The strongest patriarch

Chapter 945 Interception

"Boss. It's that old fellow Howmond."

"Master. It's the big villain. He's after him."

Xiaojing and Beibei Qiqi cried out in surprise.The little face turned pale with fright in an instant.Chu Yang's face also darkened.His eyes suddenly shot two cold murderous intent.

"Xiaojing. Beibei. Hurry up and enter the space of stars." Chu Yang called out anxiously to Xiaojing and Beibei.But with one hand, he pointed lightly at Lei Kelongguzhou.It will be put away.

However, the moment Xiaojing and Beibei rushed into the star space.A booming sound suddenly reached Chu Yang's ears.This rumbling sound was astonishing as the rolling thunder that descended from nine days.Possesses infinite destructive power.



Chu Yang just wanted to put away the Thunder Dragon Bone Boat under his seat.However, an extremely huge heavy object seemed to hit the Thunder Dragon Bone Boat directly.It caused the entire thunder keel boat to shake violently and tremble.Chu Yang's whole body, including the Thunder Dragon Bone Boat, was also hit by this brutal collision.It was knocked out all of a sudden.Fell and flew over places along the way.Tall and majestic ancient trees were smashed to pieces.

That defense is amazing.The Thunder Dragon Bone Boat, which was strong enough to block the full blow of the ten-star Hades, showed cracks one after another.These cracks are like spider webs all over the boat.Dense and hideous.

At this moment, Chu Yang had no time to feel sorry for the loss of Lei Longguzhou.I saw him thinking about it.The coquettish God Devouring Spear appeared in his hand.Then he shouted angrily at the front.Said: "Hao Meng. Get the hell out of here."

Chu Yang stared at the luxurious warship in front of him with fire-breathing eyes.The latter's defense and speed are so perfect.It is slightly better than the Thunder Dragon Bone Boat.But at this moment, he didn't feel any appreciation at all.There is just endless anger.

He is too familiar with this luxurious golden warship.It was the personal car of the commander of the Youlan Mansion, Hao Meng.

"Haha. Chu Yang. Why don't you run away?" A triumphant laugh came clearly from inside the golden warship.Hao Meng rushed out.The burly figure flew out directly from the cabin.Go straight to the void.

He looked at Chu Yang proudly.The eyes are greedy and longing.

Chu Yang pointed at Hao Meng with his spear.He roared angrily: "Hao Meng. You are really haunted. Last time, my son really should have killed you with one shot."

He heard Chu Yang bring up the last shot that made him lose face again.The expression on Hao Meng's face immediately darkened.The eyes became very ferocious.He laughed wildly.Said: "Boy, don't tell me what happened last time. Today, I will see who can save you. If you are sensible, hand over the Lingmeng Stone as soon as possible. This commander can give you a good time. Otherwise, hehe. "

Haumont smiled grimly.A black light flashed on his chest.A miniature black male peak suddenly emerged from him.Xiongfeng turned around.In an instant, it turned into a thousand-foot-high giant peak suspended in his hand.

"The artifact of the natal master." Chu Yang exclaimed in a low voice.He never expected that Hao Meng would sacrifice his natal master's artifact as soon as he made a move.This ruined the sneak attack plan he had planned to carry out.

"Hey. Chu Yang. This commander will not give you any chance to stand up this time. Go to hell." Hao Mengjie laughed triumphantly.The suspended thousand-foot-high peak immediately turned into a majestic mountain and crushed towards Chu Yang.The momentum is astonishing and terrifying.

How could Chu Yang not be clear about the thoughtful Sihaomeng in his heart.He has suffered a loss already.How can I make the same mistake again this time.So he immediately resorted to his nirvana.

The huge black peaks crushed all the way.Soon he came to Chu Yang.

"Zhan Kong. Break." Chu Yang shouted loudly.The God Devouring Spear stabbed fiercely at the black giant peak.I saw that mass of extremely condensed gray energy suddenly flying out of the gun body.It quickly collided with the black giant peak.

"Boom." The two were like thunder and fire.There was a violent explosion in an instant.Howard snorted.The pace of progress came to an abrupt halt.His face flushed for a while.Qi and blood fluttered violently.

But Chu Yang was even worse.He was directly blown away by the airflow generated by the explosion.Horrible scars appeared on his body instantly.But look at his calm appearance.It doesn't seem to be a big deal.

"How is this possible. This kid Chu Yang was able to block my full-strength attack. He even broke the commander's natal artifact." Hao Meng was shocked.He hit the black giant peak with one hand.It has been taken back.I saw that the power was astonishing.The black giant peak that was still showing great power just now is extremely sluggish.The light is dim.A terrifying big hole suddenly appeared in the middle.

He has kept this natal lord in his body for tens of thousands of years.Moreover, its material is refined from some of the most cherished materials in the God Realm.On defense.It is comparable to some high-grade master artifacts.But now.This high-grade master artifact that he had nurtured for hundreds of thousands of years was actually smashed to pieces by a god boy.How could this not shock Hao Meng.What shocked him even more was actually Chu Yang's cultivation.

"Boy, why did your cultivation become so strong? Last time. Didn't you only have the cultivation base of the seventh heavenly god? Why is it less than a hundred years? Your cultivation base has soared so much." Hao Meng said The voice trembled slightly.

"Hmph. You don't need to care about that." Chu Yang snorted contemptuously.

"Boy, your strength is indeed beyond my expectations. But I don't believe that you used the powerful magical skills just now one after another. Suffer." Hao Meng sneered loudly.He saw Chu Yang's weakness at a glance.

The powerful moves that were no longer used immediately.Just use the most common moves to fight against the enemy.

"What a cunning old fox. It seems that the only way to swallow the power of the world is to use the true transformation to seriously injure or kill the old guy Hao Meng." Hao Meng's cunning really gave Chu Yang a headache.Think here.Chu Yang no longer hesitated.In an instant, he took out the yellow vial from the ring.Then he poured out a drop of the power of the world into his hand.

"Buzzing." The moment the power of the world appeared in the air.I saw that the void within a thousand feet around was surging and boiling like flowing water.There were waves of ripples.The surging power of the world distorted and cracked the surrounding void.A deep spatial crack extended directly from Chu Yang's feet all the way to Hao Meng's body.

"Chi Chi." Those tall and majestic ancient eyes around them couldn't bear the violent shock of the power of the world.Instantly turned into a pile of smash.

"This, this is the power of the world. Boy, you actually possess the power of the world." Hao Meng stared at the power of the world in Chu Yang's hands in horror and greed.That hungry look almost made him grab it.

The power of the world is a super divine power that can only be conceived by a world lord-level power.It has infinite appeal to the main god-level powerhouse.

Hao Meng was naturally eager for it.However, the power of this world is really precious.Even with his identity and strength, it is difficult to find even a drop of world saw that Chu Yang took out a small bottle of world power as soon as he made a move.Really ecstatic.

However, the greed in his heart did not make him completely lose the last trace of reason.

"This kid. He was able to compete with me just now with that magical skill. Now he has the super power of the world. That handsome man is definitely not his opponent. No way. I have to take advantage of him not using the power of the world. Kill it. It seems that we can only use the last trump card." Hao Meng's gloomy eyes flickered for a while.He is very aware of the horror of the power of the world.Then he sneered.His eyes swept across the soles of Chu Yang's feet.

"Hao Meng, die." Chu Yang sneered.He raised his right hand.It is necessary to throw the power of the world into the mouth.

"Hey. What happened. Why did my body suddenly become heavy? Not good. There are still enemies."


Right now.Chu Yang was suddenly horrified to find that his body seemed to be trapped in a huge gravitational space.The whole body sank down suddenly.The movement of the hands suddenly the same time.A huge stone spur suddenly sprang out from the ground.Straight towards his body.

Seeing this, Chu Yang's complexion finally changed drastically.There was a loud roar on his mouth.Innate supernatural powers are instantly activated.

"Backlight God Pupil. Turn back time. Set."

The voice fell.The whole world seemed to stop turning suddenly at this moment.The stone spurs surging from the ground became extremely slow before Chu Yang's eyes.He saw the trace of its movement without revealing anything.

Take advantage of this gap.The divine power in Chu Yang's body circulated rapidly.Infinite divine power suddenly emanated from him.He broke free from the terrifying gravity around him.

"Chi Chi." The moment Chu Yang's body was out of danger.The huge stone spur shot past his face.The void along the way was pierced by it to create a narrow and long terrifying crack.

Chu Yang opened his eyes and took a look.But he was surprised to find that huge stone thorn.All of them are actually a shape-changing thing composed of the elements of earth.Reminiscent of the gravitational space that the sneak attacker just cast on him.He got a startling answer right away.The sneak attacker was actually a supreme powerhouse proficient in the laws of the earth.

Chu Yang didn't know when he offended a main god who was proficient in the laws of the earth.The God-devouring spear in his hand immediately stabbed viciously at the ground under his feet.

"Hide your head and show your tail. What kind of skill is bullying a junior. If you have the guts, get out."

"Boom. The moment the God-devouring spear pierced the ground, the silver-white meteorite cracked open, revealing a deep and terrifying hole. A yellow light flashed inside the hole. An old man wrapped in a yellow robe suddenly emerged from the hole. Lasing out of the big hole opened.

The old man who appeared suddenly looked ugly.Short stature.Like a three-year-old child.But his aura is stronger than that of Hao Meng.

"The late stage of the main god. Who is this dwarf old man? Why did he join hands with Hao Meng to attack and kill me?" Chu Yang stared at the person coming.But in my heart, I can't think of offending the dwarf old man in front of me.

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