The strongest patriarch

Chapter 90 Monster Beast Riot

"Brother, I see that you are very unfamiliar. You should be the first to participate in the assessment. You must be very unfamiliar with the situation in the Wolong Mountain Range. Why don't you take the assessment together as a companion?"

Just as Chu Yang was about to step into the mountain range, a burly clan disciple with a sly gleam in his eyes suddenly came over to make trouble.

Chu Yang looked this clan disciple up and down, and then politely refused, saying, "No need, I'm used to being alone!"

After finishing speaking, Chu Yang didn't give the clan disciple a chance to continue persuading him, so he turned around and jumped into the mountains.

Looking at the back of Chu Yang who turned and disappeared into the mountains, the clan disciple who was rejected by Chu Yang immediately curled his lips and snorted coldly: "What an ignorant guy, does he think that he alone can complete the work within the specified time? Exam?"

He expressed deep doubts about this. In the past, only one or two of them passed the examination by luck through the cooperation of clan children like them.Otherwise, with their acquired cultivation, how could they deal with those powerful innate monsters.

"Hey, Chu Bin, with your strength, who would want to partner with you? No wonder they would reject you!" The clan children who saw this scene not far away immediately sarcastically sneered.

"You, you guys!" Chu Bin clenched his fists tightly, turned his head, ignored the ridicule of those people, and secretly hated that his cultivation base was too weak for being looked down upon by these hateful guys.


After Chu Yang entered the mountain range, he quickly took out a map from his arms. There were some red and blue dots clearly marked on this map. The blue dots were the places where some acquired monsters lived, and the red dots were The area where the real innate monsters live is also the target of Chu Yang's mission.

Chu Yang looked at the map for a while, and then found a congenital monster closest to him to attack. After confirming the target, Chu Yang moved forward rapidly without stopping along the way.

After traveling for more than half an hour, Chu Yang was getting closer and closer to the red dot on the map. At this time, Chu Yang had already stepped into the core area of ​​the mountain range.

There are countless powerful innate monsters living in the core area, and there is even a powerful monster that has survived a transformation calamity. This beast has successfully survived a transformation calamity, and its strength is equivalent to that of a human innate first-tier monster. , is the absolute overlord of this Wolong Mountain Range.

Outside the Wolong Mountain Range, Elder Huang looked up at the sky, murmured in a low voice, "It should be about the same time. With that kid's speed, he should have penetrated into the core area by now. The good show is about to begin!"

"Roar!" Elder Huang's voice fell, and a terrifying roar suddenly came from the depths of the mountain range!

"Ah, what's going on?"

"Damn! What the hell happened here?"

At this moment, the clan children who were already fighting with the innate monsters all cursed loudly, because with the sound of this roar, these monsters who were desperately fighting with them suddenly became crazy, rampaging as if desperate, making them tired to deal with.

Chu Yang's forward pace also faltered for a moment, and his eyes were full of astonishment as he looked deep into the mountains. Just now, he vaguely heard a terrifying roar coming from the depths of the mountains. Waking up.This ferocious beast definitely possessed strength far beyond his own, and just a roar made his mind tremble.

But at this moment, he was about to reach his destination, so Chu Yang naturally would not choose to back down, so he continued to move towards the goal, as he continued to penetrate into the core area.

The roar gradually became more intense, as if some peerless delicacy was firmly attracting the eyes of this ferocious beast, the roar became more and more clear.

"Da, da, da!" There was a rumbling sound, like the trampling sound of thunder falling from the depths of the mountains, from far to near, and soon reached Chu Yang's ears.

"Huh, that's not right!" Chu Yang gasped in surprise. At this moment, he finally noticed something was wrong, as if the ferocious beast was running desperately towards him.

Chu Yang didn't know why this ferocious beast came towards him, but he could feel the horror of this ferocious beast. Unless life and death were at stake, Chu Yang would never want to fight with such a ferocious beast.

Therefore, Chu Yang's forward steps stopped immediately, and then he quickly turned around and swept in other directions.Since there was a fierce beast blocking the way, Chu Yang had no choice but to temporarily change his target. There might not be anything else in the Wolong Mountain Range, but there were quite a few innate monsters. Chu Yang couldn't afford to put himself in danger for this innate monster.

However, just after Chu Yang had advanced a certain distance, the excited roar of a ferocious beast could be heard again.

"What's going on here?" Chu Yang was also puzzled at this moment. It stands to reason that he had already changed his direction in advance, and this beast shouldn't have continued chasing him.

"No, I'll try another direction!" Chu Yang immediately changed direction again.

This time, Chu Yang drove for dozens of miles in one breath, getting farther and farther away from the core area of ​​the mountain range, but the ferocious beast still hung behind him lingeringly.

Chu Yang no longer needed to do that kind of meaningless temptation. This unknown beast was probably coming towards him. No matter how he changed his direction, he still couldn't get rid of the beast behind him.

If this fierce beast had been hanging behind him, Chu Yang would have no time to hunt other innate monsters, and he would definitely not be able to complete the clan assessment task in the end.

Do you choose to shrink back and temporarily give up becoming a core disciple, or do you go all out!At this time, Chu Yang had reached a crossroads, waiting for him to make a final decision.


Before Chu Yang could make a decision, a monster covered in black scales and covered in terrifying spikes appeared in front of Chu Yang.

The whole body of this monster is more than ten feet long, and its body is as thick as two wild bulls. There is a short and sharp horn on its huge head.It exuded an extremely violent aura, which made Chu Yang's breathing become a little short.

"Innate monster, earth-moving dragon!" Chu Yang looked at the terrifying monster in front of him, his face paled in horror.

The Earth Dragon is an innate monster with extremely terrible defenses. He has a trace of real dragon blood in him, and he is absolutely invincible among monsters of the same level.

Chu Yang did not expect to meet a ground dragon during the assessment process, and it was a ground dragon that successfully survived a small calamity of transformation.

Innate monsters are the same as human innate warriors. On the road leading to the divine realm, they will encounter a small calamity of four transformations. If they successfully pass through, their strength will naturally increase by leaps and bounds, and they will take a big step forward from the real transformation. , but if the tribulation fails, then there will be only one end in the end, and it will be wiped out.

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