The strongest patriarch

Chapter 830 Killing God

"Elder Mo Xu, pass on my order. Let the children of the Chu family retreat to the back of the mountain as much as possible." Chu Aotian looked up at the situation of the battle below.Such a decision was made in an instant.

The difficult and dangerous terrain behind the Chu family was not conducive to the deployment of the army.The children of the Chu family can take advantage of the terrain to start a guerrilla war with the coalition forces of the three factions.Wait for reinforcements to arrive.

at this time.Chu Aotian also has no good solution.The only option is to procrastinate.

"I hope that the reinforcements brought by Po Jun and the others will arrive in time." Chu Aotian looked up into the distance.Eyes full of desire.

"Thank you, Sect Master. What should I do? These guys are really difficult." At the foot of Yuding Mountain.Xie Tianxiong and his party fought with the golden armored warrior.Both sides have losses for each other.However, the defensive formation formed by this group of golden armored warriors was extremely solid.Xie Tianxiong led the elders of the Mozong to carry out several rounds of attacks, but they never broke through the opponent's defense.You can only stand in a stalemate here with your opponent.

"Fight it." Xie Tianxiong's face turned hard.He turned his head and yelled at the demon elders beside him: "All the elders, follow me to form the Heavenly Demon Formation."

"Yes. Sovereign." Everyone responded in unison.

Say it.Countless billowing demonic energy surged out of them.Condensed into a magic cloud in the sky.The devil in the cloud roared and roared.Sen Han was extremely terrifying.

Xie Tianxiong also roared loudly.Rolling devilish energy surged out of his body.Instantly merged into that piece of magic cloud.Immediately afterwards.A strange scene appeared.I saw the magic cloud rolling and roaring.Gradually condensed a terrifying devil.This demon is mighty and extraordinary.The tall body stood there like a pillar of Optimus.It is ten feet high.The whole body is full of magic energy, just like the essence.

now.The demon smirked and rushed towards the group of golden armored warriors.

"Fight the enemy with a golden light formation." The leader of a golden armored warrior shouted expressionlessly.Several other golden armored warriors responded quickly.They have run their true essence to the extreme.

A golden light burst out from the golden armored warrior.A huge and dazzling golden seal formed in the void.This terrifying anomaly of the great seal is like a round of tomorrow flashing across the sky in an instant.He collided fiercely with that devil.

"Boom." The golden seal collided with the devil in an instant.There was a sudden explosion that shook the mountains.The void split open one by one.The earth was flattened by the terrifying air current.Xie Tianxiong and a group of Mozong elders only had time to groan.The whole person was immediately blown away by the terrifying air current.

"Pfft." The golden armored warrior was also not much better.Their throats are sweet.A stream of blood couldn't help but spurt out.His face instantly became extremely pale.The body staggered backwards.

Terrible explosions resounded through the sky.It reverberated throughout Yuding Mountain.

"Huh. There is a battle ahead." A mountain range not far from Yuding Mountain.Chu Yang came by the boat.The blue boat under his feet was run to the extreme by him.I saw a blue light flashing.Chu Yang disappeared from the spot as if moment.When he reappeared, he was already thousands of feet away.

Such a terrifying flying speed.It only took Chu Yang half a day to rush from Mozong to Yuding Mountain in listened to the sound of fierce battle coming from ahead.The anger in my heart has already reached the extreme.

"This group of hateful guys dare to offend my Chu family. The patriarch will never spare them." Chu Yang's eyes were full of fierceness.A blue light flashed under his feet.The whole person has disappeared directly from the place.

"Oh. What should I do? This group of golden-armored warriors is so powerful. Even the Sect Master of the Demon Sect can't do anything about it. Could it be that I can only watch the Chu family be destroyed by the Wu Sect." Chu Pojun was full of unwillingness.He originally thought that moving the Mozong to rescue the soldiers would temporarily relieve the Chu family's urgent needs.Who ever thought.Wumen has already arranged for the strong to attack halfway.

Seeing that time is getting tighter and tighter.They were still unable to break through each other's blockade.Chu Pojun secretly became anxious in his heart.He glanced around immediately.Hope to find a way out.However, after looking at this side.Chu Pojun became more and more desperate to the extreme.

The mountains in front of me were barren.Not even a human figure.No one can help them at all.

"Hey. Is that person Yang'er? I can't be dazzled. I must have misread it." Just when Chu Pojun felt a burst of despair.A blue light suddenly flashed among the distant peaks.

This blue light is almost at its peak.It was still thousands of feet away in the last moment.But it has already appeared not far from their group.

Chu Pojun rubbed his eyes.Take a closer look with your eyes wide open.

"It's him. It's really that little fellow Chu Yang is back." When Qing Guang got closer and closer.When the figure on the small boat came into his eyes clearly.Chu Pojun finally saw the face of the visitor clearly.

It's not someone else.It was his long-awaited savior.

"That person is." At this time.Both Xie Tianxiong and the golden armored warrior noticed the unexpected visitor in the distance.His face changed instantly.

Xie Tianxiong couldn't help but be overjoyed.He easily judged it from the uncontrollable surprise on Chu Pojun's face.Those who come are definitely friends rather than enemies.

But the Golden Armored Warrior's expression turned extremely ugly.Originally, they also managed to hold back Xie Tianxiong and his party by relying on the powerful combination attack technique of Wumen.However, now the other party has an extra strong man who doesn't know the details.In this way, the task of sniping them was undoubtedly aggravated a lot.

"Huh. It's uncle." Chu Yang was overjoyed.The whole person immediately rushed towards Chu Pojun.He also did not expect to meet Chu Pojun here.

Look at the outfits of those strong men beside him.Without thinking too much, Chu Yang could guess that the other party must be the strong man of the Demon Sect mentioned by Xie Linger.Immediately, he cupped his hands to express his gratitude and said, "Thank you for your kindness. I am here to thank you on behalf of the Chu family."

Xie Tianxiong said with a face of shame: "It's a pity. This sect didn't help at all. Instead, it was held back by this group of martial arts disciples. My little friend should be the patriarch of Chuyang Chu. I heard that Ling'er often mentioned you."

"Yes uncle." Chu Yang nodded.Then he turned to the Golden Armored Warrior.His gaze was full of cold murderous intent.

"Who are you? This lord advises you to mind your own business, so as not to end up in ruin like the Chu family." The leader of the golden armored warrior looked at Chu Yang and glanced towards him.Immediately angrily reprimanded.

"Looking for death." Chu Yang was furious.The big hand has no other superfluous movements.Then he slashed directly at the golden armored warrior.

"The kid is crazy." The golden armored warrior saw that Chu Yang looked down on him so much.The eyes seemed to spew fire.The true essence in the body is slightly perfused between the palms.Then a golden light seal suddenly condensed on his hand.This is exactly Wumen's true mastery.Seal of Emperor Wu.

"Emperor Wu's seal. Broken." The golden armored warrior roared angrily.The golden palm prints blasted towards Chu Yang in an instant.

"Death." Chu Yang simply ignored the golden light seal waved by the golden armored warrior.The big hand slapped the void void that Chu Yang had photographed suddenly shattered into pieces.The golden light seal waved by the golden armored warrior was blasted into nothingness before it reached Chu Yang.The terrifying big hand slapped directly on the body of the golden armored warrior.



The sound of bones breaking clearly resounded in the field.The body of the golden armored warrior exploded like an inflated balloon.Torn apart.

"This." Whether it was Xie Tianxiong.Or Chu Pojun stared at the scene in front of him with a dumbfounded face.The golden-armored warrior who made them exhausted all their strengths was smashed to pieces by Chu Yang's palm.This is a demigod peak powerhouse.It's not an ordinary warrior.

"Boss." The golden armored warriors exclaimed in unison.The eyes looking at Chu Yang were full of fear.

"Die. Let me die." Chu Yang thought of the catastrophe that his family and relatives were suffering.The killing intent in his heart could no longer be concealed. The 36 clones swept out together.In an instant, he rushed towards the remaining few golden armored warriors.

"Ah. Run quickly. He is Chu Yang's killing god." A cry of surprise suddenly sounded from the crowd.The golden armored warriors suddenly turned into birds and beasts.

shadow of man.The name of the tree.They have often heard people mention Chu Yang's vicious reputation.His terrifying strength is far from what they can match.So they chose to flee immediately.

"Hmph. Can you escape?" Chu Yang looked disdainful.The 36 clones flew behind the group of golden armored warriors in an instant like shadow killers.The shiny black iron palms were directly inserted into their bodies.Then stir vigorously.



The golden armored warrior only had time to let out a scream.The whole person was instantly smashed to pieces by 36 clones.A large pile of minced meat flew out of their bodies.Dye the entire void red bewitchingly.

"Gulu." Xie Tianxiong, who was watching the battle, and the group of elders of the Demon Sect saw this.Throat can not help but swallow a burst.

"It's so strong. It's such a terrifying killing speed." Everyone's hearts were awe-inspiring.Chu Yang's terrifying killing method really left an indelible impression in their hearts.

"Uncle. Uncle Xie. Are you all right?" Chu Yang clapped his hands and swept over from the battle scene. The 36 clones have already been put away by him.

"No, nothing." Xie Tianxiong took a long breath.

"Yang'er. Let's hurry back to the clan." The shock on Chu Pojun's face only stayed for a short time.Immediately afterwards, it was replaced by deep worry.

"Yeah. I'll take the first step by myself on the flying artifact. Come here as soon as possible." Chu Yang nodded.

Say it.He turned around and rushed towards Yuding Mountain.

"Hall Master Pojun. Your nephew is really strong." Xie Tianxiong looked at Chu Yang's gradually receding figure.The mood has not been calm for a long time.The terrifying scene where Chu Yang killed Jinjia Wushu just now had a great impact on him.Xie Tianxiong had never seen such a terrifying person as Chu Yang.

"Hehe. Thank you, Sect Master, for your praise." Chu Pojun smiled modestly.He heard others praise Chu Yang.He was also full of pride.

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