I'm back from hell

Chapter 453 Wonderful Thoughts

Chapter 453 Wonderful Thoughts

Inside the Snake Cave.

When the dust is floating in the sky...

"call out."

"call out."


There was an explosion that broke through the air.

Ah Xiong took action personally, using willow branches to delay and kill the Silver-Scale Snake Beasts who retreated from the cave entrance to rescue the Silver-Scale Snake Beast King. He had no energy to support Hong Snake at all.


Because Hong Snake needed to attack with all its strength, it was unable to use its superpowers to weaken the Silver Scaled Snake Beast King. This made the Silver Scaled Snake Beast King's struggle become even more intense, and the roots on its body broke off one after another.

Ah Xiong had to use more roots to trap the Silver Scale Snake Beast King.

This greatly reduced the time he had to trap the Silver Scale Snake Beast King and the Silver Scale Snake Beast King's guards.

"Quick victory."

Ah Xiong shouted in an urgent tone.

Hearing this, Hong She immediately became calm.

Being able to let Ah Xiong say this shows that... the situation is indeed extremely bad.

Hong She glanced around, and sure enough... he found that the situation was deteriorating rapidly.

Moreover, there is a vicious circle trend.

Just a few breaths.

He was only at the peak level of the first-level psychic realm. He was bitten twice all over his body, and his legs were entangled by a silver-scaled snake beast king guard. When his life was about to be threatened...



Ayigulan came with Doudou for support.

By taking crystal cores in an orderly manner, Ayigulan is now at the second-level spiritual realm, and Doudou is at the mid-level of the second-level spiritual realm.

They supported Hong She, and Hong She finally got rid of the threat of death.

There is a chance to counterattack.


Among them, Doudou was even more ferocious. He bit directly on the head of a silver-scaled snake beast and the beast king's guard, and then... bit off its head alive.


The threat is half gone.

Ayigulan, on the other hand, cooperated with Hong Snake and quickly killed another guard of the Silver Scaled Snake Beast Beast King.

The threat is gone.

after that.

Hong Snake, Ayi Gulan and Doudou quickly pounced on the other six trapped Silver Scale Snake Beast Beast King Guards.

And this moment.

These six trapped Silver Scale Snake Beast King Guards have broken off hundreds of roots, putting a lot of pressure on Ah Xiong. Victory is in sight...


Doudou pounced directly on him and transformed into a 'snake-killing expert'.

Coupled with the help of Hong She and Ayigulan...

Just half a minute.

Among them, the five trapped Silver Scale Snake Beast Beast King Guards were all killed.

Ah Xiong's pressure suddenly eased.

The time to trap the Silver Scale Snake Beast King is extended indefinitely.

As for the last guard of the Silver Scale Snake Beast Beast King, he was about to be bitten to death by Doudou...

The Silver Scale Snake Beast King's struggle suddenly became stronger, and he even took the initiative to hit the head with the silver scale fruit on the ground aside.

It wants to destroy the Silver Scale Fruit!


To be precise, it wants to use the silver scale fruit to threaten everyone not to harm the silver scale snake beast and the beast king guard!

"Doudou, shut up!"

Hong She saw this instantly and shouted immediately.

Doudou didn't listen at all.

Fortunately, Ayigulan reacted very quickly and hurriedly pulled the chain around his waist.


At the same time, Hong Snake used his powers to weaken Doudou's combat power.

With the cooperation of the two, Doudou on the other end of the chain suddenly stopped moving forward, and his bloody mouth stopped above the head of the last silver-scaled snake beast, the beast king guard.

Can't make any progress.


Hong Snake breathed a sigh of relief and said, "This silver-scaled snake beast should be the successor to the beast king of the silver-scaled snake beast."

Ayigulan looked at the silver-scaled snake beast king who had stopped struggling, and finally understood.

Hong She then looked at the Silver Scale Snake Beast Beast King and said, "Tell your men to stop attacking."

"Otherwise, it will only cause greater casualties."

"When the time comes, neither you nor I will be able to please you."

Since the Silver Scale Snake Beast King has a very high IQ, it is possible to negotiate.

Regardless of whether the other party understands it or not, he is ready to give it a try.

Naturally, the Silver Scale Snake Beast Beast King couldn't understand it, but... it was vaguely surprised when it saw that Hong Snake stopped attacking and began to communicate with itself.

Hong Snake naturally didn't know what the silver-scaled snake beast King was thinking, and he couldn't see the unexpected look in its eyes.


In order to further express his sincerity, he asked Ah Xiong to stop killing.

Ah Xiong frowned, but didn't object, but...

But he didn't give up the passage.

Continue to block the herd of silver-scaled snake beasts coming for support.

just in case.

After all, communicating with an animal that cannot understand human speech at all is very likely to fail.

Naturally, the Silver Scale Snake Beast King noticed this change, and it finally understood what Hong Snake meant.


It barks.

This cry is three short and one long, with different priorities. It is obviously the unique 'voice' of the silver-scaled snake beast.


The silver-scaled snake beasts that came back stopped their attacks.


"He who knows the current affairs is a hero."

Seeing this, Hong She smiled.

Ah Xiong's frown also relaxed.

He didn't expect that Hong Snake could actually communicate with the Silver Scale Snake Beast King. You know... the two sides couldn't speak the same language!
Is it because Hong She's name has the word "snake" in it?
In any case, Hong She did what he couldn't do, and the way he looked at Hong She changed slightly.

"We only want the silver scale fruit on your head."

Hong Snake didn't know that his status in Ah Xiong's heart had improved. He pointed at the silver scale fruit on the top of the silver scale snake beast king and said.

Focus on communicating with the beast king of the silver-scaled snake beast.


On the side, the heir to the beast king of the silver-scaled snake beast suddenly started struggling crazily.

Obviously, its IQ is not low. After understanding Hong Snake's purpose, it immediately became unhappy.

That's its thing!
It is a key resource for improving strength!

Absolutely not to give it to the other party!
Seeing the Silver Scale Snake Beast's heir to the beast king going berserk, the originally peaceful Silver Scale Snake Beast herd also became agitated, ready to take action at any time.

For a time, the two sides were at war with each other.


The silver-scaled snake beast king signaled his men to be calm, looked at his heir, and explained:
Right now, the situation is stronger than the people.

The goal of this group of humans from the beginning was the Silver Scale Fruit.

After the confrontation just now, they, the silver-scaled snake beasts, are no match for this group of humans. If they continue to fight hard, they will be greeted by...

The only way is to annihilate the entire army.

The tribe dissipates.

In fact, if the opponent was not worried about the Silver Scale Fruit, this battle would probably be less suspenseful and end in a shorter time.

Compared with the reproduction of the entire group, the Silver Scale Fruit seems not that important.

I have to say that it has an overall view.

He also knows how to endure humiliation and bear heavy burdens.


The heir to the beast king of the silver-scaled snake beast was very unwilling and looked at Hong She and the others with resentment in his eyes.

Hong She didn't care.

Hatred is normal.

After all, no one feels good when the 'good stuff' that originally belongs to them is taken away by the other party.

To give you an inappropriate example, you finally spent half a million yuan as a gift, and also bought a new house and a new car. You became a house slave and a car slave, your spine was bent, and you married a beautiful wife. Wouldn't you be angry if your wife ran away with someone else?

In the face of life, as long as you are a rational person, you will choose to endure your anger.

Living in humiliation.

Next, what Hong Snake has to do is... let these silver-scaled snake beasts live comfortably.

In other words, if you give the 'poor man' whose wife was kidnapped an unimaginable amount of money, then... will the 'poor man' still be angry?

Most likely not.

In the face of absolute wealth, what is dignity?

After the beast king of the silver-scaled snake beast convinced his heir, he looked at Hong Snake again and made a sound.

Of course Hong She couldn't understand it, but the next moment...


The silver-scaled fruit, which originally took two minutes to mature, ripened immediately.

Then, the beast king of the silver-scaled snake beast lowered his head to Hong Snake, and his meaning was simple: I'm ripe, you can pick it.


Hong She laughed 'haha' and was about to step forward.

Ah Xiong, on the other hand, dodges, stops Hong Snake, and goes to get the Silver Scale Fruit himself.


He was worried that the beast king of the Silver Scaled Snake Beast would deliberately lure the Flood Snake closer, and then capture or even kill the Flood Snake.

Hong She naturally understood what Ah Xiong meant and shrugged without forcing it.

Ah Xiong is right to be cautious.

He was a little worried at first, but now... Ah Xiong gave him the 'steps' and he could just come down and be fine.


The Silver Scale Snake Beast's Beast King is relatively rational and not impulsive.


Ah Xiong successfully picked the silver scale fruit.

It is worth mentioning that when Ah Xiong took off the silver-scale fruit, the beast king of the silver-scale snake beast seemed to have been drained of all its strength. The whole snake became languid and lay on the ground, not wanting to move at all. , even the whole body feels "old".


'Breeding' the silver scale fruit consumes a lot of it.

"Good job."

Hong She was a good person and spoke immediately.


The heir to the beast king of the silver-scaled snake beast and all the silver-scaled snake beasts did not accept this trick at all, or did not understand it at all, and only had resentment towards Hong Snake.

In their eyes, Hong Snake is the person who took away their race's only hope.



They are the enemies of their tribe!

The beast king of the silver-scaled snake beast nodded towards Hong Snake in response.

There was no hatred in his eyes, but a sense of tension.

The reason why this happens is because...

It was worried that Hong She would not be trustworthy.

Directly ordered that he and his tribe be killed.

When the time comes, it and its tribe will be in dire straits.

"rest assured."

Hong She said with a smile: "Although I am a bit domineering, my advantage is that I keep my word."

"I promise you'll be fine."

"You're not going to kill them?"

Hearing this, Ah Xiong was surprised.


Ayigulan also said: "They... are resentful."

"Deserves to be killed!"

Just now.

Charis Damayo also walked in through the entrance of the cave where Ah Xiong and Hong She entered. She happened to hear Hong She's assurance just now and said, "Brother Snake, it's better to kill him."

"What credibility do you have with foreigners?"

Hong She smiled and did not respond directly.

He obviously had his own ideas and asked: "Axiong, Xia Ruisi, Ayi Gulan, do you still remember what Sister Yu said about the 'pet beast'?"

Ah Xiong and Ayi Gulan both frowned.

Charis Damayo's eyes lit up. After all, she had wanted to raise pet beasts before: "You mean... after these silver-scaled snake beasts lay eggs, we will raise them?"


Hong She nodded and said.


"Even if these eggs successfully hatch out silver-scaled snake beasts, they may not listen to us."

Charice Damayo spoke.

Not all alien races are suitable to become 'pet beasts'.

The silver-scaled snake beast is a type of snake and is difficult to raise as a 'pet beast'.

"Give it a try."

"Even if it doesn't work, we can still make these little silver-scaled snake beasts our friends, right?"

Hong Snake said: "They won't attack the people who raise them, right?"

"What if we attack?"

Ah Xiong was still worried and asked.

"That's okay."

Hong Snake said: "Trap them and let them come in when they are in danger."

"And...any intelligent creature can be tamed."

"If they are not willing to become 'one of our own', they can only become our 'vanguard' in the battle, or even cannon fodder."

Doudou, although he is not the 'vanguard', he is not far behind.

Ah Xiong was silent.

Obviously, he also felt that what Hong She said was feasible.


It requires a lot of manpower and material resources.


Charis Damayo directly agreed: "The reproduction speed of the snake clan is not slow, and I can also take this opportunity to accumulate experience in raising pet beasts."


Hong She said: "Anyway, I suggest keeping them."

Charice Damayo nodded.

Ah Xiong nodded.

Ayi Gulan nodded.

"Unanimous vote."


Hong She's smile became even brighter: "The next step is how to convince the soldiers of New City No. 7 to allow us to take away these silver-scaled snake beasts."



after that.

The process of convincing the leader of New City No. 7 is relatively simple.

First, Zhao Guohui helped promote this matter. His opinions still have a great influence on the leaders of New City No. 7.

Second, he promised Zhao Guohui and the leader of New City No. 7 to give the country ten snake eggs from the silver-scaled snake beast.


After Zhao Guohui and the senior officials behind him learned about Hong She's purpose of asking for these silver-scaled snake beasts and keeping them alive, they also had the idea of ​​'controlling the beasts'.

I want to cultivate an official army of 'alien' warriors and beast control warriors.

Hong She would naturally not object.

The more people involved in 'taming the beasts', the better.

Because we can also exchange experiences with each other.

This makes the road of 'controlling the beast' faster and smoother.

After that.

Ah Xiong, Hong She, Ayigulan, Doudou, and Charis Damayo took the bus back to New City No. 4.

Behind them were a group of silver-scaled snake beasts.

It has to be said that the speed of this group of silver-scaled snake beasts is really fast, and it does not affect the speed of Ah Xiong and others.

In addition, when encountering various dangers such as alien races and mutated beasts on the road.

Hong She and others either used thermal weapons or took action personally, easily solving these dangers and demonstrating their terrifying combat effectiveness.

This also made these silver-scaled snake beasts become more honest.


They discovered that the fighting power of Hong She and others far exceeded theirs.

In the previous battle, half of the combat effectiveness was not used at all.

Resistance leads to destruction.

What's more, the 'backbones' of these silver-scale snake beasts were broken the moment they handed over the silver-scale fruit. After discovering that Hong Snake and others kept their promise and did not kill them, they were even less willing to resist.

After all, survival is their bottom line.

Silver scale fruit...

That's all secondary.

Two days and two nights later.

Everyone arrived at the base.


Xie Shaokun, Han Sanguang and Xiaonan also returned.

The three of them were surprised when they saw so many silver-scaled snake beasts. After asking, they found out the reason.

"Brother Snake, you are really imaginative!"

Han Sanguang admired sincerely.

This was what he admired most about Hong She.

You never know what's going on in Hong She's mind. Whenever something happens... Hong She can always come up with a lot of ideas.

"Sister Yu may not necessarily agree with my approach."

Hong She spoke humbly.

Sister Yu must agree!
Han Sanguang was extremely sure, but he just shook his head and didn't say much.

The little girl on the side looked around at these silver-scaled snake beasts, and found that they really did not attack herself or the people around her. She couldn't help but feel curious, and asked: "Brother Hong, what are the strengths of these silver-scaled snake beasts?"

"The strongest Silver Scale Snake Beast King is at the pinnacle level of the second-grade spiritual realm. Its potential has been basically exhausted. Especially after the birth of the Silver Scale Fruit this time, its potential has been drained even more. It has not recovered yet. It is estimated that if there is no big opportunity in the future, it will be impossible to break through to the third-level spiritual realm."

Hong Snake said: "This silver-scaled snake beast is the first to enter the second-level spiritual realm. It is also the successor of the silver-scaled snake beast's beast king. Originally... the silver-scaled fruit was given to it."

"It's a pity that the Silver Scale Fruit was snatched away by us. Its future achievements... are probably very limited. It is already very good to reach the peak level of the second-grade spiritual realm."

Because he had learned detailed information about the silver-scaled snake beast from Xia Yu before going to deal with it, he could talk about it now.

"As for the remaining silver-scaled snake beasts, they are all at the first-level spiritual realm."

Hong Snake said: "As for potential... it is definitely not as good as the successor of the Beast King of the Silver Scaled Snake Beast."

"Their greatest value is that they can 'give birth to snakes' and give birth to many, many silver-scaled snake beasts."


The little girl nodded.

The strength of this group of silver-scaled snake beasts is pretty good and within their control.

Even if many people in their team went out to participate in the fog incident or deal with other matters, the remaining people were not afraid of backstabbing from these silver-scaled snake beasts.

Moreover, everyone in their team has improved their strength very quickly. In the future... with the limited potential of this group of silver-scaled snake beasts, one can see the future at a glance.

How to fight them?

No chance at all to get ahead!

They have been enslaved by them for generations, no, I should say tamed by them.

"what about you?"

"How was the harvest?"

Hong She asked.

Charis Damayo had been concerned about this issue for a long time and asked: "Yes, I see that you have run out of ammunition. Brother Kun and Han Sanguang seem to be injured, and their clothes are in tatters."

"Is the blood-sucking monster we encountered this time very strong?"


Xiaonan shook her head and recounted the internal situation of the mist incident.

Hearing this, Charis Damayo, Hong She and others were shocked.

Just by listening to it, you can feel the twists and turns and thrills.

"Withered wood monster?"

Charis Damayo said: "What kind of monster is this?"

"It's actually able to disguise itself as a human and survive in this world. It probably killed a lot of humans, right?"

"The world is really getting more and more dangerous."

Everyone nodded. The appearance of the deadwood monster is just a 'microcosm' of this world.

There is no doubt that.

The world is becoming more and more dangerous.

Everyone's expressions became much more solemn.

What happened this time can be regarded as a wake-up call for everyone.


Including the most cautious Han Sanguang, everyone relaxed their vigilance.

after all……

First, they have rich experience in dealing with alien races and know a lot of basic information about alien races.

Second, each of them is very strong. Even if you look at the whole world, they are among the best. What's more, they have the most advanced combat suits, mechanical wings, and thermal weapons at their side. Their combat power can easily defeat creatures of the same level. Skip-level battles are also commonplace.

Third, many domestic dangers have been eliminated in advance, and the degree of danger is far less than that abroad.

Now, after seeing the power of the withered tree monster, how could they dare to have such thoughts?
This time, Xie Shaokun, Han Sanguang and Xiaonan encountered the witherwood monster at the same time. If anyone is missing, they may be killed by the witherwood monster. Next time...

If we encounter a similar alien race when acting alone, except Xia Yu... who can guarantee that they can survive?


Seeing that the atmosphere was getting a little tense, Charis Damayo took a deep breath and said with a smile: "No matter what, we all survived and we all got the resources we deserved."

"Why do you act like you failed?"


The little girl also smiled and said, "We still succeeded."

"It's worth being happy about."

Hong She nodded.

He spoke in agreement: "As for those mistakes and things you didn't do well, just be careful in the future and just change them. Why bother?"

"It affects your mood."


"Tonight, let's simply celebrate."

he suggested.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"no problem!"


Everyone nodded in agreement.

During this operation, Hong She, Charis Damayo and others obtained the silver scale fruit and brought back dozens of silver scale snake beasts.

Xie Shaokun, Han Sanguang and Xiaonan got the treasures of heaven and earth and two blood bones, and also met the dead wood monster, which made everyone restrain their contempt.

It can be said to be a very fruitful harvest.

It deserves to be celebrated.


Charis Damayo thought of something immediately, looked at Xiaohua, and asked: "Sister Hua, is there nothing happening at the base recently?"

Xiaohua shook her head.


"It seems that the group of divine disciples and divine envoys are all scared by us."

Charice Damayo spoke.

"It's better not to be careless."

Xie Shaokun reminded: "After all, the base is too important to us and there is no room for any mistakes."


Everyone nodded.

They underestimated no one but dared to underestimate the disciples and envoys of God.

They are not qualified yet! ! !

Waited for a few more days.

Xia Yu returned to the base with Grace Johnson.

As soon as we parked the car in the parking lot built by the Red Lake, we noticed something was wrong.

Red Lake, the 'artificial lake' next to the base, was dyed red by blood centipedes, so everyone called it Red Lake. It didn't have a name anyway, and the name was easy to remember, so...

That’s what it’s called.


Ripples are constantly appearing on the surface of the Red Lake.

Apparently, there's something in the lake!

And there’s more than one!
'What can withstand strong corrosion and swim in it? '

Countless pieces of information flashed through Xia Yu's mind, and finally he focused on more than a dozen alien races and a mutant beast. He frowned and said, "Didn't they notice the little flowers in the base?" '

According to her judgment, Xie Shaokun and others should have returned at this time.

How could it be possible to allow threats to exist in the Red Lake?

"It seems that something happened while I was away that I don't know about."

Xia Yu said.

At this moment, she was very curious.

"This is where you live?"

On the side, Grace Johnson looked around curiously. He did not notice the abnormality in the Red Lake, because he did not know the 'terrible' of the Red Lake. He paid more attention to the extremely dangerous place next to the base. The two terrifying sunflowers and the large field of sunflowers in front of the base.

He felt that it was beautiful here.

It's dusk now. Against the backdrop of the setting sun, we see the red lake, a large field of neat sunflowers, and a modern base...

There is a different kind of beauty.

Nothing against the law.

At least, in Grace Johnson's opinion, it's really nice here.


Xia Yu nodded, but instead of rushing into the base, his whole body tensed up.

She knew that if nothing happened at the base, and if Xie Shaokun and others were at the base, her presence would be discovered soon.

as predicted.

next second.

Just when Grace Johnson was about to speak, a figure flew out of the base.

It's the little girl.

Followed closely by Charis Damayo and Xie Shaokun.

However, Charis Damayo and Xie Shaokun did not carry mechanical wings on their bodies, so they could not cross the Red Lake and come to Xia Yu.


Grace Johnson looked solemn and stood up straight.

He knew that these were the leader's teammates. In the leader's heart...the status of these people must be higher than his own.

Moreover, when he first arrived, he also needed to show enough etiquette and pay enough attention.

"big sister."

Xiaonan glanced at Grace Johnson strangely, but she still greeted Xia Yu immediately: "Did the operation go well?"

"Are you OK?"

"I am fine."

Xia Yu shook his head and gave a brief introduction: "This is Grace Johnson, a dark elf."

"Dark Elf???"

The little girl's eyes widened.

No wonder she feels like Grace Johnson doesn’t look like a person from Earth. He has a perfect figure, perfect proportions, and perfect temperament, mainly those ears...

It made her want to squeeze it even more.

"From now on, he will be our teammate."

Xia Yu said: "Of course, he needs to wait until he takes the rules and resources to control the person."

The little girl nodded to express her understanding.

The rules and resources for controlling people are not so easy to obtain.

How long has it been since...

Below the base, the psychic named Chen Wei is still locked up and has been unable to come out.

This guy named Grace Johnson will probably receive the same treatment.

"Controlling people's rules and resources?"

Grace Johnson's heart trembled.

It seems that the woman named Xia Yu in front of me really knows everything.


The little girl stretched out her hand.

Grace Johnson felt the kindness released by her little girl, and solemnly extended her hand.

Hold hands.

At this moment, he learned something else: shaking hands is human etiquette.

Immediately, he imitated his little girl's pronunciation and said a lame 'hello'.


"You are so awesome."

The little girl was even more surprised: "She can actually speak our language."

Grace Johnson couldn't understand this sentence.

However, the little girl gave a thumbs up.

This time, Grace Johnson gets it.


The little girl was very shocked.

Are the language learning abilities of the dark elves so strong?

In order to prevent the two of them from continuing to chat, Xia Yu spoke up in time and asked: "What's going on in the Red Lake?"

The little girl explained briefly.

Xia Yu was suddenly enlightened, and at the same time she recognized Hong She's 'wonderful idea'.

"Let's go."

Immediately, she no longer hesitated, grabbed Grace Johnson, jumped up, and at the same time ordered: "Little girl, take all the bows and arrows in the car."

"I have something to arrange."


The little girl responded immediately.




Soon, in the base... Hong She, Ah Xiong and others also came out to greet Xia Yu.

after that.

The little girl immediately asked Ah Xiong to get the bow and arrow to the base. After all... she had to move it back and forth many times by herself.

Ah Xiong finished the move in one go.

The whole scene is very shocking.

Seeing this, Xia Yu's eyes flashed slightly, obviously she didn't expect Ah Xiong to have such a 'function'.

Ten minutes flew by.

After everyone exchanged greetings, they once again sat in the hall on the first floor, preparing for the meeting.

Su Qian was not there, but she had a video chat with Xie Shaokun.

In previous occasions like this, everyone could gain a lot from other people's narrations, not to mention that Xia Yu would also give comments. So Su Qian must attend this kind of 'meeting'.

What's more, she also had something to ask Xia Yu.

"Xie Shaokun, you guys come first."

Xia Yu stood up and took the initiative to look at Xie Shaokun.

"it is good."

Xie Shaokun nodded and explained the situation again.

Han Sanguang and Xiaonan added on the side.

Be sure to tell Xia Yu the whole process word for word.

Charis Damayo and others had already heard it once, but when they heard it again, they still felt it was extremely dangerous and felt sad for a while.

'Deadwood monster? '

When Xia Yu heard this name, his expression also changed slightly.

Information about it comes to mind.

After Xie Shaokun and others finished speaking, Xia Yu introduced the dead wood monster.

Everyone looked attentively and listened carefully.

Hong She's mother, who happened to be passing by, saw this scene and felt like a student listening to a teacher's lecture.

This scene also made her extremely reassured.

It is precisely because of Xia Yu's 'teaching' and everyone's 'love of learning' that we have the current team.

We have just come to this point.

"Withered wood monsters are an extremely special race. They don't need life to survive..."

Xia Yu's voice sounded, and she was introducing in an orderly manner.

Deadwood monsters are an extremely rare race even in alternate dimensions. No one knows who their ancestors are, but... what is certain is that they are not deadwood spirits.

Rather, it is a race passed down through a unique gestation method.

The little dead wood monster that Xie Shaokun killed was the child of the old dead wood monster.

This method of gestation has nothing to do with the age of the dead wood monster. Even a dying dead wood monster can still give birth to a child.


Deadwood monsters attach great importance to family ties, especially their own children.

It can be said that he is eager to protect the calf.

This is also the reason why the old deadwood monster was extremely angry after Xie Shaokun killed the little deadwood monster.

Deadwood monsters mainly rely on deadwood to fight, just like psykers with wood-type powers. The difference is... psykers with wood-type powers not only have a high affinity for deadwood, but can even manipulate deadwood. Has a high affinity for other living trees.

For example, psykers with wood powers can also weave 'ropes' and 'dead wood cages' out of dead wood.

For example, psykers with wood powers can also wrap dead wood around their bodies to form 'armor' for fighting.

For example...

of course.

This is not to say that withered wood monsters are inferior to psykers with wood powers.

In addition to having the special ability to give birth to little deadwood monsters, the deadwood monster can also disguise itself as anyone!

Because the dead wood monster's body is dead wood.

So...their faces, their body shapes, can change at any time.

They can also control the people they suck the life out of.

Psykers with wood powers cannot do these two things.

"So this is ah."

"Fortunately it didn't turn into a warrior, otherwise I would have trusted it more and it would have been harder to find its flaws."

Han Sanguang said: "We will be in trouble then."

Xie Shaokun and Xiaonan also nodded.

There was even some lingering fear.

If they were deadwood monsters, they could have at least ten ways to kill themselves, but the deadwood monster chose a 'death path'.


Xia Yu said: "It's not difficult to find the dead wood monster."

"First of all, wherever they are, dead trees and various dead bodies will appear."

"Furthermore, deadwood monsters are generally older. Even the youngest deadwood monsters are very old. So... be careful when you meet old 'people' in the future."

Everyone looked stern.

Doesn't this mean...old people need to be careful?
"Another point."

Xia Yu thought for a while and said, "If the deadwood monster doesn't devour life for a long time, it will age faster."

"If they don't 'eat' for a short period of time and absorb the vitality, their influence in the body will be greatly reduced and they will lose control."


Everyone nodded again.


Based on these characteristics, it is difficult to tell who the dead wood monster is at the first time.


Charis Damayo asked: "This..."


Xia Yu shook his head and said, "What I know is limited."

"If you can find features that more directly identify them, please let me know."

Everyone: "..."

Even you don’t know, let alone us.

"Sister Yu."

"Does Grace Johnson know?"

The little girl looked at Grace Johnson and asked.


Everyone also turned their attention to Grace Johnson.

Xia Yu frowned slightly and said, "You can ask him later."


"Right now, he's still learning our language and can't understand what we're saying and can't ask."

The little girl nodded.

Xia Yu took the opportunity to introduce Grace Johnson to everyone, and added by the way: "It knows a variety of spiritual arts. If you have the opportunity, you can learn from it."


Hearing this, Hong She, Han Sanguang and others' eyes lit up and they stood up to say hello.

Everyone has a great attitude.




Grace Johnson said it more than ten times, and by the end it was becoming clearer and clearer.

At the same time, he was also thinking, these humans...

So easy to get along with?
Or do you mean to welcome him so much?
"Sister Yu."

Charis Damayo lowered her voice and asked: "Spiritual magic should be the lifeblood of their dark elf clan, right? Is it a secret that is not passed down?"

"Will you teach us?"

"He will."

Xia Yu said lightly.

Grace Johnson is very aware of current affairs and may be resistant at first, but... she will figure it out later.


Charice Damayo nodded.

Xia Yu then asked, "Tell me more about the situation over there."

"it is good."

Charice Damayo nodded and began to tell the story.

Originally, Hong She should be the one to talk about this kind of thing, but since Sister Yu asked her, she didn't refuse.

Hong She added on the side without any comments.

He's not that stingy yet.

A few minutes later.

Xia Yu nodded and said, "Hong She, your idea is very good and your work is also very good. You have made great contributions to this operation."

"Cough cough."

"The main thing is that Sister Yu teaches me well on weekdays."

Hong She coughed dryly and slapped her on the back.


Xia Yu did not answer, but turned to look at Charis Damayo and said, "Don't you want to raise a pet beast?"

"From now on, the matter of raising the silver-scaled snake beast will be left to you."

"May I?"

"it is good."

Charis Damayo nodded quickly, excitedly.

She couldn't ask for this kind of thing.

"Does anyone else have any objections?"

Xia Yu asked.

There is another reason why she chose Charis Damayo. Charis Damayo used to be a doctor. It shouldn't be difficult to switch to a veterinarian, right?
She doesn't know much about medical matters either.

I just felt that Charis Damayo was very suitable for this job, and Charis Damayo was willing to do this kind of thing, so I took the initiative to ask Charis Damayo.

Everyone shook their heads.

Raising a pet is not an easy job, and... Sharis Damayor has the ability of a "stand-in", so she is not afraid of the pet suddenly attacking, which makes her very suitable for this job.

They have no reason to fight it.

"Then it's settled."

Xia Yu didn't waste any time and said, "Next, take out your resources."

"I'll judge their value."

Everyone's eyes lit up and they immediately took out their resources.

The next thing is what everyone is most concerned about.

"This blood bone, 28 points."

"This blood bone, 25 points."

Xia Yu first made a judgment on the value of the two blood bones.

Everyone showed envious expressions.

These two are worth more than fifty points? ? ?
Everyone looked at the jade box in Xie Shaokun's hand.

There, there is a treasure of heaven and earth!
"Lingying peach."

Xia Yu recognized this natural treasure at a glance and said, "This...is worth 67 points."

(End of this chapter)

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