The strongest patriarch

Chapter 164 Magical

On the wasteland in the middle of the distance, there is a tall and tall black tree that pierces into the sky. The tree's body is more than a hundred feet high, as if it wants to pierce the entire sky. It was completely wrapped up and turned into darkness.

Chu Yang's first impression of the mighty tree in front of him was majesty. Chu Yang had never seen such a tall tree before, and he was intoxicated by the shock for a while.

"What a majestic Qiangba tree!" Chu Yang clicked his tongue in admiration, and couldn't help comparing the Qiangba tree in front of him with the skyscrapers deep in his memory, and finally found that the Qiangba tree in front of him shocked him the most.

"How is brother Chu Yang? Isn't the strong tree of our barbarians very special!" Seeing the shocked look on Chu Yang's face, Man Lei scratched his head and said proudly.

"It's very special! I've never seen such a majestic tree." Chu Yang nodded in admiration.

After hearing this, Man Lei seemed very happy as if a child was being rewarded by an adult, and then he laughed and said, "Brother Chu Yang, guess how long I have been cultivating this strong tree?"

"Not a year, but more than half a year?" Chu Yang guessed uncertainly. He felt that the majestic Qiangba tree in front of him should be some years old.

Man Lei shook his head slowly, and smiled proudly: "Brother Chu Yang, I knew you would guess wrong. In fact, this strong tree has only been cultivated for two months."

"What! It's only been two months!" Chu Yang was quite surprised when he heard the words. He was so majestic and magnificent in just two months. If he waited until he really matured, it would be so magnificent.

Thinking of this, Chu Yang stared intently at the mighty fruit tree in front of him that pierced into the sky and towered into the sky, wishing he could pick one back.

Shaking his head, Chu Yang also felt that his idea was a bit crazy. Not to mention whether the Qiangba tree barbarian could be taken away by him, but even the stone of reincarnation used to cultivate the Qiangba tree was enough for him to have a headache. .Now that even the stone of reincarnation needed to condense the reincarnation battle body has not been found yet, Chu Yang has no thought about cultivating the strong tyrant tree at all.

"Brother Chu Yang, come with me to have a look!" Man Lei suggested aloud from the side.

"Okay!" Chu Yang nodded in agreement.

It was only when Chu Yang and Man Lei came under the Qiangba tree that they realized how small they were.Compared with the Qiangba tree in front of him, he is like a small black spot. If you look down from the sky, you can't see him at all.

Moreover, he also felt a familiar aura from the clear aura emanating from the Qiangba tree, which was the aura of reincarnation.Sniffing lightly with his nose, Chu Yang greedily absorbed the samsara radiating from the air, as if he felt that he had come to his mother's arms. It was so comfortable and warm, so he couldn't help stretching out his hands to touch this place. A strong tree.

Immediately, Chu Yang's hands stopped there as if being electrocuted, and his whole body fell into a daze, and a shocked look appeared in his eyes.

"What's going on here!" Chu Yang cried out in shock.

"Brother Chu Yang, what's the matter with you?" Man Lei stood aside, heard Chu Yang's scream, and hurriedly asked.

Chu Yang didn't answer. At this moment, his whole body and mind were attracted by the abnormal movement in his body. Just now, the moment his hands touched the Qiangba tree, the Samsara Orb in his body unexpectedly experienced a crazy abnormal movement.

The samsara beads in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness seemed to be spinning wildly uncontrollably, and streams of samsara qi emanated from the samsara beads, and then flowed along Chu Yang's arms towards the Qiangba tree.

There was a turbulent wave in Chu Yang's heart, and he wanted to pull back his hands desperately, but the strong tree seemed to have infinite magic power, attracting Chu Yang firmly like a huge magnet, making him unable to pull his hands back at all.

"Oh my god!" Man Lei also noticed the abnormality on Chu Yang's body, covered his mouth and looked at this scene in disbelief.

I saw that streams of samsara flowed through Chu Yang's arm to the Qiangba tree, and after the Qiangba tree was transported by the samsara, the originally tall tree grew rapidly at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. From the original one hundred feet tree trunk to two hundred feet high, and this trend is far from stopping.

After Chu Yang knew that he couldn't stop the change of the reincarnation pearl, he didn't care about it anymore. He also looked at Qiangbashu carefully with his eyes, and then he was shocked to find this abnormality.

"The Qiangba tree is actually growing!" Chu Yang stared blankly at the sky. At this moment, the Qiangba tree had already grown to a height of over a thousand feet. Standing below, Chu Yang could not even see the end of the tree.

"I don't know if the air of reincarnation can be conveyed like this to make the Qiangba tree bloom and bear fruit!" Chu Yang looked at the growing Qiangba tree in the sky and became numb, but for some reason, such a weird idea came to his mind.

The more Chu Yang thought about it, the more he realized that there was such a possibility. Since the Reincarnation Orb can make the Qiangba Tree grow rapidly, it can also make the Qiangba Tree bloom and bear fruit in the same way.

Thinking of this, Chu Yang stared at the sky with a pair of eyes. At this time, the Qiangba tree had stopped growing after it had grown to a terrifying height of two thousand feet.

However, the mutation of the Qiangba tree did not end because of this. From the dense leaves hanging down from the end of the sky, a piece of new buds shyly popped out, like a little daughter-in-law who had just seen her parents-in-law for the first time. .

One piece, two pieces, hundreds of buds sprouted from the entire Qiangba tree.These buds bloomed into gorgeous flowers in a blink of an eye, and black buds were slowly forming in the flowers.

Man Lei was stunned. He stared blankly at this scene, and the surprise on his face was replaced by excitement. The Qiangba tree, which originally took a year and a half to mature, turned out to be mature in just a moment. Bloom and bear fruit.

This is really amazing!

When the branches of the entire Qiangba tree were covered with black fruits, Chu Yang was finally able to withdraw his hands, and the reincarnation beads in his body finally stopped spinning, and everything returned to normal.

Chu Yang looked up at the black fruits hanging on the branches in front of him, as if he was still in a dream, the change of Qiangba tree was too unexpected.It never occurred to Chu Yang that the Samsara Orb could miraculously mature a two-month-old Qiangba tree.

What an act against the sky, I am afraid that only the Samsara Orb has such ability!

"Brother Chu Yang, this, this!" Man Lei pointed to the Qiangba tree above his head, and then pointed at Chu Yang, hesitating as if he didn't know how to describe it.

Chu Yang knew that what he did just now really frightened Man Lei, so he spread his hands and said helplessly: "Brother Man Lei, only you know about this, I know. You'd better not tell anyone about it afterwards, even if it is you Don't talk about it with your relatives, can you promise big brother?"

Chu Yang knew that he couldn't hide Man Lei's unexpected behavior just now, so he earnestly warned Man Lei carefully.

Man Lei nodded, and then there was a look of admiration in his eyes: "Brother Chu Yang, did you really do what happened just now?"

Hearing this, Chu Yang nodded solemnly.

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