"Clear Water Flood Dragon, you are too happy, try the young master's spear first," Chu Yang sneered, and he quickly turned the Devouring Spear in his hand.

"Hiss," suddenly, a deep and sharp roar emanated from the self-devouring gun.

The whistling sound was invisible, its whereabouts were ghostly, and its speed was as fast as lightning. When the high-spirited Bishui Jiaolong heard the low whistling sound, his eyes froze for a moment, and the dragon tail froze in midair. When he returned to his senses in a trance, the God Devouring Spear was already close at hand.

The Bishui Jiaolong clearly felt the terrifying aura on the God Devouring Spear. The pair of huge dragon wings behind him flapped lightly, but the entire dragon body dodged to the side as if teleporting.

"Splitting the air," the Bishui Jiaolong narrowly dodged Chu Yang's attack just now, but Xiaojing, who had been lurking by the side for a long time, finally seized this rare opportunity with a tacit understanding.

"Pfft," Lie Kong Zhan is indeed Xiao Jing's most proud skill in her life, the terrifying purple thin blade pierces into the dragon body of the Clear Water Flood Dragon King without any hindrance, half a foot deep into the flesh.

"Ah, little bastard, I'm going to tear you into pieces," the severe pain from the dragon's body drove the Bishui Jiaolong into a complete madness, and the thick dragon's tail directly swept towards Xiaojing, the momentum was very frightening.

"Hey, Bishui Jiaolong, can you attack me?" Xiaojing made a face at Bishui Jiaolong, and disappeared from the spot with a flash of her body.

"Damn it, this little bastard actually has space powers," Bishui Jiaolong was furious. If it was in its heyday, it would naturally not let Xiao Jing escape. Even if Xiao Jing possessed the most terrifying space powers, she couldn't escape from her hands, but now she is in a period of weakness Naturally, it couldn't trap Xiaojing with the Celestial Domain, so it could only watch it escape.

"Phew, it's so scary. That strong man from another plane actually has such a strange skill to attack with spiritual consciousness. Even the ancient beast of the gods, which has already condensed spiritual consciousness, the Bishui Flood Dragon, is in the opponent's way." Tulu looked a little bit Said in horror.

"That kid does have some tricks, but it all depends on that sharp spear. Even if that kid has that terrifying long spear in his hand, I'm afraid he won't be able to pose a threat to the Bishui Flood Dragon as he did last time after he counterattacks and guards against it." ,” the short young master said in a deep voice.

His insight is indeed extraordinary. Sure enough, after experiencing the danger just now, the Bishui Jiaolong finally took precautions against Chu Yang's God-devouring Spear. With the latter condensing the terrifying power of the divine consciousness, Chu Yang wanted to sneak attack like last time. It is indeed very difficult to succeed.

"Chaotic Demon God Fist," Chu Yang knew that he couldn't waste his time with the clear water dragon, and he was not allowed to do so due to the tight time. 36 clones appeared together, and one of them was holding a clock of enlightenment as if beating the bell, and One clone held a black long sword and swung at the clear water dragon, and the rest of the clones all threw their fists at the clear water dragon, the momentum was extremely frightening.

"Breakthrough style,"

"Sword of Reincarnation,"


The moment Chu Yang sacrificed all the most powerful skills in his life, the entire void trembled, and the blood-colored gun lights and black-and-white lightsabers fell on the body of the clear water dragon in unison with the melodious sound of bells.

For a moment, the Bishui Jiaolong only felt as if he was approaching an ice cellar, and a shadow of death suddenly enveloped it. As if he smelled the breath of death, the Bishui Jiaolong suddenly shrank his blood-colored pupils, showing a moving expression for the first time.

Chu Yang's attack was so terrifying that even the short young master who was hiding in Cong Cong couldn't help but stood up, a flash of shock flashed in his eyes, and he muttered to himself in a low voice, As if to say.

"It's impossible, it's absolutely impossible. How could a small martial artist who is less than a god can display such a terrifying attack?" Even the short young master was shocked by such a powerful attack, because Chu Yang's attack One blow is enough to seriously injure a strong person in the early stage of Tianshen First Layer without any problem.

Although his strength was slightly stronger than those who had just entered the Heavenly God Realm, it was not too much stronger. Chu Yang's ability to erupt a terrifying strength far surpassing his own really made him feel a threat.

"Young master, should we make a move now? That kid is so powerful. I think the Bishui Flood Dragon will probably die at the hands of that kid." Seeing his young master's eyes flashing, Tulu made his own suggestion.

"No hurry," the short young master waved his hand, and said with a smile: "Hehe, the clear water dragon has more than this strength, and its innate supernatural powers haven't been used yet. That young man from the alien plane wants to kill him so easily. It's not that easy to kill it,"

"Oh," Tulu was a little surprised, and his eyes turned to the scene of the battle.

"Roar," the Bishui Jiaolong roared angrily. Its voice seemed to have infinite magic power, which made people feel dizzy after hearing it.

The slightly weaker Yan Yusi and the others felt dizzy and fell into a trance when they heard it. Although Chu Yang's condition was slightly better than theirs, his eyes also appeared in a trance for a moment. However, because of a momentary trance, he split into space.


"Bang bang,"

Even so, Chu Yang and the 36 clones still landed on the body of the Bishui Jiaolong with a small half of the attack. The terrifying attack directly split the hard scales on the latter's body and pierced into the dragon's body. A large piece of dragon blood was suddenly uncontrollable The madness surged out, dyeing the entire sky red with blood.

"Roar," the huge body of the Bishui Jiaolong kept rolling down in mid-air in pain, and the dragon's claws waved and swept indiscriminately, sweeping everything around the wasteland into ruins.

"Little bastard, this king wants to kill you," Bishui Jiaolong's eyes showed a fierce light, and his huge body turned around to kill Chu Yang directly.

Chu Yang was startled when he saw this. After he launched that shocking attack just now, the true essence in his body was already empty. Now he is using the spirit stone to restore the true essence in his body. How can he have the strength to deal with the vicious Bishui Jiaolong King? .

Qiqi and Xiaojing, two of Chu Yang's most loyal partners, seemed to be aware of Chu Yang's predicament, and quickly stepped out to block Chu Yang. The strongest moves were swung from their hands and fell on the Bishui Jiaolong. .

The four of Yan Yusi who were left behind also offered their most powerful skills.

For a time, the sky and the earth were filled with terrible vitality storms.

"Bang bang," the thick black tail of the Bishui dragon swept towards everyone like a terrifying stick. Xiaojing and Qiqi who stood in the front were swept away by the dragon's tail, and Grandma Ji who was behind Several people also didn't get better, they vomited blood and flew upside down, their bodies fell straight to the ground.

The Bishui Jiaolong is indeed extremely mighty, and its strength is frighteningly strong. Even though it was injured by Chu Yang just now, it is still so brave at this moment. Get any cheap price.

The blue water flood dragon came towards Chu Yang with a grinning grin, and a pair of blood-red dragon eyes were full of ferocity and ferocity.

"Die," the clear water dragon's claws penetrated into the void, and directly grabbed Chu Yang's head.

If this claw is grasped firmly, even if Chu Yang has the heart of blood bamboo to bring back the dead, he will probably end up with his brains burst.

Seeing the black dragon claws of the clear water dragon getting closer and closer to Chu Yang's head, Xiaojing and Qiqi screamed in fright, Yan Yusi's beautiful eyes showed a hint of panic,

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