Chu Yang watched the backs of Meng Lang and the others leaving.Weighing the ring in his hand.But secretly sneered in his heart.How could he not be clear about Li Junshi's plan.Said to admire his strength.In the final analysis, they just wanted to find some cannon fodder to die for them.

If it was an ordinary person, it would be when he was invited by Junshi Li.Will definitely consider it for a while.However, Chu Yang would not have such worries.In order to be able to effectively attack the blood wolf gang, the peripheral forces of the Dugu family.So as to win a moment of respite for his uncle.Chu Yang had long wanted to join the Blood Wolf Gang.

Now the opportunity presented itself.Of course Chu Yang would not give up easily.

at the same time.Li Junshi and the other three were also discussing about Chu Yang.

"Mr. Li. Do you think that kid is a little suspicious? He actually agreed to join our blood wolf gang after simply asking a few questions." Lu Jiang frowned.

"Uncle Lu's analysis is quite correct. My young master has long suspected that there is something wrong with this kid's background. When ordinary casual warriors are at his age, how could they have such a powerful strength. Therefore, this young master suspects that kid Eighty percent of them are undercover agents sent by other forces to our Blood Wolf Gang." Meng Lang analyzed in a straight-forward manner.It still looks like a real thing.

Li Junshi was noncommittal after hearing this.He waved the folding fan in his hand.He chuckled lightly and said, "The young master and Commander Lu have done a good job of analyzing it. My military adviser also suspected this person's origin at that time."

"Since even the military adviser has such doubts. Then why did he spend a lot of money to recruit him in the end?" Lu Jiang asked incomprehensibly.

"Hehe. You are really worrying too much. Think about those powerful rogue cultivators, or some children from aristocratic families who want to sneak into our blood wolf gang. In the end, which one will come out of our blood wolf gang alive." Li Junshi is confident laughed.That smile looked so cold.The scorching sun in the sky lost its light for an instant.

"That's right. Why did we forget Junshi Li's unique secret technique?" Lu Jiang and Meng Lang suddenly realized when they heard this.A sinister laugh followed.

Chu Yang didn't know that he was playing against Li Junshi and the others.Li Junshi and the others were also planning on this time.Chu Yang had already returned to his residence.He glanced slightly at the closed room next door.Chu Yang shook his head helplessly.Then he walked into his room.

One enters the room.Chu Yang sat down cross-legged.He took out the meeting gift given to him by Li Junshi just now from his arms.The spiritual consciousness slowly entered the ring.Then swipe moment.Chu Yang jumped up from the bed.A look of great joy appeared on his face.

"100 million low-grade crystals." Chu Yang just slightly scanned the ring with his spiritual sense.Then they found a small mountain of spar piled up inside.This spar hill has tens of thousands of mid-grade spar.If it is replaced by low-grade spar.That is a full 100 million low-grade crystals.

100 million low-grade crystals.Ordinary innate strong people may not be able to accumulate such a huge amount of crystals in their lifetime.Even a heroic force like the Bloody Clothes Sect has ruled Yuncheng for many years.The total net worth of their leaders' blood clothes before they died was only this amount.

And 100 million low-grade crystals is also not a small number for Chu Yang.With such a huge spar.In addition, there are quite a few first-level demon beast inner alchemy in his ring.Chu Yang felt that he could do it before going to the helm of the Blood Wolf Gang.Raise your cultivation to a higher level.

Moreover, Chu Yang also felt that the improvement of his cultivation was imminent.Although he has successfully penetrated into the blood wolf gang.But there will certainly be many dangers that will be encountered during the period.If there is no strong guarantee of strength.Then his actions in the blood wolf gang will be difficult.Life will also have no guarantees.

After the surprise.Chu Yang quickly calmed down the turbulent emotions in his heart.Then he sat cross-legged again.Medium-grade crystals emitting a faint silver light kept appearing in Chu Yang's hands.After a burst of black and white light flickered.Each spar disappeared.Along the arm, it spread into Chu Yang's body.Turn into the purest innate true essence.

from sunset.And then into the night.Chu Yang spent most of the day.Finally consumed all the million crystals in the ring.However, Chu Yang's cultivation did not break through to another level.Today, his cultivation is still at the peak of the early days of the First Layer.It didn't break through to the peak of the first layer as Chu Yang expected in advance.

Learned this.Chu Yang couldn't help letting out a long sigh: "I didn't expect that after I broke through to the first layer, the crystals needed to break through the bottleneck also increased to a terrifying amount. Just from the simplest stage of the first layer to break through to the middle stage of the first layer It takes so many crystals. Then in the late stage of the first layer, the peak of the first layer, how many crystals will be needed. I am afraid it will be a huge astronomical number."

shook his head.Chu Yang didn't think about these troublesome things.My heart froze.He returned to practice again.Then Chu Yang spent more than 30 low-grade crystals.Finally, he raised his own cultivation base to the middle stage of First Heaven.

And next.When Chu Yang absorbed all the inner alchemy of the first-level sky monsters on his body.After turning into the innate true essence in the body.Chu Yang's cultivation finally got his wish and reached the late stage of First Heaven.

It stands to reason that so many first-level demon beast inner pills are enough for Chu Yang to break through to the peak of the first level.But it wasn't until Chu Yang successfully absorbed and digested all the inner alchemy that he realized it.It turned out that he could not absorb all the huge vitality in the monster inner alchemy.Instead, less than one-third of the vitality was successfully absorbed by him.But more vitality completely dissipated in the world with the disappearance of the inner alchemy.

So much inner alchemy vitality wasted in vain.Chu Yang felt very sorry.He scolded himself as a prodigal son in his heart.So he secretly decided that next time he would never use the monster inner alchemy to practice unless it was absolutely necessary.

"Pi Pa Pa Pa." Chu Yang slowly stood up from the bed.Then stretch your sedentary body.

"The late stage of First Layer is really strong." Chu Yang praised in a low voice.He found himself breaking through to the late stage of the First Layer.Neither physical strength.Still, the strength of the true essence is more than twice as strong as before the breakthrough.

With his current physical strength.It is absolutely possible to sweep all warriors below the second level without using any martial arts.

After looking at his body with satisfaction.Chu Yang glanced slightly out of the window.It was dawn outside.A ray of sunlight shines into the room through the window in the morning.Brighten up the room.

"I don't know what happened to Guo'er." Chu Yang murmured softly.Then his eyes turned to the room where Guo'er was.

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