The strongest patriarch

Chapter 892 Five Overlords

"Hoo hoo." The voice fell.Countless figures suddenly appeared in each guest room.As soon as these figures appeared, they rushed to the outside of the hall in a hurry.

Seeing this, Chu Yang immediately rushed to follow.When he followed these guests to the outside of the hall.There was already a disciple of Shenhuomen who was in charge of reception in front of him.

And beside him, there were many luxurious and exquisite beast cars parked impressively.These beast carts are extremely spacious.There are all kinds of snacks and fruits on it.There is a beautiful maid in charge of receiving each animal cart.Such opulent and extravagant be honest.This was the first time Chu Yang met him.I couldn't help but lament the extravagance and waste of this great power.

Chu Yang jumped into the beast cart.The beautiful maid greeted him enthusiastically, steamed tea and poured wine for him.With a whip.The animal cart rushed out like lightning with a whoosh.Swept towards the conference site.

The Shenhuo Gate is very large.The beast cart flew in the void for a full quarter of an hour.Only then did he come to a towering and majestic golden hall.The hall in front of me is decorated with lights and festoons.beaming.From time to time, a group of guests came in and out of the spacious hall.After Chu Yang got off the beast cart, he was welcomed in by the disciples in charge of receiving him from the Shenhuo Sect.

"Hiss. It's really luxurious." When Chu Yang came to the main hall.Looking up at the scene of the luxurious and luxurious conference that seemed like a palace.He couldn't help but sucked in a breath.

The entire conference site is made of a layer of gorgeous white jade pavement.There is a psychedelic red cloud carpet in the middle.It is light and transparent.A group of colorful clouds can be vaguely seen floating inside.Cloudy.nothingness.The dimness makes people feel like they are in a fairy mirror.

Some guests with extraordinary knowledge should see this cloud blanket.Suddenly Qiqi let out an exclamation.

"Misty cloud god blanket."

"Hiss. I really didn't expect Sect Master Lie to attach so much importance to this grand event. Even the Miyun blanket, which is said to allow people to experience the life of a hundred flavors in person, has been taken out."

"Miyun God's Blanket." Chu Yang heard an exclamation in his ear.His face was also a little moved.Although the Miyun Divine Blanket is only an auxiliary artifact.But its unique effect that allows the gods to experience a hundred flavors of life is very rare.As far as Chu Yang knew.When a strong god breaks through the realm of the main god, he will encounter a test of heart and calamity.This catastrophe is weird and unpredictable.There are many changes.And it specifically acts on the fragile hearts of the gods and strongmen.It's really hard to guard against.

Many gods and Dzogchen powerhouses fell under this caring calamity in the end.I can't extricate myself from falling into the illusion forever.But the cloudy blanket in front of him is the best weapon for crossing the catastrophe.It can help the strong gods to break through all magic obstacles and illusions.Get through that terrible heart disaster smoothly.

Miraculous fetishes like the Miyun blanket are the treasures that many gods and powerhouses dream of.It is really unbelievable that Shenhuomen can take out such a treasure to entertain guests.

Everyone felt that they could experience the magic of the Miyun blanket in person.It's not in vain.

His gaze was withdrawn from the blanket of misty clouds.Chu Yang glanced around.He found that there were no less than thousands of cloud clusters floating around the entire hall.The clouds were hazy.It can be vaguely seen that there are all kinds of melons, fruits, tables and chairs above.There are two handsome maids standing beside each cloud group.

And at the intersection in the middle of thousands of cloud clusters.That piece of void is very close to the Golden Dragon Throne.There are two luxurious clouds floating impressively.

These two clouds are distinct.Each occupies one side.The decoration above is extravagant.It is far from comparable to those ordinary the left side of the cloud near the golden dragon throne sits a stunning beauty.This beauty is graceful and enchanting.The face is charming.Wearing a golden phoenix crown on the head.Wearing a red samurai uniform.There is an aura of majesty that ordinary people don't have in his body.

She is not someone else.It was Li Qing, the master of the Luanyao Cave.

And the middle-aged man sitting cross-legged on the cloud on the right is the lord of the star palace.Beitang two overlords of the Sea of ​​Stars actually came here hand in hand.They are high above.It makes people look up.All the guests around looked at them with awe.He didn't dare to look too much at all.

Chu Yang's eyes only stayed on Li Qing for a while.Then move away quickly.Then when his gaze turned to Beitang Yu's side.Chu Yang's eyes suddenly shrank.Can't help but cry out.

"It turned out to be a strong man in the star palace."

After exclaiming.Chu Yang hurriedly lowered his head and walked up to his seat.And the moment he turned to leave.Elder Feng beside Beitangyu suddenly glanced towards Chu Yang.His eyes were full of surprise.

"Strange. I clearly felt that someone was watching here just now. Why did it disappear in a blink of an eye. Who is it?"

Bei Tangyu tilted his head to look at Elder Feng's suspicious gaze.Can't help asking curiously: "Elder Feng. What's wrong with you. What surprised you so much."

Elder Feng shook his head.Respectfully said: "Thank you, Palace Master, for your concern. There is nothing wrong with this subordinate."

Beitang Yu nodded slightly.No more questions.

As the guests are seated one after another.There were already no empty seats on the thousands of cloud clusters in the entire hall.A burst of melodious drum music immediately reverberated in the hall.A group of graceful women sang and danced gracefully on the Miyun red carpet.They were dancing.On one side, gorgeous petals are scattered around the hall.

for a while.The whole hall suddenly became a sea of ​​flowers.

"Dong Dong." Accompanied by singing and drumming.Two luxuriously decorated beast carts suddenly rushed from outside the hall.

"Master. Madam is here."

The voice fell.All the guests turned their heads and glanced outside the hall.Chu Yang's heart was beating non-stop.He was extremely nervous at this moment.Then he glanced at the two luxury beast cars with scorching eyes.I saw a rough-looking man straddling the animal cart in the front.A majestic middle-aged man.

The big man was dressed in a bright red robe.Wearing a golden dragon crown on the head.Red all over.There was a bright smile on his mouth.He seemed to be in a very good mood.

"This is Lie Bei, the leader of the Shenhuo sect mentioned by Binglan. He looks quite upright on the outside. I didn't expect that he is a prostitute with rampant men and women in his heart." Chu Yang gave Lie Bei a slight look. .Then his eyes turned hurriedly to the luxury beast car behind him.

"En." Chu Yang took a look.A look of disappointment suddenly appeared on his face.The animal cart behind was covered with a layer of hazy cloud gauze.Make it impossible for people to see the scene inside.He also had no way of knowing whether Mu Yunyao was in that beast car.It can only be vaguely judged that there are two women sitting inside.

"Master Lie. Congratulations." The surrounding guests saw the Lord appear.They all stood up and congratulated Liebei.

"Haha. You don't need to be too polite. You must drink to your heart's content on today's big day for the head of the sect." Lie Bei smiled very happily.He waved his hand to the guests around him.

The beast cart moved slowly in the void.However, just as it passed the two cloud clusters suspended high in the middle.But suddenly stopped.

Lie Bei stood up and bowed to the master on the cloud.Said: "Cousin Bei. Fairy Li. Today you two can come to attend my younger brother's wedding ceremony. My younger brother is really flattered."

Beitang Yu laughed loudly and said: "Brother Lie, you are being polite. How can I not be present at such a big happy event like today."

Liqing smiled.Said: "That's right. We are all waiting to drink brother Lie's wedding wine. You, the master, can't be too stingy. Just take a few pots of Yuqiong fairy wine to entertain us. Don't say we make things difficult for you."

"Uh." Lie Bei was at a loss for words when he heard the words.With an embarrassed smile on his face, he said: "Fairy Li is really considerate of my little brother. Who doesn't know that this Yuqiong Xianjiu is a rare fairy product in this world. It is extremely difficult to find a pot of ordinary ones. The fairy wants several pots at a time. I think Fairy, you might as well sell your younger brother and exchange it for Yuqiongxian brewing."

"Giggle. My little sister is joking with brother lie. You take it seriously." Fairy Liqing smiled playfully.The amorous feelings that bloomed at that moment fascinated all the guests.In his heart, he straightened out that Li Qingzhen was indeed the number one beauty in Xingchenhai.Every frown and smile is so seductive.

"It's a pity, it's a pity." Everyone showed regret.A noble and charming woman like Li Qing is not something they can get their hands on.As the queen of the Star Sea God Beast Clan.There are not many strong people who admire her.But everyone has never heard of anyone who has really won the heart of a beautiful woman.Even Liebei and Beitangyu, the two overlords of the sea of ​​stars, have never been favored by Liqing.

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