I'm back from hell

Chapter 512: The base was attacked again

Chapter 512: The base was attacked again
at the same time.

While undercurrents were surging between Xia Yu and Grace Johnson, on Earth...

Those gods' messengers and followers finally made a move!
The base was attacked!

It has been three months. No matter how stupid or slow those gods' messengers and followers are, they have basically confirmed that Xia Yu, Grace Johnson and Xiaohua are not in the base, and most likely not on Earth.

As for whether it is on Earth...

Is this incident a trap?

It doesn't matter anymore.

The important thing is...

The gods behind those messengers and followers do not want to miss this opportunity!

They want to try their luck!
As their subordinates, these messengers and followers of God can only obey their orders.


The messengers and followers of God, led by Wang Chaoyang and Xiao Xiong, who were captured by Xia Yu, also received orders from the gods behind them and were ready to cooperate with the messengers and followers of God outside at the critical moment.


The messengers and followers of God, led by Wang Chaoyang and Xiao Xiong, were all stunned.

We can't help!


Three months passed, and all the captured gods' messengers and followers, including Wang Chaoyang, were killed over and over again by Axiong.

Some of them have even been abandoned by God.
at the moment.

Only Wang Chaoyang, Xiao Xiong and Xiao Xiong's secretary are still alive, while Si Riguleng and other messengers of God have all been abandoned by God.

Among them, the reason why Xiao Xiong's secretary is still alive...

It was because Ah Xiong knew that she was not a messenger of God, so he did not "suck" her to death at the beginning, but only "sucked" her half to death, and then sucked her again when she was almost recovered.

As for what Xia Yu said before, about taking care of Wang Chaoyang...

No one is following anymore.

This is a moment.

First of all, Axiong should focus on improving his strength. The blood and flesh in Wang Chaoyang's body have higher energy and are a good target for absorption.

Furthermore, Wang Chaoyang is very powerful. If we keep him, once the base is attacked and Wang Chaoyang resists, then...

The inside should be in harmony with the outside.

The situation will be extremely unfavorable for them.

In short.

Xie Shaokun and others are not stupid.


There is no need to say these words to the gods behind the scenes because they have already made up their minds.

Can not change.

at the moment.

They can only hope that the messengers and followers of God who participated in this operation could be more powerful.

This day.

Xie Shaokun and others are still practicing, among them...

Xie Shaokun has sensed the opportunity for a breakthrough twice, but... he still gave up.


His ambition is huge.

The strength of others is also steadily improving.

Especially Su Qian, Xia Ruisi Damao and Tan Xiaotong, their strength has all reached the level of the third-grade spiritual energy realm.

among them.

The fact that Su Qian’s strength has reached the third level of spiritual energy has little impact. At most, it is just an additional expert at the third level of spiritual energy.

Tan Xiaotong’s strength reaching the third level of spiritual energy has a great impact, at least greater than Su Qian’s, because of her strength!!!
The power is super strong!
He could easily kill a fighter at the middle stage of the third-grade psychic realm.

If she could seize the opportunity, especially when the other party didn't know how terrifying her power was and chose to compete with her in strength... she was confident that she could kill a master at the peak level of the third-grade spiritual energy realm!
Therefore, her role is much greater than Su Qian's.

As for Sharice D'Amayo, her role was even greater.


Her special power: Stand!
This means that there are three more experts at the third-grade spiritual realm.

Of course, if we just observe, the effect of Sharis Damayor's breakthrough to the third-grade spiritual energy realm is not as great as Tan Xiaotong's, but...

Her stand can 'self-destruct'!
Like Axiong!
Detonate the crystal core and die together with you!
In this case, the combat effectiveness of Sharis Damayor's 'stand-in' depends entirely on how many crystal cores he carries!
And at this time.

With Zhao Guohui's support, the number of crystal cores in the base...

It's terrifying.

In fact, even if Zhao Guohui did not provide support, there were still many crystal cores in the base.

In short.

No shortage.

As for Han Sanguang and others, their strength has also improved.

Night falls.

Everyone started to eat.

As agreed, Sharis Damayou was responsible for observing the situation outside the base during the meal. She could only eat after everyone had finished their meal and rested.

of course.

This is not bullying Sharice D’Amayo.

This kind of thing is done in turns, and it just happened to be Sharice Damayor's turn today.


In an area about ten kilometers outside the base, dozens of figures gathered together.

They are the messengers and followers of God who will take action tonight.

In order to prevent the detection of signal devices around the base and the discovery of frequent signal exchanges, so... this group of people chose to act together.

Communication between each other can be done face to face.

It can also avoid the embarrassing situation last time.

"Everyone check your equipment."

The leader was a tall woman wearing black-framed glasses. Even at this time... she was still wearing a white coat. It was obvious that she was a female doctor, and she seemed to be of a high rank.


The other gods and followers around nodded and began to do as they were told.

Dare not to resist at all.

The reason why I am so convinced by this black-framed female doctor is because...

She is so strong!!!

Other gods' messengers all have the strength of the fourth level of spiritual energy. If they are diligent enough, their strength can be improved to the peak level of the fourth level of spiritual energy.


His strength has already risen to the level of the sixth-grade spiritual energy realm!!!
According to the inquiries of a group of gods and followers, the reason why the black-framed female doctor is so powerful is due to two reasons:
First, her talent has reached an upper-middle level.

Second, she was diligent enough and often hunted alien races and ate their flesh and blood.


There is another reason why these messengers and followers of God are so convinced of this black-framed female doctor:
Next to the female doctor in the black frame, there is a powerful suitor!
The pursuer, named Wang Shengli, was originally just a migrant worker. During a medical visit, he fell in love with the female doctor in black frame and began to pursue her fiercely.

There is a reason why Wang Shengli is so confident.

that time……

He is the messenger of God!

Moreover, because he was extremely compatible with the power of the Underworld Beast God behind him, he received extra care from the Underworld Beast God. At that time, his strength had reached the peak level of the fifth-grade spiritual energy realm. After so much time and practice, his strength has reached the middle level of the sixth-grade spiritual energy realm.

of course.

The outside world, including the black-framed female doctor, did not know that Wang Shengli was a messenger of God and possessed powerful strength.


The female doctor in black frame agreed to try dating Wang Shengli for a while.

This surprised everyone.

And then.

The black-framed female doctor dumped Wang Shengli again.

But Wang Shengli did not give up, and the situation afterwards... was that Wang Shengli kept pursuing the black-framed female doctor, but the black-framed female doctor never agreed.

After that.

In order to get rid of Wang Shengli, the female doctor in black frame also became a messenger of God and practiced very hard.

Until now.

and so.

After learning about these circumstances, who among these messengers and followers of God would dare to object to the leadership of the black-framed female doctor?

"Notify them and get started."

The female doctor in the black frame glanced at the time and spoke directly.


At the side, a divine messenger who was at the middle stage of the fifth-grade spiritual realm and dressed in a Zhongshan suit asked in confusion, "Director Hu, why don't you wait until the second half of the night to take action?"

As we all know, the second half of the night is when people sleep the deepest.

"Do not."

The black-framed female doctor shook her head.


The divine messenger in Zhongshan suit became even more puzzled and asked.

He was a university professor who was on the verge of death due to cancer. Finally, he had to become a messenger of God, gaining the power of immortality and helping the Hades Serpent God to win over the students of those schools.


The process of winning over was not smooth.

For one thing, he didn't want to be exposed.

Secondly, these students are young people of the new era and are not so easily fooled.

at the moment.

He is the most powerful existence besides the black-framed female doctor and Wang Shengli.

The black-framed female doctor said calmly, "You can think of it, but others can't?"

The divine messenger in Zhongshan suit: “…”

"It doesn't matter when we go."

"They will surely have a night watchman."

"And... that's quite a lot."

The black-framed female doctor continued, “I even suspect they sleep in shifts.”

The Zhongshan suited divine messenger nodded.

Other gods’ messengers and followers also nodded in agreement.

In this situation……

It’s better to choose a meal time to attack.

For one thing, there definitely aren’t many people on guard at mealtime.

Secondly, it is mealtime when everyone is eating and has food in their stomachs. The most taboo thing at this time is strenuous exercise, otherwise it will cause extreme discomfort to the body.

have to say.

The female doctor in the black frame is indeed a chief physician and is very experienced.

The Zhongshan suit messenger and others were convinced.

Wang Shengli, who had been prepared for a long time, made a phone call directly. After the call was connected, he said without any nonsense, "Now, do it with all your strength!"

After that, hang up directly.

"Phone off!"

"go ahead!"

The black-framed female doctor gave orders.

Everyone followed suit.

In fact, it was mainly because Wang Shengli wanted to turn off his phone, and no one else’s phone was turned on at all.


What they didn't expect was that the phone call Wang Shengli just made was still captured by the cautious Chen Xiao. She gave the order without hesitation: "Go and have a look."


Two soldiers who were near the base of Xie Shaokun and others took a helicopter together and headed for the designated location.

The searchlights turned on.

Towards the ground.

Ten seconds later.

Chen Xiao's phone rang: "Hello, Team Zhao."

"The aliens suddenly launched an attack?"



The phone hangs up.

At the side, Zhao Cancan blurted out: "Those followers of God and God's messengers are probably going to take action."


Chen Xiao immediately called Xiaonan.

Zhao Cancan rolled his eyes and said, "Chen Xiao, don't send soldiers to investigate."


"On the contrary, it will alert the enemy."

Chen Xiao frowned and nodded in approval.

If the two warriors discovered the traces of those followers of God and God's messengers, they would surely be killed by them.

If the two warriors didn't find any traces of the followers and messengers, then their trip would be in vain. Instead, they would alert the followers and messengers and make them think they were exposed. Then...

Who knows what those believers and messengers of God will do?

That's out of control!

It would be better to be like it is now, where those followers and messengers of God don’t know that they have been exposed, and are still quietly moving towards the base where Xie Shaokun and others are located.

By then, Xie Shaokun and others will be able to prepare in advance and wait for the opportunity.

Even prepare an ambush!

Wait for those followers of God and God's messengers to take the bait!


"Sister Xiao."

The call was connected, and Xiaonan's voice was heard from the other end.

"The followers of God and His messengers are approaching you."

Chen Xiao did not tell us about his findings, because...

It's not necessary.

At this time, I would rather say something wrong than not alert Xie Shaokun and others.

"it is good."

Xiao Nan, who was eating, immediately put down her chopsticks and said, "Sister Xiao, please."

"We can only assist, we still rely mainly on you."

Chen Xiao said.


Xiaonan hung up the phone.

Hong She, Han Sanguang and others looked over, and everyone's expression was extremely solemn.

at last.


"Get ready to fight."

The little girl nodded.




Without any further ado, everyone turned around and left.

Everyone had already rehearsed this operation many times, so there was no panic at this moment.

they know……

It is best not to place the battlefield near the base.

We must be outside the base and keep the danger out of the base.

Only then...

They can then fight with all their might!

"I'll go as well."

Sharis Damayor also noticed the movement. Without asking, she immediately guessed what was going on and spoke up.

"Do not."

Hong She shook his head and said, "Let Ah Xiong go and see the power of those followers and messengers first."

"We are assisting in secret."


"Stay and guard the base."

"Protect Brother Kun."

What else did Charis D'Amayo want to say...

Ah Xiong has sucked all the energy out of Wang Chaoyang, Xiao Xiong and Xiao Xiong's secretary.

Xiao Xiong's secretary suffered the most.

Originally, she didn't have to die, but to be on the safe side, Ah Xiong sucked her dry.


Wang Chaoyang and Xiao Xiong are also dead. Although they will be resurrected, it will take a long time.

This time is enough for the battle to end.

In other words, at this moment, the gods' idea of ​​cooperating internally and externally could not be realized at all.




Axiong, Baimusang, Xiaonan, Ayigulan, Doudou, Han Sanguang and Hongshe all left.

According to the original agreement.

They are mainly responsible for fighting against those gods and gods' messengers outside.

Xia Ruisi Damaiyo, Chen Wei, Su Qian, Tan Xiaotong, Dahua and Erhua are responsible for guarding the base.

Xie Shaokun wanted to concentrate on breaking through the fourth level of spiritual energy, so...

No one took him into account.

Watching Hong She and others leave, Sharis Damayor was on high alert.

Chen Wei, Su Qian and Tan Xiaotong came to the second and third floors where hot weapons were deployed.

Sharis Damayor used her special powers to guard the first floor and keep an eye on Wang Chaoyang and Xiao Xiong to prevent any unusual changes.

They are also responsible for patrolling the base to prevent the gods' messengers and followers from finding any means to enter the base.

In short.

Everyone has a clear division of labor and plays a big role.


Sharis Damayor stayed at the base for another purpose: she could communicate with the silver-scaled snake beasts in the lakes around the base at any time and ask them for help.

of course.

Because the silver-scaled snake beasts are not particularly strong, so...

There is no need to send them to fight and die unless it comes to the last minute.

Unless those gods' messengers and followers take the initiative to enter the lake, then... these silver-scaled snake beasts will still have to take action.

"I hope everything goes well for you."

Sharis Damayor looked at Xiaonan and others who disappeared into the darkness, and then glanced at the room where Xie Shaokun was.

So long.

Xie Shaokun hasn't made a breakthrough yet?

Why does something feel wrong?

Is Xie Shaokun too nervous?

Is that why we haven’t found an opportunity for a breakthrough?

Sharis Damayor began to have wild thoughts, but there was nothing she could do... The extreme nervousness caused her adrenaline to surge, and her brain and body became unusually active.

"Don't be afraid."

At this moment, Hong She's mother came out of the kitchen and saw that there was no one at the table except Sharis Damayor. She immediately understood something, but she acted very calmly.


Seeing this, Sharis Damayor was quite surprised.

To know.

Hong Mu's son Hong She and his daughter-in-law are both here. It is said that...

Hong She and Su Qian originally wanted a child, but because of Xia Yu's disappearance, they dared not to have one, which means that the Hong family has no heirs yet.

Mother Hong should be very upset, right?
"Because there's no use being afraid."

Hong She's mother seemed to see what Sharis D'Amayo was thinking, and said, "I'm an old woman, I can't even fight a chicken with my hands, I can't beat anyone."

"dont you agree?"


Charis Dama paused for a moment.

That being said, however...

Not everyone can have this kind of mentality.

Even she, who considered herself calm and experienced, was still extremely nervous at this moment.


Hong She's mother often cooks with Xia Ruisi Damayo, so the two communicate a lot. Hong She's mother knows Xia Ruisi Damayo better and said, "She is too dependent on Xia Yu."

Sharis Damayou was stunned for a moment, thought about it carefully, and nodded in agreement.

"It's not you."

Hong She's mother continued, "So do Xiao Nan and the others."

"Too dependent on Xia Yu."

"This kind of dependence doesn't mean that you can't participate in the fog incident without Xia Yu, but... with Xia Yu around, it's like there's a magic needle in the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea."

"Don't panic."

Charice Damayo nodded.

This is true.

"Back to you."

Hong She's mother looked at Sharis D'Amayo and said, "Before you joined the team, you dared to fight against Mr. Jin, and you escaped danger many times in Mr. Jin's territory."

“Extremely capable.”

"But what about coming to the team?"

“You transformed directly.”


"Because you know, with Xia Yu here, the base is the safest."

“So, you can make the transition with peace of mind.”

Charice Damayo nodded again.


What should we do now?
Without Xia Yu, her thoughts came to a standstill.

"trust yourself."

Hong She's mother said, "Who on the team can definitely beat you, except Xia Yu?"

Sharis Damay thought about it and it seemed not.

As long as there are enough crystal cores, she...

I'm not afraid of anyone except Xia Yu!

Hong She's mother continued, "You are the strongest. If that's the case... you should shoulder the burden instead of shrinking back."

"Always looking for others to give you advice."

“Always want others to lead you.”

Sharis Damayor was shocked.


Since joining the team, she found that Xia Yu was really good, even better than she had imagined. Besides Xia Yu...

Su Qian's way of dealing with people.

Hong She's fantastic idea.

Han Sanguang has an amazing intuition about danger.

Xiaonan has an excellent talent for shooting.


They were all excellent and had more combat experience than she did.

In addition, her previous strength was not strong enough, and her "stand-in" was just an ordinary person who did not often participate in fog events...

Over time.

Her abilities don't seem to stand out.

She was content with being mediocre and even started learning how to cook, trying to find her place in the team.

It was not until later that she chose to raise a pet that she finally felt relieved, because...

She felt that she had finally found her position in the team.

She is useful!
Later, Xia Yu told her to practice her supernatural powers more and give full play to her supernatural talents. She felt even more useful.

until now.

Her supernatural power breakthrough has made her even more useful.

Even without realizing it, she was not weaker than anyone else.


Her 'sharpness' is gone.

this moment.

Sharice D'Amayo was suddenly not afraid anymore.

"It seems that you no longer need my persuasion." Hong She's mother said with a smile.

"Thank you, Auntie."

Sharis D'Amayo said sincerely.

There is an old saying in Daxia: Every old person in the family is a treasure.

This is true.



There was an explosion outside the base.


Sharis D'Amayo immediately asked Hong She's mother to stay in the safe house, while she was on high alert.

safe house.

Also in the base.

the difference is.

It was located at the edge of the second underground floor. It was a space specially opened up by Xie Shaokun and others. It was made of thicker steel and...

There was nothing in the room except sponges and other things to prevent shaking and causing collisions.

It's very suitable for Hong She's mother to stay here.


Xie Shaokun, who was practicing, frowned after hearing the noise. He immediately realized something and immediately concentrated his mind and practiced the ancient guiding technique with all his strength.


A breakthrough is coming!



Outside the base.

With the help of the information provided by Chen Xiao and others, Axiong and others finally found them when the black-framed female doctor and other messengers and followers of God arrived about five kilometers away from the base.


Axiong, Hongshe and others didn't waste any time and threw grenades according to the original plan!

There is a crystal core on the grenade.

In order to eliminate the enemy in one fell swoop, they launched a huge number of grenades and crystal cores.

Even a divine messenger at the seventh level of spiritual energy would be blown up instantly.

In order to avoid being affected.

After Axiong, Hongshe and others completed the projection, they immediately raised their figures.





The moment the explosion occurred.

Ah Xiong, Hong She and others realized that something was wrong because... no screams were heard!

Those followers of God and their messengers were unaware of anything and were simply swallowed up by the horrific energy generated by the explosion.



"Something's wrong!"

Han Sanguang keenly sensed something was wrong and immediately turned to look in the direction of the base: "Quick! Go back to the base!"

Upon hearing this, Hong She and others' faces changed.




Everyone turned around and fled without hesitation.


It's too late.


"You guys are really alert."

A voice suddenly sounded in everyone's ears.

The business was not big, but it made everyone's faces change drastically.


Axiong and others were startled and immediately prepared for battle.


There is no one around.

Only... the ghost tribe!!!

Hong She's expression changed: "Ghost den! We are surrounded by a ghost den! Damn it! Be careful!"


Han Sanguang on the side immediately objected, and while on guard, he raised an objection: "If it is a ghost den, then the grenade and crystal core just thrown out will definitely blow the ghost den apart!"

"Brother Han, what you mean is..."

Xiao Nan also thought of something: "This is not a ghost, it's... an illusion!"

"That's right!"

Han Sanguang nodded.

The faces of the people still did not improve.

If it is a ghost den.

That is not bad.

It can be exploded using only the crystal core.

But if it's an illusion...

That would be very difficult.


Ah Xiong did not participate in the discussion, but waved a willow branch and whipped the ghosts that pounced on him.

"Illusions cannot be created out of nowhere."

Hong She frowned and said, "Or, it's a supernatural power!"

"Or, it's spiritual magic!"

"We must find the key so that we can better break the illusion."

Illusion, cannot hurt anyone.


Those outside the illusion can take advantage of the opportunity to attack them.

Everyone turned their eyes to Han Sanguang standing aside.

Han Sanguang understood immediately, and without further ado, he closed his eyes and sensed carefully.

As his strength increased, his sense of danger became more acute.

Now, before breaking the illusion...

He is the only one who can protect us.

He dare not be careless.

"Axiong, that ghost tribe is fake."

"Ten meters to the left! Attack!"

Han Sanguang spoke up.

Ah Xiong, who was fighting with the ghosts, did as he was told immediately without hesitation. He even ignored the ghosts in front of him, which still pounced on him.


On the side, Kashiwagi Sang beside Axiong also used spiritual magic and launched an attack according to Han Sanguang's instructions.

It is worth mentioning that.

She had long been abandoned by the gods. Less than half a month after Xia Yu, Grace Johnson and others disappeared, the Underworld Beast God abandoned her.

Because, Ah Xiong kept sucking blood and flesh from her, it was really...

The consumption is too great.

after that.

After more than half a month of rest, Kashiwagi-san finally recovered a little and was barely able to fight, but the flesh and blood on his body could not grow back so quickly.

Until now, she is still skinny.


After so long, she has completely come out of the previous shadow, and her fighting ability is quite strong, returning to her peak.

Although he has not made any further breakthroughs and is still at the peak of the fourth-grade spiritual energy realm, but...

This is already very strong!

Because she is no longer a messenger of God, she no longer has the attribute of immortality.

and so……

She was no longer pierced by Ah Xiong's roots and willow branches, nor did she have to worry about being controlled by the Underworld Beast God. She wholeheartedly helped Ah Xiong fight.

One's own strength, combined with spiritual skills.

This move...

The power can be imagined.


Outside of the illusion, a follower of God who wanted to launch a sneak attack on Axiong and others was killed on the spot.


The black-framed female doctor who was performing an illusion frowned slightly and said, "Wang Shengli, attack!"

Hearing this, Wang Shengli, the Zhongshan suited envoy and other followers and envoys of God did not hesitate any more and attacked.


Han Sanguang's face condensed, and he immediately warned: "Be careful, they have begun to attack with all their strength, and the attack comes from all directions."

Everyone's face changed drastically and they took a defensive stance.


Ah Xiong flashed and came to the side of Xiaonan and the others, then urged the willow branches and roots around his body to intertwine along a special trajectory.

These days, he has not been idle. In addition to improving his strength, he has tried to "grow" more willow branches and roots, and try to increase his control over the willow branches and roots...

He also studied how to make the willow branches and roots more defensive.

at the moment.

Intertwined along this special trajectory, the defense is the strongest.


Kashiwagi-san uses spiritual techniques to assist and strengthen the defense.



Han Sanguang's pupils shrank.


Ah Xiong didn't waste any time and just threw out all the remaining crystal cores in his body and detonated them.




Grenade fragments and terrifying explosion energy spread wildly.

Beyond the illusion.


The faces of the divine messenger in Zhongshan suits and others suddenly changed.

How come these guys still have crystal cores!!!



Many believers were killed on the spot.

Even two of the gods were killed in the explosion. Fortunately...

They can come back from the dead.

Others, such as Wang Shengli and the envoy in Zhongshan suits, were very powerful and had limited number of crystal cores, so... they were only seriously injured and not killed in the explosion.

among them.

In order to prevent the energy of the explosion from affecting herself and making the illusion unmaintainable, the black-framed female doctor directly pulled a follower next to her in front of her to help her block the aftermath of the explosion.

The follower was not dead, but was seriously injured. His eyes were full of resentment as he looked at the black-framed female doctor, but he did not dare to say anything more.


The black framed female doctor flips her wrist.

The scalpel cut the man's throat with ease.


The religious man widened his eyes.

The others were also shocked, obviously not expecting the black-framed female doctor to be so cruel.

If you say do it, do it.

The key point is...she is still wrong!!!

Are you worried about retaliation?

For a moment, no one dared to stand next to the female doctor in black frame.

The explosion ends.

"Wang Shengli, go attack the base."


"Leave this to me!"

The female doctor in the black frame was too lazy to talk nonsense. She looked at Axiong and others who were safe and sound, immediately changed her strategy, and spoke.


"Director Hu."

The Zhongshan suited divine envoy said, "We also have crystal cores, we can also blow them up!"

"I don't believe they can withstand the explosion of hundreds of crystal cores."

The black-framed female doctor glanced at the tunic-clad divine envoy and said without question, "Follow the order."


The Zhongshan suited divine envoy didn't dare to say anything else, and nodded in response: "Yes!"




Wang Shengli and the messenger in Zhongshan suits led most of the believers and messengers away.

Go straight to the base.

"Brother Wang."

"We will use the crystal core to blow up the base later."

The Zhongshan suit-wearing angel suggested.


Wang Shengli knew that he had no talent for leadership, so he did not fight for power with the Zhongshan suit envoy. Instead, he nodded and said, "You take charge."

"I'm in charge of the fighting."

"it is good."

Hearing this, the Zhongshan suited divine envoy nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Wang Shengli and Director Hu are different, otherwise...

He had absolutely no confidence in this operation.

"Two things."

The Zhongshan suited divine envoy was not polite and said directly: "For a while, you guys cover me, I will personally go and detonate the crystal cores in front of the gate of Xie Shaokun's base."


Upon hearing this, Wang Shengli and others were a little surprised.

Obviously, he didn't expect that the Zhongshan suit messenger would choose to go up and "send" himself.

Although the Zhongshan suit divine messenger is a divine messenger, but...

Many gods' messengers are still unwilling to be killed.

When charging into battle, they would still hide behind and let the followers of God or other messengers of God charge forward first.

after all,

The more people die, the slower the rate of survival.

Moreover, being blown to death... is really painful, and facing death, that kind of fear is not something that everyone can overcome.


For a moment, everyone didn't know what to say.


The Zhongshan suited divine envoy waved his hand and said, "Your task is not easy either."

"After you escort me to the base, wait for the explosion to blow open the gate of the base, and then you will charge immediately. If anyone dares to slow down, I will never let him go afterwards."

Everyone nodded immediately.

The Zhongshan suit messenger has already sacrificed his life, how dare they cherish their own lives?

Wang Shengli asked: "What if you can't blow open the gate of the base?"

If someone else asked this...

The divine messenger in Zhongshan suit had already dodged the slap.

At this moment, he held back and said, "Don't worry, Brother Wang. Although Xie Shaokun and others are willing to spend a lot of materials on their base, but..."

"You have seen the power of the crystal core explosion."

"An entire building could be blown up."

"Not to mention such a small base?"

"Do not worry."

Wang Shengli nodded and said nothing more.

While talking.

Everyone had already arrived not far from the base of Xie Shaokun and others.


The divine messenger in Zhongshan suit looked serious and reminded in a low voice.


The others immediately prepared themselves.


Within the base.

Chen Wei, Su Qian and Tan Xiaotong were the first to notice the approach of the Zhongshan suited divine envoy and others.

Even though it was dark,...

The latest night vision goggles and other equipment can clearly see the situation within a few miles radius of the base.

"Do it!"

Su Qian didn't waste any words and gave the order directly.

Get started first!
"Da da da."

"call out."


Bullets, shells... were fired one after another.

Because it is automatic aiming and shooting, the women don't need to aim specifically, they just need to press the button.


Downstairs, Sharis Damayor’s pupils shrank.

she knows……

The enemy is approaching.

Otherwise, Su Qian and others would never attack rashly.

If the enemy attacks close, then...

I hope Xiaonan and the others are okay?
For a moment, Sharis Damayou was extremely worried, but she still held back and waited quietly for Su Qian's order.

Xie Shaokun.

He had been unable to seize the opportunity to break through and was becoming anxious.

This is especially true when you hear the noise outside.

Take a deep breath.

He persuaded himself: "Hold on! We have just started fighting. If my mentality is not right now, there is no need to continue sitting here to practice."

"Just go and support them."


Xie Shaokun's mentality finally stabilized a lot.

Outside the base.

Outside Red Lake, to be exact.


The Zhongshan suited divine envoy did not expect to be discovered so quickly. He did not dare to hesitate and shouted directly: "Cover me!"

at the same time.


He leaped up, spread his mechanical wings, took out a huge shield, and rushed straight towards the base.

Now that it has been discovered, then...


"Da da da."


The thick shield made of titanium alloy blocked the bullets one after another. The speed of the Zhongshan suit envoy became faster and faster. Looking at the base getting closer and closer, he accelerated the activation of the mechanical wings.

Between two points, a straight line is the shortest.

and so……

He was too lazy to dodge the flying bullets and flew straight towards the gate of the base.

"Blow him up!"

Seeing this, Su Qian's face changed and he immediately ordered to press a red launch button.


The entire base trembled slightly, and the sound of shells flying out of the barrels resounded throughout the night sky.


The face of the divine messenger in Zhongshan suit changed drastically, and he dodged and fell down immediately.

this time.

He had to change his trajectory.

At the same time, he used the power of the Hades Serpent to burst out at a speed ten times faster than his own. If it was on the ground... he could easily dodge it.


In the air, only the mechanical wings could make direct contact. Even if he could burst out with a speed ten times his own, he could not completely avoid it.

So… he still got hit.

The speed of the shells is really too fast!


He was hit in the right arm, and then... his entire right arm and right half of his body were blown off, and his body fell into the "sea" of sunflowers below.

If he hadn't blocked his head with a shield, and if the explosion hadn't hit the right half of his body, he would have died instantly.

The more critical point is not this.


In order to prevent the aftermath of the explosion from detonating the crystal core on his body, he directly threw the backpack containing the crystal core onto the ground below.

He was lucky that the aftermath of the explosion failed to detonate the crystal cores.

Today, these crystal cores have fallen into the sea of ​​sunflowers.

It was several feet away from him.

But at this moment.

A large number of sunflower roots began to extend out of the ground, trying to take away the crystal core.

Seeing this scene...


The Zhongshan suited divine messenger's expression changed.

If the roots of these sunflowers really take away the crystal core, then... all his efforts will be in vain.

The key is.

If he failed in this operation, he would be a sinner.

He will definitely be abandoned by the Hades Serpent God.

He also wants to live forever!
"Put it down for me!"

The divine messenger in Zhongshan suit shouted loudly, stood up and tried to snatch the crystal core.

Also at this moment.

"call out."

"call out."


A large number of roots tied up its body, and several sunflowers around it also aimed their flower disks at the Zhongshan suit God Messenger. Their "big mouths" composed of countless "melon seeds" opened and bit the Zhongshan suit God Messenger.


"Mutation implant."

"Go away!"

The divine messenger in the Zhongshan suit roared and tried to struggle, but unfortunately... his injuries were more serious than he had imagined, and it was extremely inconvenient for him to move.

There was no time to wait for his injuries to heal completely, nor was there time to think further, he once again used the power of the Hades Serpent God, bursting out with strength and speed ten times his own.

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