The strongest patriarch

Chapter 1189 Enchanting

"Dragon Emperor. Since the birth of our Three Thousand Worlds, we have never elected any leader. And now the entire Three Thousand Worlds are very peaceful. There is no need to choose any leader." Ao Long's words fell.Someone in the crowd immediately stood up to refute.

"That's right. The old man doesn't agree to choose a leader. The family I belong to has always been free and lazy. I really can't bear the shackles of that kind of rules."

"The deity doesn't agree either."


The whole square suddenly echoed.Everyone present today is from the world.Heroes of all major forces.How can they easily submit to the control of others.

As soon as Ao Long's alliance proposal was put forward, it was opposed by most power leaders.see.Ao Long's old face suddenly darkened.After a moment of cloudy eyes.Then he suddenly smiled.Said: "You fellow Taoists, I can naturally understand the mood. But everyone seems to have forgotten a very important question."

"What's the problem?" Everyone asked suspiciously.They didn't know what evil idea came up in Ao Long's mind.Even Die Fengxian and Di Chenzi, two people who have dealt with Ao Long a lot.At this moment, after hearing what Ao Long said.I also felt a bit of bewilderment.

"Hey. Some fellow daoists may not even know about it." Ao Long deliberately kept it a secret.Then it turned to the topic.Said in a deep voice, "I wonder if everyone remembers the Ling Dao Sect who wreaked havoc on the Three Thousand Worlds more than 1000 million years ago."

"Ling Daozong. Didn't he fall a long time ago? What does this matter have to do with him?"

"Ao Long. You don't want to be a secret on purpose. Talk quickly if you have something to say. Let go of your fart."

Everyone was obviously a little impatient.Some anxious people immediately booed loudly.

Ao Long smiled slyly.With a wave of his hand.He said loudly: "How can this matter have nothing to do with him. Because the person the emperor will mention next has a lot to do with him. You must remember that there has been a disturbance in the Three Thousand Worlds recently. It has made all races panic Chu Yang, the restless kid from the Qingtian clan."

"You're talking about Chu Yang. Of course we know that. But what does he have to do with Ling Daozong and this alliance?" Xing Bing sang with Ao Long.At this time, he questioned on behalf of everyone.

"Hehe. Brother Xing Bing asked a good question. I'm afraid you don't know his real origin. To be honest, that kid is the legacy left by Ling Daozong. Now he is practicing Ling Daozong's inheritance of magic and true spirit transformation. After Dacheng, there will be huge disturbances in the Three Thousand Worlds." Ao Long slowly said the news that shocked everyone.

Regarding Chu Yang's identity.Most of the power leaders present only know that he is a peerless genius of the Qingtian clan.But about his identity as the heir of Ling Daozong.But very few people know.

"What. The successor of Ling Daozong." Everyone was shocked in place.

"That's right. Fairy Die and Dichenzi are witnesses to this matter. They are also people who have fought against Chu Yang. Presumably, they should be familiar with Ling Daozong's unique technique of true spiritual transformation." Ao Long nodded and smiled.Then he glanced towards Diefengxian and Dichenzi.

"Shua Shua." The eyes of the audience also followed him to the direction where Diefengxian and Dichenzi were.They were all surprised and suspicious.

"Di Chenzi. Butterfly Fairy. Is what Ao Long said true? That kid Chu Yang is really the heir of Ling Dao Sect."

Diefengxian and Dichenzi burst into wry smiles upon hearing this.Now they can't wait to tear Ao Long's corpse into thousands of pieces.This old guy is really insidious and cunning.It actually drew everyone's attention to their side.

Although they really want to say no in their hearts.But Diefengxian and Dichenzi also know that this kind of thing will be exposed sooner or later.No matter how much they tried to hide it, it was useless.Then he smiled wryly.Said: "Yes. Chu Yang will indeed be able to change Ling Daozong's unique knowledge back then. But it is too arbitrary to say that he is Ling Daozong's successor. Moreover, the turmoil he caused in the Three Thousand Worlds these years is basically He acted passively. Everyone will find out if they have the intention to investigate. So if we conclude that he is the successor of Ling Daozong just because he can change his mind, that would be really unfair."

"Fairy Butterfly. I don't know how much you have received from that boy. You actually spoke for him like this. Everyone must know about the fall of Feng Cang, the chief steward under the lord of the city, and the Jinlong King, the old patriarch of the Jinlong clan. They were killed by Chu Yang." The kid was killed. And the Golden Dragon King's natal dragon soul was drawn out by that kid to practice true spirit transformation. Fairy Die must have nothing to refute on this point." At this moment.In a camp to the left of Aolong.A majestic red-faced old man suddenly stood up.Questioned Die Fengxian's words.

"Hey. Isn't this Huo Yuan, the lord of Lingyu City? I didn't expect him to come to this meeting."

"Hey. Lingyu City is a big superpower in the Three Thousand Worlds. It's not as weak as those ordinary superpowers. Huo Yuan is naturally qualified to join the alliance."

"Hehe. The old man is very true. But he said whether the killing of Feng Cang and the Golden Dragon King is true. How come I haven't heard of such rumors."

"This is indeed true. Didn't you see that the ancestor of the Golden Dragon Clan, Long Xiao, looked like his parents had died? This incident caused a stir in the entire Three Thousand Worlds at that time. Until now, the Golden Dragon Clan is still being suppressed by all major It is ridiculed by the power."

"I see."


"Huo Yuan. How did I hear that your subordinates and the Golden Dragon King wanted to join forces with Chu Yang to take revenge on Chu Yang. He was the one who killed him in the end. As for the Jin Dragon King's soul-drawing, I'm afraid it was you, me and others who replaced Chu Yang." Yang, I'm afraid I won't give up such a tempting treasure as a high-level true spirit and blood. So your statement has no factual basis at all." Die Fengxian retorted bluntly.

As soon as she said those words.Immediately, it caused the helmsman present to nod for a while.In that case.If it were them, they would not let the giant treasure on a high-level true spirit be abandoned there.

"You, you're just making excuses." Huo Yuan was so angry that his old face flushed even more.Ao Long's face naturally became more gloomy.Then he suddenly giggled.Said: "Fairy Die's words may be biased. Let's not talk about Feng Cang and the Golden Dragon King for the time being. Let's take our own clan as an example. You should have heard of a great change that happened to our clan in millions of years. That of Chu Yang Monster. He didn't care about the life and death of the old and the young of the clan. He destroyed most of the clan's ancestral hall with one sword. You can take a look below. Until now, there are still traces of the evildoer raging on the clan's ancestral hall."

"Hiss. This sword is really terrifying. It's so scary. If it's my family who received such a sword. Then." Looking in the direction Ao Long pointed.Everyone clearly saw the shocking traces left by the terrifying sword around the Ancestral Dragon Hall.

Xing Bing, Chi Gu and the others let out a burst of exclamation and fear.It caused some helmsmen present to feel palpitations.

Even a super powerful clan like the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan.They were almost destroyed by Chu Yang.They really couldn't believe that Chu Yang was going to deal with them.Can the power family they belong to resist such a terrible sword.

Ao Long was very satisfied with everyone's reaction.Then he laughed loudly.Said: "Everyone, by now you should be aware of Chu Yang's insanity. If this son is not the successor of Ling Daozong, how could he do so many outrageous things. A monster like him. We must get rid of it as soon as possible." OK. Otherwise, after a long time, everyone will suffer from it.”

"That's right. I've heard that that kid is extremely powerful. In a one-on-one situation, fellow daoists present, I'm afraid no one can match him. Therefore, we must work closely together to remove that evildoer from the Three Thousand Worlds. Return me Three thousand worlds are clear about the universe." Chigu was filled with righteous indignation.Said impassionedly.

His words seemed to have attracted the response of many people present.

"The master of the Red Bone Sect is right. Everyone must unite to get rid of Chu Yang." Huo Yuan, the ancestor of the Jinlong clan, Long Xiao, and Xing Bing all stood up and echoed loudly.

Diefengxian and Dichenzi got a little out of control when they saw the scene.My heart suddenly became anxious secretly.

Ao Long, on the other hand, looked very high-spirited.Very enjoyable.

"Hehe. Speaking of evildoers, I am afraid that in the entire three thousand worlds, except for the ancient remnants of the spirit-eating insects, I am afraid that no one dares to recognize the number one. The behavior of that kid from the Qingtian family is still reasonable. But only this spirit-eating The Zerg Clan is everyone's common enemy. If you want to get rid of the demons and restore peace to the Three Thousand Worlds, then I think you should deal with the Spirit Devouring Zerg Clan first, not Chu Yang." At this moment.A silver-haired young man sitting next to Diefengxian and Dichenzi suddenly got up and put forward his point of view.

"That's right. The old man also heard that when the spirit-eating insects caused disasters to the true spirit world, the entire true spirit world was devastated by them. Although the spirit-eating insects have disappeared now, there is no guarantee that they will not come out again to cause harm to the three thousand worlds. So We must get rid of this scourge as soon as possible."

The silver-haired young man is naturally Lei Peng, the ancestor of the chaotic Lei Peng clan instructed by Die Fengxian.As a close neighbor who lives in the true spirit world with the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan.He is well aware of the serious consequences of Ao Long's election as the leader.

therefore.When Diefengxian and Dichenzi found him.The three immediately hit it off.

At this time, he saw that the situation was gradually developing in a direction that was beneficial to Ao Long.Immediately stood up and offered rebuttals.

His analysis naturally attracted the approval of most of the helm present.Although Chu Yang is strong.But he is only one person after all.No matter how insane they are, it is far less harmful than the spirit-eating insects.And speaking of it, he has nothing to do with the Taixu Gulong clan in these years.The method is a little too aggressive.Other times.They really haven't heard that he has too many excessive actions.

Even the killing of Feng Cang and the Golden Dragon King has too many doubts to make people suspicious.On the contrary, it is the spirit devouring insects, the ancient remnants that disturbed the entire three thousand worlds.That's the heart of everyone's heart.

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