The strongest patriarch

Chapter 723 Recommended

Kuang Dao was like Ming Jian in his heart. Since the forces in those empty seats hadn't arrived yet, it was obvious that these guys had already received threats or benefits from the Chu family and fell to the other side.

Like these vacillating ground snakes, Crazy Saber has secretly made up his mind that these guys will be the first to deal with after the alliance is successful.

Withdrawing his thoughts from his associations, Crazy Saber looked down at all the forces in the Heixuan Territory from a high position, and suddenly had a feeling that he would be the top of the mountain and see all the small mountains at a glance.

The majestic voice clearly reached everyone's ears from the void.

"Everyone should know the ultimate goal of the alliance initiated by the leader of this gang, right?"

The crowd nodded.

One of the leaders of the forces suddenly stood up and said: "As far as I know, the main purpose of the Crazy Saber Sect Master to initiate this alliance is to deal with that wolfish and ambitious Chu family. As the old people of Heituanyu, we must not Seeing that the great rivers and mountains of the Heixuan Domain fell into the hands of an ambitious family like the Chu family, so we, the Skyhawk Gang, were the first to support the leader of the Crazy Saber Gang to be elected as the leader and lead us to drive us away from the Chu family."

"Support the leader of the Crazy Saber Gang to be elected as the leader, and drive away the ambitious outsider from the Chu family,"

"Get rid of the Chu family, and return my Heixuanyu Qingping,"


As soon as the leader of the faction's words fell, more than a dozen leaders of the faction stood up in the square to support Crazy Saber.

Everyone looked at the impassioned leaders of these forces but sneered on their faces. How could they not see this little trick of Kuang Dao.

Kuangdao laughed loudly, pressed his hand, and said with a humble face: "Thanks to everyone who thinks of me as Kuangdao, Kuang will definitely live up to everyone's expectations and lead everyone to eradicate the Chu family, and return my Heixuanyu to peace."

"Get rid of the Chu family," Chu Yang sneered, and nodded slightly at a red-faced brown-haired old man not far away. The red-faced old man stood up understandingly and refuted loudly.

"Forgive me for not being able to agree with all of you, but the leader of the Crazy Saber Gang is probably not qualified enough to become the leader of the alliance. First, he has not made any great contributions to my Heixuan Domain. Second, the leader of the Crazy Saber Clan does not have what the leader of the Crazy Saber has. In terms of strength, there are quite a few leaders who are stronger than the head of the Crazy Saber Clan, so how can someone as immoral and powerless as the Crazy Saber Clan leader lead us all to drive away the Chu family?"

"Isn't this the red-faced swordsman Qiu Wuchang from Jade Sword Villa? Could it be that this old guy has lost his mind and dared to stand up and challenge the majesty of Crazy Saber?"

"I don't think he's lost his mind, but he's telling the truth. A person like Kuang Dao can only rely on his master Wutian, the old devil, the fox and the fake tiger's prestige. In terms of real strength and background, how can we compare with us? These veteran forces that have been operating in the Heixuan domain for many years, I think there must be many people in the room who are dissatisfied with Kuang Dao's arbitrariness, "

"Hey, it's a good show again now,"

The words of the red-faced old man immediately caused huge waves in the square.

The smile on Crazy Dao's face completely disappeared, and was gradually replaced by a hint of viciousness. However, he is an old, treacherous and cunning person after all, and he returned to normal in just an instant. He asked the red-faced old man Qiu Wochang with a smile: Brother Qiu, who is qualified to take on this important task in the field?"

Qiu Wuchang curled his lips and said, "As for who will be in charge, that's up to all of you here, anyway, it's either you or you."

"Qiu Wuchang, you're looking for death, right? You actually said that to the leader of the Crazy Saber Gang," Ma Liang stood up and scolded loudly, and some elders of the Crazy Saber Gang behind him rushed out one after another, ready to take down Qiu Wuchang who dared to oppose the Crazy Saber on the spot. old man.

"What are you going to do? I just said something fair. Do you still want to kill me? Isn't that how your Crazy Saber Gang treats guests?" Qiu Wuchang raised his head with a fierce face.

Seeing this, the leaders of other forces raised their eyebrows and began to discuss.

"Crazy Saber really wants to threaten us with force to support being the leader of the alliance. If I had known earlier, I would not have come,"

"That's right, Kuang Dao also said that the Chu family's wolf is ambitious. I think he is more domineering than the Chu family."

"Shh, keep your voice down, don't be overheard by Crazy Saber, be careful that you will get killed,"


Looking up at the leader of the forces below whispering, looking like he was guarding against the embankment, Kuang Dao immediately yelled at Ma Liang, saying: "Ma Liang, who told you to treat Mr. Qiu like this, why don't you hurry up and apologize to Mr. Qiu?"

As he said that, Kuang Dao turned his head and smiled apologetically at Qiu Wuchang: "Brother Qiu, my subordinates really don't understand the rules. If I scared Brother Qiu just now, I will apologize to you on their behalf."

"It's still free, the old man can't afford the great gift of the Crazy Saber Clan Master," Qiu Wuchang shook his sleeves and sat back in his seat.

After Qiu Wuchang's disturbance, the calls for Crazy Saber's proposal to become the leader suddenly dropped, and no one came out to support Crazy Saber's election as the leader in the entire venue except for the direct line forces that Crazy Knife bought.

Kuangdao also knew this very well, secretly resenting that Qiu Wuchang who dared to speak out to sabotage his good deeds.

Taking a deep breath, Kuang Dao raised his head and looked around, and said loudly again: "Since Mr. Qiu thinks that Kuang is not worthy of being the leader of the alliance, it is useless for everyone here to have any good candidates."

As soon as Kuang Dao's words fell, the faction leaders in the entire venue fell silent. They had long understood Kuang Dao's wolfish ambitions clearly, so how could they be stupid to stand up and be the leader at this moment.

Kuang Dao waited for a long time but no one came out to express his opinion. He smiled triumphantly in his heart and sighed helplessly on his face, saying: "Well, since everyone has no good candidates, then what should we do? The purpose of sending out the alliance is to select a person of high morals and respect to lead everyone to drive away that Chu family,"

"Crazy help you, don't hesitate anymore. I think there is no one in the field who is more suitable to be the leader than you. In terms of strength, the Crazy Saber Gang, as the leader of the Black Mysterious Domain, is far stronger than other gangs. Well, in terms of prestige, you are the leader of the Crazy Saber Clan, and you are an old man in the entire Heixuan Domain, and you have the support of a supreme powerhouse like Senior Wutian behind you, so you are definitely the best candidate for the leader, "

Speaking of this, the leader of the Tianying Gang, who has always supported Crazy Saber, glanced at the leaders of all parties present, and shouted loudly: "And as far as I know, Chu Yang is extremely powerful, even the three great monsters of the Hei Prison Sea One of the kings, the Flood Dragon King, is not his opponent. If anyone has the absolute confidence to kill Chu Yang, then I will be the first to stand up and support him as the leader."

"Hmph, Tianying Sect Leader, who doesn't know that Chu Yang is very strong, so who do you think can defeat him in the field?" On the square, a hulking force leader stood up and retorted loudly.

"Of course it's Crazy Saber's leader, besides Crazy Saber's help, who else has the confidence to defeat Chu Yang," Tianying's leader said as if it was a matter of course.

"Hey, but as far as I know, Master Crazy Saber's cultivation seems to have just broken through to the middle level of the demigod. If you use this kind of cultivation to deal with Chu Yang, I don't know where your confidence comes from, Master Tianying. "As soon as the leader of Tianying Gang finished speaking, Qiu Wuchang stood up and said with a sneer.

"Hehe, Mr. Qiu, how can the leader of this clan not have considered your worries? Although the leader of the Crazy Saber Clan cannot defeat Chu Yang, everyone, don't forget who the leader of the Crazy Saber Clan is. It's too easy to deal with a little Chu Yang."

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