The strongest patriarch

Chapter 932 Inheritance Baptism

Under Ron's organization, Chu Yang and thousands of people in the square were quickly arranged to enter the flying Shenzhou and drive towards the deepest mountain range.

Looking down from the sky, one can see the whole Qingtian clan at a glance. There are tall and strong ancient trees standing in the endless mountains, and towering ancient stone castles are faintly visible below.

The inheritance secret place of the Qingtian clan is located in this dense forest. It is the core existence of the Qingtian clan. It is guarded by some powerful elders in the clan all the year round. There are countless powerful formations around the secret place , People who don't know the inside information recklessly break into this area, I'm afraid they will be directly strangled by the surrounding formations.

The Flying Shenzhou started from the square all the way, flew through countless dense forests, and then suddenly entered a layer of thick clouds. Chu Yang was always amazed by the special environment like the cloud and fog.

"The five-element formation of our family really deserves its reputation. Outsiders may get lost in the five-element formation before they get close to the secret place of inheritance,"

Chu Yang has always been a little bit involved in ancient strange formations. The super large formation he encountered before him is the ancient strange formation "Five Elements Great Formation" that integrates offense and defense. The entire large formation is completely integrated with heaven and earth. It can be used The power of nature is used to deal with the invading enemy. There are five corners in the entire formation. As long as one corner is not broken, the entire formation will continue forever. It is definitely a very powerful ancient formation.

The Qingtian clan's ability to arrange such an astonishingly powerful ancient array here is enough to show that he attaches great importance to the inheritance of the secret place.

After passing through a boundless sea of ​​flames, the Flying Shenzhou finally arrived at the core area of ​​the secret place.

After getting off the flying Shenzhou, Chu Yang raised his head and looked at the space in front of him. He saw that the space was extremely spacious, and the bright void was filled with a special energy. In the center of the space stood a huge pool of gods.

The pool of the gods is as big as several large Qingtian squares. The water in the pool is not the normal blue water, but a bright red light gold. As soon as it enters the void, it instantly transforms into that special energy between heaven and earth.

"Is this the secret place of inheritance? It does look a bit unique," Chu Yang stood in the distance and looked at the eye-catching divine pool in the center. For some reason, since he came here, there was a sign of his heart being touched. Even the mysterious golden energy in his body was more active than usual, which made Chu Yang feel puzzled and curious.

"Little guys, this is the inheritance space opened up by our ancestors with great supernatural powers. Whether you can successfully complete the baptism and realize the innate supernatural powers of our ancestors depends on your own efforts. Now you all relax Entering the Divine Pond to accept baptism, there will be a lot of unimaginable pain during the inheritance period, I hope you can all persevere, "

"Okay, you all go down," Ron briefly explained to Chu Yang's group the things that need to be paid attention to in the baptism, and waved them away.

"Yes, Elder Ron, we will definitely work hard," everyone replied in unison, their eyes very determined.

"Plop, plop," nearly a thousand members of the Qingtian clan present jumped into the pool of gods one after another.



However, as soon as they jumped into the pool of gods, countless screams and roars resounded in the space one after another. Chu Yang raised his eyes and was surprised to find that these tribesmen, stimulated by the energy of the pool water, had instantly turned on triple madness Exposing the body of the ancient ape.

"It seems that the water in these pools is a bit strange," Chu Yang touched his chin with a contemplative face, and then followed the crowd into the divine pool without hesitation.

"Hiss, the energy in this pool is really violent, but it's far from the limit of my body." As soon as Chu Yang entered the divine pool, he felt the violent energy coming from the divine pool. These energies gathered from all around, Constantly washing his divine body.

"Hehe, the little guy's talent is indeed good, but it's too early to be happy now," Ron smiled lightly, a smile suddenly appeared on his tight face, and he reached out his hand to his bosom, and then he Suddenly, a fist-sized bloodstone appeared.

The whole body of this blood stone is round, and it is covered with simple blood lines. These blood lines are constantly wriggling like human blood vessels, which looks very strange.

"Well, this bloodstone should allow the little ones to complete a baptism of inheritance." Ron looked down at the strange-looking bloodstone in his hand, and there was a faint pain in his tight old face.

In the past, when the family carried out inheritance baptism, a thumb-sized blood pattern stone was enough for the descendants of the Qingtian family to complete the real transformation, but this time because of the extra pervert Chu Yang, Teague finally decided to use this after much deliberation. A fist-sized bloodstone is safer.

If a thumb-sized blood-streaked stone is auctioned in the market, it is enough to sell nearly [-] million high-grade god stones, and there is no market price. As for the blood-striped stone as big as Ron's hand, it is no longer possible to buy it with god stones. arrive.

It is a priceless treasure at all. There are only three such precious blood-streaked stones in the entire Qingtian clan. This is what Teague obtained by using various special methods outside of relationships. But in order for the children of the family to complete the baptism smoothly, Ron gritted his teeth and threw the bloodstone in his hand into the pool of gods.



"Ah, what's going on? Why did the Shenchi Water suddenly become violent again?" Everyone exclaimed in unison. When Ron threw the blood-patterned stone in his hand into the God's Pool, the whole God's Pool completely boiled. , Countless pools of water surged and rolled towards everyone from all directions.

Chu Yang felt it most clearly. He found that his body was about to be overwhelmed by this sudden energy. The triple berserk technique was activated like a reflex. Blending together, transformation is constantly taking place.

This kind of transformation was very slow, but Chu Yang caught a faint trace of a wonderful change from it, and he completely calmed down, slowly experiencing this wonderful change.

It can be seen with the eyes that under the stimulation of the energy of the Shenchi, the blood of the Qingtian ancient ape in Chu Yang's body grew rapidly at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, and soon it occupied less than half of the dantian, and this growing trend continued. far from stopping.

"It's unbelievable that the pool water here can cause mutations in my blood." Chu Yang was completely restrained. He was also very surprised when he saw this special mutation in his body.

As we all know, the most important reason why the children of the Qingtian clan can exert a powerful strength far beyond their own is the role of their own blood, which is passed down to the ancient true spirit Qingtian Ape. For various reasons, the Qingtian clan The blood of the ancient ape in the children will be thin and thin. Some people with outstanding talents who are very similar to the ancient ape in the sky will have far more blood of the ancient ape in their bodies than others, and they will understand other people's blood. It is also easier to become mad than others. They are the darlings of heaven, and they have a great chance of inheriting the gifted supernatural powers of their ancestors.

And because the water in the divine pool in front of me has some blood power left by the ancient ape that supported the sky, it can greatly stimulate the blood in Chu Yang and the others, allowing them to complete their real transformation.

The length of this process varies. Some people with poor talent and extremely thin Ape blood in their bodies may be able to complete the baptism in only two or three days. Of course, the benefits they will get in the end will be very limited, and those with outstanding talent, Perhaps it can absorb the blood power left by the Australopithecus to the greatest extent, and this process will be relatively long.

Time passed quickly in the metamorphosis. In the Shenchi, some people with poor talent have gradually stopped absorbing, and more people are still receiving baptism.

"Wow," three days later, nearly half of the people in the Divine Pond finally completed the inheritance baptism and leaped out from the bottom of the pool. By this time, most of them had stopped absorbing, and they were all devoted to the final transformation.

And Chu Yang seemed to be completely in sedation, he was calm and unwavering, and the changes around him couldn't affect him at all. The power of the blood in the Shenchi was still pouring into his body, and he could only see the blood of the ancient ape in his body It has completely occupied half of the dantian, and the black and white divine power has become a little radiant, but his absorption is far from stopping. The blood of the ancient ape in his body is like a bottomless pit that is constantly devouring the surrounding blood power, but it has never stopped. Any signs of metamorphosis.

Such a strange scene was quickly discovered by Ron.

"What's the matter? It's been almost half a month. Why hasn't the little guy been baptized yet?" Ron frowned, with a distressed expression on his face. He found that the bloodstone in the God's Pond was almost completely exhausted. There was not much left, and it was impossible to continue to support Chu Yang to absorb it.

"Forget it, anyway, these blood-streaked stones are things outside the body, and they will be used up sooner or later. If the little guy's baptism fails in the end due to insufficient blood power, then the old man will really become a sinner through the ages," Ron shook his head. Sighing, he quickly took out another bloodstone of the same size from his bosom.

"Boom," as soon as the blood-streaked stone entered the Divine Pond, the water in the entire Divine Pond became active and boiling again, and the blood power that had been exhausted became rich and abundant again.

Chu Yang clearly realized this, like a devouring machine, he was constantly devouring the blood power around him, and he never refused to come.

Supplemented by the power of this fresh blood, the group of ancient ape blood that had stopped growing in his body continued to expand, getting bigger and bigger, almost completely covering the entire dantian,

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