The strongest patriarch

Chapter 207 Devil Training

night.The sky was pitch black.The soldiers of the seventh squadron, who had been tired all day, fell asleep with their heads covered as soon as they returned to their barracks.Even the roar of monster beasts coming one after another in the distance could not wake them up from their sleep.

at this time.Outside the quiet tent, three black figures suddenly passed between the sand tents.Finally it stopped outside a barracks.They also seemed to be holding something like horns and drum hammers in their hands.I don't know what to use it for.

"Captain. We are already here." The three shadows finally stopped in front of a slender figure in black armor.

The slender figure heard the shouts of three people behind him.Turn around quickly.Then a delicate and resolute face appeared.This person is none other than someone else.It was Chu Yang who had vowed during the day to present Chu Sha and the others with a special reward.As for the three shadows.It was Chusha who came as promised.The three of Huang Han.

Chu Yang nodded slightly.Then he looked up at the sky for a while.He whispered, "It's not too early to see the sky. You can act now."

"Yes. Captain." The three of Chusha nodded.Immediately spread out the action separately.

late at night.Just what people sleep soundly on.For the soldiers of the Seventh Squad who had been training for a day.Late at night is the best time for them to wash away the tiredness of the day.However, just when the soldiers were dreaming sweet dreams.The sound of a bronze drum sounded clearly from outside the tent.At the same time as the sound of the bronze drum.There was a burst of exclamation and shouts.

"It's not good. It's on fire. Brothers, get up and put out the fire."

The beating of bronze drums and the sound of screams suddenly awakened the sleeping soldiers.The soldiers of the Seventh Squad were also undressed.Just like that, they ran out of the barracks with bare feet.

"This brother is on fire."

"I don't know. I just ran out when I heard the screams outside."

"What's going on. Didn't you say it was on fire? There was no movement at all." The soldiers who walked out of the barracks inspected all the barracks and important areas.No trace of fire was found.Not even a spark was found.

"Who knows. Some blind thing must be making a fuss. Shouting. We can't even sleep well." The soldiers grumbled.Then he went back to sleep in the barracks again.

In the dark.Chu Sha listened to the discussions from the surrounding soldiers.There are all kinds of feelings in my heart.



It seems that the day-to-day training has indeed exhausted all the energy of the soldiers.They had just returned to the barracks.Immediately afterwards, there were another burst of snoring in the barracks.

"Woo." However, they hadn't waited for them to sleep peacefully for a while.A rush of horns suddenly sounded outside the barracks.The soldiers who had just lay down were awakened again by the sound of the horn.

"It's not good. The enemy is coming."

The horn sounded not long ago.A burst of exclamation suddenly sounded again.

"What. People from the Dugu family came in." Hearing the screams from outside.Just now, I wondered if someone deliberately made fun of their seventh squadron.Hastily got up from the bed.Then he took the armor and put it on his body.In a hurry, they rushed out of the barracks.


"Brothers follow me to kill those bastards of the Dugu family."

"What's going on. The barracks caught fire just now. This time, people from the Dugu family killed them again." Red pepper wrapped in red armor came out of the barracks.When I saw the chaos in the barracks.When there were shouts of killing everywhere.The beautiful Liu Mei suddenly frowned slightly.

"Who knows." The thin monkey stretched out his hand and yawned.

This confusion lasted for half an hour.Finally, it suddenly calmed down again.

"What a ghost. There are no soldiers of the Dugu family in the barracks. There is not even a shadow of a ghost." The soldiers who shouted to kill everywhere finally found out helplessly.They shouted and killed for a long time, but they didn't even touch anyone.

"Don't let me know which bastard is doing trouble again. Otherwise, I will have to peel off the skin." I was teased twice in a row.Even the stupidest soldiers know they're being tricked.They all yelled.Threatening to make that person look good.

The three of Chusha hidden in the darkness.I heard the soldiers shouting curses.They looked at each other immediately.They all saw a wry smile in each other's eyes.

"Head. It seems that we have been hated by our brothers. Do you think they will stab us with knives tomorrow." Huang Han said carelessly.

Chusha wanted to say no.But think about the angry look of the soldiers just now.Also know it's impossible.

"It's still easy to pick us up. I think if the brothers know that we have ruined their dreams, I'm afraid they will have to bury us." The old smoker took a puff of the hookah.Said slowly.

"It can't be so cruel." Huang Han heard what the old smoker said.The neck suddenly shrank.

"Hehe. You don't have to worry. I think they won't blame us if they know our good intentions." Chu Yang's figure slowly slipped out of the darkness.

"Captain." Chu Sha and the others saw Chu Yang appear.Hastily bowed and saluted.Then he asked: "Captain, do you want to continue this kind of devil training?"

"Of course. Not only tonight, but also to continue. Every night in the future, we will train like today." Chu Yang nodded affirmatively.

"Ah. Every night from now on." Huang Han was shocked when he heard that.This night of tossing is almost killing them.Every night from now on will be like this.The scene was unimaginable.Huang Han is now mourning silently for the brothers who are sleeping soundly inside.

"Okay. You guys continue the devil training. I'll go back and practice for a while." Chu Yang waved to Chu Sha and the others.It disappeared into the night in a blink of an eye.

"Oh. We are so miserable." Seeing that Chu Yang had already left.Huang Han suddenly let out a sigh.

"I knew the old man wouldn't be competing with you for the top three places." The old smoker smoked the pipe in his hand.To show the imbalance in the heart.

"Okay. Since the captain ordered us to do this, he has his reasons. We just follow the order." Chu Sha didn't complain so much.He knew that Chu Yang's move must have a deep meaning.Take extreme training during the day, for example.Although everyone was exhausted in the end.It was almost exhausting to finally complete the task.But there are also many benefits to be gained from it.Take him for example.After extreme training during the day.He faintly felt that all aspects of his body were better than before.It's just that this change has been going on for a while and is not particularly significant.That's why I can't see it.But Chu Sha believed that as long as he continued to train like this according to Chu Yang's instructions.All aspects of his body will definitely have a qualitative leap compared to before.

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