The strongest patriarch

Chapter 920 Create your own magic skill, Zhan Kong!

The vast and surging power of the soul is like a most sophisticated instrument scanning the sea of ​​consciousness.Not even a single subtlety in the entire sea of ​​consciousness could escape Chu Yang's perception.

1 minute, 10 minutes.Half an hour passed like this.Chu Yang has searched through the entire sea of ​​consciousness countless times.However, the enlightenment scriptures that had been lingering in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness disappeared without a trace for some reason.It was as if he had completely evaporated from the world.Never left a trace.

"Strange. Where did this Enlightenment Sutra go? I clearly saw it come out from the depths of my sea of ​​consciousness. Why did it disappear suddenly? Could it be that it ran outside?" Chu Yang looked confused. wonder.Both eyes opened suddenly.

"Hey. This is the space of Wu Ling's dream world." When he opened his eyes, he saw the scene of the world he was in.Chu Yang was completely stunned.The already incomplete world in front of him has become perfect.From this world, he felt the mysteries of various laws between heaven and earth.The originally missing part of the law was miraculously completed.

"What's going on here? Didn't Brother Yan say that the part of the law of enlightening Lingmeng Stone has been lost? How can it be lost again?" Chu Yang was at a loss.He stared blankly at the void in front of him.suddenly.He felt a familiar breath in these brilliant laws of light.He was too familiar with this breath.Because it has been with me for hundreds of years.Even with his eyes closed, Chu Yang could still find its trace in the light of the boundless law.

"My God. Isn't this the breath of enlightenment scriptures? How could it come to the outside world. And it has become a part of the dream world of enlightenment. Could it be?" Chu Yang's eyes were burning.A bold idea suddenly appeared in my heart.

Although the Enlightenment Sutra is a profound and difficult scripture.But since the day Chu Yang obtained it in the Tiangong Ruins.I feel that enlightenment to the truth is a little different.It is more spiritual than other scriptures.And it also contains some unique things in it.

Chu Yang had been thinking hard about what the uniqueness contained in the scriptures was.But even with his intelligence and talent, he couldn't comprehend the true meaning of it.And it wasn't until today that he realized it.It turns out that the Enlightenment Sutra is actually the fragment of the law that was lost by the Enlightenment Dream Stone.

The former itself is transformed from a part of the rules of the Enlightenment Dream Stone.I just don't know why it was left in the relic Tiangong together with the seedlings of the Bodhi holy tree.Perhaps this will be a perpetual mystery.

shook his head.Chu Yang no longer thought about these things that might not be answered in his lifetime.He brought all his attention back to reality.

"Now. My soul realm has successfully broken through to the realm of the main god. Whether it is the law of space or the law of destruction, I have fully comprehended it. I don't know if I can completely integrate them now." Chu Yang's eyes suddenly changed. Some look forward to it.

Do whatever comes to mind.Chu Yang jumped up to the vast space.The God Devouring Spear has already been summoned by him.

"Sword of Reincarnation."

"Shattered form."


Chu Yang's slender figure danced in Wu Ling's dream world.The sword of reincarnation and the shattering emptiness, the two peerless divine skills, were used by him over and over again.The entire dream space is filled with terrifying gun shadows and sword lights.And Chu Yang's tireless and busy figure.

The Sword of Reincarnation is the strongest divine skill that Chu Yang has mastered since he practiced.Its attack power is unparalleled.It was the strongest attack skill that Chu Yang had seen so far.Even the Shattered Void Form is much weaker compared to it.But the latter wins in being weird and changeable.Make people hard to guard against.

These two kinds of magical skills have their own uniqueness in their respective fields.If it is really combined.Then the power it will explode at the end will be unimaginably powerful.Chu Yang was also very much looking forward to this day.

slowly.Chu Yang seemed to have found the combination of these two magical skills.Gun shadow and sword light began to merge gradually.

"Break." The Chuyang man moved with the gun.The Devouring Spear stabbed forward slightly.A silent gray energy light group suddenly flew out from the gun body.This energy light group is positively small.But its form is very concise.It seems that there is a terrifying destructive energy in it.The light cluster flew out of the room.The void encountered along the way turned into nothingness in an instant.There is no way to stop it at all.

The moment Chu Yang saw this scene.His face was also slightly moved.You must know that this dreamy space in front of you is a world conceived by the innate spirit treasure.Its spatial stability must far exceed the space of those small worlds.

The strength of the nine-star Yan Luo that Chu Yang had exploded in the past.At most, it can only cause a small crack in Xu Kong, a small world like Jiang Lanjie.But it is impossible to make the entire Wu Ling dream world Xu Kong annihilate into pieces like this at this time.

This is utter devastation.It is no longer just destruction.

"Wave." The gray energy light group left a white mark in the void.In the blink of an eye, he appeared in the void thousands of feet away.Just when a smile appeared on Chu Yang's face.The gray energy group suddenly exploded like a ball of gorgeous fireworks.Countless terrifying energy streams scattered.

"Boom." There was a rumbling vibration in the void.It didn't stop until a long time ago.

"Sigh. It still failed." Chu Yang raised his head and looked not far away from being shot into the broken void by the energy cluster.There was no joy on his face.

The final fusion still failed.Although the power of these scattered energies is amazing.But it is still much worse than the power of the magic skill that is really fused.Although Chu Yang had never really seen the power of fusion magic skills.But he firmly believed in the Sword of Reincarnation and the Shattering Void Form.The power of the new move fused by these two strongest magical skills will not be weak.

"Come again. This time, I will first try to fuse with the Sword of Reincarnation using the Shattering Void Style. See if I can find the key point of fusion." Chu Yang pondered for a while.Decide from easy to hard.Finally, I am slowly trying to integrate the broken virtual style with the sword of reincarnation.

Although this project is huge.But Chu Yang never tires of it.Suddenly forget the passage of time.Devoted wholeheartedly to comprehend the fusion law.

January time.Chu Yang tried fusion for no less than ten thousand times.But it ends in failure every time.

Another month passed quietly.This time Chu Yang finally failed countless times.Successfully combined the two great skills of breaking the void and the sword of reincarnation.

With the first success.Chu Yang's confidence immediately doubled.Thousands of attempts followed, most of which ended in success.After successfully mastering the knack of the law of fusion.Chu Yang began to try again to combine the sword of reincarnation with the hole pose.This attempt was easier than the first.It only took Chu Yang half a month to successfully find the key to fusion.

Two consecutive successes.Let Chu Yang's self-confidence rise to an unprecedented height.In the following time.Chu Yang spent all his energy on the fusion of the Shattering Void Form and the Sword of Samsara.

This practice lasted for two full months.After two months.Chu Yang suddenly stood up from the ground.He stands with a gun.His face was calm and indifferent.There seems to be a deep confidence hidden under the clean and restrained eyes.

"Sword of Reincarnation. Broken Void Style. Rong." Chu Yang's wrist flicked.The God-devouring Spear stabbed straight and unremarkably into the void an instant.One seems to be condensed to the extreme.A gray energy group that cannot be seen clearly with the naked eye suddenly burst out from the gun god.It runs like lightning.Faster than light.Silently.Variety.It is impossible to capture its trajectory at all.And the next moment.Suddenly, there was a low, thunderous rumble in the void thousands of feet away.The entire void completely vanished in an instant.Where the void annihilated, a terrifying black hole with a width of more than ten feet unexpectedly appeared.

This black hole is deep and terrifying.From time to time, there was a breath that made people palpitate.

"Ah. It worked. I finally comprehended the mystery of the fusion of the law of space and the law of destruction." Chu Yang danced with excitement.Countless years of hard work finally turned into fruitful results at this moment.

This result is so gratifying.Its power is also unparalleled.It was really hard for Chu Yang to imagine what it would be like when this newly realized magical skill landed on the enemy.

"The next Lord God. Maybe I can barely resist with the power of this spear. But I'm afraid I won't be able to do it after a long time." Chu Yang smiled wryly.Although the power of this newly created divine skill was so powerful that it made him feel terrified.But the divine power it consumes is also astonishing.Chu Yang secretly estimated.He found that with his current ten-star Hades strength, he could barely use this big move three times at most.If there is too much, even he will not be able to support it.

"Three times. That's enough. At the critical moment, this new magical skill is the biggest killer scissors." Chu Yang chuckled in a low voice.I am very satisfied with this newly created magical skill.

No matter the power of this brand new magic skill.It is unmatched in other respects.It was the most powerful move Chu Yang had ever seen.

"Hmm. I spent countless hard work to comprehend this magical skill. What should it be called?"

"Reincarnation. Hmm. No way. It's too deterrent."

"Pokong. It's too vulgar."

"Well, let's call it Zhan Kong. This new skill is so powerful. It has the ability to cut through all voids. It is also learned from the two peerless skills of the Sword of Reincarnation and the Three Forms of Breaking the Void. Then call it Zhankong."

"Zhan Kong, Zhan Kong. Yes, not bad." Chu Yang nodded in satisfaction.He felt that the domineering name "Zhan Kong" was the most suitable for this brand new move.

With this trick Zhankong.Chu Yang believed that his strength could at least be greatly improved.At least the next time you meet a main god like Hao Meng.It won't be completely powerless.

"Hao Meng. Just wait. I will soon let you try to cut the sky." Chu Yang turned and looked into the distance.There was a strong fighting spirit in his eyes.

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