
Mr. Chu waved his hand and stopped him.

"Old man, what else do you want to say?" Captain Yan stared at Old Master Chu coldly.

"Captain Yan, right? Some people are not something you can afford to offend. If you offend us, you will be the captain for the end!" Old Master Chu sternly shouted.

"Haha, I heard you right!" Captain Yan seemed to have heard some big joke, and suddenly laughed wildly, and said, "Old guy, with your tattered clothes and poor appearance from the countryside, you really deserve it." I am a son of a noble family."

"Captain Yan, you are right. This old man is not talented, but he is really a direct descendant from the Chu clan!" Old Master Chu laughed.

"What!" Captain Yan and Xiao Junru were shocked at the same time when they heard the words. Everyone in the Da Luo Dynasty knew the name of the Chu family, and very few people dared to offend this huge family.

Even the Xiao clan where Xiao Junru belongs to is very afraid of the Chu clan.

"Could it be that this abominable guy is really a child of the Chu clan!" Xiao Junru glanced across Chu Yang's face, and when his gaze finally settled on the dead horse corpse, the thought in his heart became even more irresistible .

Although it was just a little probing just now, Xiao Junru could still vaguely feel Chu Yang's strength. Chu Yang's strength was only stronger than hers, but she was an ordinary innate mid-stage cultivation base, and Chu Yang was able to overwhelm her. She is one step ahead, and she seems to be able to handle tasks with ease, and her strength must be even more astonishing.Such an astonishing strength at such a young age is rare even if you look at the entire Da Luo Dynasty. I am afraid that only a few big families can cultivate such outstanding elites.

Thinking about it this way, Xiao Junru felt more and more that what the old man in front of him said was probably true. Maybe the hateful guy in front of him was really an excellent child from the Chu clan, but why had she never heard of him? .

Xiao Junru couldn't figure it out.

"Captain, what he said is very likely to be true. Look at the horse corpse." A soldier beside Captain Yan suddenly whispered to Captain Yan.

When Captain Yan heard this, he immediately looked at the horse corpse, and his expression changed several times in an instant.

I saw that the horse corpse lying on the ground just now turned into powder at a speed that was hard to discern with the naked eye.How much strength and subtlety it takes!

Acquired martial artists are simply unable to accomplish this feat, and some innately strong people may also need to control their own true energy to do this.Captain Yan asked himself that with his innate strength, it must be impossible to do it.Even what he couldn't do was easily done by the young man in front of him.

Thinking of this, Captain Yan sweated coldly on his forehead. It was ridiculous that he was stupid enough to attack an innate strong man just now. I am afraid that with the latter's strength, it would be easy to kill him.

Captain Yan's complexion was complete, and a smile appeared on his face, and he said, "Dare to ask the old man, do you have the certificate of the Chu clan?"

Mr. Chu felt ridiculous at Captain Yan's arrogant and respectful performance, then shook his head slowly, and said: "The old man, grandfather and grandson have just returned to the clan from other places, and they don't have a clan status symbol on them. If Captain Yan doesn't believe it If so, you can go to the clan with us to verify the truth."

"Hehe, no, no!" Captain Yan waved his hands repeatedly.It's a joke, if Chu Yang and the others are really children of the Chu clan, with the character of the Chu clan protecting their weaknesses, if they know that they have offended their clan children, I am afraid that he, the small captain of the city guard army, will end up in the end. And maybe someone from the Chu clan will pull out a layer of skin.

Even if Chu Yang and the others were fake and not real children of the Chu clan, he didn't have the guts to take the risk. He didn't want to end up with that steed and be killed by Chu Yang in a fit of anger.Therefore, Captain Yan didn't want to continue to embarrass Chu Yang and the others.

"Miss, you think it's better to leave it like this." Captain Yan glanced at Xiao Junru carefully, and then suggested hesitantly.

Xiao Junru glared at Captain Yan, and angrily said: "Get lost, I know you are useless as a slave!"

Xiao Junru didn't know what Captain Yan was thinking. He knew that no matter how much he ordered Captain Yan, he might not be able to make the latter risk offending the Chu clan to do things for her.

"Yes, yes!" Captain Yan heard this, and hurriedly led his soldiers away as if he was receiving an amnesty.

Seeing Captain Yan leave in a desperate state, Chu Xuan sneered and said, "Grandpa, these guys are really greedy for life and afraid of death, they only know how to use power!"

After hearing this, Old Master Chu didn't know whether to laugh or scold Chu Xuan.But Chu Yang laughed and said, "What do you know, kid!"

"Hmph, I know everything!" Chu Xuan said with his eyes white.

Xiao Junru stood aside and watched Chu Yang talking and laughing, and a burst of burning pain came from his back, which made his anger towards Chu Yang even stronger in his heart, so he snorted coldly, glared at Chu Yang and said, "Stinky!" Boy, regardless of whether you are a child of the Chu clan or not, Miss Qiu Ben will write it down first, and I will settle accounts with you later!"

It's not that Xiao Junru doesn't want to teach Chu Yang a lesson, it's just that she is powerless. Chu Yang's strength is completely beyond her imagination.

Chu Yang chuckled and said, "That kid really needs to prepare and wait for Miss's next revenge!"

"Hmph, you can be proud now, one day you will beg for mercy from Miss Ben!" Xiao Junru snorted coldly, she was very angry at Chu Yang's indifferent attitude.

No one had ever ended well after offending her, and Chu Yang was no exception.

Flicking the long whip on his hand resentfully, Xiao Junru stared at Chu Yang, as if he wanted to engrave the latter's appearance deeply in his heart, and then, Xiao Junru turned and left unwillingly.

"Yang'er, this girl from the Xiao family seems to hold a grudge against you!" Old Master Chu said in deep thought as he looked at the red figure that was gradually disappearing.

"Well, this savage girl, I'm afraid she won't know what to do if she doesn't teach her a lesson!" Chu Yang didn't have a good impression of Xiao Junru.

"Hehe!" Old Master Chu smiled and said, "Although this girl is a bit arrogant, her heart is not as bad as she appears on the surface!"

"En!" Chu Yang nodded, agreeing with Mr. Chu's point of view.When the accident happened just now, Chu Yang also saw with his own eyes that Xiao Junru wanted to tie up her BMW, but that BMW was as wild as its owner and extremely difficult to control, which almost led to the tragedy.


After Xiao Junru left the main street, he came to a magnificent building. On the top of this building, there were two gilded characters "Shogunate" engraved on the top of the building.

Entering the shogunate, Xiao Junru came to a beautiful boudoir with ease, and walked in without knocking on the door.

Immediately, a beautiful woman with a slender figure and beautiful curves came into view.

The beauty seemed to have heard the commotion in the room, turned around quickly, looked Xiao Junru up and down, and suddenly noticed the anger on the latter's face, and immediately smiled and said: "What's the matter, sister? Who offended our eldest lady?" If you are angry, tell your sister, I will vent this anger for you!"

With a plop, Xiao Junru sat down heavily on the bed, and then said angrily, "Sister Yunyao, don't ask any more questions. Speaking of that guy, I'm so angry."

"Sister Junru, tell me, who made you angry! Could it be the third prince, or my useless brother?" The more Xiao Junru was like this, the more Mu Yunyao wanted to know the truth of the matter, so she used all her strength Solve the number to tease Xiao Junru.

"Hehe, sister Yunyao, don't tease me anymore, I say yes!" Xiao Junru giggled for a while at Mu Yunyao's teasing, and hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Okay, then tell me quickly!" Mu Yunyao immediately stopped making fun of Xiao Junru when she heard the words.

"Today, I met three foreign warriors on the street..." Xiao Junru then told Mu Yunyao everything that happened to him on the street.

When it was mentioned that Chu Yang threw her for a while, Xiao Junru gritted his teeth with hatred.

"Heck!" After listening to Xiao Junru's narration, Mu Yunyao laughed so loudly that she was about to burst into tears, then she pointed at Xiao Junru and teased: "Sister Junru never thought that you would also eat turtles. I kind of want to get to know the guy who dared to attack our young lady of the Xiao family!"

"Hmph, I knew you would laugh at me after hearing this, so I'll ignore you!" Xiao Junru stomped her feet angrily, and the hatred for Chu Yang deepened in her heart.

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