I'm back from hell

Chapter 445 Heavenly Spirit Wood

Chapter 445 Heavenly Spirit Wood

Because dark elves are good at group combat, if you want to easily defeat these dark elves, you cannot rely on large-scale battles. You must defeat them one by one.

Therefore, Xia Yu decided to adopt the tactic of dividing and killing.

of course.

You need to find a suitable time to take action, and you also need to have a deeper understanding of the strength of these dark elves, otherwise... it will be easy to be discovered.

Just now.

One of the dark elves discovered the mutated owl flying out of the mist.

Originally, the mutated owl was alarmed when the mist appeared. It smelled danger, but it was reluctant to give up Chu Xun, Zeng Xiaowei and other 'rations'.

He hesitated, and finally didn't have time to fly away. He flew back and forth in the mist, and finally flew back into the mist.


It's miserable.

Became the target of public criticism.


"Prey in the new world! So ugly!"

"Let me taste your flesh and blood!"

The dark elves who discovered the mutated owl spoke excitedly, then bent their bows and nocked arrows.

It doesn't speak the language of the Earth, but...

Because the sound was a bit loud, Xia Yu was not far away from it, so... Xia Yu heard it with her strong hearing.


She understood the language of the elves in her previous life.

"call out."

The dark elf, who was eyeing the mutated owl, took out a long bow more than two meters long from his body, and took out a sharp arrow about one meter long forged from the quiver of heavenly wood.

Bow and shoot arrows.

at the same time.

The dark elf murmured a few words, and suddenly...


Spiritual magic fluctuations appear.

"call out."

The sharp arrow went straight to the mutated owl's head.

The speed is getting faster and faster!

'Sure enough, these spiritual incantations are completely incomprehensible. '

Xia Yu looked helpless while staring at the sharp arrow.

Although the chanting of spiritual spells was a little quieter, but the distance was so close, it stands to reason that she should be able to hear it, and she did hear the sound, but...

But I can't understand what each word is.

Very strange.

It was as if there was some kind of 'filter' that filtered out every word, and only the 'sound' reached Xia Yu's ears.

at the same time.

The mutated owl also sensed the danger, and immediately fluttered its wings and turned into an afterimage, trying to escape the danger.

It thought, after all, it is a flying creature, and its speed is fast enough, so the other party cannot shoot it anyway.


What it never expected was that the sharp arrow flying toward its head would become faster and faster.

Under the crisis of death, the mutated owl flaps its wings more and more frequently.


"call out!"



The mutated owl widened its eyes and let out a horrified cry.

It was still shot in the head.

With its IQ, it is impossible to think too much, but... it will definitely die in peace.

He obviously flew several meters away from his original position, so why was he still shot in the head?

The dark elf who was shooting the arrow saw the mutated owl falling and quickly moved closer, wanting to taste the 'prey'.




Not only it, but some of the surrounding dark elves also heard the cry of 'prey', saw the 'prey' falling, and approached one after another.

Within the race of dark elves, they believe in strength.

Very few rules.

Especially when acting alone, they do things completely unruly, and even... killing each other for prey sometimes happens.

However, they are now acting together, so they will have some scruples and will not dare to hunt down members of their own race at will.


When the leader sees it, he will severely punish the murderer.

After all, the clan rules clearly do not allow killing each other.

and so.

At this moment, all the dark elves wanted a piece of the pie. They gathered around and looked at the mutated owl greedily.


Xia Yu stared at one of the dark elves that was not close to the prey and was relatively close to him. It immediately turned into an afterimage and disappeared.

Originally, she had thought of waiting for Chu Xun, Zeng Xiaowei and others to be discovered by the dark elves, and then make a sneak attack when a battle broke out.

just now……

Now that the opportunity to hunt the dark elves is right in front of her, she will naturally not let it go.

The targeted dark elf didn't know that death had come. It was still complaining, with a look of contempt on its face: "It's just a mutated beast. There is no fresh flesh and blood you want to eat."

"A bunch of ignorant fools."


It didn't know where it got the information from, and it knew a lot about mutant beasts.

In other words, it may have entered the fog event before, so it knows a lot about mutant beasts.

"Humans like to hide in these coffin-like buildings."

"This is where they live."

"They are the most familiar, so..."

The dark elf glanced at the surrounding high-rise buildings, and finally turned his attention to a nearby residential building and said, "There must be traces of them here!"

"Hopefully I'm lucky."


With that said, it entered the residential building, like a cat's ears, only bigger, and the tips of its ears were level with the back of its head, trembling slightly.

This is another ability of the dark elves: thanks to the unique structure of their ears, their ears are extremely sensitive and can hear even subtler movements with their ears. They can even hear breathing clearly ten meters away.

Of course, the stronger the strength, the sharper the 'hearing'.


"There is a discovery."

The dark elf caught the faint sound of breathing, and his whole body showed a look of surprise.

I didn’t expect that I would gain something as soon as I arrived.


It turned into an afterimage and headed straight to the third floor, in the direction of the sound.

Being able to hear an extremely weak sound on the first floor through so many walls, it is obviously not weak in strength.

"The pinnacle level of the first-grade spiritual realm."

"It's quite a strength."

"If you combine spiritual skills with the bow and arrow in your hand, it shouldn't be difficult to kill a human master at the peak level of the second-level spiritual realm."

Xia Yu relied on his more abnormal hearing to judge the opponent's strength.

She murmured in a low voice, with some appreciation in her eyes. The strength of this dark elf was indeed impressive.

of course.

Although the dark elves are powerful, possessing accurate archery skills that are almost always accurate, as well as the blessings of various other means, their combat power has soared, far exceeding that of the same level, but human masters also have blessings, such as...


For example, 'combat suit'.

For example, 'Mechanical Wings'.

and many more.

With the blessing of these 'things', some human masters can even kill enemies by two levels.

The specific situation requires detailed analysis.

"Where's the locked door?"

"You think it's safe this way?"

The dark elf came to the door of the third-floor room where the target was located, and looked at the closed door with a hint of ridicule in its voice.

Then, it took out a sharp arrow from the arrow pot and pierced the lock core easily.

It's not loud yet.

This shows how sharp the arrow's arrowhead is.

The door opens.

The dark elf took a deep sniff and smelled the faint human scent in the air, which made it even more excited. It raised the corners of its mouth and revealed a cruel smile: "It smells so delicious."

"You must be delicious."

"Come out, I can give you a good time."

It stepped into it and took just two steps.

next moment.


The door behind him closed.


The dark elf was startled and frowned slightly.

I smelled something wrong.

Is it possible that this prey still wants to hunt him?


Of course, it would not joke with its own life and became more cautious while chanting a spell.

The void vibrates.

Mysterious energy emerged, guarding its heart, head, neck and other vital parts.


The prey still didn't make a move, and it was relieved and said: "Idiot, you missed the best time to fight back! You can't kill me just by pretending."


"Next, it's my turn to take action."


The moment he finished speaking, there was a sound from the master bedroom.


The dark elf rushed over decisively.


At a certain moment when it was speeding up and running wildly, and when it was about to reach the master bedroom, it suddenly felt that its legs and other parts of its body were cut by something.

Something submerged into its flesh and blood.


The pain made it open its mouth, wanting to scream.

next moment.


A purple-red afterimage sank into its mouth and penetrated from the back of its head.


All this happened so fast and suddenly that the dark elf had no time to react. Its eyes widened in disbelief.

Then it saw Xia Yu walking out of the master bedroom step by step. Its mouth moved, but it couldn't say anything. In the end, it could only fall down unwillingly.

Before it died, it saw Xia Yu's fingers move. The spider silk all over the room quickly retracted into the silver ring, and the purple-red butterfly knife returned to Xia Yu's hand.

At this moment, he suddenly understood a truth: a real hunter will never take the initiative!

It's not the real hunter.

The other party is!

It and its kin... I'm afraid they will all suffer severely! ! !
These consciousnesses echoed in its mind, but it had completely lost the ability to resist, and it had no way to inform its fellow tribesmen.

Immediately, darkness overwhelmed its consciousness.

The spiritual magic on it also dissipated, and its energy escaped into the void.

It also ended its sinful life.


Xia Yu took away the bow and arrows from the dark elf and touched the body. He found a piece of spiritual crystal and his eyes lit up.

Spirit crystal, in fact, is the spiritual energy of heaven and earth turned into a solid state under special circumstances. After years of nourishment, it is finally formed into a highly valuable resource.

It possesses extremely mild energy and is extremely applicable. Thousands of living beings can absorb the energy inside it.

Because the energy it contains is extremely pure, so...

If you are a human with low physical talent, absorbing a spiritual crystal can last you three months of cultivation.

If you are a human with average or lower physical talent, absorbing a spiritual crystal can last you more than a month of cultivation.

If you are a human with moderate physical talent, absorbing a spiritual crystal can last you more than twenty days of cultivation.


In short.

Spiritual crystals are very effective in increasing the speed of cultivation.

It is precisely because of this excellent effect that the value of spiritual crystals is extremely high. Even in an alien space, spiritual crystals cannot be easily obtained by all living beings.

Many living beings cannot afford it and can only sigh in despair.

But for those 'nobles' and upper-class people, spiritual crystals can be used casually, even...

There are some 'nobles' who are extremely disdainful of spiritual crystals because they have better options.

There are better alternative sources.

In the last life, Xia Yu was lucky enough to get a piece of spiritual crystal, and with the help of the spiritual crystal, she broke through to the fifth-level spiritual energy realm, so she recognized this object immediately and knew how to absorb it.

This piece of spiritual crystal was undoubtedly an unexpected gain for Xia Yu.

Xia Yu smiled without hesitation, then held it in his hand, calmed down, and carefully sensed the spiritual crystal in his palm.


The spiritual crystal in his hand seemed to have received some kind of traction, pouring into Xia Yu's limbs through the palm of his hand.

This feeling is wonderful. The energy in the spiritual crystal flows in Xia Yu's body, making Xia Yu feel very comfortable.

After careful sensing, Xia Yu was convinced that there was still more than half of the energy in the spiritual crystal, and the killed dark elf had only absorbed a small half. The smile on her lips became even stronger.

The other party's spiritual crystal was obviously obtained at a great price.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t be so frugal.

It actually gave her an advantage at this moment.

next moment.

Xia Yu's originally suppressed aura fluctuated again.

She immediately put the spiritual crystal into the jade box and stopped the breakthrough.

Once you break through...

It will definitely cause the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in an area of ​​tens of feet in radius to flow in extremely deep, and may even form a spiritual energy vortex, which is likely to be discovered by then.

Thus falling into siege.

There was absolutely no need for her to put herself in such a dangerous situation, and it was contrary to her original intention.


Turning into an afterimage, Xia Yu disappeared in place.

She needed to rush back immediately and wait for the opportunity to hunt the next dark elf.

And this moment.

The dark elves were still arguing over how to distribute the mutated beast.

'After they were distributed, they found that the corpse of the mutated owl was not delicious. I wonder how you felt? '

Xia Yu was secretly amused, and glanced at the dark elves again, and then quickly locked his eyes on the second dark elf.

this time.

She was up to her old tricks.

The dark elf climbed up the stairs to the window, then smashed the glass with one punch and entered the room.

When he opened the door of Xia Yu's room, he saw a sharp arrow pointed directly between his eyebrows.


At this moment, it was desperate and frightened.

"call out."

Xia Yu loosened her fingers.

A sharp arrow came out of the string and shot through the head of the dark elf.

The dark elf's eyes widened and he fell to the ground unwillingly.

Xia Yu kindly stretched out her hand to support the dark elf to prevent it from falling to the ground and making a sound.


She started touching the corpse again, hoping to find some more precious items such as spiritual crystals.

However, her luck didn't seem to be good this time. She didn't get the spiritual crystal, but only found a bow and arrow.

Then Xia Yu quickly disappeared into the shadows and continued to look for the next target.

Another few minutes passed.

Xia Yu repeated his old tricks again and killed the third dark elf.

And this moment.

The group of dark elves who were staring at the mutated owls had already allocated their 'shares' and started eating one after another, and then...

"Damn, it's such a waste of all our time."

“This thing doesn’t look meatless, it’s really meatless.”

"I licked the bones, but there was no taste."

"It tastes so bad, bah!"


Suddenly, they became very angry, started to complain, and threw their 'shares' on the ground.

Cursed and left.

the other side.

When Chu Xun, Zeng Xiaowei and others saw this scene, they looked at each other with a little doubt in their eyes, and they all whispered: "What's going on?"

"Who knows!"

"It seems that the mutated owl is not delicious?"

"These idiots, the mutated beasts have no flesh and blood, how can they be delicious?"

"Shh! They're starting a search. Keep your voice down."

Everyone could only fall silent again and keep quiet to avoid being discovered by the dark elves.

Zeng Xiaowei's eyes flashed slightly. He quietly came to Chu Xun's side and said in a low voice: "Brother Xun, there are so many of us together...it's easy to be exposed."

"Do you want to spread out and hide?"

Chu Xun glanced at Zeng Xiaowei and instantly understood what the other person was thinking.

He said: "I agree, the key is... can you convince others?"


"Cough cough."

"I'll give it a try."

Zeng Xiaowei said: "But, Brother Xun, you have to support me."


Chu Xun nodded without hesitation.

He also knew that by spreading out, more people could survive, and he would have a greater chance of survival, so... it was impossible to disagree.

"That's good!"

After hearing this, Zeng Xiaowei also gained some confidence.

He took a look at the dark elves who were still a certain distance away from them, so he did not hesitate and immediately came to the others and said: "Everyone find a place to hide, don't huddle here."

"This makes it easier to find."

Everyone frowned.

They obviously knew that Zeng Xiaowei was right, but... they were afraid of being separated.

"What are you still doing?"

"Brother Xun also agreed. Do you still dare to disobey Brother Xun's orders?"

Zeng Xiaowei's face was stern and he said in a pretentious manner.

This is not the time to be a 'bad guy'.

Everyone looked at Chu Xun, their eyes showing expressions of hearing the news.

Chu Xun nodded.

Everyone looked worried,

But Brother Xun agreed, what else could they do?

"Let's go."

Someone moved.

When one person moves, others follow suit.


Although they were scattered, they were still hiding in the naughty castle or the nearby shop, with no intention of staying away.


Seeing this scene, Zeng Xiaowei couldn't help but feel speechless, and was about to continue convincing these people.

"That's too late."

Chu Xun saw dark elves walking towards the certain square where they were. If they were discovered, the consequences would be disastrous.

He couldn't help but frown and said, "I left here and didn't let them know where I went."

"They separated."

Zeng Xiaowei nodded and was about to say something...


Chu Xun had untied his good brother not far away and left quickly.

"Hey...Brother Xun, you..."

Zeng Xiaowei wanted to catch up, but was afraid of Chu Xun's good brother, so he could only say from a distance: "Wait for me."

Chu Xun naturally wouldn't wait for him.

Since we have to disperse and hide, why do we have to take you alone?
Are you special?

No one can be special.

What's more, it's safer for him to act with his good brothers.

Every more person around means more danger.

And there is absolutely no need for him to take this risk.

Chu Xun ignored him.



Chu Xun disappeared on the second floor with his good brother.


Zeng Xiaowei gritted his teeth, feeling angry but helpless.

He knew that he couldn't stay here for long, otherwise he would be discovered by the dark elves sooner or later.

Finally, he left the Naughty Castle and hid in a dental clinic on the fourth floor.

In his opinion……

The dark elves will definitely search layer by layer. By the time they reach the fourth floor, they won't know it's the year of the monkey or the moon of the horse.

He could finally be found.

only. There are many people who think the same as him!
When everyone saw Chu Xun leaving the Naughty Castle, they would definitely not continue to hide here. After all, they had just stayed here for a long time, and the 'human flavor' here must be very strong.

In other words, the chances of being discovered here are high.

Of course I have to leave.

after leaving...

Where to go?

Everyone chose to go to the fourth floor.


Zeng Xiaowei was speechless, but had no intention of going to the third floor and continued to hide in his dental clinic.

He didn't know where the others would go.


No one else had chosen this place, which made him feel safe for the time being.

His eyes came to the dark elf that entered Wanda Plaza. After it entered Wanda Plaza, it saw the Kung Fu Panda sculpture next to it and frowned, as if it recalled a bad memory.

The corners of its mouth twitched a few times.



The Kung Fu Panda sculpture exploded suddenly and turned into thousands of pieces, shattering the surrounding glass.

With a 'crash', the glass fragments also shattered to the ground.

There was a lot of noise.





Four more dark elves came running.

The five dark elves communicated with each other, and finally...

Choose to explore a certain square together.

See this.

Chu Xun frowned.

Things are even worse.

far away.

Xia Yu, who had just hunted the fourth dark elf, couldn't help but frown when he saw this scene, thinking to himself: 'These people are really unlucky. '

She didn't immediately go to help.


She set her sights on the fifth dark elf.

A few minutes later.

She successfully killed the fifth dark elf, glanced at the dark elf still lingering on the first floor of a certain square, and withdrew her gaze again.

at the same time.

A dark elf discovered the money tree, and another dark elf was approaching the room where the mutated mosquitoes were!

This discovery made Xia Yu's eyes light up.


Xia Yu hesitated for a moment and came to the vicinity of the 'money tree'.

This dark elf was not careless. It came to the floor where the money tree was located, opened the door, and looked at the thick and dense money tree in the living room.

It frowned.

There's something strange about this tree, it's probably inedible.

For the sake of safety, the dark elf did not approach rashly, but drew the bow... and prepared to shoot it through.

And then……


It hasn't had time to loosen the bowstring yet.

Dozens of roots penetrated the legs of this dark elf.


It just wanted to scream.


The blood butterfly penetrated through the back of its neck, cutting off its neck, causing its voice to get stuck in the broken neck and unable to come out.


Xia Yu moved very quickly. She immediately came to the dark elf and took away all the bows and arrows from it.


Before the money tree had time to attack her, she jumped up, stepped on the wall beside her, and quickly arrived more than ten feet away.


And this moment.

This dark elf is not completely dead yet.

It can be seen that Xia Yu is very fast.

When it found out that Xia Yu, its 'prey', had left, the money tree was very angry. It directly rolled the dark elf into the air, and then stabbed out countless roots.

Turn it into a hedgehog.

In just over ten seconds, the dark elf was sucked into a mummy.

Used to express one's dissatisfaction.

'It's really ignorant. '

Xia Yu looked back at the money tree.

Helping it deal with the dark elves, only for it to attack itself is completely ungrateful.

The action just now made her completely sure that the strength of this money tree was the first step into the third-level spiritual realm.

He turned his attention to the dark elf who entered the room where the mutated mosquito was.

at this time.

This dark elf did not know that there were mutated mosquitoes in the room, because these mutated mosquitoes could change color, had no heartbeat, and did not vibrate their wings, so they were indeed difficult to detect.

This dark elf is still searching every corner of this room, wanting to see if there is any prey of its own here.

I don't know.

In the eyes of this group of mutated mosquitoes, it is prey!
A certain moment.


A mutated mosquito pounced on the dark elf.


The reaction of this dark elf was not unpleasant. It immediately bent its bow and arrow, but unfortunately... the mutated mosquito that attacked it was very close to it, and its speed was also very fast.

and so.


The mutated mosquito's mouthparts pierced the dark elf's face.


The dark elf screamed and slapped the mutated mosquito.

It was not shot to death at once.

Because the mutated mosquito's 'defense' has also improved a lot.

However, this slap also killed the mutant mosquito.


It continued to swat the mutated mosquito with some annoyance.

This time I used more force.

With a 'poof', the mutated mosquito was killed directly, and blood overflowed, leaving a large patch of blood on the dark elf's face.

In just one second of contact, this mutated mosquito sucked so much. It must be said that this blood-sucking efficiency is very high.

next moment.




Before the dark elf could make any further moves, it saw mutated mosquitoes appearing one after another in all directions.

It seemed to appear out of thin air and besieged it.


The dark elf's face changed, and it felt a strong sense of crisis. It subconsciously wanted to draw the bow and shoot arrows, but then realized that the bow and arrows in its hands were only suitable for one-on-one combat, facing a siege...

Not much effect.

He quickly chanted the spell in a low voice.




As soon as it opened its mouth, these mutated mosquitoes landed on it.



The dark elf let out a shrill scream.

Feeling that the blood in its body was disappearing in an extremely abnormal way, it was startled and tried to swat these mutated mosquitoes, but the next moment...

It felt unusual itching at the place where it had been stabbed on its face. It was so itchy that it made it upset and uncomfortable.

Immediately, its head became dizzy.

The palm that was slapped on the mutated mosquito was soft and soft.

It can't kill mutated mosquitoes at all.

Just like that, the dark elf soon passed out and lost consciousness.


Seeing this scene, Xia Yu raised his eyebrows slightly and had a guess.

This dark elf has more blood in its body than a normal human being. It is impossible for him to become comatose due to lack of blood in such a short period of time. Therefore, there is only one explanation: these mutated mosquitoes are poisonous!
Their mouthparts or body contain toxins that can cause coma.

Ten seconds later.

With the joint efforts of this group of mutated mosquitoes, the blood in this dark elf's body was sucked out.

Turned into a mummy.


They made this dark elf scream, alerting the surrounding dark elves, so...

At this moment, the three surrounding dark elves approached at the same time.

"The fight is about to begin."

Xia Yu raised an eyebrow and walked away.

No dark elf would notice the money tree in a short time. It would be better for her to go pick up the leaks around the group of mutated mosquitoes.




The three dark elves quickly came to the room where the mutated mosquitoes were, and happened to see the group of mutated mosquitoes trying to fly out of the room.

"What a huge mosquito!"

"Another mutated beast?"

"Look! Grandma Carl is dead! Her blood has been sucked dry!"

"Damn it! Do it! Kill them!"


The three dark elves exclaimed in surprise, and at the same time they used spiritual magic, bent their bows and arrows, and prepared to attack the mutated mosquitoes.

Their voices also attracted more dark elves.

Face the enemy.

They are still very united.

"call out."

"call out."


The dark elves' shooting skills are still very abnormal, and with the assistance of spiritual skills, the long arrows have a 'locking' effect, so... three mutated mosquitoes were killed in the first encounter.




The remaining mutated mosquitoes were obviously frightened and flew back into the room.


"call out."

"call out."


The three dark elves followed closely and entered the room. At the same time, they continued to use spiritual magic, controlling their long arrows to chase the group of mutated mosquitoes.

Other dark elves also arrived one after another.

Xia Yu was in a deserted corner of this building, her fingers dancing and spider silk flying.


There was a dark elf rushing toward her very fast, muttering: "These damn mosquitoes dare to kill my brother."

"I must catch them! Pull out their wings and legs so they can't fly! I..."


The words were not finished.

It was the separation of corpses, no... I should say, it was cut into four pieces!


Four body parts rolled to the ground.

Blood spilled everywhere.

Xia Yu retracted the spider silk and touched the corpse.

Three seconds later.

Leave immediately.

This feast of killing was quietly staged in secret.

This group of mutated mosquitoes was quite powerful, taking advantage of the terrain of the high-rise building and their flexibility to keep circling around, but they were not all killed for a long time.

What's more, what Xia Yu and the group of dark elves didn't expect was that these mutated mosquitoes were forced to use their mouthparts as a 'hidden weapon' and launch them.

Extremely fast.

Being caught off guard makes it even more difficult to guard against.

and so……

Dark elves were stabbed one after another.

There was a strong poison in the mouthparts, and the dark elves who were stabbed fainted to the ground.

It seriously affected the speed at which the dark elves hunted mutated mosquitoes.

Fifteen minutes later.

Most of the mutated mosquitoes had just been killed, except for the last three. One of them was very fast in size and speed, and was the leader of this group of mutated mosquitoes.

"call out."

"call out."

Two more sharp arrows flew out, heading straight for the leader of this group of mutated mosquitoes.

The other two mutated mosquitoes were so eager to protect their master that they actually bumped into him, allowing the sharp arrows to pass through their bodies. At the same time, they also shot out their mouthparts.

Accurately shot into the bodies of the two dark elves.


The two dark elves were startled, turned around and ran away, shouting at the same time: "Quick! Save us!"


The leader of the mutated mosquitoes would not give them a chance to escape. How could it miss the opportunity that its subordinates had finally won for themselves?


It easily penetrated the back of a dark elf's head and sucked it in sharply.


The dark elf froze, showing a look of pain, and then felt as if his body had entered a certain tube, and then he couldn't feel anything anymore.


The other dark elf fainted on the ground and did not escape.



Immediately, it also followed in the footsteps of its companions.



The next moment, the leader of the mutated mosquito, whose strength had already reached the pinnacle level of the second-grade spiritual realm, finally completed his final evolution.

The strength has reached the level of third-grade spiritual energy realm.

And this moment.

By chance, two dark elves were chasing after them. They happened to see the leader of the mutated mosquitoes pull out his mouthpart from the back of his companion's head, and their expressions changed.

They were already holding bows and arrows, ready to shoot at any time, and immediately took aim and shot.


The leader of the mutated mosquitoes flapped his wings and disappeared, leaving no chance for the opponent to take aim.

And this moment.

Xia Yu killed another dark elf.

During the entire fog incident, the number of dark elves was reduced to the last 19.

This building has almost become the tomb of dark elves.

The disappearance of such a large number of men made the leader of the dark elves smell something amiss, and decided to enter the building to see the situation in person.


It discovered the dark elves killed by Xia Yu.

"Is there a strong person in the darkness?"

The leader of the dark elves suddenly frowned and used spiritual magic without hesitation.


Invisible energy seeped out from the void, and then spread in all directions with the leader of the dark elves as the center.

One foot.

Ten feet.

Twenty feet.


One hundred feet.

This is the maximum range that the spiritual magic it can currently perform can explore.


The leader of the dark elves only found the leader of the mutated mosquito within a hundred feet, but did not find any other existence, not even 'food'.

"Is there no other existence?"

It frowned and murmured to itself in confusion: "No! There's no way those mosquitoes could have taken away the bow and arrow! There must be others! It's just that I haven't found them yet!"

The leader of the dark elves pondered for a moment, then continued to use spiritual magic while quickly approaching the leader of the mutated mosquito.

No matter who the enemy is lurking in the dark, or where it is...

just now.

First, deal with the enemy on the surface—the leader of the mutated mosquito!

The opponent's strength has become stronger, and the dark elves under it are no match at all. If it continues, it will only lose more men. When the time comes...

It will also be more dangerous when dealing with enemies in the dark.

At this moment, Xia Yu was already far away from the tall building.


When she saw the leader of the dark elves, she immediately chose to stay away from here.


She knew that the leader of the dark elves would definitely search for human spiritual magic.

And she has no way to avoid the induction of spiritual magic, unless she enters the fog or stays away from the range of spiritual magic.

and so.

She could only choose to leave.

After taking a look at the situation at the Money Tree, I found that the dark elves still hadn't discovered it, so I didn't go there, but went straight to a certain square.

And here.

The five dark elves that entered before did not know what was happening outside. They quickly searched the first, second and third floors, but did not find any 'food'.


They smell food.

and so.

Although they have never found 'food', they firmly believe that there must be someone here, and there are quite a few of them.


After some discussion, they decided not to tell the leader or other members of the clan about the situation here for the time being.

In other words.

The five of them are ready to have the prey here to themselves.

Fourth floor.

Chu Xun, who had already arrived here quietly, had a cold look in his eyes when he saw the five aliens entering the fourth floor from the third floor.

He decided to take action!
Also noticing the aliens entering the fourth floor were Zeng Xiaowei, Su Qian and two others. Their choice was...

Zeng Xiaowei and Susie went downstairs through another passage.

There were two other people, they were hiding in the corner, not daring to move.

Afraid of being discovered.

I don't know.

This kind of behavior is waiting for death.

It won't be long before they regret their choice.



"Guess what I smell?"

"Tsk, tsk. I bet there must be someone here!"

"Must have!"

A dark elf shouted excitedly.

The other dark elves did not approach, but only showed envious looks.


When they went up to the fourth floor, the five of them had already agreed that whoever found the food would get it, and no one else could snatch it.

and so.

The other four dark elves can only speed up their search for 'food'.


Screams came out.

The struggle only lasted for about three seconds, and then there was no movement.

The dark elf began to eat.

Another three minutes or so passed.

Another scream sounded.

This made the other dark elves move faster.

The search process became even more violent.

More edgy.

after all……

If you're late, you won't be able to enjoy the 'delicious food'.

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