The strongest patriarch

Chapter 204 Extreme Training

early morning.The eastern sky has not yet completely revealed its whiteness.Chu Yang had already got up and came to the tent.

When Chu Yang came to the tent.He found that the members of the entire seventh team had all arrived.And those soldiers belonging to the Seventh Squad were also on standby.Standing there energetically.But take a closer look.Chu Yang could also find some despondency in the eyes of these soldiers.

Chu Yang glanced around.The voice sounded like thunder: "Failure is not terrible. What is terrible is that you will become unworthy from now on. You are all the best soldiers in the Black Nightmare Army. I don't want you to completely reject yourself because of one failure. Last time in We fell there. This time we are going to pick up where we fell."

Speaking of which.Chu Yang's eagle-like eyes looked straight into the eyes of every soldier.Ask loudly: "Do you have this confidence?"




All the soldiers answered in unison.The sound resounded throughout the camp.Straight to the sky.

"Okay." Chu Yang clapped his palms.He added: "Since you have this confidence, then of course I have the obligation to train you to be the best, the most perfect soldiers. Next, I have an extreme training plan. This plan is very difficult and cruel. During the training, you Some people may die because of this cruel training. So I will not force everyone. If you insist on participating in the training, please stand still. As for those who choose to quit, please stand out. But you can rest assured. Whether you choose to persist Or quit. I will not have any blame."

finished.Chu Yang glanced over the eyes of every soldier one by one.The soldiers who were watched by Chu Yang raised their heads one after another.Hold your chest high.He expressed his greatest support for Chu Yang.

one second.ten seconds.half an hour.A full quarter of an hour passed.None of the soldiers in the camp chose to quit.

Chu Yang nodded in satisfaction.Said: "Okay. Since you all choose to stay, then I will definitely train you to be the best soldiers in the entire Black Nightmare Army."

Chu Yang's self-confidence infected every soldier.But Chusha.The old soldiers of the Black Nightmare Army, Shouhou, still had doubts about what Chu Yang said.You must know the entire Black Nightmare Army.Although the overall strength of their seventh team is not ranked last.But it's definitely not ahead of the curve.In front of the seventh team, there are several teams that are better than them.

It is not surprising that Chusha and the others have such doubts.They didn't know that Chu Yang had the memory of his previous life.These memories contain some methods of how to train soldiers.

The reason why Chu Yang dared to say such a heroic feat.Naturally, he also recognized this training system in the memory of his previous life very much.Just train his soldiers according to the training method in the training system.Chu Yang believed that he would be able to train a team of excellent soldiers.Of course, which step can be reached in the end.Then it depends on the results after training.

"Papa." Chu Yang raised his hands suddenly and clacked.I saw a number of soldiers moving the black iron pier that Chu Yang had prepared in advance into the tent.

Looking at the black iron piers that soldiers kept moving in from outside the camp.Chusha and the others all looked suspicious.I don't know why Chu Yang asked the soldiers to move these iron piers in.

Feeling the suspicion on Chu Sha's and the others' faces.Chu Yang smiled slightly.Pointing to the black iron piers next to him, he said: "I think you must be guessing the purpose of these iron piers. Actually, you don't have to guess. These iron piers are one of the equipment for your next training. From now on, each of you will carry A piece of black iron pier. Then run [-] laps along the playground. In the end, if anyone can successfully get the top three in this training, I will give these three people some special rewards. Of course, this is the last three. Naturally also There will be some punishment."

"Hiss." Chu Yang had just finished speaking.There was a sound of sucking in the tent.His eyes were filled with fear as he stared at those black iron piers.At this moment, these iron piers are no longer so cute in their hearts.They who often deal with these iron piers.It is natural to know how heavy these iron piers are.It is already very difficult for ordinary warriors who are below the sixth floor of Houtian to run around the playground with these heavy iron piers on their backs.Not to mention running twenty laps around the ring.

Even those who are innately strong.Carrying such a large iron pier on my back and running around the playground ring for twenty laps, I am afraid that I will be tired and fall to the ground.

"What. You are scared. If you are afraid, it is still too late to quit. It will not be so easy after the training starts." Chu Yang slowly scanned the soldiers on the field.Finally said lightly.

"Who said we are scared. Isn't it just twenty laps? Tighten your belt. Grit your teeth. It will pass in a while. It will never trouble us seven-foot men." The soldiers on the field suddenly shouted unconvinced .

"Okay. Everyone has this confidence. I am very satisfied. Then I announce that the training will start now." Chu Yang nodded in satisfaction.Finally the order was given.

heard the words.Under the leadership of the small leaders like Chu Sha, the soldiers in the field dragged up the iron pier one after another.on your back.Then start running around the playground ring.

And as the supreme commander of all soldiers in the seventh team.Chu Yang did his part even more.Under the surprised eyes of all the soldiers.I saw him resisting the largest piece with one hand.The heaviest black iron pier ran to the playground.

Thick as a mountain.The black iron pier, which was about the size of two Chu Yangs, was held by Chu Yang in his hand.This scene made the soldiers who were a little bit unconvinced just now dumbfounded.Judging from the size of the iron pier that Chu Yang held in his hand.I'm afraid it weighs nearly ten thousand catties to say the least.

Nearly ten thousand catties in weight.

Think of this terrible figure.All the soldiers gasped.Some ordinary innate peak powerhouses.Usually without using any martial arts.A blow can only exert a force of ten thousand catties at most.

However, Chu Yang had to endure ordinary blows equivalent to ordinary innate peak powerhouses.Run twenty laps around the playground ring.This kind of feat is probably not something anyone can do.

Think here.The soldiers looked at Chu Yang with respect and admiration.Compared with the ten-thousand-jin iron pier in Chu Yang's hand.These iron piers on them are really nothing.

Chu Yang supported the big black iron pier with one hand.One ran ahead.Although the big black iron pier in his hand is as thick as a mountain.It was overwhelming.But Chu Yang found it very enjoyable.Not only did he not show some pain because of the weight of the big black iron pier.Instead, it became extremely enjoyable.

Chu Yang took every step.All the bones in the body will suddenly make a crackling sound.The medicinal power of the strong fruit just taken a while ago will flow out from the limbs and bones.Constantly washing Chu Yang's already very strong body.

Although this kind of tempering is very slow.But the effect is very significant.Chu Yang clearly felt that his physical body was slowly becoming stronger through this kind of tempering.

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