The strongest patriarch

Chapter 94 Suspicion

"Are there any clan disciples who haven't received their status jade cards yet?" The Great Elder glanced over the clan disciples, and finally shouted loudly.

"Me, and me!" The Great Elder shouted for a while, but no one answered, and the last Nuonuo's voice sounded in the crowd.

"What, it's Chu Bin? He's not kidding anymore! He can pass the test!"

"Yeah, he only has acquired cultivation, how could he kill an innate monster!"

Seeing Chu Bin walking out of the crowd, the clan disciples all exclaimed in surprise.

Chu Bin ignored the crowd's exclamation and walked towards the Great Elder. However, when passing by Chu Yang, Chu Bin stopped suddenly, saluted Chu Yang solemnly, and said, "Brother, Thank you for your life-saving grace, and thank you for giving me such an opportunity to make my wish for many years come true!"

"You don't have to be polite. As a child of the Chu family, you should watch out and help. If you saw a child of the Chu family in distress, you would definitely help!" Chu Yang said with a faint smile.

Chu Yang said it simply, but there are not many people who can really do this.At this time, Chu Bin was completely overwhelmed by Chu Yang's mind.Compared with Chu Yang's kind-heartedness, his small belly is particularly prominent.

"Good! What a helper! If every child of our clan can have the heart of the sea like Chu Yang, and can unite as one, I don't think no enemy, no matter how powerful they are, will dare to invade our Chu clan!" Chu Ao After hearing Chu Yang's remarks, Tian Zai was also completely overwhelmed by Chu Yang's mind, and burst into hearty laughter happily.

At such a young age, this son not only possesses outstanding talent, but what is even more rare is that he has such a mind. In time, he will definitely become a pillar of the Chu family's ZTE.

After hearing Chu Aotian's words, the first elder's pale face became even more gloomy, but Chu Moran showed a happy smile. Chu Yang's approval from Chu Aotian made him, a grandfather, feel a sense of shame. Infinite brilliance.

"Brother Mo Ran, congratulations on getting such an excellent descendant!"

"Your grandson's future achievements are limitless, maybe he can surpass your eldest son!"

The elders standing aside all cupped their hands to congratulate Chu Moran. Hearing the elders' compliments to Chu Yang, Chu Moran was even happier than he was being praised. His open mouth never closed.

And when the clan children in the square heard that Chu Aotian and the elders praised Chu Yang, they all glanced at Chu Yang with envy and jealousy. I don't catch a cold.

As for successfully passing the assessment, Chu Bin, who is holding the identity jade card and giggling at the moment, the clan children not only despise him, but also admire his good luck, unexpectedly meeting such a powerful Chu Yang who is willing to help the brothers of the same clan wack.

Although the clan children were extremely jealous of Chu Yang in their hearts, they still admired Chu Yang's broad-mindedness. If it were them, they would definitely not be able to do this.

After Chu Bin took over the status jade card of the core child from the elder, the assessment of the core child of the Chu family finally came to an end.

Among the hundreds of clan children who participated in the assessment, only a handful of a dozen or so finally passed the assessment. Although the probability of one tenth is not too outstanding, it is much better than the previous ones.

And Chu Yang, a clan child who successfully passed the clan assessment for the first time, has become the envy and envy of countless clan children.

Those clan children who were able to pass the assessment finally got what they wished in this assessment after many attempts and efforts. Such a situation like Chu Yang's is very rare.


After the assessment was over, Chu Yang followed Chu Moran towards the inner courtyard. When they returned to their residence in the inner courtyard, Old Master Chu and Chu Xuan were already standing excitedly in the courtyard to welcome Chu Yang's return.

"Yang'er, how are you? Have you passed the examination?" Old Master Chu greeted him immediately, asking eagerly.

Before Chu Yang could answer, Chu Moran couldn't wait to say: "With Yang'er's talent and strength, it's no problem to pass the assessment!"

"Ah, that's great!" Old Master Chu danced excitedly upon hearing this.

Chu Xuan also stood aside and echoed, saying: "I knew that Second Uncle is the most powerful, how can it be difficult to beat Second Uncle in the small clan examination!"

Chu Xuan's blind admiration for him made Chu Yang smile wryly. Thinking of the fierce battle with Dixinglong at that time, Chu Yang still has lingering fears. In the end, if the sword of reincarnation hadn't shown great power, I'm afraid he really won't be able to return this time. coming.

Standing aside, Chu Moran clearly noticed the abnormality on Chu Yang's face, so he asked suspiciously: "Yang'er, what's the matter with you, did you encounter any accidents during this assessment?"

Chu Moran thought that with Chu Yang's strength, as long as he didn't encounter those monsters that successfully survived the catastrophe of transformation, he should have no problem dealing with them.And as far as he knows, those powerful monsters that have successfully survived the catastrophe of transformation generally rarely appear in the outer area, otherwise the Chu clan would not dare to let these outstanding clan children take this risk.

Chu Yang nodded with a wry smile, and said, "To tell the truth, grandpa, during the assessment process, my grandson did encounter a monster beast with a first-level birth, so he almost couldn't come back!"

"What, a monster of the first level of innateness!" Chu Moran and Mr. Chu were shocked when they heard the words. The monster of the first level of innateness can be said to be a powerful monster that has survived a small calamity of transformation, and its strength is stronger than that of the same level. Human innate warriors are much stronger, even if it is just a monster that has just stepped into the first heaven, Chu Yang may not be able to deal with it.

In the entire Wolong Mountain Range, powerful monsters like this can be counted on one hand, and these monsters will never step out of their own domain without special circumstances.

In the previous assessments of core students, there had never been an accident in which an assessment child was attacked by a congenital first-level monster.

Chu Moran didn't know how Chu Yang came across this kind of innate first-level monster, and asked eagerly, "Yang'er, tell me what's going on?"

"Yes, Grandpa!" Chu Yang nodded, and then told Chu Mo the story that he had just stepped into the core area when he encountered an innate first-level heavenly monster, the Dixing Dragon, and finally tried his best to get rid of the Dixing Dragon. then listen.

After listening to Chu Yang's narration, Chu Moran fell into deep thought. After a while, he shook his head again and again and said, "It's strange, it's really strange! Di Xinglong would never step out of his living area at all, how could it be so abnormal this time? At that time, there should have been a lot of clan disciples who stepped into the core area, so why didn't the other clan disciples look for you?"

Chu Moran couldn't figure it out, the more he thought about it, the more strange it seemed, as if it was destined, there was an invisible big hand controlling all of this.

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