I'm back from hell

Chapter 462: Taking sides

Chapter 462: Taking sides
"Sister Yu means... to join the peace camp?"

Charis Damayo frowned, with some hesitation in her eyes, but she still nodded and said, "Well, at least they are all human beings, and we don't have to be afraid of these guys using tricks."

"Do not."

Xia Yu shook her head again.


Charis Damayo was stunned for a moment, then reacted: "Sister Yu, what you mean is, no one will join? Wait until the fog incident breaks out?"

Xia Yu shook her head again.

Charice Damayo: "..."

She was completely confused. This time she really couldn't guess what Xia Yu was thinking.

Xia Yu no longer pretended, her expression showed a thoughtful tone, and she said: "There is still one hour left before the mist incident breaks out, and we don't have much time."

"Go to the camps of both sides separately to inspect the terrain and internal conditions."

Charice Damayo: "..."

Xia Yu considers the problem from a different perspective, so he will make different decisions.

Of course, Xia Yu thinks more comprehensively and is more advanced. Charis Damayo knows that she still has a lot to learn and experience.


"What to do with these weapons?"

she asked.

"Just put it here."

"Both sides will look after it for us."

Xia Yu said.

Charis Damayo thought for a while, nodded again and said, "That's right. Both of them are eyeing these weapons, and no one wants to let the other take them away."

So she got up and got out of the car.

"Charis, don't make the wrong choice."

The man in the pocket reminded with a smile.

Charis Damayo ignored him and didn't even look at each other. Instead, she looked at the leaders of the two camps and said directly: "We need to go to your camp to investigate."

"Make another decision."

This statement came out.

The senior leaders of both camps began to discuss in low voices.

Charis Damayo waited quietly, thinking about various possible scenarios in her mind.

One minute later.


Mr. Liu took the lead in nodding.

Three minutes later.


The man with prosthetic eyes also nodded.


Charis Damayo made up her mind and went to the ghoul camp, while Xia Yu went to the peace camp.

Then, Xia Yu got out of the car.

"Oh hoo!"

"Beauty! Great beauty!"

The man in the pocket said loudly.


"She is indeed a beautiful woman."

"So beautiful."

"Finally I don't have to deal with those ugly people anymore."


Behind the pocket man, the senior leaders of the Peace Camp all echoed.

Not loud.


Everyone present is very strong and has sharp ears and eyes. How could they not hear these words?

Xia Yu didn't say anything. She had seen this kind of scene many times. She couldn't be angry when others praised her, right?

"I still have some things to deal with."

The man with the prosthetic eyes glanced at Xia Yu, his expression tightened slightly, and then he glanced at the man in the pocket calmly and said, "Come and show this lady around the camp."

"it is good."

"I am happy to serve beauties!"

The man in the pocket raised his brows, obviously a little surprised. He didn't expect that his leader would entrust him with such a good job. He smelled something wrong, so he glanced at Xia Yu again, and finally said with a smile: "Beauty, Let me show you around."


With that said, he was not polite and took the initiative to act as a guide.

Several of the confidants behind me want to follow...

"Why don't you have any eyesight? Get out of here."

The man in the pocket immediately cursed.

The group of men dispersed one after another.

Peace Camp.

It was built about a hundred meters below the top of the mountain, not halfway up the mountain, because a store was built here before the apocalypse broke out, and a clearing was opened around it, so it was very suitable as a camp.

The entire camp is about the size of a basketball court and is dominated by tents. It looks a bit like a big market.

At a glance, there were as many as thirty or forty people.

Coupled with the people on guard throughout the mountain, the number is estimated to reach fifty or sixty.

All were armed and on alert at all times.


These so-called loaded guns and live ammunition are actually old-fashioned equipment. Many people even carry homemade shotguns, and there are very few grenades, let alone rocket launchers.

Xia Yu immediately understood how tempting the hot weapons in his car were to these people.

If she were the leader, she would definitely be greedy.

The pocket man continued to lead Xia Yu around the camp, introducing the surrounding environment and facilities.

"Beauty, this is the restaurant in our camp. How about it...it's not bad, right? This was a place in the scenic area that no one was allowed to enter without paying."

"Want to go in and take a look?"

The man in the pocket pointed in a direction and took the initiative to introduce.

"it is good."

Xia Yu nodded.

A few minutes later.

"This is our camp dormitory."

"No one can be special. Everyone lives in a tent, even where I live is a tent."

"But... hey, guess which tent I live in?"

When the pocket man walked out of the restaurant, he walked straight to the large tent area next to him and asked.

Xia Yu stood aside and looked over.

Wherever you look.

All the tents were exactly the same, with the same style, size and color. It was impossible to tell which one belonged to the man with the pocket.

Is this to prevent sneak attacks?
"I can't guess."

"Our leader said that we must share the joys and sorrows with our brothers and sisters, and everyone must live in exactly the same place."

The man in the pocket said.

The security measures here are indeed good, but...


Xia Yu pointed to a tent not far away and said.


The man in the pocket paused, and the look he looked at Xia Yu suddenly changed, becoming unbelievable and solemn.

He was stunned for a few seconds before coming back to his senses: "How did you tell?"

"It's not difficult."

Xia Yu said calmly: "You are very afraid of death, so you will not live at the edge of the tent, nor in the center of the tent."

"There are only a few dozen tents in total. Excluding these two places, there are only the last twenty or so tents left."

"And from this tent, two women just came out. They are both beautiful. They are mother and daughter, right? Apart from the leader, only you can enjoy such a good resource."

"And you look pretty horny, so..."

She didn't say the rest, but it was self-evident.


Hearing this, the pocket man paused again.

The man in the pocket looked at her and then at the surrounding environment. He couldn't help but wonder: Did the woman reveal her position?

It looks like we need to get the women out of the tent in the future.

"Three people are trapped in a tent, even if it is a tent for four or five people, it seems aggrieved, right?"

Xia Yu asked.


The man in the pocket said: "It's just a place to sleep. It doesn't matter whether you feel aggrieved or not. The main thing is who sleeps with me."

"You seem a little afraid of me?"

Xia Yu asked back.


The pocket man's pupils shrank, and he felt increasingly that the woman in front of him was unfathomable. He narrowed his eyes and said, "Beauty, are you a little pretentious?"

"is it?"

Xia Yu did not defend himself, but continued: "I am a psychic."


"you you……"

The man in the pocket was shocked for a moment. He obviously didn't expect that the woman in front of him was actually a psyker.

A master at the pinnacle level of the first-level psychic realm is very common, but a psychic... is extremely rare.

What's more, the woman in front of me is a psyker at the pinnacle level of the first-grade psionic realm! ! !
If the supernatural power is strong...

Then her fighting power is probably no match for even her own leader!

"You lied..."

The man in the pocket still didn't believe it.


Xia Yu's expression remained unchanged, and he directly used his superpower, but then stopped using it.

Every second it is cast, one second of usage time is wasted.

She can only use her powers for about two minutes now, and every second is one second less, so she can't waste it.


"What kind of power do you have?"

The pocket man asked with wide eyes.

He didn't expect that the woman in front of him was actually a psychic!
In this way, her value is far beyond imagination.

"You think I'll tell you?"

Xia Yu asked instead without answering.

The pocket man was silent for a while and said, "I admit that I'm a little afraid of you."

"Because even the leader doesn't dare to follow you, and I also feel a faint threat from you."

"Is this why you dare not tease me?"

Xia Yu asked.


The man in the pocket obviously didn't expect Xia Yu to speak so directly, but he still nodded and said, "Yes."

"However, I want to win over you more."

"Tell me."

Xia Yu continued to move forward, observing the surroundings and asking.

She knew that the previous conversations were just insignificant conversations, and the following conversation was the truest thought of the man in the pocket.

At the same time, she can also take this opportunity to learn more about the situation at the Peace Camp.

far away.

The man with the prosthetic eyes watched Xia Yu and the man with the pocket talking while walking around the peace camp. He couldn't help but narrowed his eyes and thought secretly in his heart.

A confidant on the side asked: "Chief, according to our previous assumptions, Zheng Laosan is dominated by his lower body and will definitely do something to that woman."

"But at present, it seems that this situation is unlikely to happen."

He knew that the leader wanted to kill someone with a borrowed knife. If this woman could kill Zheng Laosan, then he would support this woman to become the deputy leader.

If this woman was killed or captured by Zheng Laosan, he could take the opportunity to kill Zheng Laosan, and then rely on the woman's bullets to gain a foothold, and he would not be afraid of those corpses either.


Things didn't go as they expected.


The development of things seems to be somewhat unfavorable to them?
The man with artificial eyes ignored his confidant's questions and quietly waited for what would happen between Xia Yu and Zheng Laosan.

He couldn't take any chances while the matter was still undecided.

"Go get the weapons from the car."

After waiting for a while, and making sure that there would be no fight between Xia Yu and Zheng Laosan, the man with prosthetic eyes stopped hesitating and spoke.


The confidant raised his eyebrows, then understood, and turned around and left without hesitation.

Along the way, he also called on a few of his subordinates to join him.



Ghoul camp.

The place where they live is the top of the mountain.

The end of the winding mountain road is near their camp.

In other words, the location where Xia Yu and Charis Damayo negotiated with the Ghoul Camp and the Peace Camp was not far from the Ghoul Camp's camp.

Therefore, Charis Damayo quickly entered the ghoul camp.

Unlike Xia Yu, Charis Damayo received extremely high courtesy here, and was personally accompanied by Mr. Liu, who introduced the situation of the ghoul camp in detail.

It has to be said that the camp of the Ghoul Camp is completely built on the mountain.

Make full use of the various attractions on the top of the mountain.

For example, Panshan Cave, such as mountain temple, such as observation deck...

There are a large number of psychic implants on the top of the mountain.

These ghouls are located in all directions of the camp, taking care of the entire camp, with no blind spots in all directions. There are even ghouls hiding in many hidden corners, which even Charis Damayo did not expect.

Another ten minutes passed.

Charis Damayo has visited most of the camp.

The main thing is that the entire top of the mountain is not that big, and the leader of the ghouls, Mr. Liu, doesn't hide anything. If you want to see it, I will show you. Anyway, there is nothing shameful in the camp.

"Aren't you afraid of attacks from flying mutant beasts?"

Charice Damayo asked as she walked around a place she had never visited before.

"Not afraid."

Old Liu smiled and said, "Why should you be afraid?"

"For one thing, most of the places where we live and practice are in hidden locations and will not be noticed by those flying mutant beasts."

"Secondly, although Dimang Mountain is not high, it is not low either. Many flying mutant beasts will not come to the top of the mountain at all. They are attracted by major new cities."

"Thirdly, within the territory of this country, most of the flying mutant beasts have been eliminated. Instead of worrying about the attacks of flying mutant beasts, it is better to worry about the attacks of flying alien races."

"Fourth, if there is a flying mutant beast that is not afraid of death, then... kill it."

This analysis is reasonable and well-founded.

Charis Damayo couldn't help but nod in approval.

"What is your relationship with the Peace Camp?"

she continued to ask.

Now that I'm here, I must clear up some of my doubts.

As for whether the other party will answer truthfully, let’s get the answer first.

Hearing this, the deputy leader who followed him couldn't help but frown slightly, feeling that Charis Damayo asked a little too much, but he didn't say anything.

Just follow quietly.

Mr. Liu didn't feel dissatisfied at all, and said: "The Peace Camp is not peaceful. Those who were killed were killed from the dead."

"What do you mean?"

Charis Damayo asked, somewhat puzzled.

"The girl may not know."

Mr. Liu said: "The Peace Camp was originally just a vassal of our Ghoul Camp. It was I who took in the leader of the Peace Camp, Chen Lin, and it was I who made all the human survivors who took refuge at that time go to him."

"After all, we are corpses, and these living people are still a little afraid of us. Letting them live with us will be a bit difficult."

"A few days ago, a group of survivors came to seek refuge with me. I asked Chen Lin to greet them to avoid any accidents."

"In the end, my crow's mouth really came true. A fog incident broke out at the foot of the mountain, covering them all. Chen Lin relied on his fierce strength and three-point luck to grab the treasures of heaven and earth in the fog incident. His strength From the level of the first-level spiritual energy realm, he directly came to the level of the second-level spiritual energy realm.”

"And among the survivors who wanted to join me, the leader was Zheng Laosan, who turned out to be a psychic. After the two of them combined, they established their own business."

"It is no longer a vassal of the Ghoul Camp, but has established a cooperative relationship with our Ghoul Camp."

Charis Damayo was a little surprised by Mr. Liu's words.

She didn't expect that there would be such a wonderful story between these two seemingly harmonious tribes, and that there would still be huge gaps and conflicts between them.

Obviously, the so-called cooperation is nothing more than temporary surrender due to insufficient strength.

In this way, the weapons in the car are more tempting to those in the Peace Camp.

"You should have thought of it."

she spoke.


Mr. Liu was stunned for a moment.

"I said, you should think that Zheng Laosan is not simple."

Charis Damayo said: "The person who can lead a group of survivors here in such an environment is by no means an ordinary person."


Mr. Liu sighed and said: "This world is really too complicated, and the relationship between humans is even more so."

"I was negligent."

"But it doesn't matter."

"For one thing, I didn't originally want to enslave them. I just wanted to survive in this world longer. Cooperating with others is also a good choice."

"Secondly, Chen Lin and Zheng Laosan are not on good terms. They each have their own agendas. They only reluctantly cooperated to guard against our ghoul camp. They won't be able to achieve anything."

Charice Damayo nodded.

Chen Lin and Zheng Laosan were at odds, and she could tell.

this moment.

She felt that Mr. Liu was a worthy candidate.

However, she did not show it, but continued: "The major new cities have begun to cooperate with foreign races, don't you know? I think you might give it a try."

"In this world, we humans still have a great say."

Mr. Liu shook his head.

"What do you mean?"

Charis Damayo was a little puzzled. He refused so simply?

"It's not that simple."

Mr. Liu said: "Some leaders want to use our heads as military exploits; some leaders want to use us to deal with other alien races, and we can only become cannon fodder; some leaders want to cooperate with us sincerely, but it is a pity that these The leader has little say..."

"Besides, if you go there, you will definitely have to fight with each other. It's too tiring. You might die at the hands of these humans at some point. It's better to stay here and be free."

At this moment, Mr. Liu seemed to be a wise man who had seen through everything, and every word he said was sincere.

Charice Damayo: "..."

She was unable to refute for a moment.

Because the other person is right.

"You're not sent by New City No. 7 to win over us, are you?"

At this time, Mr. Liu asked back.


Charice Damayo shook her head and said, "Of course not."

"That's good."

Mr. Liu said: "When we become stronger, we can discuss cooperation with the higher-ups of humans here."

Charice Damayo nodded.

This is the most rational idea, and it coincides with Sister Yu.

after all.

If you want to survive in this world, you must have enough strength and wisdom, otherwise you will only be eliminated by this world.

If you want to strive for more benefits, you must become a strong person to have the right to speak.

"What is the world behind you ghosts like?"

she asked next.

Hearing this, Mr. Liu paused.

"Sharus, some things are better not to do..."

Behind him, the deputy leader of the ghoul camp immediately scolded with a serious face.


Before he finished speaking, Mr. Liu waved his hand to signal him to calm down. Then he continued to look at Charis Damayo with a smile and said, "It doesn't matter."

"Since the girl wants to know, I will tell you."

Charis Damayo's eyes flickered and she said nothing, waiting for the other party to speak.


"It was a mining area."

As soon as Mr. Liu opened his mouth, he mentioned a place that Sharis Damayou had never expected.

"Mining area?"

Charis Damayo frowned: "Is it possible that there is also a mining industry in other dimensions?" "That's right."

Mr. Liu nodded and said, "It's just that we are digging star ore."

"A large vein of star ore was discovered there, which is extremely valuable. Multiple forces jointly mined here."

"I am one of the miners, a child who grew up on the mines. My parents and grandfather mined there."

"Later, in a conflict, our whole family died."

"Many miners also died."

"And this kind of situation happens from time to time in the mine. After all, in order to compete for more star ore, various forces often have frictions, and people die every day. It's just that more people died this time."

"After that, I don't know how many years passed, our family all became ghouls, and because I had better talent and strength, and our family all supported me, I quickly became the strongest in that mining area. The corpse ghost became the leader."

"We want revenge on all the forces that oppressed and killed us."

"At the beginning, we used various means to secretly kill many disciples from various forces, and also took away a large amount of star ore. We found a lot of spiritual crystals from these disciples, and our strength increased by leaps and bounds."

"It's a pity that we weren't careful enough and we were still discovered and surrounded."

"In the end, I was the only one who led a few ghouls to escape."

"And my realm also fell to the current second-level psychic realm because of my severe injuries. Later, on the way to being chased, I encountered a fog incident."

"This saved my life."

Mr. Liu spoke calmly and narrated all this without any emotional fluctuations, as if he was telling someone else's story.
After listening to Mr. Liu's story, Charis Damayo fell into deep thought.


The fate of these ghouls is so miserable, and it turns out that their stories are also so exciting.


Whether it is credible is still open to question.

Charis Damayo is not an innocent girl of thirteen or fourteen, and her thoughts are not that innocent: "Mr. Liu, how strong were you at your peak?"

"Charis, don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

The deputy leader of the ghoul camp felt that Charis Damayo had gone too far and couldn't help but scold him again.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter."

Mr. Liu's eyes were full of kindness, and he said with a smile: "It doesn't hurt to tell her."

"My peak strength, the peak level of the third-grade spiritual realm."

"So strong."

Charice Damayo couldn't help but sigh.


Mr. Liu laughed at himself and said: "I used to feel the same way, but later I found out... The fourth-level spiritual realm is just an ant in the eyes of all forces. Only the seventh-level spiritual realm can enter their eyes."

"It was a joke that I tried to resist."

"And these forces are only third-rate existences in the alien space."

Charice Damayo: "..."

Although she had some estimates of the overall combat power of the alien space, she was still extremely shocked when she heard Mr. Liu say this.


"That's all I know."

"I don't know more."

Mr. Liu said: "Even... what I saw in that world were only humans and some aliens sold in the market. I have never seen more creatures, maybe not as many as you have seen."


Charice Damayo nodded.

Because she didn't know whether what the other person said was true or not, she just agreed with him and didn't fully believe it.

After that, she looked at the deputy leader of the ghoul camp and changed the subject: "Mr. Liu, what is your method of attracting these humans?"

"To make them so obedient."


When this was mentioned, the deputy leader of the corpse camp could no longer hold his nerve, and his face darkened.


Mr. Liu smiled and interrupted the deputy leader of the corpse camp, and said: "Girl, you have asked so many questions, and you finally got to the point."


Charis Damayo raised her eyebrows and became even more curious: "How do you say that?"

"Lao Lu, tell me."

Mr. Liu patted the deputy leader of the ghoul camp and said.


The deputy leader of the ghoul camp nodded, looked at Charis Damayo, and said, "Charis, Mr. Liu is too lazy to care about your little thoughts."

"Do you know why?"

Charis Damayo narrowed her eyes and said nothing.

"Because Mr. Liu can make many offers that humans cannot refuse!"

Deputy Chief Lu said.

"What conditions?"

Charice Damayo asked.

"eternal life."

Deputy Chief Lu was concise and concise, with no unnecessary nonsense.


Charis Damayo looked shocked and couldn't believe it for a moment.

She subconsciously wanted to refute, but then she thought of the characteristics of ghouls and immediately reacted: "Can you turn dead people into ghouls?"


Mr. Liu nodded.


Charis Damayo shook his head and said: "The conditions for the formation of ghouls are very harsh."

"Moreover, it's mainly related to one's own soul."

"It seems that the girl knows a lot of things."

Mr. Liu was surprised, nodded and said: "That's true, but... we have some methods that can be used before people die to help them become ghouls after death."

"Of course, the success rate of this method is not 100%, but compared to doing nothing, the success rate of doing this can be twice as high."


After hearing this answer, Charis Damayo's eyes widened instantly.

This is already scary.

Sometimes, even if there is only a slight chance of eternal life, many people will rush to seize it.

Not to mention twice the success rate!

This can indeed make many people surrender willingly.
"How about it?"

Deputy Leader Lu asked: "Are you excited? Join us and you will have a high chance of gaining eternal life."

Charis Damayo did not answer immediately, but stared at him quietly for a while, and then slowly asked: "If it is really so attractive, then... why would Chen Lin and those like him do it?" Choose to betray you?"


Deputy Chief Lu snorted coldly and said, "Them?"

"They will definitely regret it in the future."

Will you regret it?
You are just guessing, how do you know they will regret it?

Charis Damayo shook her head, but did not refute anything.

Mr. Liu said: "Everyone has his own choice."

"If you want to increase your chances of eternal life, you need to observe the precepts, which means reducing some desires."

"It is extremely difficult and impossible for many people to keep the precepts for a lifetime for the hope of eternal life which is not very high."

Charice Damayo nodded.

This statement is quite acceptable.


Mr. Liu changed the topic and continued: "They will indeed regret it."


Charice Damayo asked in confusion.

"People are most afraid of death when they are on the verge of death."

Mr. Liu said: "All those who say they are not afraid of death are those who have never experienced death or felt the approach of death."

"When the time comes, they will definitely kneel down and beg me."


"At that time, even if I wanted to help them, there was nothing I could do."

"It all depends on their own destiny."

Charice Damayo was silent.

Just now.

"Mr. Liu!"

"Oh no!"

A corpse rushed towards him with a look of panic on his face, and he shouted loudly.

"what's up?"

Mr. Liu frowned and asked.

The ghoul calmed down and said, "Weapons were stolen from the Peace Camp!!!"

"Steal Charis's weapon!"


Charis Damayo's expression changed and she immediately retorted: "Impossible! The car is locked. Why didn't I hear the car alarm?"

The corpse shook its head, and it didn't know what was going on.


Charis Damayo stopped talking nonsense and rushed towards where the car was parked.



Mr. Liu and Deputy Chief Lu followed closely behind. Their expressions also changed. They did not expect such a thing to happen. .


After seeing the speed shown by Charis Damayo, the pupils of the two people shrank slightly. Among them... Deputy Chief Lu was particularly shocked. He obviously didn't expect the woman in front of him to be so strong!


Charis Damayo and three other people arrived at the car one after another.

At this moment, the trunk of the car had been opened, and most of the weapons inside had been removed.




Charis Damayo took action without hesitation, and in the blink of an eye she kicked all the humans who were carrying weapons to the ground. She shouted dissatisfied: "What are you doing?"

"Damn it, this stinky bitch dares to hit me, go ahead!"

The people who were kicked immediately became violent.

The conflict is about to break out.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!"

Mr. Liu hurriedly stepped forward to stop him and asked the people who were carrying weapons in Heping Camp, "What's going on with you? Why are you doing this?"

"Does your leader Chen know?"

"This is our leader's order!"

The people carrying the weapons scratched their necks and shouted.

For a while.

People from the surrounding Peace Camp also aimed their guns at Mr. Liu, Charis Damayo and others.

The situation is extremely tense.

The war is about to start.

"Do not impulse."

"Don't be impulsive."

Mr. Liu pressed down with his hands, then looked at Charis Damayo and said, "Girl, do you think this will work?"

"The remaining weapons will be handed over to our ghoul camp for the moment."

"I'll accompany you to the peace camp."

"Ask Chen Lin what he means."


Hearing this, Charis Damayo frowned.

She is not stupid.

Vaguely feeling that there was something strange and wrong about this matter, she did not rush to agree. She glanced at the time on her phone and found that there were only the last few minutes before the fog incident broke out.

It was a little late to go to Chen Lin for theory at this time.

and so……

She did not respond to Mr. Liu immediately, but called Xia Yu.

Seeing this, Mr. Liu and Deputy Chief Lu looked at each other, with surprise in their eyes. Apparently, they did not expect Charis Dama to act like this.

Under the signal from Mr. Liu's eyes, Deputy Chief Lu did not move.

The call is connected.

Charice Damayo immediately reported the situation.


On the other end of the phone, Xia Yu was also quite surprised. She paused and said, "Keep an eye on the remaining weapons and don't go anywhere."

"I'll join you right away."


Hearing this, Charis Damayo was stunned for a moment and asked, "Sister Yu, aren't you going to question Chen Lin?"

"is that useful?"

Xia Yu asked back.


Charis Dama paused for a moment.

Questioning is really useless.

Especially this matter is full of strangeness. It is not known whether Chen Lin was behind it.

There is no time to check now.

"Is this what this mute suffers from?"

she asked.

"rest assured."

"Whoever eats it will spit it out with interest."

"Be careful yourself."

After finishing speaking, Xia Yu calmly hung up the phone.

"what happened?"

Zheng Laosan also received a call, and then he looked surprised and said, "Do you need my help?"


"You stay here at camp."

Xia Yu turned around to leave, then paused and said, "Let your people prepare, next..."

"A fog incident is going to break out here."


Zheng Laosan, who originally looked like he was watching a show, suddenly changed his expression.


Before Zheng Laosan could say anything, Xia Yu walked away and disappeared.


Zheng Laosan saw that Xia Yu's speed was comparable to that of the second-level psychic realm. His expression changed again. He hesitated for a few seconds, then gritted his teeth and walked away.

dark place.

Chen Lin, who also saw this scene, frowned slightly and said, "This woman really hides her strength."

"Brother Lin, what should I do?"

"She probably found out that we took away the weapons."

Chen Lin's confidant asked.

"What are you afraid of?"

"We didn't really intend to."

Chen Lin said calmly: "What we have to do is to take the opportunity to dig out the secrets lurking around us."

"Are you keeping an eye on it?"


Chen Lin's confidant nodded.

One minute later.

Xia Yu appeared on the top of the mountain.

Charis Damayo came forward and said in a slightly serious tone: "Sister Yu, these weapons are the only ones still there, the rest are all gone."

one third.

Xia Yu knew at a glance that the lost weapons were all relatively powerful thermal weapons such as rocket launchers.

"Sister Yu, they were the ones who robbed it."

Charis Damayo pointed at the five people who had just carried weapons and said.


Xia Yu nodded, but did not look at these five people. Instead, he looked at Mr. Liu and Deputy Chief Lu, and asked in a serious tone: "Don't the corpse camp also have people here?"

"Why didn't you stop it immediately?"

"What do you mean?"

Deputy Chief Lu's face darkened, and he asked coldly.

"Feel sorry."

Mr. Liu waved his hand to signal Deputy Chief Lu not to get excited. He said with an apologetic look: "I have already asked, but our people were put away with a few cigarettes."

"Our ghoul camp will definitely give you an explanation for this matter."

"Bring it up."

As he spoke, he waved his hand.

Two corpses were brought up.


"That's them."

After Mr. Liu finished speaking, he gave the order: "Come here, each person will chop with a knife."


Deputy Chief Lu used the knife himself, without sparing any effort, and stabbed each of the two corpses with penetrating wounds.


It seems cruel, but both Xia Yu and Sharis Damayor know that penetrating wounds are of no use to ghouls. Ghouls are not afraid of being injured, let alone pain.

However, considering that the main responsibility for this matter does not lie with these two ghouls, it can even be said...

These two ghouls have no responsibility at all.

Therefore, it is reasonable to be punished like this.

Charis Damayo didn't pay attention. She looked at Xia Yu and asked, "Sister Yu, what should I do?"

"Since it was people from the Peace Camp who robbed the weapons, they naturally went to the Peace Camp to ask for the weapons."

Xia Yu said lightly.

"I'm going to find Chen Lin!"

Charice Damayo spoke.


The next moment, Chen Lin flashed over and asked, "Who is looking for me?"

"Chen Lin."

Charice Damayo asked directly: "What do you mean by your people?"

"my people?"

"what happened?"

Chen Lin asked innocently.

"Pretending, right?"

"At this time, are you still pretending? Is it interesting?"

"You are a man after all, don't let me look down on you."

Charice Damayo said.

Chen Lin spread his hands.

Charis Damayo's face darkened, she stopped talking nonsense, took the initiative to tell the situation, and then asked: "You stole our weapons, don't you give me an explanation?"

"With your attitude, you still want us to join your peace camp?"

"Think beautifully!"

"Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings."

Chen Lin said.


Charis Damayo frowned and almost laughed angrily: "Where is the misunderstanding?"

"Aren't these people from your peace camp?"


Chen Lin nodded.

"Have you ever given an order to seize our weapons?"

Charice Damayo asked.

"It was given."

Chen Lin nodded and admitted.


Charice Damayo obviously didn't expect that the other party would admit it so openly, so much so that she wouldn't be able to deal with it directly.

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