Chapter 8 Thousand Medicine Pavilion

Ma Tiezhu sat cross-legged under the big locust tree, practicing according to the exercise route of Tun Ling Jue.

Absorb the thin aura between heaven and earth, as well as the falling moonlight.

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, Ma Tiezhu opened his eyes, only feeling refreshed.

He got up and punched a set.

Then back home.

Parents have already got up and are busy making breakfast.

After breakfast, he took two Polygonum multiflorum plants and left home.

"Mom and Dad, I'm going to the county seat."

Behind them came the exhortations of the old couple.

"be careful on the road."

Huaishu Village is more than 50 kilometers away from the county seat.

If you want to go to the county seat, you have to go to the county seat and take a ride on the county road in the town.

There is only one road in Huaishu Village.

There are no cars at all on weekdays.

Due to the extremely inconvenient transportation, the development of Huaishu Village is extremely backward.

Ma Tiezhu walked more than five kilometers on the dirt road before arriving at the county road.

After waiting for a while, I got on a minibus that was specially designed to run from the town to the county.

After more than an hour, he arrived at the county seat.

Ma Tiezhu is very familiar with the county seat, after all, he went to high school in the county seat.

Carrying a backpack containing Polygonum multiflorum, he inquired in the county and came to a Chinese medicine shop called Qianyaoge.

In fact, it is the largest Chinese medicine shop in the county, with six or seven branches opened, and it is said that there are all kinds of Chinese medicinal materials in it.

Ma Tiezhu came to a nearby branch and looked at the decoration.

It can be called luxury.

One can tell at a glance that the boss behind this Qianyao Pavilion is very rich.

Entering the store, a strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine came to the nostrils. Ma Tiezhu scanned around and found that there were not many customers inside.

It's normal to think about.

In the current era, there are not many people who still believe in Chinese medicine.

"Sir, what do you need?"

A female clerk approached and asked politely, but she didn't feel disgusted by Ma Tiezhu's peasant attire.

Ma Tiezhu said truthfully: "I'm here to sell medicinal materials."

While speaking, he opened the backpack behind him, revealing the Polygonum multiflorum inside.

"I have two Polygonum multiflorum plants over a hundred years old here, do you collect them here?"

The female clerk took a few glances, and then said politely: "Sir, please wait here a moment, I need to ask the store manager for instructions."

She pointed to the seat beside her, then turned and went inside the pharmacy.

After a while, a middle-aged man came over.

"The manager, this is the gentleman."

The clerk pointed to Ma Tiezhu and said to the middle-aged man.

Tang Xiaojun looked Ma Tiezhu up and down, a trace of disgust flashed deep in his eyes.

He asked condescendingly: "I heard that you want to sell Polygonum multiflorum, show it to me."

Ma Tiezhu was a little dissatisfied with the former's attitude, but he still opened the backpack, revealing the Polygonum multiflorum inside.

All of a sudden, there was a scent of medicine.

Tang Xiaojun's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said lightly, "Show it to me."

Ma Tiezhu handed over the backpack.

Tang Xiaojun took the backpack, took out the two Polygonum multiflorum plants inside, and put it in his hands to observe carefully.

With his eyesight, he could tell at a glance that the two Polygonum multiflorum plants in front of him were pure wild.

This is the first time he has seen such a big wild Polygonum multiflorum.

Several customers in the store also looked over.

There was a look of surprise in his eyes.

They have never seen such a big Polygonum multiflorum.

Ma Tiezhu introduced in a timely manner: "My two Polygonum multiflorum plants are pure wild and very fresh. I just dug them in the mountains yesterday."

Tang Xiaojun put down the Polygonum multiflorum, and said to Ma Tiezhu with a stern face: "Little brother, you are all experts, so don't talk nonsense here, you are obviously artificially planted Polygonum multiflorum."

"How can a pure wild one grow so big."

Several customers in the store nodded secretly after hearing this.

Indeed, in the current era, it is desirable to dig such a large wild Polygonum multiflorum.

It's almost impossible.

Ma Tiezhu's face darkened slightly, but before he could speak, he heard Tang Xiaojun speak again.

"Well, I think it's not easy for you, so I'll give you 5000 yuan to buy it, and treat it as a good deed."

Hearing this, Ma Tiezhu almost laughed angrily.

5000 yuan, how to send beggars?
He grabbed the backpack and said coldly, "Thank you for your kindness, I don't need it."

He had already seen that the guy in front of him clearly saw that he was from the countryside and thought he had little knowledge.

Prepare to fool him and buy Polygonum multiflorum at the lowest price.

Tang Xiaojun's face darkened, and he said with a smile: "Little brother, 5000 yuan is already very high. If you go to other places, they will give you three or four thousand yuan at most."

Ma Tiezhu snorted, didn't want to say any more, turned around and planned to leave.

Tang Xiaojun became a little anxious, and said again: "Little brother, you must be content in life. If you are too greedy, you will suffer."

Seeing that Ma Tie Zhutou didn't turn back, he said again: "Then let's say a price."

Ma Tiezhu stopped, turned around and raised a finger.

Seeing this, Tang Xiaojun's expression was a little ugly, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, 1 is 1, we will pay with one hand and deliver with the other."

Ma Tiezhu said unhappily: "Who told you 1, I said 10."


Tang Xiaojun's expression was astonished, he just thought he heard it wrong.

After reacting, he immediately sneered: "I said country bumpkin, I'm afraid you haven't seen money."

"Return 10, do you know how much 10 is?"

"Don't say that the Polygonum multiflorum in your hand is only artificially planted, even if it is really wild, it cannot be worth 10."

Ma Tiezhu snorted, he was too lazy to talk nonsense, turned around and left quickly.

Tang Xiaojun's face was suddenly gloomy.

He originally thought that Ma Tiezhu was just a mud-legged person from the countryside, and it was unlikely that he would know the value of wild Polygonum multiflorum.

I thought about collecting it at the price of labor and Shouwu, and then making a fortune, but it turned out to be self-defeating.

"Hmph, country bumpkin, if you can sell for 10 today, I'll reverse the name."

He snorted coldly, he didn't think the Polygonum multiflorum in Ye Xiaofan's hand could sell for 10.

Based on his experience, those two Polygonum multiflorum plants are worth [-] to [-] yuan if they break the sky.

The key is to make money when others buy it.

It is impossible for someone to be so stupid as to spend so much money to buy two Polygonum multiflorum.


After Ma Tiezhu left Qianyao Pavilion, he went to the medicine market in the south of the city.

I thought that the Qianyaoge store was very secure, but I didn't expect that the store was bullying customers.

Now I can only go to the medicinal material market to try my luck.

Just when he was a little upset, he suddenly heard exclamations from the park next to him.

Looking closely, I saw a group of people gathered together.

It seems that something happened.

He rushed over immediately, squeezed into the crowd, and saw an old man lying on the ground.

Her body curled up, her hands covered her chest, her face was pale and bloodless.

It looks like it's sick.

Beside the old man, a tall and beautiful woman was calling an ambulance, her beautiful eyes were full of anxiety.

Ma Tiezhu could tell at a glance that the old man had a heart attack, and if not treated in time, his life would be in danger.

This place is a few kilometers away from the county hospital, and there are many cars in the county, so it takes at least ten, twenty, ten minutes to get here.

It was probably too late by then.

"Let me go, let me take a look."

He pushed away the crowd and strode up to the old man.


(End of this chapter)

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