When Chu Yang walked out of the room.It was the scorching sun.The most violent moment of the sun.The dazzling sunlight illuminates the entire courtyard golden.Extraordinarily charming.

In the courtyard.Chang Bo was just doing this by holding a kettle and spraying water on those delicate flowers and plants.Ever since I came to Li's Manor with Chu Yang.Chang Bo, who was used to a busy and busy life, was not used to this kind of leisurely and lazy life for a while.So he began to take care of the flowers and plants in the garden for the Li family.

But really don't say it.Ever since Chang Bo had something to do.The unaccustomedness of the previous days finally disappeared.He began to get used to this busy life.He didn't have the same discomfort as before staying in Li's house.

all of these.Chu Yang saw it all.Chu Yang thought that Uncle Chang was getting old.It is not suitable to travel with him for a long time.This Li family is not as powerful as other families from top to bottom.Both him and Chang Bo are treated with courtesy.Usually very enthusiastic.Moreover, Chu Yang inquired through these days.He also learned from various aspects that the reputation of the Li family in the local area is indeed as decent as that of the Li family's children.Outside, it is rare to hear that the children of the Li family bully the weak.therefore.Chu Yang also arranged Chang Bo to live in Li's house.If there is a chance in the future, he will come to take Chang Bo away again.

After Chang Bo heard about Chu Yang's plan, he didn't have any doubts.After all, staying by Chu Yang's side for a long time with his old body will only bring trouble to Chu Yang.And he also likes the life of the Li family very much.

"Uncle Chang. Why did you get up early to work?" Chu Yang walked forward with a smile.

"Ah. It's Younger Brother Yang. Have you finished your cultivation yet?" Uncle Chang turned around and saw that it was Chu Yang.He quickly put down the water bottle in his hand.

Chu Yang smiled and nodded.Then he asked: "By the way, Uncle Chang. Didn't Miss Yuzhu come here today?"

Chang Bo shook his head.She also had a strange and puzzled look on her face: "Yeah. I don't know what's going on. Miss Yuzhu usually comes here very rarely. Why is there no one around at this hour today? Could something have happened?"

"Probably not. Who would dare to trouble the Li family on this Stormy Island." Chu Yang immediately rejected Chang Bo's speculation.Then he smiled and said, "It's useless for us to speculate here. I just wanted to talk to Yuzhu about something."

"Brother Yang, go quickly." Chang Bo waved his hand to signal Chu Yang to check the situation quickly.

Come out from the courtyard where you live.Chu Yang followed the rockery all the way to the front yard.However, in the process of his walking along the way.Chu Yang noticed something was wrong.Today's Li Mansion is particularly dull.The Li family's children also had a look of worry and irritability on their faces.It was as if something major had happened in the Li residence.Let them also feel anxious and worried.

"Huh. That's strange. What's going on today." Chu Yang was puzzled.Just saying that Li Yuzhu didn't come to look for him early as usual is already very strange.However, the children of the Li family he met along the way also looked worried.It seems that during the period of his cultivation.Something really happened in the Li residence.

With such a question in mind.Chu Yang came to bring Li Yuzhu to the boudoir.In the end, Xiaoguo told Li Yuzhu to go to the parliament hall.

The Li family's council hall is located right in the middle of the inner courtyard and the outer courtyard.Covers an extremely large area.The whole looks like a huge stone castle standing there.Extraordinarily majestic and magnificent.

When Chu Yang came to the Li family council hall.The outermost dark red door of the entire parliament hall was tightly closed.There is a group of armored warriors guarding the door.It was equally quiet around.The rustle of fallen leaves falling on the ground can be clearly heard.

Chu Yang did not break into the parliament hall.After all, this is the most sacred and solemn place in the Li family.Even if something extraordinary happened to the Li family.It's not that he, an outsider, can meddle in other people's business.

Chu Yang looked up at the parliament hall.Then he sat down on the bluestone pier outside.

Chu Yang sat for more than half an hour.The sun is also gradually setting to the west.

"Crackling." The confinement door of the parliament hall finally opened slowly.From the inside came out one by one the most dazzling figures of the Li family.Li Yuzhu was also on the list.

As soon as she walked out of the parliament hall, she felt Chu Yang's gaze.Then he turned his head to look at Chu Yang who was not far away.

He saw Chu Yang not far away.The worried look on Li Yuzhu's face disappeared immediately.In its place was the brightest smile ever.

"Brother Chu. How do you know I'm here?"

Chu Yang smiled and said, "I heard what Xiao Guo said."

Li Yuzhu suddenly realized: "So it was the little girl who said it. That's no wonder. By the way, Brother Chu, did you come to see me today?"

Li Yuzhu's face suddenly filled with curiosity.Usually she was the one who went to find Chu Yang.As for Chu Yang, under normal circumstances, he rarely came to her.

"Hehe. I want to trouble Miss Yuzhu with something." Chu Yang scratched his head and laughed awkwardly.It's really not easy to ask for help.

"Brother Chu, just say what you have to say. Why are you being polite to my little sister?" Li Yuzhu angrily said.

"The thing is like this." Chu Yang pondered for a while.Finally, he told Li Yuzhu about his plan to keep Uncle Chang in Li's house temporarily.

After Li Yuzhu listened.But he giggled and said, "I thought it was a big deal. It turned out to be such a trivial matter. Brother Chu, don't worry. This matter will be covered by the younger sister. As long as the younger sister is still in Li's house for a day, we will be in the Li family. I will definitely treat Uncle Chang like a family member."

Chu Yang cupped his hands and thanked: "Then thank Miss Yuzhu."

Chang Bo's business is over.Chu Yang could finally let go of this heavy burden in his heart.Then he can let go and look for Mu Yunyao and the others.

"You're welcome." Li Yuzhu waved her hand.Then something suddenly occurred to me.Her beautiful eyes dimmed and she said, "Brother Chu. Are you leaving now?"

"Yes. I have a few relatives who are living outside due to special reasons. I have to find them quickly. That's why." Chu Yang nodded.He didn't deliberately hide it either.

"Brother Chu, you are looking for lost relatives. It just so happens that our Li family has some eyes and ears in Hei Prison Sea. My little sister can ask my father to help you find them. It will be faster than you alone." Li When Yuzhu heard that Chu Yang wanted to find his lost relatives.So he quickly volunteered to propose.

"That's not good. I think something has happened to your Li family recently. How dare you bother your father now as a brother." Chu Yang frowned.

"Oh." Speaking of the Li family's accident.Li Yuzhu's expression darkened.His face also looked a little listless.

Seeing this, Chu Yang hurriedly asked, "What's the matter, Miss Yuzhu. Could it be that something really happened to the Li family these days."

Li Yuzhu nodded without denying it: "Yes, Brother Chu. Just today, a guest official in our Li family was injured."

"Who is so bold that he dares to hurt your Li family's Keqing?" Chu Yang was shocked when he heard this.You must know that the Li family's status in the Storm Sea Region is definitely a dominant existence.Usually, it is too late for some forces to please the Li family.How dare you trouble the Li family.Could it be the powerhouses in other sea areas?

"My little sister doesn't know who the guest of the Li family was injured by. But my little sister suspects that this matter has something to do with the Bai family." Li Yuzhu's beautiful eyes shone with wisdom.

"I see." Chu Yang nodded understandingly.He had also heard about the grievances between the Bai and Li families.These two families fought for the supremacy of the Storm Sea Region.Usually there is no less friction.But generally very restrained.Things like today's hurting the other guest's guest rarely happened.

Chu Yang immediately expressed the inexplicability in his heart.

"Brother Chu, you don't know something. In normal times, the Bai family would never be so radical. But it's different now." Li Yuzhu said in a deep voice.

"Oh. Where did you start? Could it be that your two families are going to hold some kind of important event recently?" Chu Yang was extremely surprised.The words of Qi Tianchou that day suddenly appeared in his mind.

It can't be because of the century-old martial arts competition.

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