The strongest patriarch

Chapter 800: Attracting Beasts

subsequently.At Chu Yang's request, everyone swore a poisonous oath.

"Xiaojing. Be careful with Aunt Yan later. I will come back to join you soon after I lure that divine beast away." Chu Yang tilted his head and told Xiaojing a few words.Then he turned around and rushed towards the colorful beast.

"Boss, you have to be careful." Xiaojing clenched her fists tightly.There was a trace of worry in his eyes.

Everyone watched Chu Yang start to move.One after another secretly gathered the divine power in their bodies to prepare to pick the divine fruit from the divine tree of laws.

Under the sacred tree.The colorful beast lay there lazily.He looked like he was in a deep sleep.

Chu Yang knew that the seven-colored beast hadn't really fallen into a deep sleep.With its keen consciousness, it is easy to detect any fluctuations around it.

Chu Yang cautiously came to stand a hundred feet away from the colorful beast.Immediately there was a thought.Quietly release the demon corpse in the star space.

"Go." Chu Yang pointed at the demon corpse in front of him with one hand.I saw that powerful and tall demon corpse quickly blew across the ground like a black whirlwind.

"Roar." The demon corpse rushed to the front of the colorful beast.Then he waved his long arm and smashed it down on the head of the divine beast.

"Ho Ho." This action completely enraged the colorful beast.I saw the latter turn over.Floating directly from the ground.Big mouth drum.A colorful light arrow spit out from its mouth in an instant.Quickly shot at the body of the demon corpse.

Seeing this, the demon corpse quickly backed away in fright.However, under Chu Yang's harassment, it still did not forget to harass the colorful beast.

"Chi Chi." The frightening demonic energy emanating from the demon's body was like a piece of white paper destroyed by colorful light arrows.It can't stop the sharpness of the light arrow at all.

"Pfft." The colorful light arrow pierced into the body of the demon corpse in an instant.Stir like crazy inside.The demon corpse roared loudly in pain.However, those two terrifying arms did not forget to smash down on the seven-colored beast.Really fearless.

"Bang Peng." The demon corpse resisted the severe pain coming from his body.Two magic arms smashed on the seven-colored beast frantically.

"Hoho." The behavior of the demon corpse completely angered the colorful beast.I saw the latter's young body flying out from under the sacred tree directly as a flash of lightning.Go ahead and kill the demon corpse.

"There is a play."

The powerhouses watching the battle saw that the seven-colored beast had finally escaped from the sacred tree of laws.A ray of excitement flashed across his face.

Chu Yang was also overjoyed.He looked at the scars pierced by the colorful beast on the demon corpse.Although I feel some pain in my heart.But as long as the beast is drawn out.It's worth the sacrifice.

Chu Yang quickly issued an instruction to the demon corpse.Let the demon corpse plunder away from the law god tree.If you want to subdue this colorful beast.Of course, the farther the location, the better.It's best that no one notices.

"Do it." Ye Gu and Bai Qingxue saw that Chu Yang had successfully lured away the colorful beast.Immediately, one after another flew out from the hidden wasteland.Quickly plundered towards the nearest divine fruit of law.

Seeing this, Qiqi and Xiaojing also did not dare to neglect.The two of them had already been instructed by Chu Yang just now.After the colorful beasts are drawn away.It was up to them to snatch the two divine fruits of law that belonged to Chu Yang's camp.

The figures of the strong men flying across the void left afterimages in the air.


"Damn it. Why did that guardian beast come back?" Everyone looked back.Waiting to catch a glimpse of the menacing end.At the time of the colorful beast with fierce eyes.All were taken aback.Some low-strength gods and strong men hurriedly retreated towards the way they came.

And powerful people like Ye Gu and Luo Tong.It seems that I don't want to let go of this excellent time.They all displayed their most proud supernatural powers in their lives.Attack the colorful beast.

"Yeah. Roar." The colorful beast was furious.The young body suddenly turned around under the puzzled eyes of everyone.Then everyone was horrified to find that a burst of dazzling seven-color divine light suddenly appeared all over the body of the seven-color beast.

Colorful divine light surged out.In front of the colorful beast, a semicircular colorful light group was formed out of thin air.I see.When the attacks of Luo Tong and Ye Gu fell on this colorful light group.Unexpectedly, it fell into it silently.There can't be any waves at all.

"This. Could it be that the Heavenly God Domain of the Divine Beast failed." Everyone was really surprised.Although the cultivation base of the few of them is weaker than that of the beasts.But the fatal blow from several people working together is not so easy to block.Who would have thought that the colorful beast could easily block their attack as if nothing had happened.

And what surprised them even more was yet to come.

"What. The domain of this divine beast can even counterattack automatically." When everyone saw the divine light pouring out from the colorful light group.Everyone was stunned.

Chu Yang was also dumbfounded.In my heart I called obediently.

Regardless of the appearance of the colorful beasts, they are small and exquisite.But anger flares up.Still pretty scary.

"Bang bang." Ye Gu and Luo Tong felt as if a kite with a broken string was blown away by the colorful light.The blood sprayed from the mouth dyed half of the void red.

"Chu Yang. Hurry up and lure that divine beast away." Luo Tong waited to catch a glimpse of the colorful divine beast and continued to attack him violently.Immediately surprised.He hurriedly sent out a call for help to Chu Yang.

At this time, Chu Yang didn't make trouble.He pointed lightly at the demon corpse in front of him with one hand.immediately.The head in front of him was already covered in cuts and bruises.There is no intact corpse like a most loyal warrior launching a mad attack on the colorful beast.

"Yeah." The colorful beast roared angrily.The demon corpse again and again.I made trouble with it again and again and completely pissed it off.Its body turned quickly.The colorful divine light turned directly to the demon corpse.

"Boom." There were no surprises.Although the demon corpse is powerful.But it still looks a little weak in front of this talented colorful beast.The tall demon body was hit by the colorful light.The whole person was thrown away heavily immediately.The magic energy on his body has faded a lot.The breath is no longer as steady and powerful as before.

Chu Yang watched from the side, secretly distressed.But in order to successfully capture the colorful beast.He can't control the life and death of the demon corpse.The mind sent an instruction to the demon corpse.The demon corpse immediately attacked the colorful beast again.Look at its madness.It seems that if you don't lure the colorful beast away, you will never stop.

"Yeah." The colorful beast patted its small chest.A terrifying bloody light suddenly flashed in the clear seven-colored pupils.It is furious.The whole body suddenly rushed towards the demon corpse.

"Phew. I finally got this difficult guy out." Chu Yang heaved a sigh of relief.He directed the demon corpse to attack the colorful beast.On the other side, it kept retreating into the distance.The location is getting farther and farther away from the Law God Tree.

The towering divine tree of law finally gradually disappeared from his vision.The powerful people around him didn't have time to pay attention to his side at this moment.Some powerful aliens with weak cultivation bases.He had already taken advantage of Chu Yang's rare opportunity to lure away the divine beast and rushed into the colorful light hole under the sacred tree of laws.Break into the second floor of the ancient tomb directly.

And the powerful gods like Yegu and Luotong are once again plundering the divine fruit of law.

For a while, no one cared about getting Chu Yang.

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