The strongest patriarch

Chapter 948 Taken!

"It's strange, why did that kid suddenly change direction?" Inside the golden warship, Chiyan and Haomeng were sitting comfortably on the luxurious tiger chair. He was playing with the Guangchan mirror with one hand, but he looked very concerned.

In the screen, the eagle-shaped Shenzhou that Chu Yang was driving suddenly turned around and flew towards the northwest of Zijin City.

Hao Meng looked down at the scene in the mirror, his thick eyebrows furrowed slightly, and he said worriedly: "Brother Chiyan, do you think that kid Chu Yang has already discovered our whereabouts?"

Chi Yan shook his head with a smile, and said confidently: "Impossible, that kid has absolutely no chance of such ability, maybe that kid was afraid that we would follow in secret, so he deliberately changed his direction."

Hearing this, Hao Meng responded noncommittally: "Maybe."

For some reason, Hao Meng always felt that things were not that simple, and Chu Yang was definitely not an easy person to deal with, otherwise, he would not have fallen into his hands again and again.

"Hehe, Commander Hao, you don't need to worry too much. With that kid's cultivation base, even if there is any conspiracy, we don't need to be afraid at all. We just need to follow him closely, and we will always find a chance to make a move," Chi Yan saw Hao covering his face. There was some hesitation on the table, and then he hurriedly let out a voice of relief.

"Haha, brother Chiyan, don't worry, I won't give up until I get rid of that kid," Hao Meng laughed, and the gloomy look on his face disappeared immediately.

"Hey, it's best for Commander Hao to think this way. You must be aware of that kid's talent potential. If you let him run away this time, then we will wait for him to take revenge. At that time, Although the three thousand worlds are huge, I am afraid there will be no place for us, "

"That's right, this son must be removed, otherwise you and I will have trouble in the dormitory," Hao Meng whispered with a ferocious expression.

Chi Yan nodded slightly, fully agreeing with Hao Meng's point of view.

"Buzzing, buzzing," at this moment, the wide cicada mirror in his hand suddenly trembled violently, and he saw violent ripples suddenly appearing on the clear and quiet mirror, and the whole picture was transformed into Suddenly, the continuous mountain range shrouded in silver mist became fragmented and violently turbulent.

The light on the entire mirror flickers, and the scenery in the picture is constantly distorted.

Seeing this, Chiyan was shocked and turned pale, and exclaimed in a low voice: "No, the mirror of Guangchan is about to fail, that kid has gone into the Silver Mist Mountains."

"What, it's invalid." Hao Meng was taken aback when he heard the words, and hurriedly asked: "Brother Chiyan, it's so good, why did the mirror fail?"

Chi Yan smiled wryly, and said: "To tell the truth, Commander Hao, the silver magnetic light in the Silver Mist Mountains has a great interference effect on the Guangchan Mirror, and the old man did not expect that kid to be so cunning that he even ran to the Silver Mist Mountains." a natural danger,"

Hearing Chi Yan's narration, Hao Meng suddenly said thoughtfully: "How can I say that, there is a high probability that that kid has found our traces, otherwise he will never do anything unnecessary, after all, the Silver Mist Mountain Range is not a good thing. It is said that there are many ancient desolate beasts living in it, "

Chi Yan sighed softly: "Hey, it's useless to say anything now. The top priority is to rush to the Silver Mist Mountain Range as soon as possible, otherwise we will have to let that kid escape after a long time, but Commander Hao, you also need to worry, the Silver Mist Mountain Range Since the crisis, I don't believe that kid can walk out of that mountain range so quickly,"

Hao Meng nodded and smiled, "That's right, let's leave immediately,"

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly drove the golden warship towards the Silver Mist Mountains.

"Brother Yan, what shall we do next?" Chu Yang was standing on a hillside in the Silver Mist Mountain Range.

"Hey, of course I'm waiting for the opportunity to strike. Don't you still have a special fetish like the Purple Wind Gourd in your hand, which can come in handy now. We must give those two little guys a big surprise this time." Tun Tian Zhu Yan chuckled lowly.

"Hey, that's great. I've been chasing after those two guys for so long, and I've been suffocating for a long time. Now it's time to use them for surgery. I hope those two guys will really break into this area. Mountain range," Chu Yang looked into the distance with both eyes, with a look of anticipation on his face.

After saying that, his body jumped directly from the hillside and disappeared among the boundless peaks.

Just an hour after Chu Yang left, two uninvited guests suddenly came to the place where he was standing just now.

"Brother Chiyan, how are you? Can you find out the whereabouts of that kid?" Hao Meng asked with a tilted head.

Chi Yan shook his head, put away the Guangchan mirror with a helpless face, and then sighed in a low voice: "I was escaped by that kid. For the current plan, we can only conduct a carpet-like search separately."

Hao Meng raised his thick eyebrows, and said in a deep voice: "Is there no other way, the Silver Mist Mountain Range is vast and boundless, it's not so easy to find that kid out of it,"

Chi Yan shrugged and said helplessly: "I have no other choice."

"In this case, let's search separately, but brother Chiyan remember to keep in touch, that kid is full of tricks and cunning, we must not let him be defeated one by one,"

"Hey, Commander Hao doesn't need to worry. It's okay if the kid doesn't come out. If he really dares to show up and attack, the old man will tell him to come and go."

"Hehe, since brother Chiyan has this method, it is of course the best," Hao Meng stretched out his hand and laughed, but he was very contemptuous in his heart.

If Chu Yang was so easy to deal with, then he wouldn't have to hold back twice in a row. Although Chi Yan's strength was slightly stronger than his, but it was limited. To be honest, he really believed that Chi Yan could easily give Chu Yang Packed up.

Chi Yan and Hao Meng, two old foxes with their own plans in mind, split up and rushed into the Silver Mist Mountain Range after discussing the contact information.

The Silver Mist Mountains are shrouded in a thick layer of silver mist all the year round. These silver mist are not the usual water mist, but are all composed of streaks of silver magnetic light. These silver magnetic light are very small in size. It looks like thin lines, densely packed, all over the entire mountain range, which has a strong interference effect on the surrounding creatures.

Even if a master god of Dzogchen breaks into this mountain range, he can only see the scenery within ten thousand feet at most, and it will be too far away.

As soon as Chiyan broke into the inner mountain range, his small long eyebrows couldn't help but wrinkled tightly. The environment in the Silver Mist Mountain Range was much worse than he imagined. There was no light here, and the surrounding scenery was hazy and dim. The extremely annoying silver magnetic light.

Chi Yan raised his eyes and glanced at the surrounding scenery, then suddenly smiled, and took out the mirror of Guangchan from his bosom again.

"Hey, that old fellow Haomeng wants to use this old man to snatch the treasure from that kid, how can this old man let him do what he wants, now he should be trapped in a thick fog, and he can't move at all. It just so happens that this old man uses this treasure mirror to find that kid After his whereabouts, I took all the treasures on his body as my own. I saw that boy's seal turned purple, and there was a faint leak of precious light. It seemed that he was carrying a huge treasure. Now it will all be cheaper, old man Yes," Chi Yan smiled very proudly, just now he lied to Hao Meng that he could not find out Chu Yang's whereabouts through the Guangchan Mirror, but it was actually just an excuse.

How can the Guangchan Treasure Realm, as a spirit treasure on the list of chaotic wonders, have only that little ability.

Chi Yan looked down at the precious mirror in his hand, his fingers suddenly tapped and ticked on the teeth, a drop of blood was immediately forced into his body, and then fell directly on the mirror.

The moment the blood essence melted into the mirror, the entire Guangchan mirror suddenly burst into blood, trembling, and the mirror surface rippled violently like flowing water.

The whole process lasted for a whole cup of tea. When the blood light disappeared and the mirror surface became clear again, a vivid picture suddenly appeared in the mirror surface. In the painting, one could see Chu Yang wearing a white robe At this moment, he was hiding on top of an ancient tree, and he seemed to be looking into the distance with tiger eyes. There was a sly gleam in his eyes, which looked very weird.

"Hey, so that little guy is here," Chi Yan smiled triumphantly, his feet sank suddenly, and his whole body sank into the ground instantly.

When he appeared again, he was already behind Chu Yang.

"Chu Yang, die," Chi Yan yelled, and his hands danced in the void. In an instant, countless dust rolled up from the ground, and instantly condensed into sharp stone thorns in the void.

These stone thorns shone coldly, there were tens of thousands of them, and each stone thorn was half a meter long. They looked very hideous and terrifying. These stone thorns swarmed from all directions like a meteorite rain, hitting Chu Yang's body hit.

In an instant, Chu Yang was directly surrounded by countless stone thorns. The ear-piercing whistling sound was deafening, and they quickly came to kill Chu Yang.

"Die," Chi Yan grinned grimly, watching the stone thorn sink into Chu Yang's body proudly.

"chi chi,"

"What, it's fake,"

The ear-piercing sound of piercing the air was very sharp, but it couldn't suppress Chi Yan's terrified howl. He watched those stone thorns sink into Chu Yang's body, but there was no sound of any sharp weapon entering his body or Chu Yang dying. The horrific screams from before.

"Hee hee, old dwarf, you've been fooled, your beast grandpa is on top of you, come and catch me," just as Chi Yan was taken aback, Xiao Jing's playful voice suddenly rang in his ears.

At this moment, Chiyan didn't know that he was being played by Chu Yang, it was ridiculous that he was still complacent just now.

"Little bastard, don't run away, the old man doesn't believe that if he catches you, he won't show up and save you," Chi Yan laughed loudly, his short body was extremely flexible at this moment, and he rushed towards Xiao Jing in an instant.

"Haha, you want to catch me, let's dream, you'd better stay inside and enjoy the taste of Zifeng." Xiaojing raised her head and laughed loudly, only to see his right hand lightly pat on Zifeng gourd.

"Hoo hoo hoo," in an instant, there was a strong wind around, and countless purple winds gushed out from the purple gourd and spread towards the red rock. In a short time, the whole world was filled with this terrible purple wind,

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