Chapter 3 Try a move

Ma Tiezhu felt like he had a dream.

In his dream, he met a fairy who was so beautiful.

The other party is known as the White Dragon Immortal Venerable.

Teach him various skills.

What kind of medicine, mystic arts, supernatural powers, immortal methods, all kinds of mysterious and mysterious methods.

When Ma Tiezhu woke up, he found himself lying on a large bluestone.

Looking up, there are a few scattered stars hanging above the sky.

On the far horizon, a crescent moon is blurred and almost disappearing.

In the eastern sky, the white belly of the fish can already be seen.

"This is... White Dragon Pool?"

Ma Tiezhu looked around and recognized the place.

"Why am I here?"

He thought about it carefully, remembering what happened not long ago.

"Damn Yang Erhu, you wait for me."

He remembered that when he was chatting with Yang Erhu, someone sneaked up from behind.

Although I don't know exactly what happened, but it probably has something to do with Yang Erhu.

He got up quickly, ready to leave here.

If you don't come home all night, my sister will definitely be worried.

As a result, he stepped hard, and his figure jumped several meters away in an instant.

"Fuck, what's going on?"

Ma Tiezhu was startled, and felt it carefully, only to find that his body was full of strength.

"Could it be that that dream is real?"

He was puzzled, and looked at Bailongtan behind him.

He has also heard the legend about Bailongtan.

"Could it be that the fairy in the dream is the legendary white dragon that failed to cross the tribulation?"

Ma Tiezhu had a guess in his mind, and then carefully checked the extra memory in his mind.

The more I looked, the more shocked.

Seeing the end, his face showed ecstasy.

"Hahaha, I, Ma Tiezhu, are about to flourish."

With the memory in his mind, it will be difficult for him not to develop in the future.

After being happy, Ma Tiezhu's eyes showed deep hatred.

"Liu Tianhe, Zhou Jing, you wait for me. I, Ma Tiezhu, will go to the provincial capital to seek revenge in a short time."

Now that he has received the inheritance of the White Dragon Immortal Venerable, revenge is only a matter of time.

"By the way, there is also that bastard Yang Erhu."

Putting away his excitement, he quickly ran towards the house.

Now he is as light as a swallow, and his speed is several times faster than usual.

It took only half an hour to arrive at my home.

Passing through the golden vegetable field, Ma Tiezhu finally saw his house.

In front of the mud-tiled house, a group of people gathered.

"Zhang Facai is a neighbor, can you give me a little more time?"

"In a few days, we will definitely return the money to you."

In the crowd, a middle-aged woman was praying to a middle-aged fat man with a big belly.

The latter remained unmoved, and said with a cold face:

"It's only natural to pay back the debt. No matter what you say today, you must pay back the money, or use your daughter to pay the debt."

The face of the middle-aged woman changed, "What do you mean?"

The middle-aged fat man chuckled, "Big sister, don't blame my brother for not giving you a chance. As long as you marry your daughter to my son, the 5 yuan you owe will be considered a bride price. If it's not enough, I can make up for it."

"Anyway, your daughter will get married sooner or later. Our two neighbors are neighbors. If you get married, you will not treat your daughter badly."

Hearing this, Ma Tiezhu's face darkened immediately.

The middle-aged man is called Zhang Facai. He does business in the town and his family is quite rich.

But maybe it's because he has done too many immoral things. His son Zhang Fugui is congenitally incomplete, and his IQ has a little problem.

A guy like that wants to marry her sister?

The surrounding villagers also pointed and felt that Zhang Facai had gone too far.

Ma Cuilan is a famous beauty in Huaishu Village, but Zhang Fugui is a fool.

It's impossible for the two to match up.

What Zhang Facai did was simply because the toad wanted to eat swan meat.

The middle-aged woman Qin Juan pointed at Zhang Facai with trembling fingers, "You...don't even think about it, it is impossible for Cuilan to marry your son."

Zhang Facai also lost his patience, and said coldly: "In this case, then pay back the money. If you don't pay back, I will sue you in court, and when the time comes, let your old Ma's family add another reform-through-labour prisoner."


Hearing about the reform-through-labour prisoner, Qin Juan's body trembled in anger, and at the same time, panic flashed in her eyes.

If things really develop like that.

Then what face will their family have to gain a foothold in the village in the future.

When Ma Jianguo, who was holding a cane in both hands, heard this, his face was livid with anger, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Zhang Facai, don't bully others too much."

"What's wrong with me just bullying you?" Zhang Facai took out an IOU from his pocket with a smug face, opened it and pointed to it and said, "Did you see that it is clearly written in black and white, and if you don't pay back the money when it's due, , use your daughter to settle the bill."

"If you dare to play tricks, I will go to the court and sue for approval. If there is another reform-through-labor prisoner in your old Ma's house, let's see what face you have to stay in Huaishu Village in the future."

Ma Jianguo glanced at the IOU, and was suddenly shocked and angry: "You added this yourself, and you can't count it."

Zhang Facai sneered: "It has your signature and fingerprints on it, so it's too many to count."

"To tell you the truth, a relative of my wife's natal family happens to work in the court, and I will say hello in advance when the time comes, and I promise to let you all sit in prison."

Qin Juan and Ma Cuilan suddenly turned pale.

"Bastard, you are too deceitful, I will fight with you."

Ma Jianguo's forehead was bulging with blue veins, and he was waving his crutches to beat Zhang Facai.

"You crippled thing, you dare to fight me."

Zhang Facai showed disdain, and grabbed the crutch, ready to teach Ma Jianguo a lesson.

Suddenly, a big hand grabbed the crutch.

At the same time, a cold voice entered his ears.

"You try to move one."


(End of this chapter)

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