Lord Moyu was forced to open

Chapter 1013 Guests from afar

Today is already the fourth month since Paul Cordray and others arrived in Jianjiang.

Everyone in the mission has been here for four full months, and everyone has become very anxious. They have asked the official in charge more than once when they can go to the capital of this country to see them. To His Majesty the Emperor of this country?
However, the only answer I received was to continue waiting for these four words!


"Oh~ Paul, don't tell me that the answer you got today is still the four words "keep waiting for those damn words, right?"

Paul Cordray shrugged and said helplessly: "I'm sorry, George, that's true. Besides, your Mandarin is getting better and better."

Speaking of this, another red-haired young man sitting opposite Paul Cordray immediately showed a proud smile and said: "Of course, Paul, I am the most famous language genius in Great Britain!

I am proficient in all of them, whether it is Saint Baltic, Lulansi, or Spanish.

But I have to say that this Song Dynasty Mandarin is the most difficult language I have ever learned in my life. It took me four months to learn simple daily expressions.

for example……"

Having said this, George immediately said hello in his weird accent, have you eaten today? I have eaten. Do you want some more? Wait for the awkward pronunciation of Mandarin.

When Paul Cordray heard George's strange mandarin, he suddenly touched his head helplessly and felt that bringing him along was a mistake.

But the same George was an indispensable member of this mission.

Unlike him, George was actually a nobleman of Great Britain.

George is the eldest son of Duke Charles, the largest royalist party in Great Britain.

George, this guy, usually visits Jinhan Palace as if it were a common occurrence.

It is the largest position in this mission, which represents the importance that the British royal family attaches to this mission.

So even if Paul felt that this guy was a drag, he had to endure his temper and accompany him to fool around.

And just when Paul was enduring George's ostentatious display of his mastery of Mandarin, there was a gentle knock on their door.

The room suddenly became quiet.

Everyone, including George who was showing off his Mandarin skills, also looked at the door.

Four months!

For four whole months, no one had knocked on the door of their room except themselves. Today, it finally got a knock. Does this mean that the things on their minds have finally changed?



The two looked at each other, and then Paul immediately showed a big smile, strode to the door and slammed it open!

What caught Paul's eyes was the Song Dynasty official he had met when he was just sent to Ningjiang Mansion.

It seems like they called him Lord Sheriff?
After recalling what others had called him, Paul immediately put his right hand on his waist and bowed slightly, calling him "Mr. Sheriff" in the Song Dynasty Mandarin he had learned these days.

Gao Brigade, the governor of Jianjiang Army, was confused when he heard this strange name.

Why is this county magistrate still related to the gentleman? He has never taught before? Why are you calling me sir?

But perhaps it was because in his eyes Paul and the other barbarians did not understand etiquette, so he did not take this matter to heart, and directly said to Paul: "Don't you want to go to Beijing to meet the saint this time? "

Paul could now basically understand Mandarin. Hearing this, he nodded excitedly and asked, "Mr. Sheriff, could it be that the Emperor of your country is ready to see us?"

However, Gao Lu shook his head and said: "How can it be so easy for outsiders like you to see His Majesty? That's His Majesty! But..." At this point, Gao Lu paused and did not wait for Paul to ask. But what? Gao Lu said directly without any hesitation:

"But our Emperor has sent his envoys. If you can pass the approval of these angels, then you may be able to accept the summons of our Emperor."

"Ah? It's not His Majesty the Emperor!"

Paul looked disappointed.

But then Paul stroked his chest and said, "Since His Majesty the Emperor has sent an angel, we will definitely make good preparations and strive to give His Majesty the Emperor a chance to summon us."

After hearing Paul's assurance, Jianjiang County Sheriff Gao Lu shrugged his shoulders and said: "It doesn't matter, this is your own business. I will just inform you at the time. How to do it is your own business."

After saying that, Gao Lu turned around and left the door.

Soon, Paul informed the entire envoy of the news. When George and the others learned that the Emperor of Song had also sent people to see them, they immediately began to prepare.

They tried every means to make themselves more serious, and many of them even wore wigs.

The next day, there was a knock on Paul's door again.

But this time, when Paul and the others opened the door, what appeared behind the door was no longer Gao Brigade, the governor of the Jianjiang Army, but Wang Cezhi, who had come specifically to see them this time.

The moment he saw Wang Cezhi, Paul was stunned, but then his face showed joy. He was not a fool, and he quickly judged that the person in front of him was probably the envoy sent by the Emperor of Song Dynasty, whom they longed for.

The two parties quickly exchanged names.

Wang Cezhi was welcomed into the room, and the two parties sat down separately.

Wang Cezhi brought an entourage with him.

And sitting opposite him was the entire British envoy.

Before the conversation even started, George stood up and said to Wang Ce on Paul's side: "Ambassador Wang, please allow me to say hello to you on behalf of our Queen of Great Britain."

Seeing him saying this with a serious face, Wang Cezhi quickly nodded in response with a serious face, but then Wang Cezhi also replied: "Help me also say hello to your queen."

After saying hello, Wang Cezhi went straight to the topic and asked:

"Everyone, why do you want to come to our Song Dynasty? And why do you want to do business with me?

Where are you from? What kind of country is it? "

After listening to Wang Cezhi's questions, Paul organized his thoughts and began to answer them one by one.

From his answer, Wang Cezhi could learn that the reason why they came to the Song Dynasty was that they thought the Song Dynasty was the legendary golden country.

They are an envoy from Great Britain, one of the most powerful countries in Europe, and their king is Queen Elizabeth.

They came to the Song Dynasty on the orders of the Queen to trade with the Kingdom of Gold, and then used the wealth of the Kingdom of Gold to make Great Britain stronger.

Wang Cezhi listened quietly and soon understood.

He immediately understood his position and how to face these guests from afar.


(End of this chapter)

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