I'm back from hell

Chapter 497 The Weird General’s Mansion

Chapter 497 The Weird General’s Mansion


Vice Captain Yang said with certainty.

Although he has never seen a strong person in the fourth level of spiritual energy take action, he can judge based on his own experience that the opponent is definitely that strong.

"of course."

"What I'm saying is that after using that sword technique, you will have the combat power of the fourth-level spiritual realm."

Vice Captain Yang reminded.

"That's pretty strong too."

Grace Johnson nodded slightly, and the look on his face showed that he roughly understood what was going on: that personal guard should be at the middle level of the third-level spiritual realm, or even at the peak of the third-level spiritual realm. The level of strength, combined with the sword technique, has the combat power of the fourth-level spiritual realm.

This is similar to myself.


If he was given the opportunity to use his special skills, he would be absolutely sure to kill this personal guard.


The current situation is very serious. The general has more than one personal guard. An ordinary personal guard is so strong. Who is the captain of the personal guard?

The combat power is definitely stronger.

In this case, I had no confidence in dealing with him. I might not even be able to break through the group of guards, and I wouldn't even be able to see the guard captain.

and so.

If it is not a last resort, you still cannot take action rashly.

"Then let's wait and see how the situation develops."

Zhao Cancan said.


Vice Captain Yang nodded in agreement.

Grace Johnson also nodded.

"What do we do next?"

Vice Captain Yang asked again.

"Still according to the original plan."

Grace Johnson looked at Vice Captain Yang and said, "But... I want to remind you that you don't have much time."

Vice Captain Yang looked calm and nodded.

Grace Johnson frowned, and couldn't help but feel worried: Did something happen to the master? Why haven't you found the ghost weapon yet?
Although the area controlled by these ghosts is relatively large, but...

The ghost weapon is definitely not small, and it has cold characteristics.

Ah Xiong has so many roots and willow branches, it shouldn't be difficult to find the ghost weapon, right?

Just destroy it.

Although the 'world in the photo' will not be destroyed, the people 'sucked' into it by the ghost weapon will be released.

Oh, right.

The 'photo ghost' will also be released.

Grace Johnson's thoughts were like a surging tide, constantly diverging, and he thought of another question: 'If the general in the General's Mansion is a photo ghost, then... the photo ghost should be to the world in this photo. Are they also outsiders? '

'Then how did it gain the trust of His Majesty the Emperor of the Jin Dynasty? '

All we can say is that the photo ghost must have used some method from the ghost clan.

The question puzzled Grace Johnson.

Shaking his head, Grace Johnson pulled back some of his thoughts. He no longer wasted time thinking about these things, but focused on the most important thing at the moment: how to contact the general. '?
Time flies.

Soon, another three months passed by in a flash.

What Grace Johnson didn't expect was that during this period of time, even though he had been fulfilling his duties and performing well, he still had not been promoted to the general manager.

He even had the idea of ​​'killing the Controller'.


In the end, he held back and decided to get together with Vice Captain Yang and Zhao Cancan to discuss the results before making a decision.

In fact, I just wanted to get together with Vice Captain Yang and ask him if there was any good news over there.

Because Grace Johnson has already been to Zhao Cancan and knows the situation there: The general has not been looking for Mrs. Xue these days. To be precise...

The general has been spending his time in the study and the general's wife these days.

Three more days passed.

Grace Johnson, Zhao Cancan and Vice Captain Yang gathered together.

Grace Johnson and Zhao Cancan both shook their heads helplessly, meaning: there is no valuable news.

Both of them were a little disappointed, and they all looked expectantly at Vice Captain Yang.

At this time, Vice Captain Yang had a tired face and serious injuries on his body. He looked very miserable. Apparently... he had just experienced a fierce battle.


Grace Johnson looked at Vice Captain Yang and asked with a hint of sympathy in his heart.


Vice Captain Yang nodded and said, "Very strong."

"These days, more and more assassins are coming, and they are getting stronger and stronger. The patrol brigade is already seriously short of manpower. The current number is only one-fifth of what it was at its peak, and it is impossible to defend the entire General's Mansion."

"You must be careful."

"Where are you guarding now? In the inner courtyard of the General's Mansion?"

Grace Johnson asked.

The General's Mansion is divided into two courtyards: inner and outer.

Although the inner courtyard is small, it...

Because the entire General's Mansion is very large, the area of ​​the inner courtyard is still very large, but it is very small compared to the entire mansion.

The general's study is in the inner courtyard.


Vice Captain Yang replied: "Even in the inner courtyard, we are only guarding part of it."

"The rest were given to the general's personal guards."

"It seems...the forces outside the General's Mansion will launch an all-out attack recently."

Grace Johnson heard this and analyzed: "Has the battle between the two sides reached an incandescent level?"


Vice Captain Yang nodded, feeling the same way.

"No wonder the general never comes to live with Mrs. Xue."

Zhao Cancan showed a look of surprise.

Grace Johnson also understood the reason why he had never been able to serve as the general manager. Unless the general manager died now and the position became vacant, he would have a chance to take over.


Do you really want to kill the manager?

This idea flashed through his mind, and Grace Johnson denied it again. Do it now. If you don't handle it well, it will undoubtedly cause unnecessary trouble.

"What's next?"

Looking at Grace Johnson's expression, Zhao Cancan guessed that he was considering how to deal with the current situation, so he asked.

"I plan to go to your place often."

Grace Johnson said directly.

Hearing this, Zhao Cancan immediately understood what Grace Johnson meant: protect her!
"I can't move freely here."

Vice Captain Yang said: "However, I am seriously injured now. If I delegate my power, I may be able to avoid being on the front line."

"I can join you."

Grace Johnson thought silently for a while.

Zhao Cancan also fell into deep thought for a while, not knowing what to choose.

On one side is life safety, on the other side is hard-earned rights. Zhao Cancan knows that no matter what choice he makes, it seems to make sense.

"My advice is, give up your rights."

Grace Johnson thought for a while and said.

"what do you mean……"

"Protect yourself first?"

Vice Captain Yang asked.


Grace Johnson nodded and said, "Save your life first."

"Now is indeed a good opportunity to enter the power circle of the General's Mansion, but you probably won't be able to withstand the recent attacks of a large number of assassins."

"If what I expected is correct..."

"The General's Mansion wants to hold on until reinforcements arrive."

"The forces outside the general's palace want to kill the general before reinforcements arrive."

"So, before reinforcements arrive, there will definitely be a fierce battle in the general's mansion."

"In your current state, you will definitely die if you rush to the front line."

Zhao Cancan nodded, and after listening to Grace Johnson's more in-depth analysis, she was more inclined to give up her rights.

Vice Captain Yang frowned.

He is not attached to power, but he has different ideas: "I think if the general dies, it will be difficult for us to get out. Only the general can let us out."

"He may even be purged by forces outside the general's palace and die early."

"So, we should protect the general."

Zhao Cancan frowned. Vice Captain Yang's concerns were not unreasonable: "But if we choose to protect the general, the general may not send us out if he survives."

"No no no."

Vice Captain Yang was about to say something, but because he was too excited, his injuries were involved, and he gasped in pain.

Grace Johnson immediately understood what he meant, and spoke for him: "What Deputy Captain Yang means is that as long as we find the general and capture him, we can force him to let us go. go out."


Vice Captain Yang nodded, that was exactly what he meant.

However, Zhao Cancan's brows were still furrowed.


First, the 'photo ghost' is not necessarily a general!
Second, even if the 'photo ghost' is the general, and the general can send them out, but... will the general keep his promise and send them out?

not necessarily!

After all, the enemies are gone, and the general has plenty of time to play with them slowly.

"Even if you are saving the general, you don't have to be on the front line."

Grace Johnson thought of a better idea and said: "We can serve as a 'third party force' and wait for the two sides to fight to the death, and it will not be too late to make a profit."

"If we can force the general to use all his cards, it would be better if the general himself is seriously injured."

"It will be easier for us to capture the general then, isn't it?"

Vice Captain Yang did not respond immediately, thinking silently.


However, Zhao Cancan felt that Grace Johnson was more mature and prudent, and could always come up with effective solutions at critical moments.

It's so easy to hang out with teammates like this, it's no brainer at all.

She just needs to be obedient.

"it is good."

"Then do as you say."

Vice Captain Yang hesitated for a moment, but finally agreed.

In fact, this is gambling.


At the moment, there seems to be no better way besides gambling.


Grace Johnson patted Vice Captain Yang on the shoulder and said seriously: "Be careful."

"The sooner you get rid of your responsibilities, the sooner you can rest and regain your strength."

"When the time comes, you can help us too!"


Vice Captain Yang nodded and then walked away.

That night.

Vice Captain Yang chose to take a rest, and the Guards Captain promoted the Deputy Captain of the Patrol Corps to take over Deputy Captain Yang's position.


Vice Captain Yang and Grace Johnson reunited.

Under the operation of Grace Johnson, Vice Captain Yang took advantage of the night to come to the courtyard where Mrs. Xue was, and then hid in Zhao Cancan's room under Zhao Cancan's instructions.

Grace Johnson also found a reason to stay in the inner courtyard.


deeper and deeper.

It's also getting quieter.

Anyone in the know knows that this is the calm before the storm.

The courtyard where Mrs. Snow is.

In Zhao Cancan's room.

Grace Johnson acted very calmly and even lay down on Zhao Cancan's bed to rest. Zhao Cancan was nervous and clenched his hands, but still sat on the chair beside him and waited.

Vice Captain Yang was the most anxious. Although he was seriously injured, he was still walking back and forth in the room, looking quite impatient and worried.

Grace Johnson has already told Vice Captain Yang and Zhao Cancan not to panic. There is no point in rushing about this matter. It is better to lie down or sit down and recuperate.


Even if the assassination operation starts, it must be in the second half of the night, definitely not in the first half of the night.

Zhao Cancan obviously listened to Grace Johnson's persuasion, and his calmness and composure also gave Zhao Cancan great comfort.

But things didn’t work out for Vice Captain Yang. He could remain calm at first, but then he became restless and began to walk back and forth in the room, becoming very irritable.

Grace Johnson was too lazy to say anything else.

after all.

Vice Captain Yang was seriously injured and was the weakest among the three, so he could not provide much help.

Therefore, Grace Johnson did not pay much attention to Vice Captain Yang's behavior.

Zhao Cancan thought so too, so she didn't stop Vice Captain Yang from walking back and forth, not to mention...she herself was very nervous and a little anxious.

After taking a look at Grace Johnson and finding that he was sleeping peacefully, Zhao Cancan couldn't help but be startled.

'What a big heart. '

She was filled with admiration.


Grace Johnson is not 'big-hearted', but as the leader of the dark elves, he has been running around with his people all year round. He needs to find time to sleep and rest, so...

If you don't develop the habit of 'sleeping in seconds', it will definitely not work.

Being tired will exhaust you to death.


In fact, the current situation is similar, and many people are like this. Like Grace Johnson, she falls asleep very quickly, but can maintain absolute vigilance. Once danger approaches, she will wake up immediately.

Because the living environment abroad is also extremely bad.

In contrast, Daxia's country is completely different.

The living environment is relatively good, and most people do not need to leave the city. Even if they go out to become pioneers, the risk factor is lower than that of people abroad.

Vice Captain Yang and Zhao Cancan have never experienced the escape life of the dark elves, nor do they have the pressure of survival abroad.

Because they have someone to protect their safety when they return to the city, and their leaders will make arrangements when they go out to perform tasks.

Some people sleep and some are alert.

Everyone does their own work.

There's nothing extra to worry about.

This is enough to prove how happy it is to live in a country protected by heroes!

There is really no harm without comparison!
More than an hour passed.

The night was darker.


Grace Johnson suddenly woke up, opened his eyes, sat up, and said, "It's begun."


Hearing this, Vice Captain Yang and Zhao Cancan's pupils shrank.

Vice Captain Yang even hesitated and asked, "Really?"


Grace Johnson nodded and asked, "Can I still lie to you?"


Vice Captain Yang felt a little embarrassed and immediately realized that he was a little too impatient.

It is indeed impossible for Grace Johnson to lie to people about this kind of thing, and there is no need to lie to people. His question was completely unnecessary.

"Get ready."

Grace Johnson withdrew his gaze and didn't say much. Instead, he changed the subject and said, "There are a lot of people coming. I guess the General's Mansion may not be able to handle them."


Zhao Cancan nodded.

Vice Captain Yang also nodded.

Grace Johnson glanced at the room where Mrs. Xue was, and then withdrew her gaze.

In this current situation, I guess...

Those assassins who enter the general's mansion will kill anyone they see and will not let anyone go.

and so.

This Mrs. Xue will most likely die.

At this time, Grace Johnson didn't have much time to think about more things, because... the killing cry had already sounded.


Everyone looked at each other with concentration.

At this moment, the General's Mansion instantly turned into a mess.

The originally quiet and peaceful night became thrilling because of the arrival of these assassins.

Mrs. Xue was also awakened. What was unexpected was that she did not hide immediately, but came to the door of Zhao Cancan's room and asked in a low voice: "Xiao Can, are you awake?"

inside the house.

Grace Johnson, Vice Captain Yang and Zhao Cancan all frowned.

They never imagined that Mrs. Xue would come here at this time.

'what to do? ’

Zhao Cancan opened his mouth and asked silently.

Vice Captain Yang had no idea and looked at Grace Johnson.

"Don't be afraid."

Grace Johnson quickly calmed down and said via message: "Now the general's palace is in chaos. The 'general' doesn't even care about his own life. How can he care about us?"

"Besides, after this night, we will probably break up with the 'General'."


He did not continue to say the next words.


Both Zhao Cancan and Vice Captain Yang can understand.

"Mrs. Xue, why are you here?"

Zhao Cancan asked aloud: "Hurry up and hide, another assassin may have appeared."

While talking.


Screams could be heard from the outer courtyard, and the fire began to break out and spread.

For a moment, everyone's expressions became extremely solemn.

"Xiao Can, follow me, there is a secret room in my room."

Mrs. Xue said.


Grace Johnson was also quite surprised. She didn't expect that Mrs. Xue was so kind, and she was thinking about Zhao Cancan's safety at such a critical moment.

this means……

First, Zhao Cancan is getting along well with Mrs. Xue these days.

Second, Mrs. Xue is kind-hearted in nature. With his memories being wiped out one after another, if he wasn't a kind-hearted person, he would never be thinking about his maid's life at this time.


Zhao Cancan didn't know how to answer for a while.

She also had to deal with the 'general', so naturally she couldn't hide in the secret room.

"Mrs. Snow."

"You go to the secret room quickly, I won't go, I'm afraid of dragging you down."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Zhao Cancan comforted him: "I believe in the 'general's' guards."

Zhao Cancan could only try her best to appease Mrs. Xue. She did not dare to rush too hastily, for fear of arousing Mrs. Xue's suspicion and exposing Grace Johnson and Vice Captain Yang.


Mrs. Xue snorted coldly and said angrily: "The General's personal guards will only protect the General. He will not care about your life."

"Don't say it's you, you won't even care about my life."

"Right now, all we can rely on is ourselves."

"So please come with me quickly. If it's too late, it might be too late."


Zhao Cancan didn't expect Mrs. Xue to see so clearly, and to say it so straightforwardly: "Mrs. Xue, I..."


Before she finished speaking, Grace Johnson sent a message again and said, "If you need me, I will send a message to you."

"When the time comes, come out again."

"If Mrs. Xue doesn't allow you to come out, you'll knock her out." Now, the assassin is causing harm to the outer courtyard and is attacking the inner courtyard. Once they enter the inner courtyard, the assassins will probably know what's going on here. .

When the time comes, a fight will inevitably occur.

And once a fight breaks out, who knows if the assassin will mobilize more manpower?

and so.

It is better to let Mrs. Xue enter the secret room as much as possible and not chat here.

What's more, if Zhao Cancan doesn't show up and refuses to leave, Mrs. Xue will definitely become suspicious.

Who knows what accident will happen by then!
"it is good."

Zhao Cancan didn't ask Grace Johnson why she did this, and time didn't allow it. She just nodded in agreement.


Zhao Cancan and Mrs. Xue left.


Not even a minute after the two left, the inner courtyard was breached and a large number of assassins poured in.

This courtyard is relatively close to the outer courtyard, so in just one minute, an assassin sneaked into it.


Grace Johnson was about to signal Vice Captain Yang to be silent, but Vice Captain Yang lowered his voice and reminded him.

Grace Johnson frowned and realized that something bad had happened.

as predicted.


The assassin in the courtyard originally wanted to go straight to the room where Mrs. Xue was, but when he heard a voice from Vice Captain Yang, he immediately turned around and looked over, tensing up and getting ready for battle.

Seeing this, Vice Captain Yang said: "..."

He immediately realized that what he had just said was really stupid.

in fact.

Don't blame him either.

Mainly, he didn't expect the other party's hearing to be so good.

You know, when the other party ducked into the courtyard just now, Vice Captain Yang judged that the other party's strength was a master at the first level of the third-grade psychic realm.

A master at this level shouldn't hear his voice.

Because his voice was very low, the door was closed, the distance between the two parties was not close, several feet away, and the surroundings were so chaotic.


The other party actually heard it!

This hearing is definitely better than that of an expert at the middle level of the third-grade psychic realm!
Grace Johnson did not blame Vice Captain Yang, because it was useless to blame at this time. It was better to think about how to quietly deal with the person in front of him.

this time.

Vice Captain Yang no longer made his own decisions, but turned his gaze to Grace Johnson aside with an inquiring look.


Grace Johnson made a gesture and transmitted the message secretly.

Vice Captain Yang immediately retreated.

Immediately, he realized that when he stepped back, there would be a sound when his footsteps hit the ground. Although it was not loud, the other party's hearing was so abnormal that he would definitely be able to hear it.

So he immediately looked at Grace Johnson and stopped.

I don't know.

Grace Johnson deliberately asked him to retreat and make noise this time, and then asked the assassin to target him and ignore Grace Johnson's existence.


Grace Johnson can catch the opponent off guard and give him a 'surprise'.


The movement that Vice Captain Yang had made, even if it stopped, had already been locked by the assassin outside, and... because Vice Captain Yang suddenly stopped, the assassin guessed that he was afraid, afraid of making any noise. ,so……

The assassin chose to rush in directly.


The door was kicked to the ground, and a figure rushed towards Vice Captain Yang's position.



He saw two people.

Grace Johnson grinned and greeted, "Hello."


Just when he was about to make a move, Grace Johnson's smile became even brighter.

The assassin felt his hair standing on end, feeling that death was coming.

next moment.


His head was penetrated.

It turned out that Grace Johnson had already used spiritual magic before the other party came in, controlling an arrow made from heavenly wood to float in the room.

The moment the assassin came in, the arrow came quietly behind the assassin under the cover of night.

That's what happened now.



It was the first time for Vice Captain Yang to see Grace Johnson take action. He had never seen it before. He didn't know the specific combat power of Grace Johnson. He was completely shocked at this time.

Didn’t you say that you are only in the middle of the third-grade spiritual realm?
What is the method of controlling arrows through the air?

For a moment, a lot of doubts appeared in Vice Captain Yang's mind.

"As a member of the dark elf clan."

Grace Johnson explained a little: "The spiritual technique of controlling arrows is the most basic, and everyone can do it."

is it?

seems like it.

Information about the dark elves came to Vice Captain Yang's mind.

The Apocalypse Survival Manual contains information about the Dark Elves.

In an instant, he had greater confidence in this action.


Grace Johnson didn't care what Vice Captain Yang was thinking, but checked the surrounding situation, then breathed a sigh of relief and said, "The movement here just now did not attract more assassins."

"We are safe for now."


Hearing this, Vice Captain Yang also breathed a sigh of relief: "Next, we can just wait for the two sides to fight to the death."


Grace Johnson set his sights on the assassin's body on the ground, and then used spiritual magic.


The assassin's body was reduced to ashes.



Vice Captain Yang suddenly had a deeper understanding of the dark elves' methods.

He knew that it was not the Dark Elves who were awesome, but Grace Johnson.

No matter which race you belong to, there are awesome people and mediocre people, and mediocre people make up the majority.

For a while.

He also gained a better understanding of Xie Shaokun's team.

How many good players are there on this team?
Are they all so powerful?

It is worthy of being hailed as the number one force in the country besides the officialdom!

It is worthy of being the number one force that is highly valued by the higher ups and mainly focuses on winning over!

at the same time.




In other parts of the inner courtyard, the sounds of killing continued one after another.

among them.

Mixed with screams.

Like a symphony of killing.

Near the study room of the General's Mansion.

Because there were too many assassins, the general's personal guards retreated to the vicinity of the study and surrounded it.

As for the rest of the inner courtyard...

Can't care anymore.

There was not a single patrol member near the study.


These people are all dead!
And this move also made these assassins completely sure of one thing: the general is in the study!
Suddenly, assassins from the inner courtyard came one after another.

Some assassins who were still searching and hunting other people in the inner courtyard also rushed towards the study with a low shout.

this moment.

The study was under great pressure instantly.


The personal guards of these 'generals' were really powerful, and they actually took over all the attacks.


Grace Johnson and Vice Captain Yang had arrived not far away and were looking at the battle in the study.

"Guess so."

Vice Captain Yang nodded and said: "Those assassins don't seem to know how to use formations. They rely entirely on their own abilities to attack. It is estimated that it will be difficult to break through this defensive formation."

"rest assured."

Grace Johnson said calmly: "There must be capable people among these assassins. It is impossible not to expect this."

"Let's just take our time and see."


Vice Captain Yang nodded.

next moment.

Sure enough, as Grace Johnson expected, eight people emerged from the assassins, and the leader's strength reached the peak level of the third-level psychic realm.

All eight of them used swords.

They are very particular about their positioning towards each other, and you can tell at a glance... they are setting up a formation!
"What formation is this?"

Vice Captain Yang asked with a frown.

"Sword formation."


"As for the name, I don't know."

Grace Johnson said.

This world is so big that he has lived for hundreds of years and has never even heard of many races, let alone the name of a sword formation.

He didn't know, and it was even less possible for Vice Captain Yang to know.

Before they had time to ask anything, the eight swordsmen in front of them had already completed the arrangement of the sword formation. For a moment, the long swords in their hands were trembling.

Make a long sound.


The surrounding assassins and the General's bodyguards all felt extremely uncomfortable, especially their ears.

Followed by.

Waves of fierce sword intent soared into the sky.

Eight shares in total.

Gathering in the night sky.

The meaning of the sword is invisible.


Everyone around, including Vice Captain Yang, could feel the presence of the sword, which was domineering and sharp. At this moment, these eight domineering and sharp sword intentions gathered together and entangled with each other, like hemp ropes 'tangled' together. .

Finally, a more domineering and fierce sword intent was formed!

The sword's will takes shape!

A giant sword holding the sky appeared out of thin air, the tip of the sword pointed directly in the direction of the study!

At this time, the leading swordsman shouted lowly.


The remaining seven swordsmen turned their wrists and changed their sword styles. Then everyone saw the giant sword in the sky falling straight down with the sound of a sword.

Carrying great momentum.



The other assassins also shouted loudly and launched their offensive.


Both sides are cooperating.


Seeing this, Vice Captain Yang felt a chill in his heart. He stared at the giant sword and said, "Now...the guards can't hold it anymore, right?"

He was so far away that he could feel the terror revealed on the giant sword.

From this we can see how terrifying the destructive power of that giant sword is!
Grace Johnson frowned, but did not refute Vice Captain Yang, because... the destructive power of the giant sword was indeed terrifying, and even he did not dare to resist it.

Fear arises deep in the soul.

He was not surprised by this.

The sword is the king of weapons. The power of a sword formation is generally stronger than a battle formation of the same level.

As for the battle formation, he also knew it very well.

Studying for hundreds of years.


The sword formation in front of him, the giant sword holding up the sky... he felt a bit unpredictable.


This sword array is quite advanced.

Therefore, most of the formations formed by those personal guards cannot withstand it.


A scene that Grace Johnson didn't expect appeared:

I saw that under the gaze of everyone, the giant sword that held up the sky stabbed the formation formed by the personal guards, and suddenly... the formation formed by the personal guards shook violently.

Each of the guards showed pain.


They were able to become the general's personal guards. Not only were they powerful, but their willpower was also abnormal. This pain did not make them scream in pain, nor did it make them move at all.

So much so.

The defensive formation was not destroyed!
Are you holding on?

'not necessarily! '

Grace Johnson narrowed his eyes and stared at the two battle formations.


The sky-high sword and the formations formed by the personal guards were attriting each other.

As for who can hold up the best, it’s hard to say!





The astonishing attacks launched by the surrounding assassins all fell on the formations formed by the personal guards.


The defensive formations formed by the personal guards were shaking crazily and could collapse at any time.

The general's personal guards were also getting more and more seriously injured, and blood began to flow from the corners of everyone's mouths.


Vice Captain Yang said again: "Look!"

Hearing this, Grace Johnson looked in the direction pointed by Vice Captain Yang's finger, and then his pupils shrank.

Just see.

Surrounding this group of assassins, there are actually four 'phalanxes', each of which has 7,749 people. Their positions are very special, and the fluctuations around them are very familiar...


Grace Johnson blurted out: "This...this is the Four-Elephant Formation!!!"

Four-image array?
Vice Captain Yang asked in confusion: "Is it very powerful?"

Grace Johnson did not answer him, but said with great certainty: "Those personal guards will be defeated."


What else did Vice Captain Yang want to say.


The Four Symbols Formation trembled.


Four giant beasts condensed in the sky above the four 'square formations'.


In the sky above the first 'phalanx', the giant beast condensed was a green dragon. The green dragon circled and danced in the night sky, roaring towards the sky and making the sound of dragon roar.



In the sky above the second 'phalanx', the giant beast condensed was a white tiger. The white tiger pranced back and forth over the 'phalanx', with a strong body, its feet in the void, looking up to the sky and roaring, making a roaring sound, as if it were in the sky. Reveal its status as the king of the forest to the world.


The giant beast condensed in the sky above the third 'Phalanx' is a Xuanwu. This Xuanwu is huge, even bigger than the 'Phalanx'. It looks very lazy, lying on the 'Phalanx' The top of it was motionless, and it didn't even bother to raise its eyelids. The roar was weird and unintimidating, but its eyes were scarlet, and the cyan turtle shell on its back gave people an extremely heavy feeling, as if it was carried on its back. It's a mountain.


In the sky above the fourth 'phalanx', the giant beast condensed was a red bird. The fiery red bird spread its huge wings several feet long, looked up to the sky and screamed. The sound was sharp and extremely harsh, and its whole body was burning. With the brown flames, the surrounding space seemed to have been deformed by the high temperature.

Four-image formation.

It is formed by the condensation of four great beasts.


This is their performance moment.

I saw that Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu all moved at this moment, marching through the void from four directions towards the location of the study.

this moment.

They resemble each other in four words: dragnet!

Upon seeing this, Vice Captain Yang felt his scalp numb and his whole body covered with goosebumps.

He even subconsciously took a step back and almost fell off the wall. Fortunately, Grace Johnson caught him.

"This... is so strong."

Vice Captain Yang even forgot to thank Grace Johnson and still stared blankly at the four mythical beasts.

in the past.

He had only seen the four great beasts in movies, TV series or comics, but seeing them with his own eyes now, even if they were transformed into the Four Symbol Formation, still overturned his understanding.

His outlook was shocked over and over again.

Grace Johnson narrowed his eyes and murmured in his heart: 'The net of drag and earth, the cycle of everything. Linked together, connected in series...'

'This is the essence of the Four Symbols Formation. '

'But at the moment, this four-image array obviously does not achieve the goal of 'interlocking each other and connecting the arrays', and its power is naturally greatly reduced. '

'However, helping the sword formation to deal with the defensive formations formed by the guards... is enough! '

next moment.


Grace Johnson saw the green dragon swish its tail, the white tiger pounce, the black turtle hit, and the Suzaku flap its wings, and the defensive formation formed by the guards was instantly defeated.

This reminds me of one word: crispy!

The defensive formations formed by those personal guards were shattered by a single touch!
It's not that the defensive formation formed by those personal guards is weak, but that the Four Elephant Formation is too strong!



The personal guards of the 'General' vomited blood, staggered back, and fell to the ground.

Although their willpower is strong, but...

Still can't bear this kind of hurt.

Many of the weaker guards fell to the ground and died on the spot.

Although the stronger personal guards did not die on the spot, they were still overwhelmed by the subsequent assassin offensive and died completely.

For a while.

Outside the study.

Only the leader of the General's bodyguard was still alive, and he was the only one standing.


I don't know why, but the leader of the 'General's personal guard gave people an aura of 'one man can guard against ten thousand men', and no one dared to approach him.

And he never made a move from beginning to end.

Just watching his men die.

This scene was so weird that everyone was stunned.

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