Chapter 79 I finally found it

Ma Tiezhu smiled confidently: "Of course, but you have to see your husband's illness in detail before prescribing the right medicine."

Lin Yazhi showed joy when he heard the words, "Doctor Ma, my husband went to the provincial capital on a business trip recently, and he should be back in the next few days. Where does your family live? I will take my husband to find you when the time comes."

Ma Tiezhu laughed and said, "It's easy to say, easy to say, just go to Huaishu Village, Changshan Town and find me when the time comes."

"it is good."

Lin Yazhi nodded repeatedly, took out her mobile phone and wrote down the address, and at the same time exchanged numbers with Ma Tiezhu.

Seeing this, the other two also took out their mobile phones and saved Ma Tiezhu's phone number, planning to find each other in private when they were free.

Ma Tiezhu smiled and said: "The situation of the two of you is very simple, there is no need to make a special trip, I will make two orders later, just go back and make up for it."

The old faces of the two couldn't help turning red when they heard this.

What Ma Tiezhu said is correct, their biggest problem is that they are getting older, and their bodies can't keep up with when they were young, especially in some aspects.

So I want Ma Tiezhu to help me take a look.

"Then thank God Doctor Ma."

The two thanked Ma Tiezhu with smiles on their faces.

"It's a little effort, you two old brothers are welcome."

Ma Tiezhu smiled and waved his hands without any airs.

This made the three people on the opposite side have a better impression of him.

Next, Ma Tiezhu chatted happily with the three of them without any stage fright.

This surprised Xiao Luoli who was on the side.

You know, the status of the three people in front of them are all extraordinary.

If ordinary people know the identities of the three, they will definitely not be able to be so calm.

And Ma Tiezhu is just a young man in his early twenties, and he is from the countryside, so he can be so casual.

This kind of heart is really impressive.

The guests and hosts enjoyed a meal.

"Mr. Xiao, Doctor Ma, let's take our leave first."

After eating and drinking enough, the three of them bid farewell.

Ma Tiezhu asked the waiter to bring a pen and paper, and prescribed two prescriptions according to their symptoms, and asked the other party to take them back and prescribe medicine according to the prescriptions.

The two took the prescription and thanked Ma Tiezhu again.

Xiao Luoli smiled and said: "The three walk slowly, come and sit when you are free."

After sending the three of them away, Xiao Luoli looked at Ma Tiezhu, smiled and said: "Stinky boy, you can do it, I didn't see it, you know a lot."

In the previous chat, Ma Tiezhu not only knows medical skills, but also knows a lot about Fengshui, physiognomy and so on.

To be honest, Xiao Luoli really didn't notice it before.

Ma Tiezhu actually understood this.

Ma Tiezhu patted his head and smiled innocently: "I know a little bit, don't laugh at Sister Luo Li."

"Stop pretending, I don't think it's as simple as knowing a thing or two."

Xiao Luoli rolled her eyes, then said with a smile: "Come on, show me too."

While speaking, she put her delicate and pretty face in front of Ma Tiezhu.

Ma Tiezhu only felt a fresh fragrance.

Looking closely, Xiao Luoli is still beautiful and flawless.

Ma Tiezhu couldn't help but look carefully, and after a while he said, "Sister Luo Li, you are so beautiful."

Being praised suddenly, Xiao Luoli, who was caught off guard, couldn't help but blushed slightly, and then rolled her big eyes.

"Stinky boy, it's up to you to say, hurry up and show me my physiognomy, and see my marriage and fortune."

Ma Tiezhu smiled and said, "Sister Luo Li, your fortune is very good, don't worry about it. As for the marriage..."

Speaking of this, he paused for a while, then said with a smile: "Your marriage in this life is also very smooth, and your ideal person has appeared."

Xiao Luoli's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and she hurriedly asked: "Really, then you might see where he is?"

Ma Tiezhu nodded, and then smiled mysteriously: "It's far away in the sky, but it's close in front of us."

Xiao Luoli was taken aback for a moment, a little confused.

But after seeing the smile on Ma Tiezhu's face, he immediately reacted.

"Stinky boy, don't be so smug, how can this lady's lover be you."

Ma Tiezhu chuckled, and said brazenly: "That's not necessarily true, don't you think, Sister Luo Li, we are destined for each other?"

Xiao Luoli carefully recalled the process of the two getting acquainted, and found that it seemed to be quite a coincidence.

Ba County is not big, but it is not small either.

The permanent population of the county is still tens of thousands.

In the vast crowd, the two unexpectedly met twice in a row.

From this point of view, it seems that there is really a little fate.

Although she thought so in her heart, she would not admit it.

"Fart's fate, I think it's just a coincidence."

She rolled her eyes, then quickly changed the subject: "By the way, what are you doing in the county?"

In order not to worry Xiao Luoli, Ma Tiezhu didn't tell the truth, but just said that he came to the county to have some business, and by the way, he had a look at the sales of Lao Ya Tang.

It turned out that after sending the ducks to the restaurant, Ma Tiezhu spent a lot of time in order to completely defeat Bashan Yard, and specially researched an old duck soup that nourishes qi and blood.

As soon as the old duck soup was mentioned, Xiao Luoli became excited, and immediately said excitedly: "By the way, I have not had time to call and tell you in the future."

"Once the old duck soup you developed was launched, it became extremely popular, even more popular than the previous cucumber and eggplant. Nowadays, there are people queuing up in restaurants every day, just to drink a bowl of old duck soup."

"Now there are almost no people in the Bashan courtyard, and the passenger flow basically comes to our side."

"I think it won't be long before Bashan Yard will close down."

A smile appeared on Ma Tiezhu's face after hearing this.

Very satisfied with this result.

"It's best to close down, like that kind of black-hearted restaurant, it should have closed down long ago."

Xiao Luoli nodded in agreement, then seemed to think of something, frowned and said: "The only fly in the ointment at present is the lack of supply, we provide up to [-] cents of duck soup every day, and it is still a small portion, which has already caused dissatisfaction among many customers gone."

"How is the one over there, has the breeding plan been finalized?"

Ma Tiezhu nodded: "It has been finalized, and the village is already preparing for it. It is estimated that it will be able to supply here in two months at most."

Xiao Luoli nodded, and said: "It's the best, it's best to speed up the progress, if you don't have enough money, you can tell me anytime."

"it is good."

Ma Tiezhu nodded.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a while.

It was not until after five o'clock in the afternoon that Ma Tiezhu offered to leave.

When he returned to Huaishu Village, it was already dark.

Qin Juan had already prepared dinner and was waiting for him to come back.

After dinner, Ma Tiezhu mixed the medicinal materials he bought with some of the medicinal materials he had dug up to make a kind of ointment, and then gave it to Liu Yiyi.

Tell her to apply it in the morning and evening.

After finishing everything, Ma Tiezhu went to practice under the old locust tree.

But he found that Liu Yiyi also followed.

He couldn't help being curious: "Sister Yiyi, why don't you sleep?"

Liu Yiyi explained: "I can't sleep, Tie Zhu, can you talk to me?"

Ma Tiezhu nodded with a smile: "Of course there is no problem."

On the other side, Zuo Chuan searched all the way according to the faint aura emitted by the Gu insects, and finally came to Huaishu Village.

Looking at the village ahead, a smile flashed in his old eyes.

"Finally found."

Lumbar intervertebral disc herniation has recurred, and the latest update has a bit of hip stretching. I am very sorry, and I will resume the two updates as soon as possible.



(End of this chapter)

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