I'm back from hell

Chapter 528 Ancient Spiritual Art: Fireball! A grand battle between two major races!

Chapter 528 Ancient Spiritual Art: Fireball! A grand battle between two major races!
A few more minutes passed.




Xia Yu, Grace Johnson and others landed again next to the leader of the Black Gulu tribe.

this moment.

The Black Gulu tribe, led by their chief, had even more respect for Xia Yu, Grace Johnson and others.

The fighting power displayed by Xia Yu was far beyond imagination.

The power of Grace Johnson's spiritual arts crushed all members of the Black Gollum tribe!
Even able to defeat a thousand at once!

No exaggeration!

"Let's take a rest."

Grace Johnson said.

The leader of the Black Gulu tribe nodded immediately.

Although this will affect the battle plan, but...

Has little effect!


Grace Johnson's fighting power is extremely strong. If she had rested well, her effect would be even greater. In comparison... the negative impact of slowing down the team's progress can be ignored.


Grace Johnson sat cross-legged tiredly, practicing the ancient guiding technique.

After half an hour.

He is in much better condition.

The team sets off.

On the road.

"After killing hundreds of fish-eye eagles, the spiritual technique you performed was dissipation."

"Is this the limit of your spiritual arts?"

Xia Yu asked.


Grace Johnson nodded, and his eyes were faintly filled with joy. He took the initiative to say: "If I fight alone, I can easily kill a strong man in the seventh level of spiritual energy."

He is very confident.

Xia Yu's eyes lit up and she nodded.

I thought Grace Johnson's spiritual arts were only suitable for group battles, but I didn't expect that in a single battle, he could actually kill a strong man in the seventh level of spiritual energy.

And it was an easy kill!


"The power of this spiritual technique can be further enhanced."

Grace Johnson said in a low voice.


Xia Yu was very surprised.

Grace Johnson explained: "Originally, I only mastered most of this spiritual art. The reason why I was able to perform it was entirely because of my own breakthrough in strength, which enabled me to forcibly perform the spiritual art."

"There is a price to pay for forcing it."

"The first cost is that it will cause huge consumption to myself. Now I can only use this spiritual art once. After that, I can only use other spiritual arts with less power, or just rest."

"The second price is that the spiritual technique takes a long time to perform."

"The price is three, the power of the spiritual technique is only 50%."

Xia Yu nodded.

No wonder it takes so long for Grace Johnson to perform this spiritual art and it consumes so much energy.

It turned out to be the case.


Grace Johnson continued, "I will gradually become familiar with it and master it. Once I have mastered it thoroughly, the power of this spiritual art will double."

"The casting time will also be continuously compressed until it reaches the point where it can be released in seconds."

“By then, let alone a seventh-grade psychic realm expert, even an eighth-grade psychic realm expert… can be killed instantly!”

Xia Yu's pupils shrank.

Eighth grade!

She found that she had underestimated Grace Johnson.

No wonder Grace Johnson was so excited.

"What is this spiritual technique called?"

she asked.

"Ancient spiritual arts is a spiritual art passed down by our dark elves. It has no name."

"However, because it is very similar to the Lingzhu people's 'demigod technique' - Fireball Technique, we call it 'Little Fireball Technique'."

"Don't think that I am performing a 'small fireball spell'. In fact... its power is even greater than Lingzhuren's 'demigod spell' - the fireball spell."

Grace Johnson said.

Xia Yu nodded.

She had never seen the Lingzhu people's 'demigod magic' - Fireball Magic, but she knew... it was definitely not that powerful.


The Lingzhu people are too strong.

The Black Gulu tribe didn't dare to offend them, let alone attack the Lingzhu people's lair.


Grace Johnson said, "The 'Small Fireball Technique' can explode. Once it explodes... the power will be even greater. However, that requires a very high level of control over the 'Small Fireball Technique'."

“I’m still a little far away.”

Xia Yu nodded.

I have a good idea.

Because the noise just now was small and ended quickly, the Lingzhu people did not notice it. Even on the outskirts of the Lingzhu people's territory, very few of the controlled alien races noticed the movement here.

Even if I noticed...

He just glanced at it and then looked away.


The ones who participated in the battle were the Golden Feathered Eagle, Xia Yu and others, not the Black Gulu tribe, so... in the eyes of these alien races, this was just a fight between the "big guys" passing by.

This situation is normal in the alien space.

In the afternoon.

The Black Gulu tribe finally quietly arrived at the edge of the Lingzhu people's territory. If they went any further they would be easily discovered.

at this time.

The second step of the plan is to be carried out.




A few Heiguru masters including Heiguru Cuimas quietly sneaked in and began to "clean up" the aliens controlled by the Lingzhu people.




The whole process was silent.

The people who attacked were all masters of the Black Gulu tribe, and they were three against one or more than one.

It would be strange if there was any noise.

Xia Yu, Grace Johnson and others also did not take any action.

after that.

The second batch of Black Gulu began to enter. They were responsible for lurking in the dark and immediately eliminating any other alien races that approached.

Provide a safe environment for the Black Gulu army to move forward.

have to say.

The Black Gulu tribe’s arrangements are very reasonable and well executed.

The army sets off.




A team of thousands of people did not make any sound.

Xia Yu also admires the discipline of the Black Gulu tribe.

"It seems that the Black Gulu tribe wants to wait until dark before attacking the inner circle of the Lingzhu people."

Grace Johnson said.

"Do not."

Xia Yu shook his head, estimated the size of the Lingzhu people, and said, "They want to wait until the second half of the night to attack."

Grace Johnson nodded and said, "That's right."

"In the second half of the night, the Lingzhu people slept more soundly."


"It will also allow the members of the Black Gulu tribe to rest further."

"It's just that it's easy to be discovered if you stay in the outer territory of the Lingzhu people for so long."

Xia Yu nodded.

It is impossible that the leader of the Black Gulu tribe did not expect this, but he still did it, which shows that the leader of the Black Gulu tribe was well prepared.

The next process of progress.

Surprisingly smooth.

Xia Yu, Grace Johnson and others simply sat on the golden-winged eagles and a group of flying beasts to practice.

The golden-feathered eagle and a group of flying beasts were "walking" on the ground.


This speed is comparable to the marching speed of the Black Gulu tribe.


it's dark.

at this time.

The entire Black Gulu army has entered the outskirts of the Lingzhu people's territory. Black Gulu Cuimas and other Black Gulu masters are almost reaching the inner edge area of ​​the Lingzhu people's territory.

Time passed by minute by minute.

An hour later.

The Black Gulu army gradually arrived at the inner edge of the Lingzhu people's territory.

Stay where you are.

There was no sound at all, as if it had disappeared.

As for the problem of being easily discovered after staying in the outer territory of the Lingzhu people for so long...

The Black Gulu tribe did not have any special countermeasures.

as always.

The masters of the Heiguru tribe, such as Heiguru Cuimas, were on guard all around. Once they found any aliens approaching, they would immediately summon several masters through the special contact method within the Heiguru tribe and work together to eliminate the other party.

The method is stupid.


Unexpectedly, the effect was surprisingly good.

Until the second half of the night.

Thousands of Black Gulu have gone undetected.


Geng Qiushui couldn't help but feel a little strange, and asked in a low voice: "These aliens controlled by the Lingzhu people, they won't be lazy, right?"

Upon hearing this, Xia Yu and Grace Johnson, who were also very curious, couldn't help but brighten up.

"It's really possible!"

Grace Johnson immediately said, "The Black Gulu tribe probably expected that this group of aliens controlled by the Lingzhu people would not do their best to protect the outer area for the Lingzhu people, so they dared to rest here."


Zhang Lulu and Dong Bin also nodded in agreement.

Using forceful means to control others will definitely not make other creatures return to their hearts, and it is normal for this situation to occur.

"Qiu Shui, you are so smart."

Huang Yiyi spoke up.

"No, I'm just guessing."

Geng Qiu Shui shook his head and said.

Grace Johnson ignored the conversation between the two girls and changed the subject, saying, "In the next attack, you must pay attention to three points."

Hearing this, everyone looked serious.

"First, don't be too stubborn."

Grace Johnson said, "The Lingzhu tribe has extremely terrifying combat power, whether fighting in groups or individually. Ordinary people are simply no match for them."

"You'd better not be so stubborn."

"Including you."

As he spoke, he also glanced at Captain Mai and Deputy Captain Ling.


Captain Mai and Deputy Captain Ling nodded.

"Second, be more vigilant and resolutely carry out the orders given by the master and me."

Grace Johnson continued, "I don't need to elaborate on the importance of this point, right? You should pay special attention to this."

This time, he took a special look at Du Zihang, Geng Qiu Shui, Xiao Wen and others.


Du Zihang, Geng Qiushui, Xiaowen and others nodded.

"at last."

Grace Johnson said, "In the final fight for resources, you must not clash with the Black Gulu tribe. Once you find that they have signs of attacking you, remember! You must evacuate immediately!"

"Report the situation!"


This time, he looked at everyone.


Everyone nodded.

This is especially important because everyone understands the underlying meaning of Grace Johnson's words.

"it is good."

"Rest where you are."

"Wait for the action to begin."

Grace Johnson waved her hand and turned to Xia Yu's side.

"There are three layers of formations in total."

"How do you think the Black Gulu tribe will crack it?"

Xia Yu asked calmly: "Forced attack?"

"Do not."

Grace Johnson shook his head and said, "Spiritual formations are extremely important in the alien space. Many races can set up and break them."

"People who do this kind of thing are called spirit formation masters."

"That is to say, many races have their own spiritual formation masters."

"The Black Gulu tribe is no exception."

"You mean, the Black Gulu clan's spirit formation master can break the spirit formation?"

Xia Yu asked.


Grace Johnson said, "Of course, the level of spiritual masters varies, and I don't know what the level of the spiritual masters of the Black Gulu tribe is."

"If we can't successfully crack the 'Alarm Spirit Formation', we will have to attack by force then."

Xia Yu suddenly understood.

Why did the Black Gulu tribe choose to rest in the inner edge area of ​​the Lingzhu people's territory? It was not only to adjust their status, but more importantly, it was probably to give the tribe's spiritual formation masters time to break the "warning spiritual formation" in front of them.

If we can break the 'Alarm Spirit Formation', then...

It can further shorten the reaction time of the spirit array people.

This caused their casualties to increase in the early stages of the battle.


Very important!
"There are three formations in the inner circle. Even if we spend time to break the 'Alarm Spirit Formation' used for warning, what about the other two formations?"

Xiaohua asked.

"rest assured."

Grace Johnson said: "After the 'Spirit Alert Array' used for warning is broken, the Lingzhu people will soon find out, and then..."

"The Lingzhu people will soon discover the invading Black Gulu tribe."

"The battle will begin before the Black Gulu clan's spiritual formation masters break other formations."


Xiao Hua frowned and asked, "Why waste time to break the 'Alarm Spirit Formation' used for warning? Is it necessary?"

"Is necessary."


Grace Johnson explained: "It took time for the Lingzhu people to find out that the 'Alarm Spirit Formation' they used for warning had failed, and to react and discover the Black Gulu Clan."

"This time is enough for the Black Gulu tribe to advance the battle line by a thousand meters, or even tens of thousands of meters!"

Xiaohua nodded, still unable to understand the reason.


With its intelligence, it is somewhat difficult for it to understand the details of the confrontation between the two armies and comprehend the importance of the details.


The good thing about Xiaohua is that she knows that her current intelligence is not enough and that the knowledge she has learned is extremely limited, so she really wants to learn and is never arrogant.

"Little flower."

Xia Yu said, "In the next battle, try your best to cover the bodies of the Lingzhu people with ghosts."

"Swallow it."


Xiaohua was stunned and asked, "Master, do you mean to start eating during the battle?"


Xia Yu nodded.

No one knows whether the Black Gulu tribe will turn against each other after the war.

So... eating during battle is the best option.


Xiaohua nodded.

Xia Yu glanced at Captain Mai, Deputy Captain Ling and others.

Because of the previous transactions with the Black Gulu tribe, the strength of these people has been improved to varying degrees.

Captain Mai and Deputy Captain Ling have both increased their strength to the middle level of the fourth-grade spiritual realm.

Du Zihang's strength increased to the middle level of the second-grade spiritual realm.

Geng Qiu Shui's strength has increased to the initial stage of the second level of spiritual energy.

Her best friend, Huang Yiyi's strength has also been raised to the initial stage of the second-grade spiritual energy realm, slightly weaker than Geng Qiu Shui.

Zhang Lulu improved her strength to the middle level of the second-grade spiritual realm, slightly stronger than Du Zihang.

Dong Bin improved his strength to the initial stage of the second-grade spiritual energy realm, slightly stronger than Geng Qiu Shui.

Xiao Wen improved his strength to the initial stage of the third level of spiritual energy.

Her two subordinates raised their strength to the initial stage of the second-grade spiritual realm.

In other words.

Nowadays, the weakest level is the initial stage of the second-grade spiritual energy realm.

Cooperating with the flying beast under his feet.

Their combat capabilities are all quite good.

among them.

Although Du Zihang, Geng Qiushui, Huang Yiyi and others were not at a high level and were not of much help in the battle, but...

They have guns!

The combat capability is still not weak.

So, these people can all help.


When two armies fight, all kinds of variables may arise, especially for some people who are very unlucky.

It is easy to be hit by a 'stray bullet' and die on the spot.

Xia Yu didn't know that among these people...

Will such an unlucky person appear?
Who will be the unlucky one?
Another half hour later.


A gap appeared in the 'Alarm Spirit Array' used for warning.


Xia Yu's pupils shrank.

The so-called 'gap' is...

The 'Warning Spirit Array' used for warning was not broken as a whole, and other places still had a warning effect. Only the area with a gap in front of him did not have a warning effect.

In this situation.

It's perfect!
It would not only prevent the Lingzhu people from discovering it at the first time, but also allow the Black Gulu army to easily enter.

"Do it!"

The chief of the Black Gulu tribe personally led the army in.


It's the frontal combat phase, he needs to follow his people and only know how to fight.

It’s about the survival of the race.

There is no room for carelessness.


Xia Yu and others also filed in.

In the following battles, they are "free" and can formulate all the tactics by themselves. Anyway, as long as they can help the Black Gulu tribe to advance on the front battlefield and destroy the Lingzhu tribe at the lowest cost, that will be enough.

One thousand meters.

Two thousand meters.

Three thousand meters.


Because the Black Gulu tribe has spirit formation masters, the army can completely avoid the "Soul Binding Formation" used to restrain living beings when advancing.

Although these 'Soul Binding Formations' were set up on the only way to the deepest part of the Lingzhu tribe...

But the Black Gulu can fly.

It is entirely possible to avoid these 'soul-binding arrays' by taking a 'detour'.

It succeeded once.

Successfully done twice.

When the Black Gulu army penetrated about 5,000 meters into the inner territory of the Lingzhu people, they were eventually discovered by the Lingzhu people.


A sound like a bell resounded within the inner territory of the Lingzhu tribe.

Everyone's expression suddenly froze.

they know……

The battle is about to break out.


The leader of the Black Gulu tribe gave the order to attack without any nonsense.




Heigulu Cuimas and other members of the Heigulu tribe shouted loudly.


The momentum is great.

And what about the Lingzhu people?

It all happened too suddenly.

There was no time to react.


Their territory was large enough, even the inner territory was still not small. When the Black Gulu army charged less than a kilometer away, they gathered together and met them.

And this moment.

The Black Gulu army finally encountered a group of Lingzhu people in front of them. There were about fifty Lingzhu people. This time...

The Black Gulu army did not take a detour but charged directly.

Although the 'Soul Binding Formation' was in effect, the Black Gulu warriors had anticipated it and drew their bows and arrows or threw their spears.

The soul-binding formation is only effective against living beings, and has no effect on these weapons.

For a while.

These fifty Lingzhu people all performed the "demigod magic" - the Linggui magic.

In the blink of an eye, they joined forces to condense a giant 'Spirit Turtle Shield' in front of them.

A "duh duh duh" sound was heard.

This giant 'spiritual turtle shield' only lasted for a few breaths before it broke apart.

Seeing this, Xia Yu was a little surprised.

Although she was confident that she could break this giant 'spiritual turtle shield', it was far from being as easy as breaking it against the Black Gulu tribe.

Grace Johnson explained: "Master, the Black Gulu tribe also used a formation."

"Force gathering array!"


Hearing this, Xia Yu jumped up, stepped on the golden-feathered eagle, and came to mid-air, where he discovered that the formation of the Black Gulu army was indeed quite special.

Behind each of the "pitchers" who shot arrows or threw spears stood a team of Black Gulu people.

It's like...

These teams of Black Gulu are infusing power into the 'pitchers' who are shooting arrows or throwing spears!
'No wonder those 'throwers' shoot arrows and throw spears so fast.'

Xia Yu didn't expect there was such a formation as the 'Force Gathering Formation' and was a little surprised for a moment.

Grace Johnson was also very surprised: "I didn't expect that this Black Gulu tribe would have so many talents in formation."

In general.

The Black Gulu tribe is best at defense and close combat, commonly known as...

Reckless man! For medium and long distances, you can only rely on archery or throwing spears.

And the archery skills...are not as good as those of the dark elves and elves.

Formation or something...

Not very good at it, just reaching the average level of the races in the alien dimension.

At present, the formation level of the spiritual formation masters of the Black Gulu tribe... has reached the superior level among the races in the alien dimension.

"No wonder these Black Gulu people dared to attack the lair of the Lingzhu people."

"I see."

Xia Yu said.

Grace Johnson nodded.

Ten seconds later.

Under the crushing force of the Black Gulu army, this 50-member Lingzhu people team was completely wiped out.

And this time.

The Lingzhu army also assembled and launched a charge towards the Heigulu army.

"Do it."

Xia Yu did not go to watch the battle between the Lingzhu people and the Black Gulu army, but turned to look at the Lingzhu people who had also assembled behind him.

These Lingzhu people were originally the group of Lingzhu people stationed on the only way to enter the deepest part of the Lingzhu tribe.

Before, because the Black Gulu army did not want to disturb them and thus expose their tracks, they had always avoided them and spared their lives.

just now.

The Black Gulu army is fighting the Lingzhu army...

Once this group of Lingzhu people in the rear join the battle, the Heigulu army will inevitably be attacked from both sides, resulting in greater casualties among the Heigulu tribe.

and so.

Xia Yucai decided to lead his men to deal with this group of Lingzhu people.

"There are 188 in total."


"give it to me."

Grace Johnson said.

"it is good."

Xia Yu nodded and said, "Xiaohua, Captain Mai, attack together."


Xiaohua, Captain Mai and others responded one after another.




Then, they all flew into the air and used their own methods.

Grace Johnson stood right in front of the group of Lingzhu people and cast the ancient spiritual technique - 'Little Fireball Technique' without hesitation!

This group of Lingzhu people did not expect that Grace Johnson also knew demigod magic, but then they discovered that the other party's "small fireball magic" was not the same as their demigod magic - fireball magic.

No time to think too much.




This group of Lingzhu people also used fireball magic.


Huge fireballs rose into the sky and flew towards Grace Johnson.

"Demigod Technique!"

Grace Johnson's eyes lit up and he cast the fireball spell faster.


Still too slow.


Xia Yu patted the golden-feathered eagle.

next moment.

"call out."

The Golden Feathered Eagle directly wrapped Xia Yu and buried its head in its wings, like a huge meat ball, and slammed into the huge fireballs that were rising from the top of the Lingzhu man's head and flying at high speed.

It's too late to say.

There was a 'boom'.

The two sides collided violently.

The first fireball collapsed directly.

Then came the second fireball.

after that.

Because the huge fireballs cast by the Lingzhu people were flying horizontally, it was extremely difficult for the Golden-Winged Eagle to destroy three fireballs in a row.

This is due to its large size.

And at the same time.

The other fireballs flew straight towards Grace Johnson.


Under the command of the Golden-winged Eagle, the other flying beasts had already blocked Grace Johnson's way.

In other words.

These giant fireballs could only hit the flying beasts and could not hurt Grace Johnson at all.



Because the energy contained in the giant fireball is so powerful, even if three flying beasts are fighting against one giant fireball, the feathers of these flying beasts are still directly burned to ashes.

It also caused these flying beasts to let out shrill screams.


Even Du Zihang and others who were wrapped in their wings let out shrill screams.

The form is urgent.

These flying beasts did not have time to put Du Zihang and others on the ground. Only Geng Qiu Shui, Xiao Wen, Captain Mai and Deputy Captain Ling, who reacted quickly, used their mechanical wings to get into the air in the first place.


Even Du Zihang and others who were affected were only burned by the fire and were not seriously injured.

The flying beast was the last to be injured.

And this moment.

Grace Johnson finally completed the "Small Fireball Spell", and the originally huge fireball was compressed into a "small fireball" with a diameter of about one meter.

after that.

"go with!"

Grace Johnson took a look at the flying beast that was severely burned, his face darkened, and he said, "Go to hell!"

"Go to hell!"

"call out."

The 'little fireball' turned into a flaming meteor and hit the Lingzhu man directly.

Extremely fast.


These Lingzhu people were not stupid, they knew they only had one chance to attack, so after casting the semi-divine spell - 'Fireball Spell', they immediately cast the 'Spirit Turtle Spell' - Spirit Turtle Shield.

The moment the 'small fireball' came above his head, the pieces of turtle shields had already combined together to form a giant 'turtle shield'.


The next moment, the 'small fireball' hit the giant 'spiritual turtle shield'.

in a blink.

The giant 'Spirit Turtle Shield' exploded directly.

Turned into powder.


"Do not!!!"

The Lingzhu people below all looked horrified.


It's too late.

The "little fireball" cast by Grace Johnson suddenly exploded, turning into flames all over the sky, staining every spiritual bamboo man below.

Some Lingzhu people had green or white light on their bodies, or took out Lingzhu shields.

At last.

Whether it was the green light, the white light, or the spiritual bamboo shield, they were all destroyed.

The Lingzhu people, who had no means of defense, were burned to death on the spot.

Many Lingzhu people were turned into ashes.

It's a bit wasteful, but...

no way.

The power of the 'Fireball Technique' was too great and he couldn't control it.

Only then did the scene appear where some Lingzhu people were alive and some were turned into ashes.

After that.


In the sky, Geng Qiu Shui, Xiao Wen, Captain Mai and Deputy Captain Ling turned into four afterimages and killed the surviving Lingzhu people.

These Lingzhu people sensed the murderous intent and were about to take action.


Several bamboo spirits disappeared.

A cold atmosphere permeated the air.


The Lingzhu people around were stunned for a moment, then immediately reacted: the ghost clan!
The ghost clan used the ghost den!
No time to think...

They hurriedly used semi-divine magic to fight against the four attackers: Geng Qiu Shui, Xiao Wen, Captain Mai, and Deputy Captain Ling.

Inside the ghost.

Xiaohua took advantage of the opportunity of a sneak attack and the sharp claws of the golden roc bird in her hand to easily kill the Lingzhu man in the ghost den.

Take it!

She didn't have that kind of psychological barrier, because if she was a normal person, she wouldn't eat people, even if they were Lingzhu people, but... they looked very similar to humans, which was still very awkward.

Ghosts and ghosts outside.

The battle continues.

Xiaowen and his four companions are powerful and have sharp weapons, so they are able to gain the upper hand against the severely injured Lingzhu people.

next moment.


Grace Johnson used spiritual magic to assist.


Without exception, all these Lingzhu people were killed.


Seeing this, Grace Johnson and others breathed a sigh of relief.

Xia Yu glanced at everyone.

Everyone except Grace Johnson, including Xiaohua and the Golden Feathered Eagle, were injured?

More than a hundred Lingzhu people, their combined combat power is so strong?
Thinking of the power of the 'Fireball' just now, she couldn't help but nodded. She recognized this destructive power, but was also very wary of it.

Apart from having powerful defensive measures, there seems to be no other way to deal with it?

Even her.

I don’t know how to deal with it.

Is it possible to resist it with physical body?

This is definitely not possible!
Because it is impossible for humans to fight against fire. Even the master of horizontal training, Deputy Captain Ling, cannot withstand the burning of flames.

not to mention.

The 'Fireball Spell' performed by these Lingzhu people is a demigod spell, a demigod spell with a hint of divinity!
"Can the will-o'-the-wisp withstand it?"

Xia Yu's eyes flashed as he thought about it.


"The will-o'-the-wisp can be countered."

At this moment, Xiaohua said secretly.


That's good.


"If the will-o'-the-wisp wants to deal with the giant fireball, it will probably consume a lot of energy, right?"

Xia Yu asked.


Xiaohua nodded and said, "I don't know exactly how much it will consume."

"It's OK as long as we can fight against it."

Xia Yu said.

At least, you won't be burned to death in vain.

at the moment.

She has completely merged with the will-o'-the-wisp and has completely gained control of it.

The only difference is that there are not many will-o'-the-wisp in the body.


She can forcibly consume her own energy to quickly make up for the consumption of the will-o'-the-wisp.

In other words.

If she fights the giant fireball alone, it will inevitably lead to a stalemate.

Fight against each other!
Xia Yu didn't know whether he could eventually survive.


Having said that, there are still many restrictions during the actual battle:

First of all, there are more than one giant fireballs. One giant fireball can be countered by will-o'-the-wisp, but what about two?
Furthermore, even if there was only one giant fireball, if the will-o'-the-wisp could not consume it all at once, then... after the will-o'-the-wisp was consumed first, it would need to re-enter her body to nourish it. Although she had already mastered the means of forcibly consuming her own energy to quickly make up for the consumption of the will-o'-the-wisp, but...

It still takes time.

How could the giant fireball give Xia Yu this time?
It will continue to attack.

What should we do then?
Can only run away.

Delay the time.

In short.

Xia Yu had no idea what would happen if a fight really broke out.


“I feel a lot smarter.”

Xiaohua spoke again and finally brought some good news.


Xia Yu nodded and said, "Not enough."

Xiaohua only swallowed a dozen spirit bamboo men, and she felt that many of the problems that she had been unable to figure out in the past were solved.

What if she swallows a hundred of them?

Xia Yu said.


Xiaohua nodded.


"The two sides are at a stalemate."

Grace Johnson looked at the battlefield, dragged his tired body, and spoke.


Xia Yu said, "This group of Lingzhu people are indeed very strong."

They were attacked unexpectedly, and by the Black Gulu tribe who were fully prepared and had strong attainments in formation. What was the result?
How long has it been?

He actually managed to keep his footing!
What's even more terrifying is that the front line where these Lingzhu people are at this moment is not the deepest part of the Lingzhu tribe, but outside the area covered by the "Spirit Control Array" that was set up in advance for defense!

This is very scary.

"I need to rest."

Grace Johnson said, "Otherwise I won't be able to play a big role."


Xia Yu nodded and said, "This battle will continue for some time."

"Let's see if the Black Gulu tribe has any other preparations."


Grace Johnson nodded, stopped talking nonsense, sat cross-legged, and began to adjust.

"Xiao Jin."

"Protect him."

Xia Yu gave some instructions and then quietly left with Xiaohua.

Captain Mai, Deputy Captain Ling, Du Zihang and others also stayed where they were to recuperate.

For one thing, they were injured.

Secondly, now that the two sides are fighting fiercely and the armies are engaged, their best option is to roam the battlefield rather than directly participate. After all, their strength is no match for the army...

Still too weak.

Don't try to stop a chariot with your bare hands.

That would be stupid.

Third, the Black Gulu tribe doesn't need them yet. Even if they do, they only need to wait for Sister Yu and Grace Johnson's orders before they can take action.

And now.

Grace Johnson has been injured and is resting.

Xia Yu left and was not there.

and so……

Waiting is their best option.



Xia Yu turned into a residual shadow and came into the air.

Looking down at the battlefield below.

Both sides played to their strengths: various battle formations, various demigod arts, and the melee charge of the Black Gulu tribe led by Black Gulu Trimas...

Thousands of arrows were fired.

Thousands of spears were thrown.


It can be said that both sides are using their own methods.

Various energies collided, various explosions occurred, and the battlefield was in chaos.

Every moment, people from the Black Gulu tribe and the Lingzhu people were killed.

of course.

If you look closely, you will find that more people from the Black Gulu tribe died.

The number of deaths among the Lingzhu people is relatively small.

Xia Yu frowned.

Although the number of Lingzhu people is not as large as that of the Black Gulu tribe, but... if the consumption continues at this ratio, the Black Gulu tribe will suffer heavy losses even if they win in the end.

"Are you really out of options?"

Xia Yu frowned and observed.

after an hour.

The number of casualties on the Black Gulu side has exceeded a thousand.

The Lingzhu people have also broken the five hundred technique.

Two to one.


Or it was because the Black Gulu tribe took the opportunity to launch a surprise attack on them at the beginning, causing heavy casualties to the Lingzhu people. Otherwise... the losses of the Lingzhu people would have been even smaller.





At this time, the alien creatures that were controlled on the outskirts of the Lingzhu people's territory finally came to support them.

They don't want to support.


The two sides have been fighting for too long, it is impossible for them to pretend not to see it.

If you anger those Lingzhu people, then... all these alien creatures will die!

They arrived at the scene slowly.

Go into battle with gritted teeth.


Grace Johnson gave the order.


Captain Mai and Deputy Captain Ling were the first to stand up.

Xiaowen, Zhang Lulu and Dong Bin followed closely behind.

The golden-winged eagle also spread its wings, which were severely burned, and let out a long cry towards the sky.

The fighting spirit is soaring!

Du Zihang, Geng Qiu Shui and Huang Yiyi looked at each other, and all reached for the pistols on their waists and the claws in their hands, ready to fight for their lives.


After seeing the Golden-feathered Eagle, these alien races who came to support immediately decided to retreat.


Several aliens who were about to retreat suddenly died.




Seeing this, these alien races understood that the Lingzhu people were warning them!


These alien races can only continue to attack.




The two sides fought again.

The Golden-winged Eagle was unable to leave because it had to protect Grace Johnson, and its combat power was greatly affected.

"Xiaohua, go and provide support."

Xia Yu had already noticed the battlefield here. After seeing this scene, he immediately gave orders.


She also wanted to use Xiaohua's "disguise" and Guishou to sneak into the army of Lingzhu people.

just now.

I can't care about that anymore.



Xiaohua swooped down and quickly joined the battlefield.

With the help of the will-o'-the-wisp and the ghost-light...

She was like a killer.

They quickly fought their way out, stabilized the situation, and freed the Golden-winged Eagle.

See this.

Xia Yu retracted her gaze, because...

The battlefield below also changed at this moment.

The Black Gulu tribe finally used their last resort!
Just see.

The Black Gulu tribe, which was originally dead, actually came back to life.

Their eyes are dull, their movements are stiff, their skin is grey-copper in colour, and they look deathly dead. They have lost their agility, but have gained stronger defence and speed.

For a while.

They launched the charge fearlessly.

Broke the stalemate on the battlefield.




Countless fireballs hit the resurrected Black Gulu people and burned them to ashes.

Countless 'heavy swords' slashed out, cutting them in half.

Countless "stars" fell, accurately killing them one by one, and some "stars" even exploded directly in the air, instantly turning a large number of resurrected Black Gulu people into minced meat.


These 'demigod spells' that were originally intended to attack the living Black Gulu army, because they attacked the resurrected Black Gulu members, this allowed the living Black Gulu army to take this opportunity to push the front line forward.

The distance between the two sides has further narrowed.

And once the battle comes close...

The melee advantage of the Blackgulu army will be fully utilized.

Victory will also be secured!

The battle situation was developing in favor of the Black Gulu army.

Xia Yu's brows furrowed more and more.


These Lingzhu people will never surrender.

So, it’s time for them to use their backup plan, right?

Can the Black Gulu tribe withstand it?


Changes increased sharply.

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