Lord Moyu was forced to open

Chapter 1050 It’s broken, His Majesty wants to retire!

"Your Majesty! Three days ago, a flood occurred in Xiangbei County. All seven counties were affected by the flood. Two hundred thousand people became refugees and are heading to Wuhanfu 2."

"The Ministry of Revenue is ordered to mobilize 1 million taels of silver and 300,000 dan of grain to be allocated to Xiangbei County for disaster relief. The Left Censor-in-Chief of the Censorate, Qian Longsheng, is to be in charge of disaster relief. During the relief period, he is granted the post of governor of a county, and can mobilize the local government and military to cooperate in disaster relief. He will automatically resign after the disaster.

The local departments in Xiangbei County shall not refuse the entry of refugees and shall jointly open their granaries to release grain. Those who are short of food shall request dispatch from the surrounding county governments and the surrounding county governments shall not refuse after verification.

In addition, local troops were ordered to go to the areas with the largest number of disaster victims to maintain order and prevent unrest and riots. Strict measures should be taken when chaos occurs, and the troops can use drastic measures to maintain stability when necessary.

During the disaster relief period, the performance of government officials in helping and resettling disaster victims will be included in this year's performance evaluation. Those who have made contributions will be rewarded according to their merits, and those who have made mistakes will be punished according to their faults! "

"I will obey your orders!"

At the morning court, just as the court started, the cabinet served Zhao Jun a big dish. A flood occurred in Xiangbei County, submerging seven counties and leaving nearly 200,000 people homeless.

Zhao Jun was very familiar with this kind of thing and quickly arranged everything in an orderly manner.

During the eight years since he ascended the throne, the Song Dynasty was not peaceful. Various natural disasters occurred one after another. After all, the larger the territory of the Song Dynasty, the more likely it was that natural disasters would occur. This was a matter of probability and was inevitable.

Zhao Jun went from being flustered at the beginning to being familiar with it later, and was able to handle all kinds of emergencies with ease step by step.

The entire morning court session lasted about an hour and a half, and ended when the sun was almost overhead.

After Zhao Jun asked Wang Huai'en to announce the adjournment of the court, he stood up and left first, followed by all the officials.

When Zhang Zheng and other cabinet members were about to leave, Wang Huai'en appeared in front of them.

"Everyone, your Majesty is kind!"

Zhang Zheng and the others looked at each other, then nodded in unison and said, "Then we'll have to trouble Eunuch Wang to lead the way!"

"It's okay, it's just our job."

Wang Huai'en brought a group of cabinet ministers to Jiying Hall, and Zhao Jun had already been waiting here and had seats prepared for the five people.

After the five people bowed and took their seats, Zhao Jun told them the reason why he called them over after the court meeting.

"Everyone, I called you here today because I have something to discuss with you."

Zhang Zheng looked around, stood up first, bowed and asked, "Your Majesty, can you tell us what's going on?"

Zhao Jun nodded, and then said: "The prince is ten years old this year. With the development of our Song Dynasty over the years, the territory has become larger and larger. I think the prince should participate in politics earlier. Otherwise, if it is the same as in the past, I am afraid that the prince will not have time to complete the education before accepting the government.

So what I mean is, why not let the Crown Prince attend the court next time!"


As soon as Zhao Jun said this, the five ministers below were all stunned with shock.

Your Majesty, would you please listen to what you are saying?

Let the prince participate in politics?
The prince is only ten years old!
He is just a child. If we ask him to go to court, can he really understand what we are saying?

Even if you want your son to become a successful person, you can't force him to grow up like this!
Of course, it was not possible to object directly. After pondering for a moment, Zhang Zheng said cautiously, "Your Majesty, our dynasty has never had a prince participate in politics at the age of 10. Isn't this too early?"

Zhao Jun waved his hand nonchalantly and said with a smile: "Is it okay if I have never had it before?
Haven't I done enough unprecedented things since I ascended the throne? Isn't it the reason why the Song Dynasty is so prosperous now?

Blindly following the rules will not make the Song Dynasty prosperous. On the contrary, some things need to break the rules! "

Zhang Zheng's mouth twitched, and under the gaze of the other four people, he gritted his teeth and said, "Your Majesty, even if Gan Luo was a prime minister at the age of twelve in ancient times, Gan Luo was only twelve years old. The prince is only ten years old now, so he is probably still too young, right?
If Your Majesty is really worried that Your Highness will not be able to complete the necessary studies before ascending the throne, why not wait until Your Highness is twelve before participating in politics?"

Zhang Zheng took a step back, wanting to push the time back two years.

But Zhao Jun was not moved at all: "What Prime Minister Zhang said is wrong. As the saying goes, the successor to the empire should be picked up from a young age. Gan Luo was the prime minister at the age of twelve, but the prince is not going to let him succeed to the throne now. He just wants him to participate in politics and learn more from you, my dear ministers, how can age be an obstacle?"

Zhang Zheng was blocked by Zhao Jun's words and didn't know how to continue to refute. Zhao Jun also took advantage of the victory and said: "Okay, Prime Minister Zhang, it is my job as a father to let the prince participate in politics in advance. I don't want him to work now, but just study. It won't delay anything. You don't have to bother me about this matter anymore.

I will let the Crown Prince attend the court meeting three days later. I am telling you today just to prepare you mentally."

Zhao Jun had said so much that he was just about to say that he was only informing you and not asking for your opinions. Zhang Zheng and the others could not say anything more and could only bow and salute: "Your Majesty, I obey your order!"

Those who needed to be notified had already been notified, so Zhao Jun waved his hand and asked them to go back. After they left, a big smile broke out on Zhao Jun's face uncontrollably.

Let that brat participate in politics today. As long as he takes the first step, everything will be easy later. When that brat has learned enough, I can retire early and travel around. Life in Bianjing is too torturous!

Ten years! A full ten years! The farthest place I can go is a village outside Bianjing. There is no way I can leave Bianjing anymore!

How can I be an emperor?
This is clearly like being in jail!

I must quickly train that brat and let him take over the throne so that I can travel around with my wives!
Hehe! As for that brat's opinion?

What opinion could a child have?
Isn't it enough for him to just do whatever I tell him to do?
Zhao Jun couldn't help but chuckle when thinking about the difficult life after retirement.

Bursts of strange laughter came from the huge Jiying Hall.

On the way out of the palace.

Zhang Zheng and the other five people walked out with frowns on their faces, shaking their heads continuously, unable to understand what His Majesty was thinking.

Emperors have always been wary of the crown prince and would have liked the crown prince to participate in politics later. But why does His Majesty seem to be eager to let the crown prince succeed to the throne earlier?

This is so abnormal! They can’t figure it out! They really can’t figure it out!
"Taihe, why does His Majesty want to do this? Why does he want His Royal Highness the Crown Prince to participate in politics? The Crown Prince is only ten years old! Isn't this too early?"

Listening to Zhang Tang's doubts, Zhang Zheng sighed and said, "Alas... Your Majesty's thoughts are as deep as the sea, how can we know?
It can't be that Your Majesty wants the Crown Prince to take the throne sooner and you don't want to do it anymore, right? "

"Hahaha, impossible! Throughout history, has there ever been an emperor who didn't want to stay in his position forever? Who would want to abdicate early? Your guess is so funny, hahaha!"

Everyone else laughed and thought that this couldn't possibly be the reason. Only Jiang He touched his chin and began to ponder. Based on his understanding of His Majesty, it seemed... not impossible!

It's bad! My Majesty wants to retire!

He is only in his thirties! What emperor would want to retire in his thirties?
This is clearly laziness coming back again!

(End of this chapter)

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