I'm back from hell

Chapter 510: The Spirit Crystal is in hand, and everyone is speculating

Chapter 510: The Spirit Crystal is in hand, and everyone is speculating

Most of the 'humanoid wolves' who were originally responsible for 'mining' and came for support chose to stop.

Only a small part still charged!
Vow to avenge the leader.

I don't know.

They are really stupid!

Their leader was so powerful that he was killed instantly, let alone them? The strength gap between the two sides is too big!
At this time, surrender is the best result.




This time, without Xia Yu taking action, Grace Johnson and Li Xianglong killed all the 'humanoid wolves' who did not know whether to live or die.


"What to do with them?"

Grace Johnson asked.

"Kill them all."

Xia Yu calmly issued the order.

Grace Johnson: "..."

Li Xianglong: "..."


Grace Johnson gave a thumbs up and said: "I was worried about your wifely nature, Master. I didn't expect you to be more adaptable to the survival rules of an alien space than me."

"Do not talk nonsense."

"Do it."

Xia Yu's ears twitched, and he heard that the third batch of 'humanoid wolves' coming for support were approaching.

Even if they return, they will not be afraid.


Just in case, it's better not to get into a siege.


Grace Johnson gave a low drink.

Li Xianglong had already rushed forward.

Grace Johnson: "..."

"You two are here to clean up the battlefield, and I'll go out for a while."

Xia Yu still remembers what happened with Xiaohua.

after all.

The pressure over there is even greater, and if support is not provided as soon as possible, heavy casualties are likely to occur.

Although...it's a little late to go now.


What if I can catch up?


After saying that, Grace Johnson and Li Xianglong walked away without waiting for a response.

Half a minute later.

The battle between Grace Johnson and Li Xianglong is over.

ten minutes later.

The battle on Xia Yu's side is over.

All the 'humanoid wolves' died, including the 'humanoid wolf' who had fought fiercely with the Golden Ling Feather Eagle before and the third batch of 'humanoid wolves' who went to support.

Not a single one was left.

Kill them all!

Xia Yu reunited with Grace Johnson and Li Xianglong.

Grace Johnson said: "Master, a total of 166 kilograms of miscellaneous spirit crystals were harvested. We were just in time, and these wolves just took out all the miscellaneous spirit crystals."

"Otherwise, it will be a waste of time."

"It will take quite a long time to dig out the miscellaneous spirit crystals."

"Approximately how many pieces of spiritual crystal can there be?"

Xia Yu looked at the large amount of impurities mixed in the miscellaneous spirit crystal and couldn't help but frown and asked.

There are so many impurities, I'm afraid...

I can't get many spiritual crystals.

Grace Johnson hesitated for a moment, then said, "It would be nice to get seventeen or eighty yuan."

Seventeen or eighty yuan?

so much?
Xia Yu was already very satisfied.

There was no danger at all in this matter, and she was indeed very satisfied that she was able to get so many resources.

"Take them and let's go."

She ducked away.

Grace Johnson and Li Xianglong followed closely behind with more than 100 kilograms of miscellaneous spiritual crystals.

Twenty minutes later.

Xia Yu and the others met with Xiao Hua and others.

After learning that several soldiers had been lost, Xia Yu had already expected it and said, "I will give you half of the resources."

Grace Johnson nodded.

Li Xianglong also nodded.

In terms of resource allocation, Xia Yu's approach has always been problem-free.

Captain Mai, Liu Zhiguo and others thanked them one after another. Obviously... they also knew that the effect they exerted was not very effective. They only lost soldiers, so Xia Yu gave them so many resources.

I don't know.

After Xia Yu made the plan, she had already thought of the distribution plan.

Because, in her opinion, if there is a problem in any link, there is a possibility of not getting such a spiritual crystal.

For example: If Captain Mai, Liu Zhiguo and others hadn't helped attract the attention of the 'humanoid wolf clan', she and Grace Johnson would have probably made a fuss when they sneaked in...

Who can guarantee that the leader of the 'Humanoid Wolf Tribe' will not destroy the Miscellaneous Spirit Crystal?
Or run away with the Miscellaneous Spirit Crystal?

She won’t take away anyone’s credit.

"You two..."

Xia Yu turned his attention to Grace Johnson and Li Xianglong: "Grace, share 30% of the remaining half, and Li Xianglong will share 20% of the remaining half."


Grace Johnson and Li Xianglong naturally had no objection and nodded.

Especially Li Xianglong, he never expected that he would be able to get so much in his hands and make a huge profit!

For a while.

He wanted to hang out with Xia Yu even more.

after an hour.

Everyone has come out of the sad atmosphere. After all...deaths happen from time to time.

"Congratulations, Xiao Li."

Grace Johnson patted Li Xianglong on the shoulder and said.

"Happy together."

Li Xianglong responded.


Grace Johnson said: "When the resources are available this time, we will be able to increase our strength again."

"It won't take long for your strength to break through to the fifth level, right?"

"Wherever there is."

"It's still far away."

Li Xianglong said humbly.

Grace Johnson continued to say something...

Xia Yu glanced at Grace Johnson and Li Xianglong, then looked away, focusing on Captain Mai and others, who were still a little tense but were already much better.

At last.

She turned her gaze to a fog incident in the distance and said, "I'm going to understand the rules of the fog. You guys stay here now."


After the words fell, Xia Yu had disappeared.

It has been a month since the last fog incident broke out. The Earth Star side... should have already confirmed that I have entered an alien space. I just wonder if those divine disciples and divine envoys know?

At present, the seraphs behind Li Xianglong have never contacted Li Xianglong, and there is no way to get relevant information from the seraphs.

and so.

She can only place her hope on herself: to understand the rules of the fog as soon as possible, so that she can enter the Earth Star at any time.


Grace Johnson, Li Xianglong and others all looked condensed.

Xia Yu has done this many times in the past month to understand the rules of the fog, and they have become accustomed to it.



Earth star.

A month has passed and the situation has indeed changed subtly.

Let’s talk about the base first.

After failing to contact Xia Yu for a month, Xia Ruisi Damaiou and others finally started to feel a little strange. They discussed the matter more and more frequently. Even with Chen Wei's help in diverting Xie Shaokun and Hong She's attention, it was still useless.


Xia Ruisi Damayor and others found Xie Shaokun and asked, "Brother Kun, where did Sister Yu go?"

"He went abroad."

Xie Shaokun made up a story and said, "I can't tell you the details. Sister Yu won't let me."

"You must not talk nonsense."

"Especially not in front of the gods and their followers, understand?"

Charis Damayo and others nodded.

Although they were still somewhat unconvinced, but... this time, Xie Shaokun at least gave a response, and Hong She, Chen Wei and Su Qian, who had just arrived at the base, also agreed.

This inquiry is over.

'Something's wrong. '

Sharis Damayou's eyes flickered, and she realized that something was wrong. She guessed that Xie Shaokun and others were hiding something, so she could no longer ask.


It is likely to make things difficult for Xie Shaokun and others.


Sharis Damayou was also very curious, where did Sister Yu go?

Where are Grace Johnson and Xiaohua?
The three of them disappeared together, which means they left together. What could have happened that required three of them to be together?
Doubts abound.

Moreover, Sharis Damayor noticed one more thing: Su Qian seemed to be very idle!
I actually came to the base today!

Are you not going to do the transaction regarding the villa anymore?
She didn't ask.

Because she could see that Xie Shaokun and the others didn't want to say it.

"Is he going to another dimension?"

A thought came to Sharis Damayor's mind, and she was suddenly startled, and her pupils suddenly dilated.

If this is true, then...

They will lose three major fighting forces, Xia Yu, Grace Johnson and Xiao Hua, in an instant!
By the time……

If the followers of God and the messengers of God knew about this, wouldn’t it be bad?
"No wonder Brother Kun said that the followers and messengers of God must not know about this. This is what he meant."

"If Sister Yu really went to the other dimension, can she come back within a year?"

"If I can't come back... this..."

Sharis D'Amayo couldn't bear to think about it.


Let alone a year, I am afraid that in another month, those followers and messengers of God will also get the news!!!

By then, the base will face unprecedented pressure.

Thinking of this, Sharis Damayo felt the pressure doubled.

Xie Shaokun, Su Qian and Hong She gathered together again.

The three of them were silent for a few seconds.

Hong She was the first to speak: "Second sister-in-law, if you leave the villa, I'm afraid those followers and messengers will be even more suspicious."

"I've already told Zhao Guohui."

Su Qian said, "He will send someone to live there, pretending to be me, and he will delay it as long as possible."


Hong She frowned.

"rest assured."

Su Qian said: "They are a group of professionally trained fighters, they won't be discovered so easily."

"Besides, it wasn't safe for me to continue staying there."

"Do you expect Tan Xiaotong to protect me?"

Hong She shook his head.

Although Tan Xiaotong was not weak, facing the messenger of God, she could only wait to be killed.

"That's fine."

"Since we have already done this, let's do it this way."

Hong She sighed and said, "It is estimated that in another month, those followers of God and God's messengers will get the news and start testing us."

"We don't have much time."

"We must seize the time to improve our strength."

Su Qian and Xie Shaokun nodded.

"Brother Kun."

Hong She asked: "When will you be able to break through to the fourth level of spiritual energy?"

The fourth level of spiritual energy is a hurdle.

Reaching this level means having the ability to compete with the gods.

Cannot reach...

In a one-on-one situation, the best you can do is to tie with the opponent.

After all, the apocalypse has been going on for so long, and those gods' messengers have not stood still. Their strength and combat effectiveness have improved significantly.

"I will strive to achieve a breakthrough within a month."

Xie Shaokun took a deep breath and said with a frown.


Hong She nodded, looked at Su Qian, and said, "Second sister-in-law, you take care of Axiong. Ask him to improve his strength as soon as possible so that there willow branches and roots in his body will become more."


"it is good."

Su Qian nodded.

Hong She cast her gaze towards Xie Shaokun again and continued, "And what about Xiaonan? Hasn't she been learning spiritual arts from Bai Musan recently?"

"How about it?"

"not bad."

Xie Shaokun said, "Xiao Nan originally studied with Grace Johnson for a period of time, and during that time she also sought advice from Chiyue and Yueyin of the Ram tribe."


"She quickly adapted to Kashiwagi-san's teachings and has mastered two simple spiritual techniques."


Hong She and Su Qian said in unison.

Su Qian continued, "Among us, she is the only one who has a high talent in this area. No one else can do it."


Hong She nodded and said, "If she can make the bullets more powerful, then..."

"Her fighting power will be doubled."

Xie Shaokun also nodded and said, "I will urge Xiaonan to study hard."

Although Xiaonan’s spiritual talent is the highest in the team, in fact... it is not that high, because Xiaonan’s physical talent is not low.

According to the rules summarized by races such as the Ram tribe and the dark elves: creatures with high physical talents generally do not have high spiritual talents. Xiaonan's spiritual talent will not be too high.

But the good thing is.

First, Xiaonan is young and very adaptable. According to another rule summarized by races such as the Ram and Dark Elves, the best age for her to learn spiritual arts has just begun.

Second, Xiaonan has a high enthusiasm for learning spiritual arts. This is very important! Sometimes, talent can determine your upper limit, but...

Before you reach your limit, working hard can bring you closer to your limit faster!
Faster than those geniuses who don’t work hard!

And right now, Xiaonan does not need to learn advanced spiritual arts. She only needs to learn some basic spiritual arts, so her progress is still good.

3. My little girl has a good teacher!
Whether it is Grace Johnson, Chiyue or Yueyin, they are all beings with extremely high attainments in spiritual arts. Although Kashiwagi-san's attainments in spiritual arts are not that high, her talent is also outstanding, and she can follow her and guide her throughout the whole process.

This is equivalent to hiring a private instructor.

One-on-one tutoring.

Can progress be slow?


Hong She nodded again and said, "The situation is urgent now. Even if Xiao Nan and others have doubts, we can't care. We must hurry up and improve the overall strength of the team."

Su Qian hesitated for a moment and said, "If Xiaonan asks, tell her the situation."

at the begining of.

Because Han Sanguang and Xiaonan went to participate in the fog incident together, Xie Shaokun did not tell Han Sanguang and Xiaonan after learning the news from Zhao Guohui.

After that, no one said anything.

In fact.

Xiaonan is a veteran in the team and one of Sister Yu's most trusted team members. She is older than Su Qian and Hong She, so she is likely to know about this matter.


Xie Shaokun nodded.

He understood Su Qian's meaning and agreed with it very much.

"We have to work hard too."

Su Qian looked at Hong She.

Hong She nodded.

Little girl.

Although she was young, she was not stupid. She had already noticed that something was wrong, but she just didn't ask.

Having spent a long time with Xie Shaokun, she knows him too well.


She didn't ask.

She just felt a huge sense of crisis, which made her practice extremely hard.

This is not.

Now he went to see Mr. Kashiwagi to ask for advice on spiritual arts.

Han Sanguang.

He didn't notice anything unusual, not because he was stupid, but...

He has been practicing hard!!!

Since returning to the base and discovering that the concentration of spiritual energy here was much higher than before, Han Sanguang immediately asked why.

After learning that the Spirit Gathering Array was completed, he devoted himself to cultivation.

I no longer want to participate in the fog incident.

What fog incident?
The resources he obtained were not as fast as the strength he improved through training at the base!
This is tailor-made for him!



Zhao Guohui.

A month passed, and Xia Yu, Grace Johnson and Xiaohua had not returned, nor had the missing soldiers.

He was in a bad mood.

Because... the situation is getting worse.

The situation here refers to two aspects:

First, according to information received from various sources, God's messengers and followers have begun to realize that something is wrong and have started to gather information from various sources.

To be precise, they just smelled a little bit of it and didn't feel anything was particularly wrong.

Even so, it’s not good news.

Second, without Xia Yu to provide accurate information about the fog incident, 9 Xincheng is no longer so comfortable.


After the outbreak of the apocalypse, Xia Yu had already reduced the amount of accurate information about the fog incident provided to New City No. 9.

Zhao Guohui and the entire No. 9 New City have already gotten used to it.


Without Xia Yu to provide accurate information about the fog incident, Xie Shaokun and his team became relatively less useful, and strange voices had already emerged among the higher-ups.

Some people do not want to continue supporting the team led by Xie Shaokun and others.


The top leader still firmly supported the team of Xie Shaokun and others, suppressed the voices of objection, and even dismissed two people, which had a great deterrent effect.

"Team Zhao."

Qian Yihao always gets the news earlier than many people. At this time, he already knows that Xia Yu, Grace Johnson and Xiaohua have entered the other dimension.

Return time uncertain.

I am planning on not coming back for a few years.

and so……

Zhao Guohui found him and wanted to discuss with him the future development direction and plans of No. 9 New City.

Although Qian Yihao is a combat-oriented talent, having one more person to consider something means having one more perspective. Maybe Zhao Guohui can get some inspiration from Qian Yihao.

"at present."

Zhao Guohui didn't waste any words and said directly: "The development of No. 9 New City has not slowed down, but..."

"In the new city, the martial arts schools and academies that were originally developing rapidly due to the information about the fog incident provided by Su Qian have been hindered in their development."





Zhao Qiankun told Gao Mengmeng the news that Xia Yu, Grace Johnson and Xiaohua might have entered the other dimension.


Aram, Gao Mengmeng's psychic and capable general, was the first to speak: "Chief, this is an opportunity."

"Chance you big head ghost."

Gao Mengmeng's face turned serious and she cursed, "If you want to die, don't drag me along."

"I'm sure."

"This is the rumor spread by Xia Yu."

"The purpose is to lure those ignorant gods and followers to their deaths, and then she can catch them all in one fell swoop."

Zhao Qiankun and Aram frowned and fell silent.


What Gao Mengmeng said does make sense.

More importantly, Gao Mengmeng knew Xia Yu quite well, which made what she said more credible.

"What should we do now?"

Zhao Qiankun asked.

"What can be done?"

"We should do the same thing now as we did before."

Gao Mengmeng said.


Zhao Qiankun was about to say something.

Gao Mengmeng simply waved her hand to interrupt him and said, "Okay, just develop your own strength honestly and focus on overseas!"



Zhao Qiankun nodded.


Gao Mengmeng said, "You reminded me."

"Xia Yu, Grace Johnson and Xiao Hua wouldn't leave the country and go abroad, right?" Thinking of this, she panicked again.

Zhao Qiankun: “…”

Aram: “…”


Gao Mengmeng said: "Just in case, I will not meet with you in the next six months. If you have anything, please contact me directly by phone."


After saying that, she rode on the flying mutant horse and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Zhao Qiankun: “…”

Aram: “…”

How deep is Gao Mengmeng's fear of Xia Yu?

Did this scare Gao Mengmeng away?




Inside the manor of Yamaha New Town.

A tall and strong man, a vampire in a tuxedo, and a naked and seductive woman, the three of them were doing something inappropriate for children.


In discussion!
They are a force abroad, a force that has just risen.

You know, abroad, the power structure has basically been formed: Wolf's Lair, the New Church, the New Humanity, Fuso, North America, and South America have built their own forces and "homes". These major forces almost control the majority of the population abroad.

It is difficult for other forces to rise.

The reason why this force is rising...

It was because the leader of the force, the tall and strong man, chose to unite with the alien races and the messenger of God!

The vampire in the tuxedo is an alien.

The naked and charming woman is a messenger of God.

They are all very strong.

With the help of the two, the tall and strong man led his forces and quickly integrated seven forces. The number of people under his command soared to more than 30,000.

Conquered a new city.

of course.

The new city is not very large.

Even so, it is already very powerful. You know... if you dare to occupy the new city, you will face overwhelming attacks from foreign races.

Without absolutely strong power, it is impossible to defend it.

at this point……

But it's not a problem.

Because the vampire in a tuxedo and his race can ensure that many alien races will not attack the new city. Even if some alien races come to attack the new city, there is still the naked seductive woman and her subordinates...

God disciple!

Double protection.

This made the new city extremely safe and its reputation spread quickly.

Some scattered survivors began to gather.

Not many.


Victory lies in persistence.

of course.

Being able to get aliens and gods to work for you obviously comes at a great cost:

First, 10,000 kilograms of fresh blood need to be handed in every day.

Second, allow messengers and followers of God to recruit believers at will in the new city.

at the moment.

What the three of them were discussing was: Where did Xia Yu go?

"I think Xia Yu has entered a different dimension."

"No, I think this is Xia Yu's trap."

"It has nothing to do with us anyway. Xia Yu can't come to a foreign country to hunt us, the gods' messengers and followers, right? Let the subordinates of the Underworld Beast God and other gods worry about it. We just need to sit back and watch the fight."

"That's right. The population here is still too small. We must attract more talents."



For a while.

All over the world, major forces are discussing this matter.

The mainstream view is that this might be a trap deliberately set up by Xia Yu and the top leaders of Daxia in order to eliminate a group of gods' messengers and followers.

It's best to wait and see.

Some radical views hold that Xia Yu and others have died in the alternate dimension, and that we should seize this opportunity to eliminate Xie Shaokun and others.


The voice was quickly suppressed.

No one would agree.

Everyone is developing well, each developing on their own piece of land. There are also forces around that are eyeing them covetously, and no one will provoke the two giants, Xia Yu and Da Xia.



The sight is once again focused on the different dimension.

Time flies.

Xia Yu, Grace Johnson and others have been in the alternate dimension for two months.

They have completely adapted to life here.

There were only 66 soldiers left.

There are only 7 followers left.

After fighting side by side for so long, everyone has already gained great trust in each other and is willing to trust others with their backs.

They have also become accustomed to death.

Everyone's strength has made great progress.

Among the soldiers.

The dozens of weakest people have already reached the second-grade spiritual realm.

In the alien dimension, although the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is not much more concentrated, but... everyone is under great pressure to survive, and they often fight and are on the verge of death, so their strength naturally increases rapidly.

It is normal to have the strength to reach the second level of spiritual energy.

Some of the warriors have reached the middle level of the second-grade spiritual realm.

There is also one person whose strength has reached the peak level of the second-grade spiritual energy realm.

the last one……

That is Captain Mai, who successfully reached the third level of spiritual energy.

It must be said that his talent and hard work are both outstanding for him to become the captain, and...

Fight first!
I cannot accept this point.

Even Grace Johnson and Xiaohua can't do this!

Breaking through from the second level spiritual energy realm to the third level spiritual energy realm is more difficult than breaking through from the first level spiritual energy realm to the second level spiritual energy realm, but this alone shows how hard he has worked during this period of time.

God's messengers and followers.

Li Xianglong's strength has been raised to the peak level of the fourth-grade spiritual energy realm.

He is very greedy.

He is not like Captain Mai, who only cares about his soldiers. He only thinks about himself, and of course... he has no intention of harming others.

Liu Zhiguo's strength has been raised to the peak level of the third-grade spiritual energy realm.

Unable to continue improving.

Because he is just a believer!
The upper limit is locked!
The other six followers of God are all at the middle level of the third-grade spiritual realm.

It’s just that some people are approaching the peak level of the third-grade spiritual energy realm, while others have just entered the middle level of the third-grade spiritual energy realm.

Golden-feathered eagles and other flying beasts.

The Golden Feathered Eagle's strength successfully broke through and reached the level of the sixth level of spiritual energy.

The strength of other flying beasts has also increased, but...

It's just smaller.

On the one hand, the Golden Feathered Eagle is more domineering than Li Xianglong, so resources must be focused on it. On the other hand, it has better talent and has been at the peak of the fifth-grade spiritual realm for a long time, so it has accumulated enough.

Other flying beasts...

The weakest are at the third level of spiritual energy, and the strongest are at the middle level of the fifth level of spiritual energy.

All in all.

The overall combat effectiveness of their team is already abnormal.

Unless you encounter a very strong enemy or are too unlucky, there will basically be no danger.



The more it happens at this time, the more likely it is that something bad will happen.

Even though Xia Yu, Grace Johnson and others were already very cautious, but...

Still being targeted by a powerful being.

There is actually some drama behind why he was targeted.

This day.

Xia Yu, Grace Johnson and others rode on golden-feathered eagles and other giant flying beasts, approaching the area where the dark elves were located. They were originally flying in the air.

The results of it?
It suddenly got dark.


Everyone was shocked and looked horrified.

"Golden Roc!"

Grace Johnson looked up, recognized the other person at a glance, and her face changed again.


The golden-winged eagle roared unwilling to be outdone, but the roar seemed very weak, as if it knew it was no match for its opponent, but was still very tenacious and didn't want to give in.

Don't want to surrender!

not to mention……

The Golden Peng Bird is large in size and has a strong aura, but... that doesn't mean it is no match for the opponent.

If you don’t try, who knows if you can do it?

"Not afraid."

Xia Yu touched the golden-feathered eagle's head and spoke lightly, with a strong fighting spirit burning in his eyes.


Information about the Golden Peng Bird also emerged in her mind: the Golden Peng Bird, a branch of the Golden Peng, is huge in size, extremely fast in speed, and has invincible defense.

It is almost impossible to hurt it below the ninth rank.

of course.

Because of its large size and abnormal defense, it naturally has other weaknesses, such as: weak offensiveness.

Xia Yu didn’t know how weak he was exactly.

The main reason is that I didn’t reach a high level in my previous life, so I’m not clear about these things.


Grace Johnson knew this, so he spoke first and said, "The Golden Bird has a low desire to attack and is always slow and timid. Master... don't provoke it!"


Xia Yu raised his eyebrows, and the fighting spirit in his eyes instantly extinguished. He turned to full-scale defense and asked, "What is its means of attack?"


Grace Johnson said, "Its offensive means are also limited."

"Most direct……"

"It's a collision!"

"Body impact!"

Xia Yu: "..."

The others also looked speechless.


Thinking that they hadn't noticed the existence of the Golden Roc Bird just now, and then it appeared above their heads in the blink of an eye, they immediately...

No one dared to be careless anymore.

This shows that the Golden Peng Bird is very fast!

Coupled with its terrifying size...

It's easy to get hit.

Once hit, the body will inevitably collapse.

Died suddenly on the spot.

"There is another method."

Grace Johnson said, "It's three sound waves, the sound that can explode the heart of a living being, it's very terrifying."

He only knew these two methods.

Everyone's expressions became condensed.

"How to prevent it?"

Xia Yu asked.


"Fight hard."

Grace Johnson said.

Everyone: "..."

"Everyone, be careful."

Grace Johnson frowned and said, "This golden bird seems to be communicating with the golden-feathered eagle. If the communication goes wrong, it may affect us."

Everyone nodded.



A golden roc roared.

The golden roc also roared.

The two sides are indeed communicating.

Xia Yu didn't know what the two sides were communicating, so she simply ignored it and listened to the call of the golden roc bird.

In her previous life, she had only heard of the power of the Golden Roc and some basic information about it, but had never seen it. Otherwise, she would have been able to instantly recognize that the other party was the Golden Roc without Grace Johnson's reminder.

The call of the golden roc is like that of a giant whale, but more ethereal and deep, making people feel uncomfortable.

Just as if.

It feels like my heart may explode at any time.

In short.

Such a shout is full of deterrence.

Looking down...


Xia Yu saw that many creatures below covered their ears, huddled in the corner, trembling and not daring to move after hearing the sound.


The distance was too far and she couldn't see the expressions of these creatures.


Grace Johnson used spiritual magic to transmit the message: "The Golden Peng Bird and the Golden Feathered Eagle were related by blood in ancient times."

"Oh? Tell me in detail."

Xia Yu became interested.

"that is……"

Grace Johnson begins to narrate.

The general meaning is: A long time ago, the golden roc once mated with a species called the golden-winged eagle, and eventually gave birth to the golden-winged eagle.

Afterwards, the golden-feathered eagle reproduced internally and has continued to this day.


Xia Yu raised her eyebrows and asked, "You mean... part of the Golden Feathered Eagle's bloodline comes from the Golden Peng Bird???"


Grace Johnson nodded.

Xia Yu suddenly realized.

No wonder the Golden Peng Bird chose to stop and chat with the Golden Feathered Eagle after seeing it.

I don't know what the relationship between the two parties is.

"In this case……"

Xia Yu frowned, glanced at the golden-feathered eagle under his feet, and made a gesture, meaning: Could it be that the Golden Peng Bird wants to recruit the Golden-feathered Eagle?
Grace Johnson has followed Xia Yu for quite some time and knows what this gesture means.

Without waiting for him to speak...

Xia Yu gestured again: What do you think?

"I thought so too."

Grace Johnson nodded and said solemnly, "Master, it depends on the choice of the Golden Feathered Eagle."

Xia Yu didn't say anything else, but his eyes flickered, and no one knew what he was thinking.

When Grace Johnson saw that Xia Yu didn't say anything, she was suddenly startled: If the Golden-feathered Eagle followed the Golden Peng Bird away, would the master want to kill the Golden-feathered Eagle?

No way!

He immediately sent a voice message to persuade her: "Don't be impulsive."

"If the golden-feathered eagle really left, I suggest letting it go."

Xia Yu gestured, meaning: I can let it go, but the Golden-winged Eagle will definitely let me release my control over it. Once that happens, what do you think it and the Golden Peng Bird will do?


Grace Johnson paused.


If that time really comes, if the master releases his control over the Golden-winged Eagle, then... there is no guarantee that the Golden-winged Eagle and the Golden Peng Bird will not kill them!
Therefore, the master must not release the control of the golden-feathered eagle.

Things were getting difficult.

Xia Yu made another gesture: Tell the others to get ready for battle.

She always likes to estimate the worst possible situation.

Grace Johnson: "..."

He really didn't want to fight with the Golden Roc, otherwise...

Many people will die!


The situation was simply out of his control.

"it is good."

Taking a deep breath, Grace Johnson was ready for battle, and then sent a message to inform others.

Hear the words.

Li Xianglong, Captain Mai and others all changed their expressions and tensed up.

Xiaohua directly used the Ghost Den and disappeared.

Quietly came to Xia Yu.

If a fight really breaks out...

It won't care about other people, it will only care about Xia Yu.

For a while.

The atmosphere became tense.

About ten seconds later.


The golden bird suddenly made a louder cry than before.

It made everyone's heart ache.

Grace Johnson: “!!!”

His heart sank.

I thought the Golden Roc was going to take action...



The golden bird cried again, even louder than before.

Before everyone’s hearts could calm down,...




The hearts of more than a dozen soldiers exploded on the spot.

More than a dozen soldiers suffered severe heart damage and were seriously injured in an instant.


Grace Johnson's pupils suddenly dilated, and he shouted again, this time without even having time to transmit his voice: "Be careful! There's another one!"

Xia Yu's face changed.

Others also immediately covered their ears.


This kind of sound can damage the heart.

Covering your ears is useless!

The Golden Roc’s third call was uttered.





The hearts of the dozen or so soldiers who had suffered serious heart damage exploded instantly.

The hearts of more than a dozen soldiers also exploded.

Triple superposition.

Too lethal.

Even Grace Johnson felt uncomfortable in his heart and wanted to vomit blood, let alone warriors below the third rank?

For a while.

The number of fighters was reduced by half.

"Damn it!"

Captain Mai was still alive, and he was vomiting blood madly, but... he didn't care about his injuries at this moment. Looking at his dead soldiers, there was a tremendous rage burning in his heart.


Xia Yu's eyes also turned cold, and he immediately gave Xiaohua an order.

Xiaohua agreed immediately.


Grace Johnson knew that her master was angry.

next moment.


The golden bird disappeared.

Come and go without a trace.

However, the golden-winged eagle and the other giant flying beasts did not leave.

Xia Yu looked at the golden-winged eagle and the flying beasts that were fine, with a cold look in his eyes.

Although the golden-feathered eagle and the flying beasts did not leave her, but...

The three roars of the Golden Peng Bird just now were obviously directed at humans!

The golden-feathered eagle knew that its master was angry and explained immediately.

Xia Yu didn't understand, she could only feel the anxious and aggrieved emotions conveyed by the Golden Feathered Eagle.

After a while.

Xia Yu roughly understood what the Golden-winged Eagle meant: the Golden Roc tried to recruit it but failed, and in anger, it decided to punish Xia Yu and others to let it know how weak these humans were.

It would be foolish to surrender to these humans.

She said coldly: "Xiaohua, lead the way and go find the golden bird!"

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