The strongest patriarch

Chapter 1107 Variables

spirit world.Taixu ancient dragon headquarters.In a luxuriously decorated room in are two naked men and women performing the most primitive sports of human beings on the luxurious brocade bed.

The man's face is like a crown of jade.handsome.Strong physique with sharp edges and corners.A piece of muscle bulges upward like steel.It seems to have infinite explosive power.

But the woman under him was extremely seductive.That charming pink face is full of sultry spring at this moment.A pair of beautiful willow eyebrows seem to be wrinkled.As if holding back something.A look of pain and enjoyment.

"Prince, you are so strong. This servant is about to be killed by you." At this moment, the seductive woman let out a moan.It sounded like weeping bitterly.

Her groan greatly stimulated the man's heart.I saw his waist suddenly sinking forward.Riding the wind and waves all at once.Killed to the very inside.

Just when he was about to move further.The closed door was suddenly blasted open by a burst of brute force.

"Peng." The door was opened.I saw a big man in black robe covered in blood staggering in from the outside.

"Damn it. Who on earth interrupted this deity's good business." The man was Ming Xu possessed by Ao Qin.Immediately cursed in a low voice.

He turned around and wanted to yell at the visitor.However, when he saw the other party's appearance clearly.The scolding sound that reached his mouth was swallowed back directly.A shock was replaced on the face.

"Ming Qiu. Who hurt you like this." While speaking.The man has already waved away the seductive maid under him.

"Who else could it be? Of course it's that little bastard Chu Yang." Ming Qiu said weakly.This time he seemed to be hurt terribly.It's a little hard to speak.

Ming Xu naturally also saw this.Jianmei couldn't help frowning slightly.Said: "It's him. That kid doesn't only have the cultivation base of a small world master. How could he hurt you. Could it be that your Yin-Yang Mirror of Life and Death can't deal with him."

Mingxu felt very puzzled.He is very clear about Ming Qiu's strength.Speaking of which, Ming Qiu's strength is only slightly inferior to him.Although there are people in this world who can hurt him.But definitely not much.It's even more impossible for a person like Chu Yang, who is not even a great world lord, to be able to do it.

"Oh. Don't mention it." Ming Qiu said with a downcast face: "That kid doesn't know what kind of secret treasure he has. My Yin-Yang mirror of life and death is useless to him at all. And besides the unknown Secret treasure. There is also a very powerful Houtian Chaos Yuanbao. I was injured on that Houtian Chaos Yuanbao this time."

"This." Ming Xu's face was filled with horror when he heard the words.Said: "That kid actually harbors such a treasure as the acquired Chaos Yuanbao."

Ming Qiu nodded: "It's more than that. Apart from this powerful Acquired Chaos Yuanbao, some other spiritual treasures on his body are extremely powerful. Divine arts emerge in endlessly. One is better than the other. Even The several god-defying techniques I learned from the Life and Death Scriptures couldn't get the slightest advantage from that kid."

"Ming Xu. Your information is too outdated. If I hadn't seen the opportunity this time, I'm afraid you won't be able to see me this time." At the end.Ming Qiu couldn't help being filled with complaints towards Ming Xu.

If it wasn't for Mingxu's miscalculation of Chu Yang's strength.Then he won't be seriously injured.With his current injury.Without tens of thousands of years of self-cultivation, it may be difficult to recover.

Mingxu smiled apologetically.Reaching out from his bosom, he took out a bottle of holy medicine for healing and gave it to Ming Qiu.Said: "Ming Qiu. This time, I am sorry for you. You take this bottle of Huiyuan Pill first. When I find time, I will refine some magic pills for restoring vitality for you."

Ming Qiu nodded slightly.Only then did a smile appear on his face: "With you refining the magic pill to heal my wounds, then I should be able to recover soon. It's a pity that I can't kill that kid with my own hands now."

Hearing this, Mingxu immediately tried to comfort him.Said: "Let that kid live for a while. After our plan is successfully implemented this time, my younger brother will be the first to deal with that kid."

I heard Mingxu talking about the plan.Ming Qiu couldn't help frowning deeply.His face is worried.Said: "Mingxu. Are you saying that our plan this time will be disturbed by that kid. Although Minghan is strong, he has only escaped from the predicament not long after all. His strength is far from reaching the peak of the year. And he And to be distracted by the other intruding Powers. I'm afraid."

Ming Xu's eyes were a little gloomy and he said: "Hehe. Don't worry about that. I have already sent Ao Guang to set up a large formation in that forbidden area. It's fine if that kid doesn't come in. If he dares to break in, I will definitely tell him to die A place of burial."

"Ao Guang." Ming Qiu smiled wryly upon hearing this.

Seeing this, Mingxu couldn't help but feel a sudden burst of emotion.Quickly asked: "What's the matter? Is there something wrong with Ao Guang?"

Ming Qiu nodded and smiled wryly.Said: "That guy might have been caught by Chu Yang. I was too hasty to leave at that time. I wasn't sure to take him away with me. If he was caught by Chu Yang, it's hard to guarantee that we won't tell our plan. .”

"Crack." Ming Xu slammed his fist on the table.His face was gloomy and he said: "Let's talk. Our plan may be seen through by that kid. It's a pity that it's too late to save it now. I hope that guy Ao Guang can avoid the strange poison planted by the deity and not leak the matter. "

"I hope so. That kid from Chu Yang lives for a day. Unforeseen changes may occur in our plan. With the talent and strength of that kid, he will definitely become the enemy of our clan in time. Ming Xu. You have to find a way to get rid of it as soon as possible." Just get rid of that kid. We must not let that kid continue to grow." Ming Qiu's eyes were burning.Said with a serious face.

For Chu Yang's monstrous strength.He still feels a little terrified.

Ming Xu nodded.How could he not be those days.Chu Yang couldn't even catch a blow from him.But how long has it been.The latter has grown to the point where even he is afraid of it.

this talent.The entire Three Thousand Worlds may be difficult for anyone to reach.

"Don't worry. I will never let that kid roam free for too long." Ming Xu said with absolute certainty.There seemed to be no doubt about what was said.It is convincing.

Even Ming Qiu was deeply infected by his self-confidence.He couldn't help secretly looking forward to the scene of Chu Yang's tragic death.


"This should be the sealed place." Just as Ming Qiu and Ming Xu were discussing how to get rid of the scourge of Chu Yang.The person involved has successfully passed through the outer area.Come to the central sealed place of the forbidden area.

It looks from the outside.The entire sealed place stands there like a huge altar.The outermost layer is a huge energy mask.This mask is as transparent as silk.It looks very simple and extraordinary.Chu Yang reached out and touched the energy mask lightly.The whole person felt like an electric shock.It was bounced away by the terrifying energy gushing out from the mask.

This layer of energy mask is naturally the super large formation laid down by several super rich families back then.Even after several epochs.This super formation is still extremely powerful.Can't be underestimated at all.

The entire altar is as big as half a giant wooden city.At this moment, they are all shrouded in this layer of horror.It made it impossible for the vitality of the world outside to seep in.

Chu Yang raised his head and glanced around the altar.He found that the altar was quiet.It was eerily quiet.From time to time, there was a low rustling sound on the barren blood-colored land.It seemed a bit abrupt in this silent altar.

"Those devouring insects raging outside should have spread out from this forbidden area. I'd better go inside and check first." Chu Yang rubbed his chin and pondered for a while.Soon, he took out a green talisman from his bosom to bless him.

This green talisman is simple and mysterious.There are some golden runes carved densely on it.Criss and crisscross together.It seems to form a very mysterious and mysterious spirit array.

This green talisman was a protective object given by Qingzhi before leaving.Its greatest function is to allow Chu Yang and the others to sense the power of heaven and earth in this spirit-forbidden place.

If a world lord-level power cannot absorb the pure power of heaven and earth from heaven and earth.I am afraid that its strength will not be much stronger than a master god of Dzogchen.Of course, a pervert like Chu Yang with a powerful divine body.Nature is another matter.But there are people in this world who can cultivate both cultivation base and divine body to the same level.Too little, too little.

I am afraid that it is difficult for such a monstrosity to appear among a thousand powerful people.

With this green rune.Chu Yang didn't have to worry about being passive after entering the forbidden area.

"Open." Chu Yang held the sword of life and waved lightly at the mask in front of him.The entire energy mask suddenly revealed a crack that could be walked on.

A silver light flashed under Chu Yang's feet.The whole person has already dodged and broke into the light shield.

Standing outside just now, he still couldn't see the scene clearly.At this moment, when he sneaks into it.Only then did I realize that there are small and exquisite magic circles all over the altar.These magic circles look like a reduced version of the super big circle.A small part of the magic circle is due to the passage of time.And because of the destruction of the spirit devouring insects, it lost its effectiveness.However, more magic circles are rotating around a huge super-level circle in the very center.

After each rotation of them.There are countless energies gathered in that huge formation.

"What kind of spirit-eating insects are being suppressed in this forbidden area?" Chu Yang looked up at the huge formation in the center of the altar.The shock in my heart cannot be described in words.With his knowledge, he can naturally see that the super large formation in front of him possesses a world-shocking terrifying power.Even a world lord like him can meet this kind of super formation.He also had to be blasted to pieces on the spot.

"It seems that this altar is not as simple as what Qingzhi said." Chu Yang's gaze pondered for a while.Then slowly walk towards the center of the altar.

Only to the center of the altar.He can find out the truth of the matter.

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