centipedes, the bullets fired by others...

Nothing works.

"So hard?"

Upon seeing this, everyone looked stern and threw grenades one after another.




The explosion occurred again.

The blood centipedes were blown away one after another and fell to the ground.

"call out."

"call out."


Countless roots immediately poked out from the depths of the ground, piercing into the bodies of these blood centipedes through their wounds.

Suck their flesh and blood.

A few seconds later.

Countless bloody centipedes that were injured by the explosion turned into 'mummy' on the spot, completely dead.



Ah Xiong suddenly snorted in the air.

He immediately retracted his roots and shook his whole body in the air.

"what happened?"

Xie Shaokun on the side asked immediately.


Ah Xiong wanted to say something, but he just opened his mouth, then plunged to the ground and passed out.


Xie Shaokun hurriedly swooped down and caught him.

If this falls.

Those blood centipedes below will definitely eat Ah Xiong clean.

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