I'm back from hell

Chapter 455 More than 1 months later

Chapter 455 More than a month later
More than a month later.

On the periphery of a certain foggy event, Xia Yu was sitting cross-legged in the fog, comprehending the rules of the fog.

During this period of time, she has been comprehending the rules of fog. After this fog incident is over, she will go to another one. Anyway, fog incidents happen every moment in this world.

With her speed, it wouldn't take long at all to get from one foggy incident to another.


She only participated in one mist incident and obtained another material for the Spirit Gathering Formation - the Formation Flag.

Formation flags are relatively common and are found in many foreign races.

For example, the elves, Rams, dark elves...

They all have it.

This is because the formation flag can arrange all spiritual formations. Of course... some spiritual formations can use formation flags or not.

For example, the last time they fought against the dark elves, the dark elves led by Grace Johnson were inconvenient to carry formation flags because they often traveled around in battles. Therefore, all the spiritual formations they practiced on weekdays did not require formation flags. So in the last foggy incident, the dark elves led by Grace Johnson did not carry the formation flag.

At present, there is still a lack of a material for setting up the spirit gathering position - the spirit gathering stone.

This is also extremely important material.

The rest of the time, she has been practicing and understanding the rules of the fog.

have to say.

Being 'soaked' in the fog for a long time made her understanding of the rules of the fog even better.

of course.

There is still a long way to go before you can enter the fog event at will.

As for strength.

During this period, she used spiritual crystals many times to practice. She has now used all the spiritual crystals. She has never stopped practicing the ancient guidance technique on weekdays, and her strength has improved rapidly.

Her idea is simple: to improve her strength as quickly as possible.

Only if you are strong enough can you not be afraid of any danger.

at the moment.

Her strength has gone from the 2% completion rate when she first entered the fourth-level psychic realm to 22%. Although it seems to have only increased by 20%, her combat effectiveness has increased by more than %.

It is worth mentioning that the treasure owed to her by the superiors has not yet been given.


The above owed Xia Yu two blue-grained fruits at this level of resources, and... before Xia Yu broke through to the fourth level, they needed to provide a resource one level higher than the green-grained fruit. After Xia Yu broke through to the fourth level, The above requires a resource that is two levels higher than the blue-striped fruit.

There are three heavenly and earthly treasures in total.

At present, the spirit water turtle eggs and silver scale fruits have been provided, both of which are comparable to the level of resources of the blue striped fruit.

Another resource...

The level is too high.

They did get resources that were one level higher than the Blue Pattern Fruit, but unfortunately Xia Yu was already a fourth-level powerhouse.

Therefore, this resource can only continue to be delayed.

A few days ago, Xia Yu had a special chat with Zhao Guohui about this matter, and they agreed that the account must be cleared within a month, otherwise they would not continue to cooperate.

The reason why he did this was because Xia Yu knew one thing clearly:
The resources you hold in your hands are your own.

It is most secure after the strength is improved.

As for points.

Currently, she has accumulated 108 points through Su Qian's transaction and Xie Shaokun and others' participation in the fog incident.

It's just that these points have never been spent because...

The resources obtained during this period were too weak to improve her strength.

In short.

This period of time has been fruitful.

Xie Shaokun, Xiaonan and others.

They participated in a fog incident for more than a month, and achieved good results without any casualties.

With their strength, equipment, and combat experience, there would be no casualties involved in such a foggy incident.

There are many reasons why Xie Shaokun, Xiaonan and others are not allowed to participate in more fog events. The most important factor is that their strength has reached the second-level spiritual realm. Many fog events...

Can't even get in.

Especially Xie Shaokun.

Because there are balance rules in the fog event.

In some mist events, the corresponding alien race is 'matched' based on the entering humans.

In some mist events, the corresponding human race is 'matched' based on the alien race that enters.

In other words, the Mist Incident cannot always 'take care' of Xie Shaokun and others.

For example:

Xie Shaokun and others did not believe what Xia Yu said and insisted on going to one of the fog events that had been traded out. As a result, they were kicked out after the fog event broke out.

This is the first time Xie Shaokun and others have encountered this situation.

It also let everyone know that what Xia Yu said was true, so... he no longer forced himself to participate in every mist incident.

Xia Yu had never encountered such a situation in her previous life, because in her previous life, her strength was always at the lower or middle level of the human race.

Not enough to be 'kicked out'.

In this life, she has never encountered such a situation, so she is relatively lucky, otherwise her plan will be affected.

Su Qian.

Six fog events were traded in just over a month.

During this period, the people around him changed again, which meant that Xie Shaokun and others also received points.

Unlike Xia Yu, Xie Shaokun, Su Qian and others spent a lot of points earned during this period, because the resources obtained by participating in the fog event and trading can improve their strength.

This caused their strength to increase extremely quickly during this period of time.

Xie Shaokun has progressed from 82% of the second-grade spiritual realm to 99%!

Through the continuous transformation of his body by the three blood bones, the toughness of his muscles, bones, skin and internal organs has become comparable to that of a creature at the middle level of third-grade spiritual realm.

Simply put, he's more durable.

Han Sanguang's level increased from 39% to 55% at the second-grade spiritual realm.

Xiaonan's progress has increased from 21% to 31% of the second-grade spiritual realm.

Su Qian increased from 2% to 12% of the second-grade spiritual realm.

Hong Snake has increased from 22% to 28% at the level of the second-grade spiritual energy realm.

Ah Xiong increased from 14% to 23% at the level of second-grade spiritual energy.

Charis Damayo has increased from 3% to 10% at the level of the second-grade psychic realm.

The progress of Ayigulan's second-grade spiritual realm has been increased from 8% to 14%.

The progress of Doudou's second-grade psychic realm has increased from 19% to 22%.

There is another point worth mentioning: Xie Shaokun and others who took Lingying Peach no longer emit light fluorescence.

In more than a month, no "strange things" happened to any of them because of taking Lingying peach, except for Xie Shaokun.

Xie Shaokun's experience is mainly related to two women, but others don't know the details.

Let’s not mention it for now.

outside world.

Abroad, mutants, mutant beasts, mutant implants, ghouls and various alien races have already spread to every corner, which also makes dangers everywhere.

The living environment is extremely poor.

Survivors who can survive outside camps and major gathering places are very strong.

Weak ones...

Basically dead.


Because there are too many dangers, if the gathering place or survivor gathering camp is too large and there are too many survivors, it will lead to more dangers.

Extremely dangerous phenomena such as animal tides are formed.

for example.

A new city established by the new Holy See, because it was modeled after the country before the end of the world, was very large, and the number of survivors even exceeded ten million.

It once became the largest gathering of survivors in the West.

All along, various dangers have been appearing and harassing this new city.

All were easily resolved.

But just half a month ago.

A premeditated danger came quietly without the new Holy See and the survivors in the city knowing anything: a ghoul capable of controlling mutants, leading hundreds of thousands of mutants, launched an attack on the new city .

There are insects crawling underground.

There are birds and beasts flying in the sky.

There are mutants and mutant beasts running wildly on the ground.

There are all kinds of mutated ghouls.

There are also puppets controlled by mutant implants.


There are even alien races! ! !
Thousands of aliens, I don't know if they had discussed with the mutant army in advance, but they didn't have any conflict with these mutants, mutant beasts and ghouls, and assisted them in attacking the city.

Among them, there is the Ram tribe!
There are elves!

With the blessing of spiritual arts, the ability to destroy the city is even better.

In short.

At that moment, the new Holy See and the survivors in the city were desperate.

That day.

The sound of artillery fire outside the city never stopped.

Every gun barrel is hot to the touch.

In the end, it was still impossible to stop the New City from being destroyed.

Seeing that these survivors will become food for monsters, and the new city will become a hunting ground for monsters, finally...

A nuclear bomb with the equivalent of 100,000 tons of TNT was used.

Landed outside the city.

The scene of the explosion.

Extremely shocking.

A huge mushroom cloud was born in just a few seconds, and the violent energy seemed to tear the space apart, sweeping in all directions.

Harvesting the lives of all creatures along the way.

Including those ghouls and aliens who are good at defense!

Without exception.

All turned into powder.

The earth was shaking crazily, as if it was roaring and venting its anger.

Every corner of the new city was trembling.

A huge pit formed instantly.

Even though the center of the explosion was 80 kilometers away from Xincheng, the huge shock wave still affected Xincheng.


The walls of the new city are relatively high, thick, and made of pure special steel. In addition, they are far away, so they were not destroyed.

The nuclear bomb cannot be dropped any further. If it is further away, it will not be able to kill the beast tide and aliens near the new city.

Fifty kilometers away is the result of comprehensive consideration based on many factors such as the range of the beast tide and the strength of the new city's defense.

After the explosion, no life within a radius of twenty kilometers survived.

All creatures within a radius of fifty kilometers were slightly or seriously injured.

For an instant.

Most of the original threat has been eliminated.

The remaining threats...

Foreigners, turn around and run away.

Intelligent mutants, ghouls, etc... all ran away without hesitation.

Even those creatures with strong sense of danger and no intelligence turned around and ran away.

Every creature's face was replaced by a look of fear.


Humans actually have such terrible weapons!

Only those creatures with little or no sense of danger and no IQ continued to be attracted by the human presence in the new city and continued to charge.

And the number and threat level of these creatures...

It is no longer as good as before.

and so……


The officer standing at the top of the city roared.

"Da da da."




A new round of shells once again washed away the threats outside the city.

after an hour.

The battle is over.

Outside the city, it was a mess.

Countless people in power evacuated due to fear of radiation and came to strongholds dozens or even hundreds of kilometers away.

When they launch such a large-yield nuclear weapon, they naturally think of the radiation problem...

It was just the situation at that time...

Survive first, then how can you care so much?




On top of the city, many of the surviving soldiers were seriously injured and were exposed to radiation for another hour. They all vomited blood and fell to the ground, and many died directly.


"Radiation! Radiation!"


For a time, the city was in chaos.

Since then.

Foreign countries no longer dare to build large-scale gathering places, let alone allow a large number of survivors to gather in a gathering place, and strictly control the population density for fear of being targeted by the beast tide.

and so.

Today, there are many small gathering places abroad, some with city walls and some without.

Some are within the original cities, and some are among the original tribes or villages.


All adapted to local conditions.

Nowadays, every gathering place that survives has its reasons.


In the beginning, due to the country's vigorous suppression, there were very few threats from aliens.

Because many foreign races will face encirclement and suppression by soldiers and baptism of shells just after the mist incident.

However, as more and more mist incidents broke out, no matter how hard the soldiers worked, it was impossible to clean up these alien races, and they were not even able to kill as many as the new influx.

This has led to more and more foreign races in this homeland.


The higher authorities changed their strategy, no longer vigorously cleaning up, saving resources such as manpower and weapons, and switched from offense to defense.

Let the alien races fight against each other.

After all, there are also many conflicts between different races.

When facing the encirclement and suppression by the soldiers before, these aliens felt the threat of death, but instead put aside their past hatred and fought with the soldiers together.

Now, with no external threat, they also start fighting among themselves.

Internal friction.

Therefore, today's country is already in a situation where foreign races are everywhere.

Of course, compared to abroad, the situation is still much better.

First, the number of mutants, mutant beasts, mutant implants and ghouls in the country is extremely small.

Secondly, because the previous strategy was to clean up the alien races and kill many alien races, even though the alien races are now spread all over the country, the density is still much smaller than abroad.

Third, because the previous strategy was to clean up the alien races, the number of alien races was very small, so many teams and warriors had the opportunity to collect more resources. It can be said... In this land of China, 98% of the resources have been collected In the new city.

Fourth, because of the changes that occurred in the largest new city controlled by the new Holy See abroad, a special study was conducted in China. The final solution that came to mind was: dispatch a large number of drones, and at the same time activate all available surveillance cameras outside the city, all the time Pay attention to the interracial situation in the country.

Once there are signs of large-scale gatherings, a devastating blow will be dealt immediately.

Especially the 100 kilometers surrounding the new city must be strictly monitored.

Clean out aliens regularly.

The number of foreign races cannot be too large.


In short, there is still a big difference between domestic and foreign countries.

To put it simply, domestic dangers are completely controllable and everything is still under control.

No. 9 New Town.

Under the leadership of Zhao Guohui, this place has done very well in all aspects. It can be said that it is the best among the 49 new cities in the country.

Therefore, it is extremely safe here.

The soldiers also participated in many fog events, whether planned or unplanned, which greatly improved the overall quality of the soldiers.

The resources obtained are also becoming more and more abundant.

among them.

The flesh and blood of foreign races has gradually appeared in the canteen inside the military camp.

New Town No. 9 has also begun to communicate with other new towns.


Unlike the other 48 new cities, there has been no fog incident in New City No. 9 so far.

Not even once!
This also gave everyone further confidence in the safety of New City No. 9, and many people even called New City No. 9 the 'Lucky City'.

His eyes focused on the city.

A certain commercial street on the second underground floor.

The place is bustling with people, and many survivors come here to eat, drink and have fun.

Chen Ziqi came here today.

Ever since she established a relationship with Xie Shaokun, she has become very 'lazy' and doesn't want to go to work. She used to exercise every day, but now...

Because the security of New City No. 9 is extremely high, it gives the survivors in New City No. 9 great confidence and creates a lazy mentality.

Chen Ziqi is one of them.


With nothing to do, she started spending like crazy.

Anyway, Xie Shaokun paid for it.

Especially after seeing the scene between Xie Shaokun and Xia Tian more than a month ago, she spent even more crazily, trying to make herself 'forgive' Xie Shaokun and forget that scene.


That scene was stuck in her throat, making her feel more and more uncomfortable.

She was also worried that Xie Shaokun would think she was stingy, so she did not ask Xie Shaokun what happened that day, but slowly investigated Xia Xia's identity and background on her own.


I saw another scene of Xie Shaokun and Xia Tian eating alone.

Although the two of them were polite throughout the whole process, just like ordinary friends, and did not break any rules, not even ambiguous behavior, but when one person becomes suspicious, when the couple no longer trusts each other, then...

Everything looks suspicious.


People will automatically make up their minds.


Chen Ziqi was even more unhappy with Xia Xia, especially when she found that Xia Xia was quite beautiful even if she dressed up a little, much prettier than herself. This made her even less confident and worried.

She decided to take action against Xia Tian.

At first, Chen Ziqi used her influence to make Xia Xia lose her job.


Later, Xie Shaokun helped find a new job.

Chen Ziqi was completely angry and decided to kill Xia Tian.


The management of New City No. 9 is so good. It is better than before the apocalypse, no, than before the fog incident. If she dares to kill someone, she will definitely be discovered!

Even Xie Shaokun can't save her!
Therefore, she must think of a perfect solution.


How could such a method be so easy to think of?

The reason why I came to the commercial street today is to relax and find inspiration.

a moment.

"Ziqi! Look!"

On the side, Chen Ziqi's best friend, Hu Xuan, suddenly greeted Chen Ziqi and said with a knowledgeable look on her face: "Is this man in his thirties?"

"You can actually drink the car's antifreeze by mistake?"

"It's true that if you don't seek death, you won't die."

"God gave him a good body and made him a psychic, but he didn't cherish it and insisted on committing suicide!"

"An idiot."

She is another best friend of Chen Ziqi. She used to be her roommate and they played very well together. Later, they went their separate ways and rarely contacted her. They met by chance in No. 9 New City a few days ago, so naturally they got together once, and the relationship quickly warmed up.

Eventually the relationship was restored as before.

Became best friends again.

"Is he dead?"

Chen Ziqi's eyes lit up, and he immediately grabbed Hu Xuan's arm and asked.


"He must be dead!"

"My blood has turned to jelly, can I survive?"

Hu Xuan said.

'Yes! 'Chen Ziqi made an instant decision.

She spent money these days to find people to investigate Xia Tian, ​​and one of the pieces of information she originally thought was useless: Xia Tian likes to drink Feizhai Happy Water, especially one of the ice blue ones.

Unexpectedly, it is now useful:

That ice blue Coke is very similar to antifreeze. If a person has just finished work and is very thirsty, what will happen when he sees his own Coke?

Must drink it all in one gulp.

'When the time comes, I don't believe you won't die. '

Chen Ziqi lied that something was wrong, separated from Hu Xuan, and then couldn't wait to pick up the phone.

Seeing this, Hu Xuan was very surprised.

"The past two days have been mysterious. What are you doing?"

She frowned, thinking of her boyfriend's words, she called her boyfriend and followed him.

After half an hour.

Hu Xuan's boyfriend, Huang Zhennan, appeared next to Hu Xuan in his Porsche Mi.

Hu Xuan got in the car.

"How about it?"

Huang Zhennan asked.

He is a second-generation rich man. His father is the deputy general manager of a large machinery factory, specializing in supplying various large machinery to the military. He is a powerful figure in a state-owned enterprise.

And he is now in the period of qualifications within a state-owned enterprise, waiting for promotion.

Talk about your girlfriend on weekdays, exercise to improve your strength, and expand your network by the way.

Hu Xuan is his ex-girlfriend.

Originally, he was tired of playing with Hu Xuan, but he accidentally learned that Hu Xuan's current best friend was named Chen Ziqi, and Chen Ziqi was Xie Shaokun's girlfriend.


He chased Hu Xuan into his hands again.

He also promised that if Hu Xuan could get him and Xie Shaokun on the line and become good friends, then he would be willing to marry Hu Xuan and get started.

Hu Xuan was immediately moved.

Although Huang Zhennan’s family property is not much, he only has two houses in the second ring road of No. 9 New City, four houses in the third ring road, and three cars. The family also has a set of mechanical wings and combat suits, and also got a flying machine. License, but…

For Hu Xuan, this asset is enough for her to betray herself.

What's more, the one who betrayed him was a classmate whom he had not contacted for a long time?
Best friend?

In her opinion, you are your best friend when she needs you, and you are nothing when she doesn't need you.

Once she becomes Huang Zhennan's legal wife, it is equivalent to marrying into a 'pseudo-rich family'. Although the word 'pseudo' is used, she is still a wealthy family no matter what.

There is no need to worry about the days to come.

Getting the combat suit and mechanical wings was a piece of cake.

With them, my future safety will be more secure, and... after marrying into Huang Zhennan's family, what I will eat in the future will not be ordinary delicacies, but the flesh and blood of foreign races! ! !
The speed of strength improvement will be further accelerated!
In short.

There are many benefits.


She agreed without hesitation.

In the days that followed, when she and Chen Ziqi got along, they tried their best to agree with each other, and their relationship quickly heated up.

Nowadays, Chen Ziqi and another best friend basically don’t see each other very often, and they only chat occasionally on social software.


Xie Shaokun is so busy these days, even the number of times he can see Chen Ziqi is limited, and...coincidentally, every time he meets Chen Ziqi, Hu Xuan doesn't know about it.

and so.

Huang Zhennan became a little anxious and told Hu Xuan to keep an eye on Chen Ziqi and tell him immediately if there was any abnormality.

That's what happened now.

"Chen Ziqi has been in for more than ten minutes and hasn't come out yet."

Hu Xuan pointed to a private detective agency next to her and said.

"private detective?"


"Chen Ziqi has a secret."

Huang Zhennan's eyes narrowed, the corners of his mouth curved, and he said, "If this happens, I will keep my promise and marry you."

"I guarantee you will live the life of a rich wife."

"Brother Nan, I believe you."

Hu Xuan snuggled into Huang Zhennan's arms and said, "What people care about is your people, not your money."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Huang Zhennan's eyes showed disdain.

What are you pretending to be like with me?

Who among you doesn’t know who?
"I'll tell you first."

While Huang Zhennan sent a message to his younger brother, asking him to check on the situation of this private detective agency, he said, "You are not allowed to control what I do in the future."

"You just have to be a canary."

"I will give you nothing less."

"They are very well-behaved."

Hu Xuan snuggled in Huang Zhennan's arms like a kitten, and said obediently, "Whatever Brother Nan says is what it is."

In this dog-like doomsday, who knows when he will die?
The most important thing now is to enjoy!
Get the means to save your life!

Nothing matters!
She doesn't care how many women Huang Zhennan goes out to play with or how much family property he ruins. She will seize the opportunity to marry into Huang Zhennan's family and quickly increase her strength.

Raise your strength to the first-level spiritual realm as soon as possible.

Then comes the peak level of the first-grade spiritual energy realm!

Then there is the second-grade spiritual realm!
"very good."

Huang Zhennan was very satisfied.

In fact, a person of his status has only two choices:

First, marriage.

Second, find yourself a "puppet" wife.

The benefits of the first choice are obvious, and it is also what parents want to see, but he will be greatly constrained and unable to do whatever he wants, especially...

If the status of the father-in-law is higher than that of the father, then he will not dare to do whatever he wants.

It will be more frustrating.

The advantages of the second option are obvious, but the disadvantage is that his future and his father's future will lose a lot of help.

How to do?
Find help!
For example, right now, Huang Zhennan wants to make friends with Xie Shaokun. If he can become brothers with him, then... is there anything he can't do in the entire No. 9 New City?

This boost is enough.

Father will also be very satisfied.

In this case, he can also marry a 'puppet' wife and live as freely as he likes.

How good.

at the moment.

Hu Xuan was so 'sensible' again, and he was even more satisfied.

ten minutes later.

The younger brother compiled the information about this private detective agency into a document and sent it over.

Huang Zhennan watched and monitored the situation at the entrance of the private detective agency.

A few minutes later.

While he was looking through the information of this private detective agency, Hu Xuan suddenly pushed him and said, "Brother Nan, come out."

"What's next?"

"You follow her."

"I continue to keep an eye on this private detective agency."

Huang Zhennan quickly ordered.

"it is good."

Hu Xuan nodded, naturally she had no objection.



Chen Ziqi didn't know that she was being followed, or that she was actually just a 'tool' used by her best friend Hu Xuan. At this moment, she...

I just want to kill Xia Tian.

Even a little stunned.

After half an hour.

She successfully crossed half of New City No. 9 and arrived at the factory where she worked in the summer - the sock factory.

A supervisor named Yang here has been bribed by her.

To be precise, when Chen Ziqi took the initiative to reveal his identity and said that she was Xie Shaokun's girlfriend, Manager Yang immediately followed Chen Ziqi's lead.

"Ms. Chen, are you looking for me?"

Manager Yang personally came out of the factory to greet Chen Ziqi and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Today makes Xia Tian so busy that he doesn't even have time to drink water."


Chen Ziqi said calmly.


"it is good!"

Manager Yang was stunned for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Chen Ziqi had made similar requests several times in the past few days. People like Manager Yang immediately knew that Xia Tian had offended Chen Ziqi, and Chen Ziqi wanted to take this opportunity to torture Xia Tian.


It's not difficult for him.

Even if Xia Tian left in the end, it would be nothing.

At most, we lose an honest employee who usually works hard.

There are too many such people.

One less is more.


Chen Ziqi nodded and made a second request: "Can the summer cabinet be opened?"


Manager Yang was stunned again.


Shouldn’t summer cabinets be in a summer home?


He then realized that Chen Ziqi was talking about the summer cabinet in the locker room.

What does she want to do?
Manager Yang frowned.


"has a problem?"

Chen Ziqi asked.

"Well...it can be opened, but it will be a little troublesome."

Manager Yang said.

"Just tell me if you can."

Chen Ziqi said calmly.

"It can be possible."


Manager Yang pretended to be embarrassed.

"do not worry."

How could Chen Ziqi not understand what Director Yang meant? She even expected it and said, "When the matter is completed, I will tell your factory director that you are my second uncle."


Manager Yang smiled instantly and said, "Don't worry, Ms. Chen, no matter how much trouble you have, it won't be a problem with me here."

"That's good."

Chen Ziqi said: "The fewer people know about this, the better."

"rest assured."

"The keys in the locker room and the cabinets there are backed up. My wife is a supervisor in the logistics department. It's not easy to get a key."

Manager Yang said, "I can even hide this from my wife."

"That's best."

Chen Ziqi didn't know how Manager Yang operated and didn't care, so she asked, "Where's the monitoring?"


Director Yang smiled and said, "Today's surveillance is broken."

At this moment, he already knew that Chen Ziqi was going to be tough all summer.

For future 'promotion', he decided to help Chen Ziqi, even though the whole process would involve some risks.


Chen Ziqi said: "After opening the summer cabinet in the locker room, you can leave."


Manager Yang was stunned.

"What? Is there a problem?"

Chen Ziqi frowned.

"No problem! No problem!"

Manager Yang responded immediately.

After leaving.

Manager Yang's frown never relaxed.

Obviously, Chen Ziqi wants to spend the whole summer, but... she just opened the door of the dressing room and let herself leave. What kind of trouble is this?
He vaguely felt something was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong.

Mainly, he never imagined that Chen Ziqi would dare to kill someone in No. 9 New City.

To know.

The public security in No. 9 New Town is not generally good. Even if you forget to lock the door, your belongings will not be lost.

What's more, it's such a big deal as killing someone?

"do not care."

"Anyway, I didn't know anything about the whole process."

Manager Yang said: "If something happens, I will say that Chen Ziqi blackmailed me."

Watching Director Yang leave, Chen Ziqi silently took out her cell phone and sent a message to the detective surnamed Zhou from the private detective agency: That's it.


The detective surnamed Zhou, who had already arrived near the sock factory, sneaked in quietly without talking nonsense.

Two years ago.

He worked as a mercenary abroad, offended people he shouldn't have offended, and fled back to the country.

Incognito, he became a detective.

He has very good skills and anti-reconnaissance awareness. Before the outbreak of the apocalypse, he was already well-known in the detective field. Now his strength is extremely close to the first-level spiritual realm, and he is even more comfortable in this field.

He also has another greatest characteristic: he never exposes his employer's information.

After the apocalypse breaks out.

Many peers have emerged one after another.

Because their physical talents are either average or below average.

Detective Zhou's own physical talent is only the lowest.

As time goes by.

These colleagues have broken through to the first-level spiritual realm, but he has not yet broken through.

You know, his original physical fitness is better than most of his peers.


In the name of 'first-grade spiritual energy realm', these colleagues attracted more business and even suppressed him, which caused his business to plummet.

Seeing that the business could no longer continue, he met Chen Ziqi.

After helping Chen Ziqi investigate Xia Xia's news many times, he gradually figured out Chen Ziqi's purpose and also learned that Chen Ziqi's boyfriend was Xie Shaokun.


He took the initiative to 'take refuge' in Chen Ziqi and willingly became Chen Ziqi's subordinate, just hoping to obtain the ancient guidance technique to make up for his shortcomings in physical talent.

His experiences during this period gave him a more urgent pursuit of strength.

What he didn't know was... the top management had decided to popularize the ancient guidance technique to the entire army and important people.

In other words, ancient guidance techniques will gradually become more popular in the future.

It’s just that this decision has just come out, and the promotion details are still being finalized.

After Xia Yu learned the news, he allowed the team members to teach the ancient guidance technique to relatives and friends.

Therefore, Chen Ziqi obtained the Ancient Daoyin Technique and learned about this relatively confidential matter.

In other words, the ancient guidance technique will become less valuable in the future.


She was also willing to use the Ancient Daoyin Technique to trick Detective Zhou, always asking him to do things for her, but never giving him the Ancient Daoyin Technique.


Chen Ziqi asked the detective surnamed Zhou to put a bottle containing antifreeze in the summer wardrobe, and told him that as long as he did this, he would be given the ancient guidance technique.

Detective Zhou thought for a moment and then agreed.

He needs the ancient guidance technique so much!

It can be seen that he is very courageous, which is also related to his previous experience abroad.

I don't know.

At this moment, he was being followed by Huang Zhennan.

"What are you doing in this shabby factory?"

Huang Zhennan was a little surprised when he saw the detective surnamed Zhou enter the sock factory: "Although this factory is not small, but how much money can a seller of socks make? What secrets can there be here?"

The opponent has good skills.

He couldn't continue to follow.

We can only contact Hu Xuan.


It was learned that Chen Ziqi was outside the sock factory, in a hidden location without surveillance.


"What exactly does Chen Ziqi want to do?"

Huang Zhennan's interest was aroused and he felt itchy.

Think before and after.

He still used his father's connections to contact a manager named Jiang at the sock factory.

Everything is going on quietly.

The two sides are like two lines, extending forward and about to intersect.

And this moment.

Xia Tian didn't know that her fate was about to be rewritten today. She suddenly got a lot of tasks and became even busier.

Three hours later.

Finally got off work.

She was so tired that her back ached, her fingers were sore, and her overall condition was in poor condition.


This is the end of the world, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is abundant, and the physical condition is repaired quickly.

She first came to the window as always.

Because the workshop she was in was on the third floor and close to the factory wall, she could see the situation outside the site at this moment.

Within sight.

It's a park.

There are many people exercising here, including many young people and many older people.

"Whether it's before or after the apocalypse, the park will always be a gathering place for the elderly."

Xia Tian stretched her body and moved her legs and waist after sitting for a long time, and said with a smile on her lips.

Although today’s days are a bit tiring and I don’t have regular shifts, but...

Very fulfilling.

In her free time, she can also ask Xie Shaokun questions about cultivation, or go shopping in No. 9 New City with her friends.

She felt very happy.

A few minutes later.


"Do grandma and grandpa exercise like this now?"

In the summer, I saw a 'giant caterpillar' appear. Looking carefully, I found that it was a group of elderly people who were exercising by 'crawling'.

Everyone is in good spirits.

Thinking about her current situation, she couldn't help but smile bitterly, thinking of a saying on the Internet: young people who are sluggish and old people who are full of energy.

Seeing the new shift workers starting to work, Xia Tian no longer stayed, looked back, turned and left.

Rush to the locker room.

Get ready to go home and have a good rest.

Today, I am really tired.

I don’t know why the supervisor is crazy and arranges such a heavy task.


She comes to the dressing room.

I see that many workers who have changed shifts have already left. When I meet someone I know, I simply say hello.

She came to her closet in a familiar way, quickly took out the key, opened it, and prepared to take out the Fat House Happy Water inside and drink it in one gulp.

Experience a different feeling of pleasure.

A bottle of Feizhai Happy Water every day is also one of the sources of her happiness.

Unscrew the cap.

She was just about to drink it all when a familiar co-worker beside her said, "Xia Tian, ​​I heard that you are going to be promoted to team leader."

Summer action meal.

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