Chapter 345
"Hmph... Sister Bao, do you believe what you say?" Daiyu turned her head away.

Anyway, she didn't believe it, so she just took it as Baochai's joke and didn't take it seriously.

"Why don't you believe it?" Baochai put down the stove.

Daiyu replied confidently: "Thirteenth Master and I have only met once from the beginning to the end, and he is three years younger, how could he fall in love with me!"

Sighing, Baochai said, " don't understand him!"

Baochai was sincerely moved, but Daiyu was still in a joking mood, and smiled at the moment: "Yeah... how can I have Sister Bao understand him, the so-called heart-to-heart understanding!"

"You girl..." For a moment, Baochai didn't know what to say.

Daiyu joked about her and Zhu Jinghong many times, Baochai became immune to hearing so much.

Fortunately, later on, the two of them changed the subject of their conversation and talked about poetry and songs, and also talked about what happened in the palace.

After hearing this, Daiyu looked worried and said: "Sister Bao... that queen's niece, I'm afraid she will be your strong enemy next!"

"What rival?"

"Naturally, she is a strong opponent to be the princess!"

These words were really a thorn in Baochai's heart, which made her worry about it every day.

Seeing Baochai's appearance, Daiyu knew what was on her mind, but at this moment Daiyu didn't know how to persuade her.

The difficulty is right in front of us. To say that "there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain" is nothing more than self-deception.

There was silence in the room for a while, and it happened that several people from Tanchun came to talk, and then the topic was brought to other places.

About an hour later, a girl came over to send a message, asking several girls to have lunch at the old lady's place, and everyone reluctantly got up.

After lunch, the girls got together again, sipping tea and competing for talent, writing lyrics and composing poems.

Although in the palace, Baochai and Zhu Yunsheng get along peacefully, but after all, there is a difference in dignity, how can they be as relaxed and comfortable as they are now.

And happy time is always short-lived. Since the Xue family is here to visit as guests, there is no reason to stay long.

So in the afternoon, Aunt Xue made preparations to go back. After all, Mrs. Wang and others were also busy with family matters and did not have much time to spend with her own sister.

Baochai had no objection to this. Although she was very reluctant to leave Daiyu and the others, she still said goodbye to them all.

"You girl, why are you crying again? You really treat yourself like a child!" Looking at Daiyu with moist eyes, Baochai said helplessly.

Thinking of Daiyu's true temperament, Baochai was also extremely moved, and at this moment also had the urge to cry.

"Don't be sad, we will have a chance to meet again in the palace in a few days!"

"Yeah!" Daiyu nodded.

On the other side, Aunt Xue also said goodbye to Mrs. Wang, and then she looked at her daughter and said, "Baochai, it's time to go!"


"Sister Bao, go slowly!"

All that needs to be said has been said, and it would be artificial to try to keep her, so the girls didn't say any more, they just watched Baochai get on the sedan chair and leave.

Watching Baochai leave, Tanchun looked at Daiyu who was at the side, and couldn't help asking: "Sister Lin, are you really going to enter the palace?"

The queen personally summoned an irrelevant little girl, which seemed unbelievable no matter how you looked at it, so Tanchun had this question.

What she actually wants to know is why, while everyone is "ordinary" women, "Xue Linshi" is the only one who has won the favor of the royal family.

Daiyu said calmly, "Sister Bao said, I think it should be true!"

Obviously, Daiyu didn't care about being called. Power, wealth and honor were not important to her.

When everyone had different thoughts, they heard a voice from behind: "Enter the palace? What are you going to do in the palace?"

"Second brother, it's nothing... we were just joking!" Tanchun was afraid that Baoyu would cause trouble, so he casually tried to deal with it.Now that Yuanchun has been granted the title of Crown Princess, Mrs. Wang has become much more rigid and is trying every means to cause trouble and seize power. Tanchun certainly does not want to cause trouble because of this.

"Don't think I didn't hear it, it was the daughter of the Xue family who instigated it!"

Baoyu hated Baochai, so she called her "daughter of the Xue family", and today she avoided seeing her, otherwise, when several girls competed for talent, this girl would definitely sneak in and play.

When Baoyu was speaking, he had walked around to Daiyu, and said angrily: "Sister Lin, she wants to trick you into the palace, she has no good intentions..."

Seeing that Baoyu misunderstood Baochai again, Tanchun wanted to help distinguish a few words, but Daiyu spoke first.

"Whether An An is kind or not, it has nothing to do with you!"

Till now, Daiyu has been extremely disappointed with Baoyu, and she doesn't even have the thought of defending herself, so she utters such cold words.

"Sister Lin, why do you..."

Before Baoyu finished speaking, Daiyu turned around and left. Baoyu was so anxious that she wanted to catch up, but she couldn't save face for a while.

At this time, Tanchun explained quite righteously: "Second brother, you really wronged sister Bao!"

Besides, after Baochai was carried out of the Rongguo Mansion, she found out that her brother hadn't come with her, so she knew that he had gone out to fool around again.

On the way home, Baochai and his party made a detour, because the road was closed for the royal family, so if they didn't make a detour, they would have to wait for an hour.

When we returned to the mansion, the sun had already set in the west, and the wind and snow had become lighter.

After entering the inner house, the mother and daughter of the Xue family took off their cloaks, and then sat down in the living room to serve tea.

"Mother... the eldest brother hasn't come back, let's send someone out to find him!"

Aunt Xue replied: "I have already ordered!"

After a few breaths of silence, Aunt Xue took the initiative to speak: "Baochai...the visit to Rongguo Mansion this time really has a different atmosphere!"

Seeing her mother's envious look, Baochai calmly replied: "Sister Yuanchun has become a princess, and the Jia family is naturally different than before!"

"Today your aunt told me that now that Baoyu is old, it's time for him to get married, so that he can calm down and study hard, and have a good future in the future..."

Seeing that Baochai didn't answer, Aunt Xue had no choice but to continue: "Your aunt said that you are well-educated, upright and considerate, and you are a good match with Baoyu, so she intends to recruit you..."

Before his mother could finish speaking, Baochai stood up and said, "Mother, you'd better stop talking, I don't want to do this!"

Marriage matters are decided by parents. Normally, Baochai has no right to speak, but she directly denies it, which is rare in this day and age.

"Baochai, what are you talking about? It's so unruly!" Aunt Xue looked dissatisfied and wanted to maintain her dignity as a mother.

Seeing Baochai turning his head to the side, Aunt Xue was angry, but she still explained: "Now that Yuanchun has made the crown princess, Baoyu will be the uncle of the country in the future. If you marry him... you will still get less of your benefits." ?”

Turning around and facing her biological mother, Baochai said coldly, "I can't be compared to any uncle!"


"Mother, you also know that Baoyu and I have always been at odds, and now we are like enemies. If you ask me to marry him... don't you just push your daughter into the fire pit!"

"Besides, how old is Baoyu? I'm already in my prime years, do I have to wait for him for a few more years? If I tell him, won't I be laughed at?"

"At that time, if Baoyu regrets the marriage, his family can choose another good match. Who should I complain to?"

Baochai's rapid-fire speech really made Aunt Xue unable to answer, and made her fall into deep thought.

I went to Jia's house today and heard the sayings about a good marriage and a close relationship. I thought that I could join the Jia family in the future. Aunt Xue was really convinced.

Now after listening to Baochai's analysis, she realized that this matter is very unreliable.

"Mother... I have already made plans for my daughter's lifelong event!"

(End of this chapter)

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