Prison doctor, go back to the village to see a doctor!

Chapter 68 Liu Yiyi's Life Experience

Chapter 68 Liu Yiyi's Life Experience
Seeing Liu Yiyi's expression changed, Ma Tiezhu asked immediately: "Sister Yiyi, did you think of something?"

Liu Yiyi nodded, "About a week ago, I ran into a sloppy old man on my way home."

"He said he put a Gu on me, and said that if I didn't want to die, I would hand over the Ten Thousand Gu Sutras. I didn't know what the Ten Thousand Gu Sutras were, so I didn't take it seriously."

The old man looked crazy, Liu Yiyi only thought that the other party was talking nonsense.

In addition, things like Gu worms are too mysterious.

She didn't take the old man's words to heart at all.

Even if he got a strange illness later, he didn't think of the old man.

He didn't think of that weird old man until now when Ma Tiezhu said that she had been poisoned by Gu.

After hearing this, Ma Tiezhu frowned and said, "It seems that the old guy must have cast a spell on you."

Having said that, doubts appeared in his eyes.

"Sister Yiyi, are you sure you don't know the Myriad Gu Sutra?"

Liu Yiyi shook her head, expressing that she really didn't know.

Ma Tiezhu frowned: "Sister Yiyi, think about it again, since that old guy came here, it means that the Ten Thousand Gu Sutra is probably related to you."

He was absolutely sure of that.

Liu Yiyi was born with a poisonous body, and her physique was even sealed.

It is enough to show that his life experience is by no means simple.

Liu Yiyi frowned, searched through the memories in her mind, but couldn't find any information related to the Wan Gu Sutra.

Ma Cuilan reminded But: "Yiyi, could it be related to your parents?"

Liu Yiyi was taken aback when she heard the words, and then looked at the old woman.

Her parents died when she was very young.

Therefore, Liu Yiyi has almost no impression of her parents.

The old woman didn't answer immediately, and after hesitating for a while, she said: "Yiyi, there is actually something I haven't told you."

Liu Yiyi asked curiously, "Grandma, what's the matter?"

The old woman said slowly: "Actually, you are not my biological granddaughter."

Hearing this, Liu Yiyi's head buzzed.

His face turned pale, and his beautiful eyes showed disbelief.

His grandmother, whom he had depended on for more than 20 years, was not his own.

For a while, it was difficult for her to accept this fact.

Ma Cuilan quickly comforted her: "Yiyi, it doesn't matter if you are biological or not, no matter what, grandma is your family."

The old woman nodded solemnly: "Yiyi, this girl is right, even if we are not connected by blood, you are still my precious granddaughter."

Liu Yiyi took a deep breath, then nodded vigorously: "Grandma, you are right, no matter what happens, I will always be your granddaughter."

There was a smile in the old woman's eyes, and then she slowly talked about Liu Yiyi's life experience.

More than 20 years ago, on a snowy night, the old woman met a comatose woman on her way back from the town to the village.

He was holding a baby in his arms.

The kind-hearted old woman rescued the two of them.

Later, the woman woke up and said that she had nowhere to go, so the old woman took her in.

Because the old woman's husband and son died in a fire more than a year ago.

When she felt lonely, she met two people.

The old woman felt that this was a gift from God to her.

The three lived happily ever after.

In less than three years, Liu Yiyi's mother passed away.

Only Liu Yiyi was left to live with her.

After listening to the old woman's narration, Ma Tiezhu and the others were all amazed.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yiyi had such a complicated life experience.

Liu Yiyi asked: "Grandma, do you know where my mother is from?"


(End of this chapter)

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