The middle-aged man in fancy clothes also noticed the strangeness on Chu Yang's face.Then he asked anxiously, "What happened to Brother Yang?"

Chu Yang stood up.He said indifferently: "Brother Bai, tell your caravan to prepare to meet the enemy. There is a group of monsters rushing towards us a thousand meters away. I'm afraid it won't be long before we arrive here."

"Monster." Bai Yuansheng, a middle-aged man in fancy clothes, turned pale with shock when he heard the words.When you come back to your senses.Quickly urged his caravan loudly: "Hurry up, there are monsters soon."

"There are monsters."

"There are no monsters in the peaceful place of Baidong's house. You won't be as ignorant as someone, right?" A black-clothed guard who seemed to be the leader in the caravan crowd suddenly said eccentrically.

Someone in his words needless to say.Chu Yang could understand it too.Immediately sneered.Don't bother with this group of arrogant guys.

Although Chu Yang could bear the cynicism of the black-clothed guards.But Xiaojing is not so good-tempered.I saw it snorted coldly with heavy nostrils: "Hey. You old boy, don't you want to die. How dare you despise my boss."

"You're courting death." The black-clothed guard turned livid with anger at Xiao Jing's words.As soon as he took a step, he had to go directly to Xiaojing's side.However, he just walked out not long ago.An underling with sly eyebrows and mouse eyes immediately grabbed his sleeve and muttered in a low voice: "Boss, you didn't see that monster can talk. Just go fight it like this. I'm afraid."

Although the subordinate of the black-clothed guard did not continue to speak.But the black-clothed guard could still understand what he meant.Think again.The face of the black-clothed guard changed immediately.The steps I took havetily retracted.

now.He looked at Xiaojing with horror and fear.What does a talking monster mean.He couldn't be more clear.That kind of monsters all have super strength that even the Dzogchen powerhouse can't match.How could he, a small strong man in the early stage of the third heaven, be Xiaojing's opponent.

Think here.The guard in black hurriedly turned his head away.I dare not look at Xiaojing again.

"Hmph. A cowardly person who only knows how to bully the weak and fear the strong. Let me tell you, Boss Bai, why did you hire such a group of cowardly people as guards." Xiaojing's nostrils turned to the sky with a look of disdain.In the end, it didn't forget to turn around and ridicule Boss Bai.

When Boss Bai heard this, he smiled wryly in his heart.This little guy said it easily.It thinks that the powerhouse of the triple heaven is so easy to invite.Especially when traveling through countless dangerous places.Ordinary Dzogchen powerhouses don't care about his salary at all.And they don't lack this spar.

And the strong ones below Dzogchen because the journey is too dangerous.Therefore, most people do not want to pick up this escort.In the end, Boss Bai searched for it in every possible way.Finally found him a black-clothed guard, the former with the strength of the triple heaven.

"Xiaojing. Go and stay with Guoer quickly. When the battle is fierce, don't chase and kill those monsters impulsively. We just need to hold the line." Chu Yang glared directly at Xiaojing.He secretly blamed the little guy for meddling in his own business.Open mouth.

"Okay boss." Xiaojing shrugged and pulled her head towards Guo'er after being stared at by Chu Yang.

"Boom." The ground trembled.The leaves on the entire stone forest were shaken and danced all over the sky by the sound of footsteps resounding like a heavy drum.Soak up the dust all over the place.

At this moment, the guards in black and Boss Bai's subordinates finally heard the sound of footsteps resounding all over the world.Everyone was shocked.

"Quick. Move the goods back quickly. Everyone is ready to meet the enemy." The black-clothed guards made timely arrangements immediately.

"Dong dong." The black-clothed guard had just made the arrangement.The sound of footsteps was gradually approaching.The black-clothed guards and caravan guards carried weapons.He stared fixedly at the stone forest in front of him.

It's a pity that this stone forest is filled with smoke and dust.With their meager strength, how could they see clearly the scene behind the smoke and dust.However, Chu Yang was different.He clearly saw the terrible scene after the smoke.

See where his eyes go.One by one with open chest and backless.A tall and strong non-human monster came stomping from the direction of the stone forest.These non-human monsters are not like real monsters.Because most of them have some obvious characteristics of human beings.Some have a wolf head and a human body, while others have a human head and a leopard body.Always looks very weird.

"Half-orc." After Chu Yang saw the true face of this non-human monster.He couldn't help but let out a cry.

"Brother Yang. What is a half-orc?" Boss Bai seemed to think that staying with Chu Yang would be safer.So I didn't go back to the caravan.

Hearing this, Chu Yang carefully explained: "Half-orcs are descendants of the combination of humans and monster races in ancient times. Not only do they have a terrifying physical body that normal humans don't have, but their spiritual intelligence is not comparable to that of uncivilized monsters. .Compared with monsters, these half-orcs with great intelligence are even more terrifying."

"It's so amazing. Then what should we do?" Boss Bai heard Chu Yang's words.Immediately flustered.

"Brother Bai, don't worry. Although these orcs are scary, they are not enough to kill us." Chu Yang smiled confidently at Boss Bai.This confident smile immediately infected Boss Bai.Let the latter's nervous mood immediately calm down.

"Roar. Kill all these humans. Take all the belongings away." An excited roar immediately woke up Chu Yang and Boss Bai from their conversation.

The two raised their eyes and found that the group of orcs had come a hundred meters away from half-orc leader with a mace was yelling at his men.

This group of half-orcs waited to hear the order from the half-orc leader.Disperse immediately.Most of them gathered towards the side guarded by the black-clothed guards.But the remaining ten orcs ran towards Chu Yang.

They roared.The bloodthirsty light made their hideous faces even more terrifying.They haven't arrived yet.The mace in his hand was already waving towards Chu Yang and his party.

"Good time." Chu Yang shouted excitedly.One step.The whole person does not retreat but advances.He rushed directly into the crowd.

The God Devouring Spear in his hand was danced into a dense whirlwind by him.Where the whirlwind blows.One by one, the half-orcs lay down crying in pain.

Although Chu Yang didn't dare to directly use the special skills of the God Devouring Spear itself.But only relying on the special quality of the God Devouring Spear.Also enough to overwhelm most weapons.Any place that has been swept by the Devouring Gun.The maces in the hands of the half-orcs immediately split into two pieces.

"Yeah." The half-orc leader standing in the distance watched his brothers being killed by Chu Yang in one fell swoop.He was so angry that he stomped his feet.But the orc commander, who was not low in intelligence, seemed to realize that Chu Yang and his party were difficult to deal with.Therefore, no more men were sent over.The clever half-orc also seemed to realize that Chu Yang and the caravan were not on the same road.So he put all his energy into the caravan.

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