I'm back from hell

Chapter 521: One Year After the Apocalypse, Earth Has Changed

Chapter 521: One Year After the Apocalypse, Earth Has Changed
in a blink.

Several months passed in a flash.

It has been more than half a year since Xia Yu left Earth and entered the alien dimension. In addition, the apocalypse had already occurred for several months before Xia Yu left, and now several more months have passed, so...


2027 6 Month 7 Day.

The apocalypse has been going on for a whole year.

Today's Earth is in ruins.

This place is almost a paradise for foreigners, especially the land area.

On the contrary, in the ocean area, the proportion of alien races is very small, because... there are a large number of mutant beasts in the ocean!!!


Before the apocalypse, as everyone knows, there were a lot of living creatures in the ocean. After the apocalypse, most of the fish here turned into mutated beasts, but there were very few spiritual beasts, and they were quickly eaten up.

So this place became a paradise for mutant beasts.

At the beginning, although their strength was not strong and they were at an absolute disadvantage when facing the alien race, but...

Can't handle the large numbers!

They can't resist their fast evolution!

First, there are a lot of ghouls, and their strength is improving very quickly.

Second, fog events that occur in the ocean will also give rise to rare treasures. The rare treasures here are not snatched away by humans, but only by... alien races and creatures in the ocean. This has led to many creatures in the ocean obtaining rare treasures, and their strength has improved rapidly.

Third, psychic beasts!

Unlike the psychic beasts on Earth, the psychic beasts here have very good living conditions.

Because there are no humans.

No need to face hot weapons.


The psychic beasts here have a high chance of survival, and with this year, they have rapidly improved their strength to a very high level.


There are many powerful fish, and their numbers make the living space for alien species here very small.

The sight returned to the land area.

Outside Daxia.

It can be said that it is a mess.

Mutated beasts, psychic beasts, psychic beasts, mutant implants, psychic implants, psychic implants, mutants, psychic beasts, psychics, ghouls, various alien races...

Among those who had spiritual transformations, many became believers.

It is worth mentioning that the number of God's followers and God's messengers is not too large, because... 'creating' a God's follower and God's messenger requires consuming 'His' power.

At the beginning, in order to better develop believers, these "Him" could not wait to "create" gods and messengers. Even if the other party's attributes were not so compatible with their own, even if the other party's body was not so easy to receive their power, they would forcibly bestow their power on the other party.


As the number of these gods and messengers reached a certain scale, the number of believers also increased.

There is no need for 'Him' to 'create' more followers and messengers of God.

As for serious humans.

Very few.

Ninety percent of the humans in the large bases have become believers, and many believers and messengers of God have begun to look around for teams and individual survivors who are surviving outside.

It is worth mentioning that.

Because there are too many alien races, the number of mutants and mutant beasts in the territories outside Daxia has also decreased on a large scale.

This ultimately led to an increasing proportion of foreigners in this land.

This makes...

Humans, believers, messengers of God, mutants, mutant beasts and other creatures, which are extremely small in number or even facing extinction, began to band together.

All in all.

The power of alien races is growing.

Daxia domestically.

The situation here is completely different from that abroad.

Mutants, mutant beasts... These creatures do not exist in China at all. Even if they do exist, they come from abroad in very small numbers. And as soon as they appear...

Humans would immediately pounce on them and kill them all.

Among them, not only warriors but also pioneers do this.


These mutants, mutant beasts and ghouls... represent crystal cores!

Nowadays, the value of crystal cores in China is getting higher and higher.

Even many warriors and pioneers began to go abroad to hunt mutants, mutant beasts and ghouls, and some began to go to sea.


Originally, aliens also had the upper hand in the country. After all, with the increasing number of fog incidents, the number of aliens entering the earth will also increase.

Also, as the time of the apocalypse becomes longer and longer, the alien races that enter the fog event are becoming more and more powerful, and their numbers are also increasing.

In short.

Aliens should also have the upper hand here and be able to increasingly suppress humans.

Never thought about it.

Xia Tian, ​​a man who was originally only valued by Zhao Guohui and was also a little famous in China, created three weapons that completely changed the status of mankind:
The first one is the 'Crystal Explosion Gun'.

As the name suggests, it is a gun that shoots out crystal cores, which then explode. It doesn't sound that powerful, but... it is extremely difficult.

First of all, the crystal core is irregular and difficult to shoot out like a bullet.

Furthermore, Xia Tian was not satisfied with the power generated by the explosion of the crystal core itself, he wanted to make the power of the crystal core even stronger!

Xia Tian created the "Crystal Bullet", which, as the name suggests... is to make the crystal core into the shape of a bullet. How to do it?

To know.

If the external force is too great in an instant, the crystal core will explode easily. It is very difficult to polish it. Moreover, the crystal core itself is a whole. Once it is damaged...

The power of the explosion will be greatly reduced.


Xia Tian wrapped the outer layer of the crystal core with layer after layer of things, and finally made it into the shape of a bullet, but such a bullet was very large, at least larger than the bullets used in firearms.

This requires hard work on firearms.

Because some crystal cores are very large and some are relatively small, which means that bullets also have different sizes, which requires firearms to adapt to them.

Some crystal cores that are not much different can be made to the same size by controlling the amount of outer covering.

But if the difference is too big, there is nothing we can do.

This project is a lot of work, but... it's doable.

Many researchers from across the country participated in this study.


Xia Tian created a firearm - the 'Crystal Explosion Gun', which has a high adaptability and can accommodate three regular 'Crystal Bullets' at the same time, so that many users do not have to carry too many 'Crystal Explosion Guns', increasing the convenience of movement.

Later, the "Crystal Explosion Gun" underwent several modifications, becoming faster and more powerful.

In terms of power...

In fact, we need to work hard on the materials wrapped around the "crystal core", such as placing explosives, scrap iron and so on.

This increases the power of the crystal core explosion by several times.

Many researchers have also developed 'crystal explosion bombs' based on this idea. While increasing the power of grenades, the crystal core can also be hidden inside the grenade instead of hanging outside the grenade, which would be too conspicuous.

When many alien races saw something hanging on the grenade, they immediately knew what was going on and became defensive.

after all.

Aliens aren't stupid either.

The second type is the bionic core.

This was developed independently by Xia Tian and his team.

The reason is to prevent the crystal core from running out and being unable to produce crystal bombs and "crystal bombs", then... the "crystal bomb gun" will be useless.

and so……

It is still necessary to study the internal structure of the crystal core. Only by understanding its internal structure can we further control it and create a 'crystal core' that is exactly the same as it.

In fact, this project... Xia Tian and his team have already started. After all, as long as you are not stupid, you know the function of the crystal core. If you want to completely control the crystal core, you need to study it thoroughly.

For this purpose, Xia Tian also named the design of this project: 'Bionic Core'.

It takes a year.

During this period, Zhao Guohui invited many scientists and outstanding people in many fields, including many big figures such as academicians.


Under Xia Tian's leadership, the first generation of 'bionic core' was finally developed.

The first generation of 'bionic cores' had limited power and could only exert one tenth of the power of a normal crystal core explosion.

This can already be applied to combat.

One tenth of the power of a normal crystal core explosion is not too strong, but... if the speed and the explosion of the filler are added, the power will be huge.

At least it's much larger than the previous bullets.

More importantly.

'Bionic Core' can be mass-produced!!!
This is the most critical!
This is equivalent to a normal bullet. As long as there is sufficient productivity and materials, an endless number of "bionic cores" can be produced.

and also.

Because the 'bionic core' is artificially processed, its appearance can be changed at will, it can be made into the shape of a bullet or a missile!!!

This makes the 'bionic core' extremely versatile.

Once the 'Bionic Core' was launched, it immediately attracted the attention of all the new cities in Daxia. All the new cities wanted to get the 'Bionic Core'!!!
at this time.

The senior executives who originally had objections to helping Xie Shaokun's team immediately shut up.

Xia Yu is gone, but summer is still here!!!

The value of summer...

Not even smaller than Xia Yu!
Must be protected!
For a time, Daxia greatly increased its support for Xie Shaokun's team.

Of course, this is something.

The third type is adaptive robots.

Everyone knows about robots. This concept was being hyped before the outbreak of the apocalypse, and many companies have indeed developed very powerful robots that can not only communicate but also do things.

However, due to various reasons, the development of robots has not made any breakthrough progress.

Adaptive robots have made breakthrough progress.

It can fight.

Has a very strong fighting mindset.

His marksmanship is outstanding, and he almost never misses a shot. He can even predict the enemy's movements in advance, shoot in advance, and kill the enemy.

It can also communicate, gather information, and self-destruct.

It knows unarmed combat.

it will……

It will be a lot.

It is almost the same as a human being, and there is almost no difference. Even its body shape and appearance are almost the same as those of humans.

In fact, it is better than humans!

It can be said that adaptive robots are completely epoch-making products.

It can almost change the entire structure of the Earth!!!

If we talk about the advent of the 'Crystal Explosive Gun', Crystal Bullets and Bionic Cores, and even the combat suits such as the jumping shoes, mechanical arms, nail guns, and mechanical wings that were researched in the previous summer...

These will only enhance the overall combat effectiveness of human beings, so that they can survive as much as possible and kill as many aliens as possible in the process of fighting against aliens.

This will allow humans to gain the upper hand in the battle against alien races.


Adaptive robots will completely establish the "victory" of mankind!!!
of course.

Why hasn't Daxia achieved complete victory and wiped out the alien races yet?
The reason is:
Adaptive robots also have flaws.

Defect 1: It is too delicate. Once it is hit hard or fights too many times, it will malfunction and need to be repaired by professionals.

There are not so many professionals now.

Defect 2: Its manufacturing steps are somewhat cumbersome, the manufacturing cycle is somewhat long, and after manufacturing, various debugging is required, and there are not so many debuggers now.

These two flaws are the biggest.

Other defects are minor and can be quickly resolved or tolerated.

This is why, with the help of so much high technology, Daxia still failed to wipe out all the alien races in its territory.

of course.

At present, with the help of so much high technology, Daxia still has the upper hand.

The number of foreign races within a hundred miles of the major new cities is very small.

The smallest one among them is New Town No. 9.


New City No. 9 attracted more scientific researchers and was called the "City of Science and Technology". Moreover, because it was safer, it also attracted many survivors.

It is worth mentioning that although Daxia had the upper hand in the fight with other races, it still lost a lot of humans in this year's fight.

What’s even more ironic is that most of the humans who died were not those who went out of the city to fight. After all, the number of such people is limited, and most of them are warriors.


Humans in the new city!

First, the humans in the new city lack combat experience. Even if there are warriors everywhere in the new city, once the fog event breaks out...

The proportion of soldiers is still too small.

The alien races are becoming more and more powerful, with more and more species and numbers, so... there will be a lot of deaths.

Whenever a fog incident occurs in a new city, the mortality rate is basically above 98%.

It may even lead to total annihilation.

Even New Town No. 9, which is known as the safest new town, cannot avoid this.

of course.

Although the No. 9 New Town cannot reduce the death rate of fog incidents in the new town, but...

The probability of fog incidents occurring in No. 9 New Town is very low.

and so.

New Town No. 9 is still the safest new town.

Because the fog incidents cover an increasingly large area, whenever a fog incident occurs in the new city, thousands or even tens of thousands of people will be covered in it.


Based on a 98% mortality rate...

The death toll is extremely horrific.

In the 49 new cities across the country, a fog event would occur in a new city every ten days in the first three months of the apocalypse. After that, the time period was shortened. By the time the apocalypse was one year old, basically...

Every day, a fog incident breaks out in the new city.

According to this calculation, how many people die every year?

A few hundred thousand!

The number of soldiers and pioneers who went out to fight and died in a year was only a few hundred thousand.

Second, there are too many humans in Daxia, and the Xia language no longer exists, so many gods have begun to recruit believers again, and various battles will naturally break out during this period.

This situation is bound to affect more innocent people.

One year down.

Still, tens of thousands of people died.


Human beings all over the planet are now afraid to have children, because not only can they not feed their children, but it can also put themselves and their families in danger, especially when they are abroad.

The child will cry.

The noise caused can easily attract powerful aliens, mutants and mutant beasts.

Over time.

No one will have children.

According to incomplete statistics, in countries outside Daxia, more than 182 babies were born in that year, and only babies survived.

Daxia domestically.

For various reasons, many young people are unwilling to have children.

After all, it’s the end of the world. You don’t even know when you will die, so why have children?
and also……

Who will raise the child after giving birth?
Who brings it?

The pressure is too great.

Might as well enjoy it.


The top leaders of Daxia saw this before the apocalypse broke out, and they had prepared countermeasures.

That is:
First, give rewards, including but not limited to: houses, cars, jobs, and child-rearing allowances.

Second, protection. For families with babies, a soldier will be stationed at the door and patrols will be increased.

There are other measures as well.

In short.

A combination of measures has made the fertility rate not too bad.

According to incomplete statistics, during this year of the apocalypse, more than 170,000 babies were born in Daxia, and 170,000 survived.

This survival rate is still extremely high, which further releases young people's enthusiasm for childbirth.


There are still too few babies being born, which has caused the total population of Daxia to decline.


The base built by Xia Yu.

This place has changed a lot.

The 'Red Lake' is twice as big, and the island in the lake is twice as large.

Dahua is 'alive' again.

Of course, Xiaonan, Sharis Damayor and others also knew that this "alive" Dahua should be related to Erhua, and this was not the real Dahua.

It is a substitute for large flowers.

This also made Xiaonan, Sharis Damayor and others further confirm that, at the beginning... Erhua was a psychic implant!!!


Because Erhua became a ghoul, it has become a ghoul with super powers!
The focus is on Xiaonan, Sharis D'Amayo and others...

Xie Shaokun, who was at the initial stage of the fifth-grade spiritual energy realm and had developed his supernatural powers to the second stage, had killed an alien with the strength at the middle stage of the sixth-grade spiritual energy realm.

Xiao Nan, who was at the middle stage of the fourth-grade psychic realm, wielded a 'crystal blasting gun', and equipped with mechanical wings and a combat suit, had once shot and killed an alien at the peak stage of the fifth-grade psychic realm.

Hong She, with strength at the peak level of the third-grade spiritual energy realm, had developed his supernatural powers to the second stage and had killed an alien with strength at the middle level of the fifth-grade spiritual energy realm.

Su Qian, who was at the peak level of the third-grade psychic realm, had killed an alien at the peak level of the third-grade psychic realm, and had also used mechanical wings and combat suits to severely injure an alien at the initial stage of the fourth-grade psychic realm.

Ah Xiong, with the strength of the initial stage of the fourth-grade spiritual energy realm, has more and more willow branches and roots in his body, which are becoming more and more numerous, tougher, and longer... In short, the degree of development is very high, even stronger than many supernatural powers.

He had used the crystal core to kill an alien at the peak of the fifth-grade psychic realm, and he had also killed an alien at the peak of the fourth-grade psychic realm without using the crystal core.

Han Sanguang, who was at the initial stage of the fifth level of spiritual energy, had killed aliens at the initial stage of the fifth level of spiritual energy. As for stronger ones, he had not yet defeated them because his main purpose in the past year was not to fight but to practice. Hunting aliens was just to relax and to keep himself from getting rusty.

He is not like others. When he encounters the shackles of realm, he needs to break through through fighting.


Have a smooth journey!
There's nothing I can do, I'm just too talented.

The ninth level of spiritual energy is not difficult for him.

Moreover, he has sensed the residual spiritual energy in his body. After all, the spiritual energy in his body lasts longer and is larger in quantity. On June 2027, 6, he initially gained control of the spiritual energy in his body.

Next, he can use the spiritual energy in his body to temper his body a second time and speed up his cultivation.

Further widen the gap with everyone else.

Over the past year, he has achieved his goal that he had changed many times, surpassing most of the team members in terms of realm. Now...

Only Xia Yu and Xie Shaokun are better than him.

of course.

In terms of combat effectiveness, Han Sanguang knew that he was not good enough.

Because he had fought so few times, his combat skills and experience were far inferior to those of Xie Shaokun and others, and he had no special powers, so... he could only rely on the combat suit and barely be able to kill the aliens at the middle level of the fifth-grade spiritual realm, which was similar to the Hong Snake.


Han Sanguang believes that as his strength level continues to improve, he will soon surpass Hong She and others!

Even surpassing Xie Shaokun!
and so……

He just needs to practice!
Then, just use your realm to crush them!

Sharis Damayor, who was at the peak level of the third-grade psychic realm and had developed her supernatural powers to the second stage, had killed an alien at the middle level of the fifth-grade psychic realm.

She had used crystal cores and "stand-ins" to kill aliens at the peak of the fifth-grade psychic realm, and she had also killed aliens at the peak of the fourth-grade psychic realm without using crystal cores.


The little silver-scaled snake beasts she raised have also grown up a little. Although they are not yet adults, they have already begun to fight and are very close to her.

These days, whenever Sharis Damayor is free, she will take these little silver-scaled snake beasts to fight, which makes the cooperation of these little silver-scaled snake beasts better and better, and the overall combat effectiveness is getting stronger and stronger.

The bloodlines of this group of silver-scaled snake beasts are average, so it is unlikely to increase their strength to a very strong level unless a mutant appears.

In short.

The future of this group of little silver-scaled snake beasts is destined to be limited.

Therefore, Sharis Damayor has been deliberately collecting eggs and cubs of other alien races. She has a very good relationship with the group of people who officially raise pets in Daxia, and she has indeed obtained some eggs and cubs of alien races. However, because she has not spent enough time with them, these eggs and cubs of alien races cannot cooperate with her in battle.

not to mention.

These alien eggs and cubs have not grown up yet.


The future is expected.

Because these alien eggs and cubs were specially selected by Sharis Damayor, and their ancestors were all very strong.


His strength has reached the middle level of the fourth grade psychic realm. With his fearlessness, he once killed aliens at the peak level of the fourth grade psychic realm. Now he can use the combat suit skillfully, and his combat power has increased.


After becoming proficient in using the combat suit, he has never fought against powerful alien races, so it is unknown what his specific combat power is.


Its strength has reached the peak level of the fourth grade spiritual energy realm. It has killed aliens at the peak level of the fourth grade spiritual energy realm. It has never encountered a stronger alien, but even if it encounters one, it will most likely be unable to defeat it.

Because, the battle that killed the alien race at the peak of the fourth-grade spiritual energy realm...

The fight was brutal.

Doudou almost died.


Aigulan and Doudou work well together and often act together, so their combat power levels cannot be viewed separately. In short... if they join forces, their combat power is still very strong and it is worth looking forward to.

When they joined forces, they had killed aliens at the peak of the fourth-grade spiritual realm, and even more powerful aliens...

We haven't fought together yet.

So...it's unknown what their specific combat power will be after the fusion.

Chen Wei.

He has the strength of the peak level of the third-grade psychic realm and has developed his supernatural powers to the second stage. He once killed an alien with the strength of the middle stage of the fifth-grade psychic realm.

Her special ability requires her to obtain the other person's hair and other body organs in advance.

In short.

Either she wants Xie Shaokun and others to help her get these, or she needs to pick them up on the battlefield.

Her frontal combat capability is very weak.

Because of the control resources she had taken before, she was now more protective of Xia Yu. Even though Xia Yu was not by her side, she still made sure to mention Xia Yu's name every day.


Xiaonan and Sharis Damayor also missed Xia Yu very much, and they both supported Xia Yu, so they didn't think there was anything wrong with Chen Wei's behavior.

Tan Xiaotong.

He has the strength of the middle stage of the third grade spiritual energy realm, and has killed an alien with the strength of the initial stage of the fourth grade spiritual energy realm.

Her power is too abnormal.

Even Xie Shaokun can't compare to him.

If someone could help her control the enemy, she could kill an alien at the initial stage of the fifth-grade psychic realm with one punch.

of course.

This condition is too harsh and almost impossible to happen.

Cypress mulberry.

With the strength of the middle stage of the fifth-grade spiritual energy realm, she is currently the most powerful being in the base.

In fact.

So is combat power.

If she casts spiritual arts, especially the spiritual arts of 'spiritual unity', her combat power will be even stronger, which can be seen from her battle record: she once killed an alien at the peak level of the sixth-grade spiritual realm!!!

Since we mentioned Kashiwagi-san, we have to mention Axiong here.


The relationship between Axiong and Kashiwagi-san developed further.

just now.

Axiong has already confessed his feelings and made it clear that he is with Kashiwagi-san, and they are now in a relationship.

As for getting married.

Neither of them mentioned it.

Axiong is waiting for Xia Yu.

Kashiwagi-san also knew that now was not the time to talk about marriage.

not to mention.

Her idea has always been to try her best to be a better person and to be good to Axiong. As for the future... leave it to time.

Leave it to fate.

It's exhausting to think about this.

not to mention.

At the base, she had little pressure, and she and Axiong were in love and happy. In short...

Kashiwagi-san at this moment.

Because I live a transparent life, I am very happy.

As for leaving the base...

At first, she thought so, especially when she guessed that Xia Yu had left and she was abandoned by the Underworld Beast God, the thought became stronger, but she finally held back.

Because, at that time, Kashiwagi-san had already discovered that he seemed to really like Axiong.

Not for show.

it is true.

not to mention.

She found that following Axiong and others was also an excellent choice.

The future is bright!
As for returning to the other dimension, returning to one's own race...

Kashiwagi-san didn't want to either.

First of all, although the resources on Earth are very few and can only be snatched by entering the fog event, but when she was in the alien space, the resources she got were not many.

After all, the Ram tribe has many geniuses and a large number of members, and the resources allocated to each member are very few.

So in this respect, Earth and the other dimension have the same appeal to her.

Furthermore, she had once been a messenger of the Underworld Beast God. If her tribe members knew about this, she would most likely be taken as an example by the tribe leader and be beheaded.

No one wants to be dead rather than alive.

In this regard, Earth is far superior to the other dimension.

Finally, Kashiwagi-san's parents died in the battle, and her kinship with her relatives was quite weak, so... the so-called tribe actually had no appeal to her.

In summary.

Staying and becoming Axiong's wife is her best choice.

at the moment.

This group of people stayed together.

The mind is directed toward one thing.

During dinner.

When everyone expected an alien to suddenly appear inside their base today, Sharis Damayor said, "That's the Phantom Fox, which can create illusions out of thin air."

"From a long distance, we can condense an illusion inside our base and use it to gather information."

"Luckily, Xiaonan discovered its true form." Xie Shaokun also said with lingering fear: "Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that we were all fooled."

Hong She also nodded in agreement.

"Xiaonan is amazing."

Su Qian praised.


Xiao Nan said modestly: "It just happened. It just happened that it was my turn to be on guard outside today, and it also happened that I came to the area where the main body of the Phantom Fox was, and it also happened that I saw it."

Charice Damayo: "..."

Although it is indeed a bit coincidental, but...

If there is a problem in any link, it will be impossible to see the true form of the Phantom Fox, especially in terms of eyesight.

If someone else were to find the Phantom Fox, they might not be able to do so.

after all.

The Phantom Fox is not very big in size, and it is in the dense forest, so a sniper like Xiaonan is extremely good at capturing every abnormality from a distance.

"If the master were here, it wouldn't be so thrilling."

Chen Wei mentioned Xia Yu again.

Everyone didn't find it strange and nodded.

After the first 'clone' of the phantom fox was discovered, it immediately transformed into a second one. While the first clone attracted everyone's attention, the second clone went to investigate the situation in the base.

At the last moment, the second Phantom Fox clone actually found the location of the crystal core.

Fortunately, Xiaonan discovered the real body of the Phantom Fox and shot it away, causing the first Phantom Fox clone to dissipate. Kashiwa Mu Sang reacted and guessed that it was the Phantom Fox. Then Kashiwa Mu Sang was worried that there was a second Phantom Fox clone in the base, so he immediately took people to look for it.

Then, they discovered the second Phantom Fox clone and surrounded and killed it.

This resolved the crisis.


"If Sister Yu was here, she should have immediately realized that the person inside the base was the 'clone' created by the Phantom Fox, right?"

Charice Damayo spoke.


Xiaonan nodded, her worry and longing revealed, and said: "I don't know how Sister Yu is doing now."

"Is there any danger?"

Thinking about the many alien races in the other dimension, she became even more worried.

Even Sharis Damayor was worried, but she felt that she should not be discouraged at this time, but should be more positive, so she said: "Xiaonan, Sister Yu will be fine."

The little girl nodded.

But, I still feel uneasy.

"Sister Yu can predict the future, right? Logically, it should be easy to know which fog incident entered the Earth."

"Why haven't you come back yet?"

Xie Shaokun was very surprised.

Everyone was silent.

This is also what everyone is really worried about.


With Sister Yu's strength, prudence and rich experience, plus the assistance of Grace Johnson and Xiaohua, nothing will happen even in an alternate dimension.

No one will worry.

"Sister Yu must have been delayed because of something."

"Or maybe they think there is a better training environment in the alternate dimension, or maybe there are some other reasons."

Kashiwagi-san spoke up to comfort him.

Sharis D'Amayo nodded and said, "I think Kashiwagi-san is right."

"There must be a better cultivation environment in the other dimension, as well as some opportunities that we don't know about, and we can't even imagine, so..."

"Just trust Sister Yu and everything will be fine!"

Everyone nodded.

At this time, I can only trust Sister Yu.


"Let's talk about summer."

Hong She took the initiative to change the subject: "I didn't expect him to be so powerful."


Sharis D'Amayo saw that Hong She was deliberately changing the subject to prevent everyone from further worrying about Sister Yu's life: "Sister Yu is amazing, and her brother is also amazing."

"As expected of you, you are siblings."

"The 'adaptive robot' he recently developed is so powerful."

"We'll get a few later."

Everyone nodded.

Adaptive robots, they've seen them in videos online.

It’s just that I haven’t been to No. 9 New City these days, and No. 9 New City is also quite busy, so the adaptive robot has not been sent to the base yet...

Therefore, there are still no adaptive robots in the base.

"If we had these adaptive robots, the Phantom Fox incident wouldn't have happened."

Han Sanguang said: "I think we need to find some time as soon as possible to get the adaptive robots, and more of them."

"Get some more adaptive robots in the shape of cats and dogs and place them around the base."

Sharis D'Amayo's eyes lit up and she said, "Good idea."

Everyone also nodded.

Adaptive robots have a wide range of uses, especially for them, they are simply excellent helpers.

"Without further ado."

"I suggest we go tonight."

Xie Shaokun spoke directly.

Others naturally had no objections.


Everyone started discussing who should go.

"Let's not discuss this anymore."

Hong She said, "There are very limited aliens near New City No. 9 right now, so we don't need to send too many people."

"You have to be careful then." Su Qian reminded: "Or... let Axiong and Kashiwagi-san go."

"They are both very powerful, and most importantly... there is no need to drive. Axiong can directly carry those adaptive robots on the road."

“It takes very little time.”

Everyone nodded.

It is reasonable for Axiong and Kashiwagi-san to act together, which can ensure both safety and speed.

"it is good."

Axiong had no objection.

Kashiwagi-san also nodded, indicating that he could go.


"Thank you for the trip."

Xie Shaokun said.

This statement is most reasonable for him to make. After all, his strength and status are very high in the team.


Axiong shook his head and stood up.

"Let's eat first before we go."

Charice Damayo spoke.

"Eating too much is not good for exercise."

Ah Xiong said.


Sharis Damayor nodded, agreeing with what Axiong said.




Then, Axiong and Kashiwagi-san left quickly.

"What a hothead."

Looking at the two people leaving, Su Qian said helplessly: "There is nothing we can do about him."

"fair enough."

Hong She said: "In case it is delayed for too long, the base will be in danger."

"after all."

"No one knows whether the Phantom Fox will appear again, nor whether a more powerful alien race like the True Fox will appear in the future."


Su Qian nodded, agreeing with this.

"Do you think the Phantom Fox will target them?"

Sharis D'Amayo suddenly asked.

Everyone's eyes suddenly widened and they looked worried.

They have already experienced the power of the Phantom Fox. Such a powerful creature can easily make them fall into its trap if they are not careful.

"I'll chase him."

Xiaonan stood up.

"There's no need to go to such trouble."

"Call up!"

Han Sanguang reminded immediately.


Charice Damayo also nodded.

Su Qian immediately picked up the phone and started making a call.


But the phone prompts that there is no signal.

"No signal???"

Everyone frowned and asked without remembering, "What do you mean?"


They have started picking up their phones.

"Eh? My cell phone has no signal either."

Sharis Damayor frowned and said, "That shouldn't be the case. In order to prevent this kind of situation from happening, Zhao Guohui built a huge signal receiver in our base when he rebuilt it."

"There's no way there's no signal."

Everyone has realized that something is wrong.

Look at each other.




All of them disappeared in a flash, and came to the windows on each floor of the base to observe the surroundings of the base.


Total darkness.

I can't see my fingers.

Only the lights inside the base are on, because the base's power system is independent and not affected by the outside world.

For a moment, no one was sure whether a fog incident had occurred outside!

"I'll ask my clone to go take a look."

Sharis Damayor spoke first, and then used her supernatural power without hesitation.

A long time ago, her "stand-in" ability had already been developed to the second stage. Although it is still unknown when it will be developed to the third stage, but currently...

Her "stand-in" can already be one kilometer away from her original body.

This is a terrifying number.


She could easily have her 'stand-in' detonate the crystal core a kilometer away.

This distance is enough to prevent Sharis Damao's real body from being affected by the aftermath of the crystal core explosion.


Everyone waited nervously, ready for battle.

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