I'm back from hell

Chapter 490: Attacking the Ram Tribe

Chapter 490: Attacking the Ram Tribe

Two minutes later.

Ah Xiong returned, and at this moment, 'Guoshanfeng' had led a group of Ram clan members, maintaining the strongest defensive formation, and approaching the warriors' position step by step.

Care was taken throughout the process.

As the distance got closer, 'Crossing the Mountain' also reminded the tribesmen behind him: "Be careful, they might play tricks."

All the clansmen looked at each other with concentration.

The pace of action is even slower.

"Sister Yu."

"They are ready. As long as we give the order, they will launch all weapons of mass destruction as soon as possible."

Ah Xiong said.


Xia Yu nodded. She looked at Grace Johnson and said, "You are responsible for using spiritual magic to interfere with their formation."


Grace Johnson frowned and asked: "Master, they don't know my existence yet, so they don't need to continue to hide my existence?"

"No need."

Xia Yu shook his head.

The opponent has a large number of people and the overall combat power is too strong. Once he decides to take action...

Then we must launch the most violent offensive.

Determined not to give the other party any chance!
It would be the best thing if we could destroy the opponent's defense in one fell swoop and kill these Rams as much as possible.

But if you can't do it...

Then we can only attack again!


Hearing this, Grace Johnson nodded to express his understanding.

"You are free for now."

Xia Yu broke all the chains on Grace Johnson.

"Thank you Master for your trust."

Grace Johnson hesitated for a moment, then asked: "Master, I still want to take advantage of the fact that I have not been discovered."

"Oh? What are you going to do?"

Xia Yu asked.

Grace Johnson spoke in a low voice.

"it is good."

Xia Yu nodded in agreement and handed all the backpacks of herself, Xiaohua and Ah Xiong to Grace Johnson.


Grace Johnson ducked away.


"Keep an eye on him."

Xia Yu looked at Grace Johnson's leaving back, narrowed her eyes slightly, and said.


Ah Xiong nodded.

"If he's okay and the explosion happens. Then..."

"You find the right time to kill and injure the Ram clan's effective forces to the maximum extent, and leave the matter of capturing the formation flag to me."

Xia Yu ordered: "Be careful yourself."


Ah Xiong turned around and left, looking for a seat.

"Little flower."

Xia Yu continued: "Follow me."


Xiaohua nodded.

His eyes refocused on the Ram clan members led by 'Guo Shanfeng'.

In order to keep the formation in order.

They were not moving very fast.

What's more, they were on high alert throughout the entire process.

It's about ten minutes or so.

The Lamu people led by "Guo Shanfeng" came to the road next to the square outside the train station. At this moment...


"call out."


A deafening sound suddenly sounded.

The expressions of 'Guo Shanfeng' and other Ram tribe members changed one after another, and then they saw countless artillery shells, rockets and other weapons of mass destruction flying not far away.

High-altitude fighter planes also project various artillery shells.

A large number of bullets were fired.

It's too late to say.

The distance between the two sides is not particularly far, it can almost be regarded as just a blink of an eye.

"I didn't expect you guys to be acting too!"

"Let us see how powerful your Earth Star's thermal weapons are!"

'Crossing the Mountain' snorted coldly, and simply stopped hiding his ruthless character, shouting: "You'd better pray that we can't handle it, otherwise..."

"I will definitely strip you of your skin and cramps!"

"Kill all the men!"

"All women are playing to death!"


Being arrogant, 'Crossing the Mountain' still didn't dare to be careless and stabilize the spiritual formation personally.

Just when everyone's attention is focused on their heads...


An explosion suddenly occurred beneath my feet.

This is caused by the combination of remote-controlled bombs and crystal nuclei.

There is only one bomb, but there are five hundred crystal cores. Most of them are first-grade crystal cores, fifty second-grade crystal cores, and five third-grade crystal cores.

It can be said that in order to deal with these Ram tribe at once and avoid future troubles, Xia Yu really used all his trump cards.

nothing left!

There are so many crystal nuclei, the number of second-grade crystal nuclei and third-grade crystal nuclei are also extremely large, and the destructive power they bring...

Just thinking about it makes you realize how terrifying it is.

Even Xia Yu would definitely die if he was in it.


The violent energy spread wildly, and the terrifying destructive power instantly destroyed the asphalt road.

The ground collapsed.

Dense cracks spread in all directions.

Next to it, the trees broke into sections, and the square in front of the train station instantly turned into a 'spider web', with countless cracks all over the place. The main entrance of the train station also collapsed under the aftermath of the violent energy.

Most of the waiting room at the train station collapsed, with only a small part still barely existing, but it was also crumbling.

On the contrary, the railroad tracks behind and the trains parked on the tracks were safe and sound.




The next moment, countless cannonballs also accurately hit the Ram clan members led by 'Guo Shanfeng'.

Pinch up and down!

Incomparable synchronization!
It can be said that the cooperation and tacit understanding at this moment have reached the extreme.

Oh, right.

And Grace Johnson!
In addition to burying time bombs and a large number of crystal cores under the asphalt road, he also used spiritual magic from a distance to attack the defensive formation with all his strength at the moment the explosion started.

It can be said.

This is a three-party attack!


It’s time to test the results of the collaboration.

At this moment, everyone turned their attention to the location of the Ram tribe headed by 'Guo Shanfeng'.

Xia Yu had a hunch that the Ram tribe headed by 'Guo Shanfeng' was probably not dead.

Or to be more precise, there is no death.


She didn't know why the other party survived, but... it was an intuition.


Xia Yu put the little flower on her face, ducked into the dust generated by the explosion, and disappeared.

Just in case, she decided to sneak in early.




Xiao Hua's body was tied by Ah Xiong with willow branches and pulled behind him to protect it.

Facts have proved that Xia Yu is indeed a reborn person who has gone through hundreds of battles and has rich experience, and his guess is very accurate.

The spiritual formation displayed by the Ram tribe led by 'Guo Shanfeng' turned out to be all-round protection, and it also provided protection under their feet.

As for Grace Johnson's spiritual attacks, they have very little effect. After all, he is only one person, and there are no other dark elves behind him to back him up. The power of the spiritual attacks he displays is relatively limited.

In other words.

The so-called three-sided attack is actually not much different from a frontal attack.


Xia Yu was willing to use the crystal core, and relying on the terrifying destructive power produced by the three parties' cooperation, the spiritual formation displayed by the Ram tribe headed by 'Guo Shanfeng' was still broken in that moment.


The destructive power of the three parties' cooperation was also offset by 99%!


More than three hundred Ram clan members, more than two hundred of them fell to the ground in an instant due to the remaining 1% of the terrifying destructive power.

Only the last 78 Lamu tribesmen are still alive.

The reason why I can still live so much is because...

These 78 Ram tribe members all have strong or weak defense methods given by their family elders, and these defense methods have helped them block most of the harm.

Only after all these defensive measures, whether strong or weak, are destroyed, will they need to rely on their own bodies to bear the consequences.




Except for the three people who were "crossing the mountain" and holding the formation flag, Baimu Sang and Muma Sang, the remaining 75 Lamu tribesmen all vomited blood. Among them, 62 Lamu tribesmen were seriously injured, and the remaining 13 Lamu tribesmen were seriously injured. Relatively light.

"Set up the formation!"

'Crossing the Mountain Peak' didn't know that Xia Yu had sneaked in, but gave the order with a solemn expression.


The Lamu tribesmen led by Baimu Sang and Muma Sang immediately took action.

Extremely efficient.

Apparently, they were also frightened by the power of thermal weapons.

If it happens again...

The entire army will be annihilated!

Since no one wants to die, then...

All we can do is take action!


The formation formed again.

"Look for the clansman!"

"Let's see if anyone survives."

'Over the Mountain' gave the order.

There was a pause.

He then issued another order: "Muma-san, keep looking for people!"

"Look for traces of the humans around!"

"I want to know where their people are immediately."


Muma-san complied and decisively withdrew from the defensive formation.


Kashiwa Musang and others once again adjusted their formation and rebuilt the defense system, while Muma Sang stayed inside to prevent the second round of offensive from coming. When the time comes...

He might be killed instantly.


Muma-san was in the defensive formation, using his spiritual skills with peace of mind, and began to look for traces of the people around him.

Xia language.

When she arrived, she found that these Lamu people were setting up a new formation. She could attack at this time, but...she held back in the end.

Xia Yu chose to pretend to be a seriously injured Ram tribesman.

Strictly speaking, she was in a dying state. She fell next to a pile of corpses of the Ram tribe.

because of this……

She wouldn't need to perform spiritual magic, and she wouldn't be discovered.

If you enter the defensive formation rashly, you will definitely be discovered because you cannot use spiritual magic.

The Ram tribesman she disguised was actually dead and blown into pieces, so there was no need to worry about her being discovered.


At this moment, Xia Yu heard the command to 'cross the mountain peak' and couldn't help but frown, ready to take action with all his strength at any time.


Mumasan's spiritual skills can't distinguish between humans and Ram tribe at all, and can only sense the surrounding creatures.

In other words, he thought that Xia Yu and others had not sneaked here, and he did not expect that Xia Yu could disguise himself as one of their tribesmen and pretend to think so. Therefore, he, Guo Shanfeng and other Ram tribesmen subconsciously thought that Xia Yu Yu and others are around them.

'call. '

Xia Yu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Keep waiting.


She and other seriously injured Lamu people were rescued by the Lamu people and protected in the formation.

It was also at this time.

"Da da da."


A lot of bullets poured out.

"Whoosh whoosh."

The second batch of artillery shells was fired.

this time.

Because the number of Lamu tribesmen headed by "Guo Shanfeng" dropped sharply, most of the surviving Lamu tribesmen were seriously injured, and the power of the spiritual arts they used was far less than before.

Therefore, this resulted in the defense of the re-condensed spiritual formation being a hundred times weaker than before.

even more.

Fortunately, this time there was no terrifying destructive power caused by the 'crystal core' explosion, so the defensive formation was not directly torn apart or destroyed.




Along with the attacks of countless hot weapons fell.

The defensive formation was in jeopardy.

The injuries of the Ram tribe headed by "Guo Shanfeng" are getting more and more serious. After all...the attacks suffered by the defensive formation will consume their own status, and the same goes for the use of spiritual arts.

It does not mean that everything will be fine if the cast is successful.




Ah Xiong and Grace Johnson also went on the offensive.


Another seriously injured Ram fell to the ground and fell unconscious.

Ten minutes later.

The soldiers discharged all the shells and bullets.

There were only 23 Lamu tribesmen led by 'Guo Shanfeng' standing, and the rest were all lying down and unconscious.

The 23 people standing, except for the three people who were 'crossing the mountain' and holding the formation flag, Kashiwagi-san and Muma-san, were all seriously injured, and several others were even more precarious. They had obviously reached their limit.


Their defensive formation still exists.

"What a turtle shell."

Seeing this, Grace Johnson immediately reminded: "The attack cannot stop!"

"They have healing magic."

"The injuries repair quickly! Don't let them repair them!"


The soldiers immediately launched an offensive.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"


Ah Xiong's offensive also continued.

"Nothing left to do?"

'Crossing the Mountain' looked down, showed a stern smile, and said, "It's finally our turn!"

"Prepare to attack!"

"These damn reptiles are out of shells!"




These Ram tribesmen began to take action, and their formation began to change.

The originally defensive spiritual formation quickly began to change into an offensive formation.


With Grace Johnson here, how can we give the other party this opportunity?




Three stars in a row!

His famous stunt!

With the blessing of spiritual skills, the speed of the three sharp arrows became faster and faster.

Grace Johnson shot directly in the short gap during the change of formation.




He was not aiming at 'crossing the mountain peak', because he knew that the other party would definitely be able to escape, and there was absolutely no need to waste this arrow, so he was only aiming at ordinary Ram tribe members.

No matter who you shoot, you can reduce the number of people in the formation, thus disrupting the formation.


Only one arrow was blocked, and the remaining two arrows all hit the target.

Moreover, the second arrow embedded in the target's head was hit by the third arrow at the tail, providing it with huge kinetic energy, causing the second arrow to penetrate the target's head and hit the face of another tribesman behind him.

This move was completely unexpected.

Hard to guard against.

In this moment, two Ram clan members died!

The spiritual formation that was about to take shape was directly destroyed.

This group of Ram tribesmen were in chaos.


Xia Yu also took this opportunity, flicked his fingers, and spit out a spider silk as thin as hair from the silver thread ring. With a slight hook of his fingers, the spider silk tied the neck of one of the Rams.


The Ram tribe's pupils suddenly dilated, and he opened his mouth to say something, but suddenly found that his voice was stuck in his throat and could not come out. Not only that...

Even his strength is much weaker.




"Da da da."


At Grace Johnson's reminder, Bullet's offensive, Ah Xiong's offensive and Grace Johnson's offensive also struck again.

Because the formation has not yet taken shape, at this moment...

This group of Lamu tribe was instantly in danger. Where did anyone notice that one of the tribesmen had his neck broken? ? ?
"A group of three."

"Little turtle formation!"

Seeing this, 'Guo Shanfeng''s expression turned ugly, and he could only shout again and give the order.


Bai Mu Sang, who was holding the formation flag, quickly formed a small turtle formation with the two Lamu tribesmen beside him.

The same goes for Mumasan.

Other Lamu tribesmen also took action.

'Crossing the Mountain Peak' used all his spiritual skills to try to block the attacks from all directions.


He could block Grace Johnson's offensive, but he couldn't block Ah Xiong's offensive, let alone the bullets coming from all directions.

and so……

Whether his people can survive depends on themselves.

A few Lamu tribesmen, such as Baimusang and Mumasan, who held the formation flag, formed the Little Turtle Formation in time because of their quick reactions and light injuries. However, more Lamu tribes were killed one after another due to various reasons such as slow movements and slow reactions. Killed.

in a blink.

The only people who survived were the last fourteen Rams.

Among them, 10 Lamu tribesmen, headed by Baimu Sang and Muma Sang who were "crossing the mountain" and holding the formation flag, were standing and relied on the small turtle formation to survive.

The four Rams under him were the Rams who were seriously injured and were forced to lie on the ground. They blocked the bodies of their companions in front of them in time.

They had to do it.

Because the formation of the 'Little Turtle Formation' can only protect the three people who use the 'Little Turtle Formation', and cannot protect the extra people.

If they want to survive, they must rely on themselves. But how can they protect themselves when they are seriously injured and find it difficult to even stand?

You can only use the corpse of your companion!

Even with living companions!
As for those who react slowly or cannot break through their own 'moral bottom line', the only outcome is death.

Most of these Ram people have not experienced anything too 'dark' because they are too young.

Just like the high school students in Daxia before the outbreak of the apocalypse, they have not yet entered society and have not experienced severe beatings from society. They are still relatively innocent and kind.


In this round of offensive, many of them died.

Only those Lamu people whose "moral bottom line" is very flexible survived.


One of them was still disguised by Xia Yu.

The dust finally dispersed completely.

'Crossing the Peak' looked at the soldiers shooting with guns not far ahead, and shouted: "Kill!"

So frustrating!

This battle was really frustrating.

Now, it's finally their turn to counterattack, and they must not let these damn humans go!




The Ram tribesmen such as Baimusang and Mumasan who were holding the formation flag also shouted loudly and gave up the charge.

As they charged forward, they were still using the 'Little Turtle Formation', and their whole bodies were protected by the psychic shield released when the spiritual technique was used, so they could completely ignore bullet attacks.

Only Ah Xiong's offensive would delay their offensive, preventing them from reaching the group of warriors smoothly.


That's all.

"Over the mountain, long time no see."

At this moment, Grace Johnson suddenly walked out, stood in front of the soldiers, showed an intriguing smile, and said hello.

"You...it's you! Grace!"

'Crossing the Mountain' suddenly widened his eyes, and his anger instantly rushed to his head, almost drowning his own reason.

Fortunately, he was just ruthless and unscrupulous, but he was not brainless, nor was he the kind of impulsive person. He took a deep breath, but did not stop charging. He said sarcastically: "I said how could someone Use spiritual magic to attack us."

"It turns out that the crawler in the dark is you!"

"You deserve to die!"

"If you can't defeat our Ram tribe, why not join forces with the indigenous people here?"

"Do you have any ambition?"


Grace Johnson laughed and said without being affected at all: "'Crossing the Mountain', don't talk to me about your ambitions here, what you say won't excite me!"

"Since you are so ambitious, let's challenge each other."


"What's there to be afraid of?"

'Crossing the Mountain Peak' was full of fighting spirit and shouted: "Come on! Don't run away if you have the guts!"

The Ram clan and the dark elves clan have always been fighting to the death, and he and Grace Johnson have fought several times, and every time he beat the opponent and fled everywhere.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party had the spiritual skill of 'Escape Golden Light' and could escape every time, he would have killed him long ago.

this time……

meet again.

Grace Johnson obviously wants to take this opportunity to take revenge for everything before!
In other words, Grace Johnson wants to kill all of Over the Mountain and his men!
'Crossing the Mountain' has obviously seen this, and escaping cannot solve the problem, so it must be faced head-on!
Kill Grace Johnson first!


Grace Johnson led the charge.


Both sides fight.

'Crossing the Mountain' was extremely unexpected. I didn't expect that Grace Johnson's strength would reach the middle level of the third-level psychic realm. It had been so long since I last saw him!
This also caused the war situation to not develop in the direction expected by 'Crossing the Mountain'.


'Crossing the Mountain''s face was a little solemn.

Originally, there was not much difference in the level of spiritual arts between the two parties, and Grace Johnson had more experience.

His strength is at the peak level of the second-level psychic realm, which is the same as Grace Johnson. However, because he is younger, his body reacts faster and his condition is better, he has the upper hand in this regard.

Generally speaking, there is not much difference in combat power between the two sides.

The reason why he was able to defeat Grace Johnson repeatedly is because...

He is not afraid of getting hurt!
Because behind him is the Ram clan!
And Grace Johnson is afraid of getting hurt, because the dark elves are behind him. Once he is injured... when faced with the joint pursuit of the Ram tribe and the elves, it is easy for problems to arise.

But after so long...

There has been no progress in the cultivation of "Crossing the Mountain", but he has made great breakthroughs in spiritual arts. He also specially learned a spiritual technique that specifically prevents Grace Johnson from performing spiritual arts - the golden light of escape from the earth.

I thought that everything was ready, and when I met Grace Johnson again, I would be able to gain the upper hand and capture him.

The results of it?
Grace Johnson's strength broke through and reached the middle level of the third-level psychic realm, which made the combat power of the two sides equal again.

'damn it! '

'What to do next? '

'Crossing the mountain peak' my mind was spinning.

At the moment, he is being held back by Grace Johnson and unable to break the situation, and there is also a strong man in the enemy's camp who is at the peak level of the fourth-level psychic realm.

In the next battle, he will not be able to support the Ram clan members such as Bai Mu Sang and Muma Sang. Once the strong man at the peak level of the fourth-level spiritual realm takes action... it will be tragic!

He yelled at the Ram clan members such as Bai Mu Sang and Muma Sang, reminding them to be careful of the powerful man at the peak level of the fourth level spiritual realm in the dark.

Hearing this, the Ram tribe members such as Bai Mu Sang and Muma Sang became more cautious.


At this time, Xia Yu had already killed all the Ram people who were also seriously injured beside him.

She frowned slightly and stared at the Lamu tribe such as Baimusang and Mumasan who were more than twenty feet away from her. She narrowed her eyes slightly and thought about how to kill these Lamu tribe next.

Because as long as you do it now.

It will inevitably be exposed.

Logically speaking, she should take action now to deal with these Ram clan as quickly as possible. The danger would be over and she wouldn't need to worry about anything anymore.


After killing all these Ram tribesmen, is there really no danger?

'Isn't it a little too easy? '

Xia Yu's brows furrowed even more tightly.

The rules of the fog will balance the combat power of both sides. With someone as powerful as her, the battle should not be resolved so easily, but right now...it seems to be resolved too quickly.

Obviously, there was something wrong with this, and there must be something else she didn't know about.


At this moment, Ah Xiong stopped in front of those warriors and faced off against the Lamu tribesmen such as Bai Mu Sang and Muma Sang.

have to say.

His roots and willow branches, even if they are not invisible, have greatly improved their combat effectiveness, not to mention...

These roots and willow branches can also be invisible, making them difficult to detect.

With his own efforts, he stopped the Ram clan members such as Bai Mu Sang and Muma Sang!


How could these soldiers hide in the rear and let Ah Xiong fight his way alone?

The bullets are empty, then mount the bayonet!

Work hard!

Backing off?
These two words, these soldiers don’t know at all! ! !
See this.

The people in the pioneer team were also driven by the bloody spirit of the soldiers and became motivated.


The red-haired young man's blood boiled over, he shouted loudly and launched a charge.

"team leader."

The other members of the pioneer team looked at the captain one after another, meaning they were asking for his opinion: attack, or continue to stay?

"What are you looking at me doing?"

"Hug them!"

The captain of the pioneer team roared, followed closely behind the red-haired young man, and launched a charge.

at the moment.

Our side has the upper hand.

There is no risk in taking action.


The fight has been going on till now, and these bloody people will naturally not back down.

Just do it!

For a time, everyone was united.

On the other hand, the condition of the Lamu tribe members such as Baimusang and Mumasan was getting worse and worse, especially those tribesmen who were seriously injured in the first place. They started to fall to the ground one after another after being beaten.

The 'Little Turtle Formation' was broken instantly.


They are miserable.

Under the combined attack of willow branches, roots, and blades... in just over ten seconds, several more Ram tribe members were killed.

Only Baimu Sang, Muma Sang and two other Lamu tribe members are left!

"Kashiwagi-san, this is not the way to go."

Muma Sang's face looked ugly, and he asked eagerly: "What should we do now?"

Bai Mu Sang gritted his teeth suddenly, which was quite cruel. He directly pressed his hands on the heads of the other two Lamu tribe members and silently recited a spell.

Seeing this, Muma Sang immediately knew what kind of spiritual technique Kashiwa Musang was going to use, and his face changed wildly: "You..."

When the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back.


There is no other better way than doing this.

In fact, even if you do this, it will be difficult to survive!
"Kashiwagi-san, let me go, no...don't..."

"Kashiwagi-san, fight with my life! Kill all these lowly reptiles, they are not worthy of killing me!"

The two Lamu tribesmen who were being pinned down on their heads all spoke, but their words were completely different.


Their state of mind is completely different.

One didn't look at it at all, the other looked at it very much.

And no matter what they think, it will not affect the final result.

next moment.



Both of them spit out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

utterly dead.

On the other hand, Kashiwagi-san, who was holding the formation flag, had a huge golden shadow forming behind him.

Look carefully.

This huge golden shadow is none other than Kashiwagi Sang himself, and he is also holding the formation flag in his hand, but the formation flag is also enlarged several times in proportion.


Upon seeing this, Ah Xiong and the other soldiers' expressions changed.

Although I don't know what kind of spiritual technique this is, this huge golden shadow gave everyone a strong sense of oppression, making everyone's offensive stop.




Ah Xiong came to his senses first and shouted loudly.

"call out."

"call out."


Suddenly, countless roots and willow branches flew out, beating the huge golden shadow hard.


The roots and willow branches penetrated the huge golden shadow, nothing was drawn, and had no effect on the huge golden shadow.


Ah Xiong frowned.

"Don't attack her spirit!"

"Attack herself!"

At this moment, Grace Johnson shouted and reminded.

Ah Xiong came to his senses and immediately began to attack Kashiwagi Sang.



This huge golden shadow had already launched an attack, and it moved like a rabbit. The formation flag in its hand instantly penetrated the body of the warrior at the front.


The warrior's body instantly shriveled up.

On the other hand, the huge golden shadow was much more solid.


"Don't get hurt by them!"

Seeing this, Xia Yu did not continue to hide, but took off the little flower from her face and asked her to find her body. She took the initiative to come over and help everyone kill the enemy!



The warriors quickly retreated.

The steps of the red-haired young man slowed down a beat...


He was killed on the spot.


Seeing this, the captain of the pioneer team shrank his pupils and became angry instantly. He just wanted to avenge his teammates.


Xia Yu, who happened to be passing by, waved out two palms and knocked him and the vice-captain beside him away.

of course.

Xia Yu's purpose was not to kill people, so he used gentle force. He only knocked the two people away without hurting them.

It can be seen that her control of strength has reached the point where she can do whatever she wants and achieve perfection.

"Everyone, stand down."

"Leave this to me."

Xia Yu spoke again and ordered: "Ah Xiong, go help Grace."


Ah Xiong retreated without hesitation and headed for the battlefield on Grace Johnson's side.

Hearing this, the soldiers retreated faster.

They have never met Xia Yu, but...

They saw that even Ah Xiong obeyed his orders. Obviously... Xia Yu was the captain of Xie Shaokun's team and a truly powerful being. At this time, he only needed to obey orders.

Xia Yu cast his gaze on the huge golden shadow and said, "Spiritual appearance?"

In her last life, she had only seen spirits from a distance and was not qualified to fight close up. In this life...

She wanted to take a good moment.

Instead of having a good fight!
"Are you the human at the peak level of the fourth-grade spiritual realm?"

Bai Mu Sang did not rush to launch the huge golden shadow attack, but looked at Xia Yu and asked.

"it's me."

Xia Yu nodded and admitted.

"Kill you."

"The others are just chickens and dogs."

After the words fell, Bai Mu Sang's thoughts moved.


The huge golden shadow waved the formation flag and attacked Xia Yu.

"The speed of the third-level spiritual realm."

"too slow."

Xia Yu shook her head.


The moment her voice fell, she disappeared in an instant, and her whole person turned into an afterimage. In Kashiwagi Sang's field of vision, these afterimages appeared repeatedly, giving people a strong visual impact.

At least.

She couldn't catch Xia Yu at all!


"Spiritual unity!"

Bai Mu Sang's face changed wildly, and he used new spiritual techniques without hesitation.


She merged with the huge golden shadow.

The huge golden shadow suddenly stopped being illusory and became much more solid.

"Kashiwagi-san, you...you don't want to die?"

Muma-san looked shocked.


That's too late.

Because once spiritual unity is performed, it cannot be withdrawn.

Moreover, over time, the spirit form can become the guest and take over the body and consciousness of the person who displays the spirit form.

Unless the outside world forcibly kills the spirit phase.


This will cause great harm to the person who performs the spiritual aspect, and will damage the foundation. Even if the injury is repaired in the future, there will be no hope of making any progress.

It’s not just the cultivation of spiritual arts that cannot be advanced.

He can't even advance his own cultivation level.

and so.

You can use the spirit phase to fight, but you must be careful when using the spirit phase to unite.

It must not be used until the most desperate moment.


What if I don't use it now?

Waiting to die?
Muma-san was silent. He knew that Baimu-san's choice was the most correct, because waiting to die was the stupidest behavior, but... he did not have such courage.

In other words, he is not afraid of death.


What he thought didn't matter and no one cared.

Everyone's eyes are looking at Xia Yu and Bai Mu Sang, this battlefield...

will determine the final victory.

After the spiritual phase is unified, Kashiwagi-san can control the spiritual phase more flexibly, and the spiritual phase's own strength will also be improved.

The principles behind this are complex.

To put it simply: the more energy and vitality a person possesses, the more powerful the spiritual form they can display.

Previously, Bai Mu Sang used spiritual skills to absorb the blood and vitality of two other tribesmen, and then used the spiritual aspect, which allowed the strength of the spiritual aspect to reach the level of the third-level spiritual realm.

Now, she, a master of the second-level spiritual energy realm, has also invested her energy and vitality into the spiritual aspect, and the strength of the spiritual aspect will naturally be further improved.


The strength of the spirit phase has reached the peak level of the third-grade spiritual energy realm.

If it weren't for the fact that the fourth level of spiritual realm was too difficult to reach, I'm afraid that with the energy and vitality possessed by Kashiwa Musang, he could easily increase his spiritual power by one level.


Even if he reaches the level of the fourth-level spiritual realm, Kashiwagi Sang, who is spiritually integrated, is still no match for Xia Yu!

The blood butterfly in Xia Yu's hand easily pierced Ling Xiang's heart.

prior to.

The reason why Ah Xiong's willow branches and roots can penetrate the spiritual phase is because the spiritual phase is essentially nothingness. It is a manifestation of energy. It is only mixed with blood and vitality, so it has extremely strong attack power. It is a A very unique spiritual technique.

In fact, it looks a bit like a puppet.

There are just a lot of differences.

The blood butterfly is different from Ah Xiong's willow branches and roots. It is a psychic weapon that can hurt anything related to energy.

and so.

The blood butterfly did not penetrate the spiritual phase, but pierced his heart.


At this moment, the spirit phase trembled violently.

Centered on the heart, dense cracks appeared and began to spread to various parts of the body. Once they spread throughout the body, the spiritual phase will inevitably collapse.

"Still not working?"

Not far away, Muma-san was a little desperate when he saw this scene.

A strong person at the peak level of the fourth-level spiritual realm has too strong fighting power. The battle just now... was more like being tortured than fighting.

Kashiwagi-san was defeated without even launching an attack!
The combat power of both sides is not at the same level at all.


'Crossing the Mountain''s face suddenly changed, because he also sensed something was wrong and realized that his side was about to be completely defeated. His eyes flashed with a dangerous light.

Obviously ready to fight.

"Cross the mountain and join us."

"I can ask the master to let you go."

Grace Johnson was keenly aware of the change in 'Crossing the Mountain''s demeanor. He thought of something in an instant, his face changed, and he directly persuaded: "Trust me."

He wanted to stall for time.


'Crossing the Mountain' had already made up his mind and used his spiritual form without hesitation.

And...directly spiritually merged into one!

Although he does not have the energy, blood and vitality of other beings to swallow him, with his own energy, blood and vitality... it is enough! ! !


The spiritual phase was formed in an instant, and the strength soared straight to the fifth-grade spiritual realm, reaching it in the blink of an eye!


Grace Johnson's expression changed and he immediately retreated.

He is no match.

next moment.

Before there was time to take any further action, even before 'Crossing the Mountain' launched an attack, a shocking scene appeared...


Kashiwagi-san's spiritual phase suddenly began to repair when the cracks spread to the nail caps and were about to completely collapse.

And the repair speed is faster!
In the blink of an eye, he was back to his original state. Not only that... his strength has also been further improved. No, it should be said that it has been greatly improved!

Fourth level spiritual realm!
The pinnacle of the fourth level spiritual energy realm!
Fifth level spiritual realm!
The middle stage of the fifth-grade psychic realm!
The pinnacle of the fifth-grade spiritual energy realm!

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