I'm back from hell

Chapter 484: Evil people deserve to be tortured by evil people

Chapter 484: Evil people deserve to be tortured by evil people

At that time, the scarred man was still a handsome middle-aged man, quite charming.

Otherwise, his daughter wouldn't be so beautiful.

He has always been so confident and calm, as if nothing could overwhelm him or make him lose his composure. In the eyes of outsiders, he didn't even look like he came from the countryside, but more like the founder of one of those group companies.

Have the confidence to control everything.


After learning about his daughter's experience, the scarred man was completely shattered and at a loss. How could he still have the confidence and calmness he had before?
In fact, his heart is not as strong as his daughter's.

At that time, he asked his daughter what he should do next.

The girl comforted her father calmly and said, "Dad, don't be afraid. Justice may be late, but it will never be absent. They will be punished sooner or later."

"And I won't commit suicide."

"Don't worry."

"I will stay with you well."

She understands her father too well, which is why when she encounters that kind of thing, she chooses to solve it alone without consulting her father.

Hear the words.

Only then did the scarred man calm down.

Things have come to this point, and it's useless for him to say anything. Now...

Save your child's life!


This is the most important thing and what he should do most.

As for the others, let’s not mention them for now.

He must be strong and be his daughter's strong support.

But thinking about what happened to my daughter...

'Ugh. '

'My poor daughter, why do you have to suffer such injustice? '

'Normally, you wouldn't even want to step on the ants on the roadside! '

The scarred man sighed in his heart, his eyes moistened, and hatred grew in his heart.


At this moment, he secretly vowed to work hard to become stronger.

Make yourself stronger!

So strong that those people dare not offend him or bully his daughter!
This was the oath he swore in his heart.


The girl took the initiative to mention it to the scarred man: "You still remember the third uncle, right?"


The scarred man frowned.

His daughter's third uncle, his third uncle, is an honorable inspector with high prestige in their entire village and the entire family.


The third uncle never accepts gifts and never violates laws and regulations. He is an extremely upright supervisor.

Also won many awards.

In the end, in order to keep the third uncle's resume clean, everyone was even supervising each other and not allowing others to give gifts to the third uncle.

The scarred man had gone to see his third uncle with his mother when he was a child, but he had never been there again since his mother's death.

"Is this... okay?"

he asked, feeling hesitant.

"why not?"

But the daughter said firmly: "Many of the law enforcers nowadays are not clean. Only my third uncle is upright. He will definitely be able to help me get justice."

"I don't trust anyone but him now."


The scarred man nodded and said, "We did not commit any crime, but we were just asking for help and seeking justice."

"It's no problem to find Third Uncle."


The two went to find Governor Zhao.

After hearing this, Governor Zhao was equally angry and promised on the spot to help seek justice. In the end... the scarred man and his daughter left evidence and left.


Everything is going smooth.

It was not until the trial that the evidence was brought out, but it was just a video of the scarred man's daughter courting other men.


The scarred man and his daughter froze on the spot, dumbfounded, without saying a word.

At that moment, the faith in their father and daughter's hearts collapsed.


After that.

Naturally, the young man was released in court because he was not guilty.

The scarred man's daughter was so distraught that her heart was completely dead and she gave up on the world, so she... committed suicide.

The scarred man is not dead.

He had never been so strong, but this time he was surprisingly calm. Not only did he not die, but he was silent for a long time when looking at his daughter's tragic death, without even a single tear during the whole process.

Probably because I have worked hard to shed tears before.

Afterwards, he buried his daughter's body properly.


The scarred man works out like crazy.

I just hope that one day I can kill the murderer.

In this way, several years passed.

The scarred man has also become a 'fitness fanatic', but...everyone who knows him knows that he is much better than those 'fitness people'.





All aspects have been improved!

No one knew what he wanted to do. They all thought that after losing his daughter, he put all his attention on fitness. In this case...

I was so tired that I could lie in bed and not think about anything.

As time went by, the scarred man's parents also felt relieved.


The seeds of hatred had already taken root and sprouted in the heart of the scarred man, and had even blossomed at this time! ! !

Just now.

The mist incident occurs, which postpones the scarred man's plan.


He failed to enter the fog event in advance, and his strength was not further improved.

Until the end of the world breaks out.

The sky has eyes, he did not die, he became a psychic, and his physical talent reached the middle to lower level.

All in all, the plan can continue.

Can be made in advance!

However, his parents did not survive, and they all became mutants.

Since then, the world...

He became a true solitary traveler.

He is alone.

After that.

The scarred man joins the pioneer team and fights tooth and nail.



Finally, the strength became stronger.

Now, his strength has reached the middle level of the first-grade spiritual realm.


It was at this time that he was diagnosed with cancer.

Fate played a joke on him again and strangled him by the throat.

Also at this moment.

The scarred man decided to take action and couldn't wait any longer.

His talent is limited. If he continues to pioneer, he may die in the fog incident at any time. Before, he had hoped to become stronger and become a master of the second-level spiritual realm. By then, he wanted to kill those who had hurt his daughter. , will be extremely simple.

At that time, he could still work hard for this goal.

Now, it's completely hopeless.

What else are you fighting for?
Kill directly!

As many as you can kill!

And here he comes.

After the verdict of that case, it was determined that the case could not be overturned. Governor Zhao stopped paying attention and simply forgot about it. Naturally, he did not know the whereabouts and thoughts of the scarred man.

at the moment……

The scarred man had a centipede-like scar on his face because he had fought many times, and there were dozens of wounds on his body, large and small.

A few more years passed.

It's normal for Governor Zhao not to recognize the scarred man.


After being reminded by the scarred man, Director Zhao instantly remembered everything, and instantly felt that the scarred man looked familiar: "It's you!"

"You...what do you want to do?"


The scarred man showed a sarcastic smile and said, "I just want you to rape this girl, ruin your reputation, and let you enjoy jail time."


Governor Zhao frowned: "You are a pervert!"

In fact, he didn't feel panic at all.

Because the other party's 'strategy' is too childish and full of flaws.

He can completely minimize his crime to the maximum extent. Even if he goes to prison, because he has the handle of many people, those people will try their best to get him and reduce his sentence.

If he behaves better in prison, his sentence will be minimized.


How safe it is to be in prison!

As long as you don't die.

What's the most important thing right now? Is to survive!

What if he complied with the request of the 'relative' in front of him and forced... no, it should be said that he enjoyed it once and was killed, wouldn't it be miserable?

and many more!


He could understand forcing him to commit a crime, but why did it make him feel good?

This is unreasonable!

"Why did you have to let me rape her?"

Governor Zhao asked in confusion.

"Guess her identity."

The scarred man grinned and said.

"Her identity?"

Governor Zhao frowned.


The scarred man's smile became even brighter.


Governor Zhao was not stupid. He thought about the case back then and quickly realized: "You mean...she...she is related to Mr. Liu?"

Mr. Liu was the young man who bullied the scarred man's daughter.


The scarred man's smile began to fade and he said, "She is related to Mr. Liu."

"She is Mr. Liu's sister."

Governor Zhao was silent.

He finally understood what the scarred man meant: revenge for all!

No one can escape!
"The man who bullied my daughter with that beast Mr. Liu has been killed by me."

"Originally, I just wanted to arrest him, but the other party was disobedient and insisted on struggling. He also thought that I would not kill him, so I had no choice."

The scarred man continued: "As for that beast Mr. Liu..."

"I didn't catch him."

"Let him run away."

"But it doesn't matter. I caught his sister and took a small revenge on that beast. Later, when you and his sister are having sex, I will record the video and publish it."

"I want that beastly relative of Mr. Liu to experience my daughter's despair!"

"And you!"

"When the time comes, no matter how powerful the person behind you is, they will never be able to protect you!"

"After that, I also need your help, Director Zhao, to record a video and tell the truth about the collusion between you and Mr. Liu."

Governor Zhao had completely understood the plan of the scarred man, and then he said: "After that, you will surrender with the video evidence I gave you, right?"

The scarred man nodded.

He was not surprised that Governor Zhao guessed his plan.

at the moment.

Now that Mr. Liu has run away, it is impossible to catch him again.

After all, New City No. 9 is so big and has so many surveillance systems. Maybe Liu Shao has reported the case and let the law enforcers come to arrest him, not to mention that he is not very strong.

at this time.

It's useless to go against the authorities.

That is courting death.

"let's start."

The scarred man took a deep breath and spoke.

The words were much colder.

"You don't have to do this."

Governor Zhao saw that the scarred man was determined to die at this moment. He was a little worried that he would still die if he followed the other party's plan, so he persuaded him: "The leader of New City No. 9 is Zhao Guohui now."

"Always fair and just, and upright."

"You should have heard something."

"As long as you go to him with my video evidence and me as a person, he will definitely make the decision for you."

"By the way, I know where Zhao Guohui is."

This is indeed the best solution.


The scarred man shook his head: "I don't believe you."


Governor Zhao hesitated.

"I'm just a farmer, with little education and little knowledge."

"Not as thoughtful as you guys."


"Who knows whether Zhao Guohui is really fair and just?"

"What if I'm a hypocrite with a human face and a beastly heart like you?"

"What if he is with you?"

The scarred man had his own set of logic: "None of you G-boys can be trusted."

GG protects each other.

This is no joke.

At least.

The scarred man now has no confidence in them at all.


Hearing this, Governor Zhao hesitated again.

He has come into contact with too many people, and people like this 'relative' in front of him are easy to deceive and difficult to deceive.

It's easy to deceive before driving the other person crazy.

at the moment.

Not easy to cheat.

The other party will only do things according to their own logic.

Sometimes even if it is not the optimal solution, they will still insist on doing it. For them...as long as they achieve their goal.

No matter if it is the best option.

"hurry up!"

"What are you?"

The scarred man kicked you again and cursed: "If you don't move, believe it or not, I will kill you?"

"I move! I move!"

Governor Zhao was kicked to the ground and dared not say a word.

Let alone three people, even if there was only one person with the scar, he wouldn't dare to say anything nonsense.

at the moment.

The best thing to do is to comply.

Wait for the opportunity.



For some reason, Governor Zhao was about to stand up when his knees suddenly weakened and he knelt on one knee again, falling to the ground.


"Stop playing tricks with me."

The scarred man's face darkened, and he touched the short knife in his hand with a ferocious expression.


"I do not have."

"I just...just..."

In desperation, Governor Zhao found an excuse that was not a reason: "I was beaten so hard by you that my body can no longer bear it."

"Please let me slow down."

"I'll slow down your mother!"

The scarred man was extremely cautious and did not give the other party a chance to delay. He was just about to step forward, but then he stopped, looked at the lame man and another man aside, and said, "You go! "

"Press him on top of that woman."



The two lame men looked at each other, wanting to cry but not having any tears.

I wish I could beat Governor Zhao to death.

Why are your legs weak at this time? Are you going to let us take action in the end?

The two of them knew that if they took action at this time, they would be punished with an additional penalty when they were captured by the law enforcement officers.

However, they don’t dare not take action, they can’t be killed, right?
"it is good."

The lame man agreed bravely.

"no, I'm fine."

Governor Zhao said, "I can do it myself."

Hearing this, the lame man and the two men stopped immediately.

Governor Zhao took a deep breath and stood up again.



He felt his knees weaken again and fell to his knees.

The lame man: "..."


The scarred man loaded the bullet and said coldly: "If you don't do anything, I will kill you two first."

Hearing this, the two lame men felt their legs go weak.

Take action immediately.


The lame man kicked Governor Zhao first and cursed: "Trash, if you dare to complain again, believe it or not, I will kill you?"


Governor Zhao wanted to cry but had no tears.

He really didn't.

It's really not intentional.

But I don’t know why, but my right leg seems to be very disobedient today, and it keeps getting weak.

"What are you?"

"Stop talking nonsense."


The lame man felt a chill running down his spine. He didn't dare to waste any time. He bent down and picked up the woman, threw him to the woman's side, and said, "Up!"

"hurry up."

"no, do not want."

The woman was not tied or gagged, but in this position, she was so scared that she couldn't speak fully. How could she have any brains to think about things?

"Shut up, you."

The lame man cursed and said, "If you cooperate honestly, you can still live."

The woman's pear blossoms are covered with rain, and all she can do is cry.


She didn't run, yell, or talk nonsense, because she knew... she really had no choice, and the other party was right.

Knowing that he couldn't hide, Governor Zhao crawled to the woman's feet, climbed to her legs, and stretched out his hand...


His right hand that he stretched out softened again and fell down.

Smashed to the ground.

Governor Zhao: "..."

Seeing that his hands were so disobedient, he was also confused.

what's the situation?
Can't use your right leg or right hand?

Am I going to become hemiplegic?
The lame man: "..."

The scarred man: "..."


"Tsk, tsk."

"Director Zhao, you are really good at acting."

The scarred man laughed angrily and said, "You think I can't shoot, right?"

"No, I really don't."

Governor Zhao was desperate. He was almost scared to tears and said, "I thought you dared to shoot from the beginning. It's just...it's just...I don't know what happened today."

"My right hand and right leg no longer work."

"You don't know how to use your left hand? Huh?" The scarred man suddenly roared.

Everyone in the basement was shocked.
Governor Zhao swallowed and said extremely nervously: "Yes! Yes! Don't get excited."

He was even more frightened when he saw the gun in the scarred man's hand aiming at him.

"hurry up."

The scarred man scolded: "You can't do it, can you?"

Governor Zhao's face turned pale.


"You really can't do it?"

The scarred man was immediately speechless.

After planning for so long, I failed to calculate this level.

What should I do?
and many more!

He won't lie to me?
The scarred man was not stupid, and he would not trust the other party so easily. He said coldly: "Since you are not capable, what's the point of keeping you?"

"go to hell."

"do not!"

"I really can't do it."

Governor Zhao felt that he had been greatly humiliated, but there was nothing he could do about it...

Who makes yourself really incapable of doing this?
"Please change your request."

he shouted.

In the end, the scarred man did not shoot. Instead, he threw the dagger in his hand to the lame man and said, "Every minute, stab him."

"Otherwise, I'll shoot you."


"Yes Yes Yes!"

The lame man nodded quickly, pursed his dry lips, and was about to cry without tears.

Why do you let yourself stab someone?


"Stab now! Quick!"

The scarred man spoke.

"it is good!"

The lame man gritted his teeth and rushed forward.

"Don't! Don't!"

Seeing this, Governor Zhao was completely panicked and immediately said: "I can do it! I can do it!"

The lame man paused and looked at the scarred man.

The scarred man sneered and said, "I thought you were really incompetent."

He took out his mobile phone, adjusted the shooting mode, and said coldly: "You're still acting with me!"

"Now, I'll give you one minute, if you don't start..."

"I'll give you a knife."

"hurry up!"

Director Zhao was excited and stretched out his hand to touch the woman again.



The arm fell to the ground again.

Governor Zhao: "..."


Lame man: "..."

The scarred man: "..."

"Do it."

He didn't want to talk nonsense at all.

The lame man didn't want to say anything nonsense, so he let Governor Zhao cry and stabbed him with the knife.


The white knife went in and the red knife came out, which made Governor Zhao scream in pain.

"One minute, start the countdown."

The scarred man spoke.


Governor Zhao endured the pain and pounced directly on the woman like a wild beast.



His lower back hurt.

I don't know what's going on, but the entire lower body is out of control and unable to exert force.

With just two arms, there is no way to hold down an untied woman.

"You're still playing this trick, right?"

Seeing this, the scarred man couldn't help himself and pulled the trigger.


The bullet penetrated into Governor Zhao's leg.


Governor Zhao's screams came out again.


The woman screamed.

The lame man also took a step back in fright.

"Go to hell you!"

The scarred man suddenly woke up and realized that the shot he just fired must have caused a huge noise. Even in the basement, it would definitely alarm the people around him.

If there are soldiers passing by, they will definitely come as soon as possible.

time is limited!
"Tell me exactly how you colluded with that beast!"


The scarred man clutched the gun tightly and aimed at Governor Zhao. At the same time, he pulled out a dagger from his waist and shouted: "Quick!"

Governor Zhao didn't dare to talk nonsense and resist, so he chose to do so.

I just finished the story here.

"Dong dong dong."

There was a knock on the basement door.


Governor Zhao knew that the scarred man might really want to kill him, so he simply resisted in advance, threw the scarred man down, and shouted: "You two, hurry up and help."


But the two lame men ran away and opened the basement door.

He didn't care at all.

Governor Zhao: "..."

"Go to hell you!"




The scarred man took out his sword one after another.

Governor Zhao's consciousness fell into darkness.



not far away.

Xia Yu looked at the scene in front of him with an extremely calm expression.

The scarred man was arrested, the lame man and the woman were successfully rescued. Director Zhao was taken to the hospital by ambulance and was being rescued, but...

Xia Yu knew that this 'Director Zhao' would probably not survive.

Because the scarred man was truly a ruthless man who had gone out to pioneer many times. He stabbed Governor Zhao's vital parts with his knife and gave him no chance of survival.


She turned into an afterimage and disappeared.

Liu Shao.

Liu Zhennan, his background is indeed not weak. Before the outbreak of the apocalypse, his father was the third in command of Huayang City and had great power.


Many members of their family are business tycoons and are very famous throughout the province.

Liu Zhennan has lived in such an environment since he was a child. Coupled with his parents' doting on him, he has been indifferent to life since he was a child. He feels that everything can be settled with power and money. Not only does he have food and clothing, but also many women. It comes and goes away, so to speak...

There is only what he doesn't want and there is nothing he can't have.

It is really not surprising that he can get a woman drunk and then rape her, and even bring some friends to play with her.


He never expected that the girl he met this time was a "ruthless child". In order to collect evidence to retaliate against him, he did not hesitate to ruin himself to collect evidence. After the incident, there was no hope of getting justice, and he even chose to commit suicide.

If it were just like this, he wouldn't take it to heart. He would only use it as a piece of bragging rights and something to talk about after dinner.

After all, the other party committed suicide, and he could easily cover up the truth.

Never thought about it.

Things are not that simple.

In a corner where no one noticed, the girl's father also emerged, even committing crimes to take revenge on him.

Good thing...


"The final winner is still me."

"And you are just a little brat."

"You will still have to enjoy jail time, or even be sentenced to death, and it will be executed immediately."

Liu Zhennan looked at the scarred man who was taken away with disdain on his face.


On the side, Liu Zhennan's father's face turned livid. He slapped Liu Zhennan hard on the face with anger and cursed: "Trash, you know how to poke fun at me every day. Your sister almost had an accident. You don't feel guilty at all." None?"

Liu Zhennan only felt the burning pain on his face, and his face suddenly darkened.


"Isn't this okay?"

Liu Zhennan said nonchalantly: "Your son, I was almost killed. Why don't I see you caring about me?"

How do you have the nerve to say this?

After hearing this, Liu Zhennan's father became even more angry. He wanted to slap him again, but when he saw that the other party was avoiding him, he finally withdrew his hand. He took a deep breath and said, "I'll give you three choose."

"First, if I leave No. 9 New City and go to other cities, it will be easier for me to function, but I won't be able to function in No. 9 New City."

"Second, join the Pioneer Team and operate outside New City No. 9 from now on. Don't use your true identity."

"Third, surrender."


When Liu Zhennan heard this, he immediately exploded: "Dad, how could you do this?"

"Shouldn't you be facing me at this time?"

"You want me to surrender?"

"You want to join the pioneer team?"

"Why don't you just let me die?"

"Don't you deserve to die for what you did?"

Liu Zhennan's father yelled angrily.


Liu Zhennan hesitated.

"Dad, what did you say?"

"Zhennan was just drunk for a while, his head got hot, and he just played with that woman."

"That woman is too pretentious. Can't she just get out of here with 100,000 yuan? She acts like a spy. In order to get evidence, she ruins herself and is trying to be a hero."

"If you ask me, that woman enjoys it more than anyone else, she's just a bitch."

When Liu Zhennan's mother heard this, she immediately became anxious and hurriedly stopped between the two people and spoke to persuade them.


Hearing this, Liu Zhennan's father was so angry that he pointed his finger at his wife's nose. In the end, he didn't say anything, but cursed: "Your son is like this because he was spoiled by you. "

"In the future, if your son is shot, you will go to hell with him. Just take care of him."

"You...how do you talk?"

This sentence made Liu Zhennan's mother instantly unhappy. She pinched her waist and looked like she was going to have a big quarrel with Liu Zhennan's father.

When Liu Zhennan's father saw this, he turned around and left: "I have given you the road. You can decide which one you choose. If it is too late... you will definitely be arrested."

"There's nothing I can do about it then."


"I don't want to surrender, I don't want to go to the Pioneer Squad, I don't want to leave New City No. 9, I don't want to leave you."

Liu Zhennan suddenly panicked. Now his father was not going to help him, but his mother had always doted on him, so he could only ask his mother to persuade his father: "My father is too cruel, how could he just turn a blind eye?" Are you going to watch your son die?"

He didn't understand that his father had been able to help him settle this matter before, why couldn't he do it now?

Liu Zhennan's mother fell silent and did not speak.

Liu Zhennan suddenly felt unsure. He knew that this time it might really be impossible. Even his mother, who loved him the most, would not express her opinion. So he could only kneel down to his mother: "Mom, you must save me!"

"You are my dearest person, you will never give up on me, right?"

As he spoke, tears came out of his eyes.


Liu Zhennan's mother felt very uncomfortable seeing her son like this. She pulled her son up, patted his shoulder, and then sighed helplessly.

She knew that Liu Zhennan had many doubts in his heart, so she explained: "The person behind your father became a mutant when the apocalypse broke out."

"The person who is taking over his position and work now is Zhao Guohui's confidant. That person has the same moral character as Zhao Guohui and will not accept our tricks at all."

"Whether it's money, women, cars, houses... it's useless."

"Son, don't blame your parents for being cruel. We have already done what we should do."

"But it's useless!"


Liu Zhennan was stunned, and then he panicked even more, and asked, "Mom, is there really no other way? Let my dad think of a solution. Doesn't he know so many important people?"

"it's useless."

Liu Zhennan's mother shook her head again and said: "Now, everyone in No. 9 New City is very cautious when doing things, and they don't dare to touch the things before."

"As if it never happened."

"We would like to thank the outbreak of the apocalypse for preventing the events of the past from being revealed."

"I have heard that the leader behind your father was originally targeted by the Discipline Inspection Commission, but when he was about to close the net, the apocalypse broke out."

"People become mutants."

"The secret will be buried forever, and your father will be safe."

Liu Zhennan was completely dumbfounded.

Even my mother said it was impossible, then it was really impossible.


He is not willing to give in. He is young and has many good years ahead of him. He does not want to go to jail!
I don’t even want to be far away from home!
He still has many things to do, his ideals have not been realized, and there are many women he has not played with. How could it end like this?



The more Liu Zhennan thought about it, the more unacceptable he felt, but he also knew that this matter could not be delayed and must be resolved as soon as possible.

So he wiped away his tears, grabbed his mother with both hands, and said again: "Mom, don't you have a lot of criminal evidence about my dad?"

"You used that evidence to force my dad to save me!"

"I beg you!"

"My dad has done so many shady things. He definitely left himself a back-up in case something unexpected happened, so he can use it for me now."

"Does he not want to implicate himself because of me? How can he be so selfish?"


Liu Zhennan's mother was so angry that she couldn't speak. She obviously didn't expect her son to say such a thing, but in front of her was his favorite son. She finally relented and did not blame her son. She said: "Alas... I Try it."

"Thank you, Mom."

"You are my mother."

"I love you forever."

Liu Zhennan was ecstatic.

I don't know.

All the content of the chat between the two was heard by Xia Yu, who was not far away.

What even Xia Yu didn't know was that there was a bug in a certain compartment in Liu Zhennan's mother's bag, and the conversation between mother and son was also heard by Liu Zhennan's father.


"Liu Zhennan, please cooperate with our investigation."

The law enforcers came.

There were three people in total, and one of them, by coincidence, was Guan Xiaorou.

Liu Zhennan was about to nod, but then he saw Guan Xiaorou, and his eyes lit up.

This uniform.

This face value.

This figure.

This temperament.

He has never played it before.

Thinking like this, Liu Zhennan's eyes scanned Guan Xiaorou's body unscrupulously, and even raised his eyebrows at Guan Xiaorou.


Guan Xiaorou frowned.

If the leader hadn't still been there, if Liu Zhennan's family hadn't still been there, she would have definitely done something secretly and punished Liu Zhennan.

at the moment.

She chose to be patient and cursed in her mind: 'Trash. '

'You dare to take advantage of me, you are really reckless. I will catch you this time and punish you severely! '

Guan Xiaorou already knows the entire case.

She relied on her own experience to judge that there was definitely something wrong with Liu Zhennan.

The only difference is the evidence.

It is useless to have the confession video of 'Dr. Zhao' alone.

Moreover, it can be said that 'Dr. Zhao' confessed to those crimes under coercion. In fact, this is not the case at all.

In short.

More direct evidence is needed.

Xia Yu's brows wrinkled slightly.

Because this case is an 'old case', it would indeed take a lot of effort to overturn it.

It's not easy.

and so……

She decided to give it a push.


Xia Yu ducked away.

the other side.

Liu Zhennan's mother was heartbroken when she saw her son being taken away. She kept warning the law enforcement officers around her, saying, "Be polite to my son."

"He didn't commit any crime, he just cooperated with your investigation."

"If you dare to abuse lynching, I will definitely make it impossible for you to survive in law enforcement agencies."

A group of law enforcers: "..."

Based on experience, we can tell that Liu Zhennan’s mother has no respect for them or even the law.

Children educated by such people will most likely have problems.

In addition, there were many "weird" things about this case, so everyone naturally suspected that Liu Zhennan was the murderer.

Liu Zhennan's mother watched helplessly as her son got into the police car, and then quickly left in the car without saying anything to find her husband.

Never thought about it.

My husband was in a car accident and was in the ambulance at the moment.

Liu Zhennan’s mother: “…”

this moment.

She was so desperate that she could only ask the nurse to take care of her husband, but she...

You must seize the time to save your son.

After she left, Liu Zhennan's father opened his eyes, his eyes flashing coldly, thinking in his heart: "Stupid woman."

"If you seek your own death, then you can't blame me."

In fact.

Ever since he learned that his wife secretly collected evidence of her crime, he had been looking for where the evidence was.

It's just that after so many years, the two of them battled wits and courage, and he even used a beauty trick, but it didn't work.

My wife is very smart.

Hide the evidence deep.


After searching for so many years, coupled with the outbreak of the apocalypse, Liu Zhennan’s mother transferred the evidence, so...

Liu Zhennan's father still found some clues.

After the apocalypse broke out, I have been looking for it.

Already have a clue now.

As long as he gives him another week, he will definitely find it.

By the time.

What wife?

What son?
It's all just a burden, throw it all away!
Why is your own life important?


Liu Zhennan's father got up and left, continuing to look for evidence.

the other side.

Liu Zhennan's mother didn't know that she was being plotted. She didn't even dare to expose the fact that her husband was hit by a car, because it would make other 'leaders' not help her.


She was going to find other 'leaders' and find them herself.

Among the evidence she collected, there was a lot of information about 'leaders' dealing with her husband. No one could escape from these 'leaders', so she had to help at this time.

"Bureau Liu, eh, I am..."


"What the hell..."

Liu Zhennan's mother finally put her mood in order and organized her words, but before she could finish her words, no, she didn't even introduce herself, she hung up the phone.

When she reacted, she was stunned on the spot and cursed.


The 'leader' over there couldn't hear it at all.

Liu Zhennan's mother called again. This time she was going to directly say that she had evidence to prove that the other party had committed a crime, and then...

'Didn't get through? ? ? '

Liu Zhennan's mother's mentality exploded on the spot: "I... you... OK! OK! OK! Just wait for me!"

She quickly picked up her phone and was about to send the sentence 'I have evidence of your crime' to the other party.

But think about it.

She still didn't do it.

First, it is most important to find a 'leader' who can help first. What if my son fails to hold on and everything is explained to him?
Secondly, it is useless to send this sentence to the other party because the other party has turned off his phone.

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