The strongest patriarch

Chapter 942 Princess

a long time.Only then did Chu Yang recover from the shock.Then he cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Since Miss mentioned this Helian Chamber of Commerce, then there must be some intentions."

The woman in white nodded slightly.He chuckled lightly and said, "Hey, I'll tell you the truth. The Helian Chamber of Commerce will hold an unprecedented cross-border auction in the central area every ten thousand years. At that time, all the powerful people in the three thousand worlds will come here admiringly. There should be a great chance that the two fetishes you need will appear in the auction."

Chu Yang was overjoyed when he heard the words.Can't wait to ask: "Then how long will the Haolian Chamber of Commerce hold the cross-border auction?"

The woman in white smiled and said, "There are still 3000 years until the next cross-border auction. If the young master leaves for the central area now, it will be too late."

"There are still 3000 years. It's not too long. But before I rescue Yao'er, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to participate in the cross-border auction. The most important thing I need to do now is to get the Nine Heavens Flame." Chu Yang There are many thoughts in my heart.But there was nothing unusual on his face.He looked up at the woman in white in the cloud.Then smile and thank you.Said: "Thanks to Miss's great help this time. The boy can get what he wants. There are a total of 200 billion sacred stones here. Please accept it."

As Chu Yang said, he quickly took out a ring containing the sacred stone from his sleeve and threw it to the woman in white.

The woman in white smiled lightly.He conveniently took the ring thrown by Chu Yang.But she only took half of the god stone.Then he threw the ring back to Chu Yang.

"Miss, this is you." Chu Yang looked puzzled.

"Hehe. This building has always had rules. It has never charged guests fees for unfinished transactions. Although I have provided some information about the Black Light God Iron and the Sea God God Mud to the young master just now, the news is really dispensable. For Young master, you can't play a decisive role. Therefore, this building will not charge you extra fees." The woman in white explained with a smile.

"I see. Guilou is indeed a person of integrity. No wonder there are so many strong people traveling thousands of miles to inquire about information from Guilou. Guilou's attitude alone is enough to win the favor of countless people." Chu Yang's face revealed a sudden look .He praised without hesitation.

Tianxialou's innocent business attitude can indeed win the favor of many people.Chu Yang was no exception.Then with a smile, he put away the ring thrown back by the woman in white.Get up and say goodbye.Said: "The boy's problem has been solved. I won't bother you to entertain the distinguished guests, Miss."

The woman in white smiled sweetly.The jade hand waved lightly.Said: "Master, go slowly. I hope we will have a chance to cooperate next time."

"Hehe. Farewell." Chu Yang cupped his hands and turned to leave.

"Boss. How is it? Have you found out the whereabouts of that thing?" Xiaojing saw Chu Yang walking out of the main hall.He couldn't wait to ask.

Beibei also pricked up her ears and listened carefully.A very curious look.

Chu Yang smiled and nodded.Then call Xiaojing and Beibei to leave.

"Boss. Where are we going now." Walking on the trail leading down the mountain.Xiao Jing turned her head to Chu Yang and asked.

"Go to the city to stay for a while. After preparing the necessary things for departure, we will leave for Da Luotian." Chu Yang said in a deep voice.He had already thought about his next plan in Tianxialou just now.

From Beihuang City to Daluotian.It's a long way.I don't know how many dangers I will encounter along the way.Chu Yang didn't want to start off rashly either.

When I came, the road was dangerous and difficult.But the way down the mountain is very smooth.Chu Yang and Xiao Jing walked on the same ground all the way.Soon came out from Misty Mountain.Then he rushed to the city without stopping.

And not long after Chu Yang and his party left Tianxialou.At the foot of the Misty Mountains.A low hillside suddenly ushered in two magnificent beauties.

The beauty in purple who flew at the front.Has an enviable long purple hair.Slender and graceful.Exquisite and embossed.Very hot.A pair of beautiful red eyes are as deep and charming as stars.Between beautiful eyes.It seemed that there were two groups of crimson flames burning.The surrounding air was completely evaporated in an instant.Wisps of white air kept coming out.

The beauty in purple is graceful and luxurious.His expression was glamorous and haughty.It's as if the empress aloof makes people unable to feel any blasphemy.However, for some reason, there is always a deep sadness between her eyebrows.It makes people feel pity at first sight.

The red-clothed Li who was slightly behind was also as beautiful as a flower.I feel pity.She is a rare and peerless beauty.Although she does not have the noble and moving temperament of the beauty in purple.But in his gestures, he possesses the demeanor that ordinary women don't have.You can tell at a glance that she is not an ordinary woman.

at this time.The woman in red is following the beauty in purple.The attitude is very respectful.She watched the beauty in purple suddenly stop and stand.Facing the distant mountains in a daze.Immediately, he laughed softly.Said: "Princess. You are thinking about your big brother again."

The beauty in purple immediately turned her head when she heard the words.He glared fiercely at the beauty in red.Angrily said: "Little girl. Poor mouth. What's the matter."

The beauty in red covered her mouth and giggled.Said playfully; "Princess, you still say no. Every time you miss that person, you will always look out of your mind. Although the servant girl is dull, she still has some eyesight."

The beauty in purple sighed quietly.She knew that she would not be able to hide her little thoughts from the clever little girl beside her.Then he smiled wryly and said: "Today is the [-]-year period I agreed with Sister Qingxue. I don't know if Sister Qingxue has any news about him this time."

The beauty in red smiled sweetly.A very optimistic look: "Princess, don't worry about yourself. Miss Qingxue is the direct disciple of Wuyazi, who is a master of divination. Since she even said that the princess's sweetheart will be in a hundred years Then it will appear today. Then there must be no fakes. As long as we go up and ask now, we will know. Maybe the princess’s big brother is waiting for us inside right now.”

Speaking of which.The beauty in red also felt that her idea was a bit whimsical.Suddenly giggled.The flowers trembled with laughter.Very unhappy.

Seeing this, the beauty in purple couldn't help but give the beauty in red an annoyed look.Said: "You little girl only knows how to gloat. Although the talent and potential of big brother is unmatched, this place is outside the world after all. If there is no special way, ordinary gods want to come here. Undoubtedly, it is better than ascending to heaven. Difficult. I don’t know how Sister Qingxue calculated that Big Brother will come out of the world after a hundred years.”

The voice of the beauty in purple is getting smaller and smaller.Finally until it becomes inaudible.

"Master, the inns outside this world are simply robbers. This dilapidated house that doesn't have any divine power and spirit formations actually took us one hundred thousand divine stones. It's really black-hearted." At the same time.It was thousands of miles away in Beihuang City.Beibei angrily pointed at a house in front of her and cursed.

I saw that the room was empty.Except for some furniture inside.There are no other daily necessities.Not to mention the Yunling Formation that can gather divine power within a radius of ten thousand miles.It is definitely the worst inn that Chu Yang has seen so far.No wonder Beibei was so angry after seeing the furnishings in the room.

"This broken house can only be lived in for one year. It's no different from robbing the god stone." Xiaojing was also very angry.He suddenly felt that this world was not a world of carambola garden.Take the inn in front of me as an example, it is far inferior to those inns in Jiang Lanjie.The price is ridiculously expensive.Living for a year will cost a whole hundred thousand divine stones.

"Hehe, little guy. Don't complain. It's good that we can live. You see, many of the gods outside will spend tonight in the wild. After all, this place is no better than Jiang Lan's world. There are too few large-scale cities. Yes. Those gods with insufficient strength can only have a chance to survive if they live in the city. If they are allowed to stay in the wild, they will probably become the prey of desolate beasts in a short time." Chu Yang said with a smile.

They didn't understand what Chu Yang said.It's just that Xiaojing and Beibei lived in the worst guest room when they thought that they spent ten times the price.I felt extremely unbalanced.

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