The strongest patriarch

Chapter 858 Panlong Valley

The departure time and meeting place of the Panlong Valley suddenly appeared on the Yan Luo Token in Chu Yang's hand.

Three days later.Chu Yang and Xiao Jing came to a wasteland in the north of Jumu City as promised.before his arrival.A group of gods who came to participate in the mission of Panlong Valley had already gathered in the wasteland.The strength of these gods varies.Cultivated as a powerful person.Its strength is much stronger than that of Batu.Of course, there are not many such strong people.Among nearly a hundred people in the entire team, there are only three or four such superpowers.And more are the powerhouses of the third and fourth heavens.As for the gods of the first heaven of gods.Chu Yang also saw many of them.

"Huh. Isn't that Betty? I didn't expect that he would also participate in the Panlong Valley mission this time." Chu Yang's sweeping eyes couldn't help but stop slightly on Betty.The latter seemed to have noticed Chu Yang and Xiao Jing as well.Nodding to Chu Yang with a smile on his face.

Chu Yang smiled slightly.Follow Betty and say hello.Right now.Chu Yang suddenly felt that the crowd seemed to be looking at him with a sharp and sinister gaze.This gaze was naked without any concealment.

"Who is it?" Chu Yang felt very strange.It stands to reason that he has been in Giant Wood City for so long.Doesn't seem to have offended anyone.

With such doubts.Chu Yangxiao looked in the direction of the line of moment.His pupils shrank suddenly.Because he saw a person in the crowd that he didn't really want to meet.

"It turned out to be Urtan and the others." It was none other than the one who unscrupulously observed Chu Yang just now.It was Ultan, the arrogant guy.At this moment, the latter was staring at Chu Yang with a grim smile on his face.Lips move up and down.As if to say.

"Boy. You're dead."

"What a lingering guy." Chu Yang curled his lips.He didn't pay much attention to this arrogant guy, Urtan.

"Boss, this Ultan is really annoying. Judging from his identity, he seems to be the leader of any four-star Yan Luo this time. You say we won't be assigned to his small team." Xiaojing Said with some worry.Although neither he nor Chu Yang was very afraid of Urtan, the four-star Yan Luo.But the latter is the leader of the team.If it is time to perform tasks, give them a small shoe to wear.That is also extremely annoying.

"It shouldn't be such a coincidence." Chu Yang wasn't too sure.

However.What they feared happened quickly.When the two seven-star Yan Luo from the Panlong Valley mission arrived together.The entire team was quickly divided according to their own strength.It was no surprise that Chu Yang and Xiaojing were assigned to Uertan's team.Become one of his men.

"Hey, boy. The captain said earlier that we would meet again." Ultan's triumphant laughter rang clearly beside his ears.

"Wultan. I remember that the leader of the team this time seems to be Master Lin Meng. It's not you. How dare you, a small leader of the team, dare to disobey Lord Lin Meng's order and take revenge privately?" Chu Yangyang Mouth.Said mockingly.

"Haha. Boy, are you scared? Now kneel down and kowtow to the captain to beg for mercy. Maybe the captain can let the past go. Forgive you this time. Otherwise, wait until the time to perform the task. Hehe. You can't help it then." Ultin laughed.The words were full of threats.

"I want my son to kowtow to you and beg for mercy. Don't even think about it." Chu Yang raised his middle finger at Urtan to express his disdain.

"Damn it. I'll let you be arrogant for a while now. Hmph. I'll see you in Panlong Valley." Ultan looked at Chu Yang's tall figure leaving.His face was terribly gloomy.

"Everyone. Our goal this time is Panlong Valley. During this period, everyone must absolutely obey my orders. If anyone dares to escape privately or cause trouble on purpose, I will definitely kill you. Have you heard it clearly?" On a hill in the wilderness.A white-faced and beardless old man in Tsing Yi looked down at the crowd below.The old man looked majestic.There was a compelling aura exuding from his body.At first glance, he is no ordinary person.

Standing beside the old man in green robe was a figure with an enchanting figure.A woman with the face of a Shura ghost.This woman is also not an ordinary person.She saw a ferocious Yan Luo badge on her towering and full breasts.There are actually seven shining stars engraved on the token.

"Seven Star Yama."

"I didn't expect that this Panlong Valley mission would attract two seven-star Yamas to participate."

Chu Yang narrowed his eyes slightly.I was really shocked in my heart.As far as he knows.A small town like Giant Wood City.Seven Star Yama is already the top powerhouse.There are only five seven-star Yan Luos in the Yan Luo City Hall of the Giant Wood City.And this mission actually sent two people to participate in one breath.It's unbelievable.

Chu Yang felt faintly uneasy again.

"Yes, Lord Lin Meng." Everyone answered in unison.There are some brave people present.Since they dared to participate in the cruelest Yan Luo practice.It has been fully prepared.

"Okay." Lin Meng nodded in satisfaction.Then he pointed to the flying Shenzhou behind him.He said loudly: "Let's go."

Following Lin Meng's order.Chu Yang and Xiao Jing followed all Yamas into the Shenzhou.

Panlong Valley is not too far from Giant Wood City.It is located in a desolate valley at the junction of Giant Wood City and Shenmu City.The surrounding area is desolate and inhabited.Even the Godhunters rarely dare to camp nearby.Just because there are many powerful demon dragons living in it.According to legend, these monster dragons are the descendants of the ancient real dragons.It has inherited many dragon abilities.A poisonous work is even more frightening.

Although these demon dragons terrified many gods.But the poisonous dragon grass bred by it has made countless gods and powerhouses jealous.The poisonous dragon grass bred by them is very poisonous.It can even hurt the soul of the gods.therefore.Many of these poisonous dragon grasses are used by the gods to refine some special poisons.Stick on the artifact.

The artifact contaminated with venom is definitely the nightmare of many gods and powerhouses.It can completely ignore the defense of the human body and directly attack the soul of the strong god.Its violent toxicity will kill some gods and strongmen in an instant.

And because of this.Many gods and strongmen will love and hate this poisonous dragon grass.It's not a day or two since Lin Meng waited for a group of Yan Luodian powerhouses to attack the Panlonggu Yaolong.But these monster dragons are too powerful.Suffering has been unable to find a chance to start.

but.This time they finally had their chance.

"Attention everyone. We are going to Panlong Valley soon. The Poison Dragon Pool is ahead." Lin Meng's warning sounded in everyone's ears again.

through the window.Chu Yang vaguely saw a large pool of water standing there.Behind it is a huge valley.The entire valley was surrounded by a thick layer of black fog.People can not see the scene inside.

"Hew." The black mist that shrouded the valley seemed very scary.I saw a group of powerful golden eagles flying across the sky in the valley.It was instantly corroded into black smoke by the permeating black mist.

"It's scary. This Panlong Valley seems quite dangerous." Chu Yang's eyes twitched slightly.There is some awe in the heart.

Flying Shenzhou stopped when it was still a thousand meters away from Poison Dragon Lake.A group of gods who participated in Yan Luo's assessment mission were led by Lin Meng.They all jumped down from the Shenzhou.In an instant, he came to the Poison Dragon Pool.

"Chi Chi." Black bubbles kept popping up in the Poison Dragon Pond.As soon as these bubbles came into contact with the air, they suddenly made a sizzling corrosion sound.Then it turned into a wisp of black smoke and sank directly into the sky of the valley.

Lin Meng stood in front of the Poison Dragon Pool and observed for a while.Then he suddenly nodded slightly to the seven-star Yan Luo woman beside him.

The seven-star Yama woman immediately took out a yellow vial from her bosom.He opened it and threw it to everyone.Said: "These are detoxification pills. Take one pill for each of you. When you enter the valley, everyone remember to follow the instructions that the adults gave you in the cabin just now."

"Yes, Master Lisa." Everyone took the detoxification pill from Lisa's hand and swallowed it.

After Chu Yang watched everyone swallow it up.Only then did he slowly swallow the detoxification pill into his stomach.

"Hmm. It's really effective." As soon as the detoxification pill entered, it turned into a warm current and spread around the body.Chu Yang only felt an indescribable comfort in his whole body.The invasion of the body by the poisonous mist pouring in from around has also been reduced a lot.

Under the leadership of Lin Meng and Lisa.Chu Yang and his party slowly broke through the poisonous dragon pond.Directly before Panlong Valley.The huge Panlong Valley is like a gourd mouth.The front end is extremely narrow.There is only one deep valley mouth that can lead to the valley.

Chu Yang and his party stood in front of Taniguchi.From time to time, a terrible black mist blew in the face.Accompanied by the black mist, there was also the low roar and roar.For a moment, people only feel that they are in the paradise of fierce beasts.I feel cold all over.

Some timid gods even started to tremble in their legs.He looked terrified.

Lin Meng's majestic gaze suddenly swept towards Hui people at this moment.His gaze directly passed over the group of guys with the weakest cultivation base.Then he stayed on Chu Yang and the others for a while longer.Finally, he ordered loudly: "Ultan. You take your team to explore the way. If there is any abnormality, please notify this seat in time."

"My lord. Me, me." Ultan pointed to himself.His face became very ugly.

Ultan never thought that Lin Meng would let him go in to explore the way.Been Yama for many years.He knows better than anyone else the dangers of exploring the road.Especially in Panlong Valley, where fierce beasts are concentrated.With his four-star Yama status.If you encounter one or two stronger demon dragons on the road.I'm afraid I have to wait for an explanation in it.

"Why. You don't want to." Lin Meng's expression turned serious.The voice gradually became colder.

"No, no. The subordinate is willing." Ultan caught a glimpse of Lin Meng's murderous look.Where dare to say a word.

"Boss. You see, Urtan really deserved what he deserved. He threatened us just now. He wants to make us look good. Now the retribution will fall on him." Xiaojing looked at Urtan's mournful face.I felt extremely relieved in my heart.

"Hehe. Urtan is out of luck. But this insidious guy will definitely drag us in together." Chu Yang seemed to have the ability to foretell.He didn't show any expression of gloating because Ultan was sent to explore the way.

really.Ultan turned his gaze around.It soon fell on Chu Yang and Xiao Jing.

"You two go in with the captain."

"Lord Lin Meng. The two of us are weak. Going in together will only drag Captain Wuertan down." Chu Yang ignored Wuertan's clamoring at all.Instead, he turned his head and told Lin Meng about his difficulties.

The corner of Lin Meng's mouth raised slightly.A mysterious smile flashed in his eyes.Said: "Well. It is indeed dangerous to explore the way with the strength of the two of you."

Speaking of which.Lin Meng turned his head in an instant to order Urtan.Said: "Ultan. Find two other people to go in with you."

Ultan was stunned upon hearing this.Then hastily defended.Said: "My lord. I, they..."

Lin Meng yelled loudly: "What are you and me? You dare to disobey my orders."

Ultan shook his head.Like a defeated rooster.Respectfully said: "This subordinate dare not."

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