Chapter 347
Hearing Baochai speak like this and thinking of her "disobedient" marriage today, Aunt Xue felt particularly uncomfortable.

"Baochai, you are too dare you talk to your elder brother!"

Hearing her mother's words, Baochai remained unabated, and explained: "Mother... If you protect my brother like this, his life will almost die!"

Hearing what Baochai said was so serious, Aunt Xue asked sternly: "What is it that you said is so serious!"

"Brother, do you know who is behind the Qin family?"

Seeing that he could no longer hide it, Xue Pan said: "The Qin family... is just a poor family, how can I be afraid of him?"

"Behind the Qin family is Lord Thirteen, do you think you should be afraid?" Baochai said with a straight face.

That day when Zhu Jinghong rescued Qin Keqing from Dongchang, Baochai had experienced this personally, so she naturally understood the importance of the Qin family to Zhu Jinghong.

To put it bluntly, in Zhu Jinghong's mind, that girl from the Qin family may be worse than her.

Such people, whether Xue Pan or Jia Zhen, should not be provoked if they are smart.

"Master Ten...Thirteenth?" Xue Pan remained silent. He really didn't know this.

"Mom, you always know that there was a big accident between the Qin family and the Jia family before. Brother Zhen from the Ningguo Mansion... almost died!"

Xue Pan was not in the capital at that time, but Aunt Xue lived in Rongguo Mansion, so she knew how difficult it was for Jia's family at that time.

Without answering, Aunt Xue looked at her son and asked angrily, "Pan'er, what's the matter with you?"

"Mother, I..."

The Qin family was in trouble and had no way to appeal. After Jia Zhen found out about this, she invited Qin Zhong to the house on the pretext of helping, and at the same time discussed the matter of re-marriage between the two houses.

Of course, now that the Qin family has suffered such a thing, it is naturally impossible for Jia Zhen to marry her, but he thinks it is okay to use this name to play with Ke Qing.

Now that Yuanchun has been granted the title of Crown Princess, Jia Zhen's courage is obviously much greater.

The reason why Xue Pan was involved in this matter was that he was present when Jia Zhen discussed with Qin Zhong, and Xue Pan took a fancy to Qin Zhong's appearance.

It was also because Yuanchun had made the crown princess that Xue Pan no longer dared to provoke Jia Baoyu, so he targeted Qin Zhong.

But Xue Pan didn't have the guts to say these things, he hesitated and said: "Sister, the Qin family has committed a serious crime now, the Thirteenth Master may not necessarily want to take care of them!"

At this time, Baochai corrected him: "The Thirteenth Master is looking after the girl of the Qin family!"

If this is the case, Xue Pan really can't quibble, so he said: "This matter is all handled by Brother Zhen, and I should not be involved!"

"Now that Sister Yuanchun has made the Crown Princess, Lord Thirteen will give the Jia family face. Even if Brother Zhen handles the matter, it should be fine!"

Seeing this step, my elder brother still had a fluke mentality, and Baochai really felt that he was hopeless.

Seeing that her own mother also looked in agreement, Baochai felt that she needed to correct their perceptions.

"You all go out and close the door!"

After she spoke, several girls waiting in the room came out one after another. After closing the door, there were only three people from the Xue family in the large room.

"Mom, brother... Sister Yuanchun is the successor, her status is not as high as you think, and there are other reasons why she can be named the crown princess!"

"Let's not talk about her, even the crown prince's status is not so stable now, and he has to rely on the help of the thirteenth master!"

To be honest, these words are very taboo, and if they are spread out, they will definitely lead to serious crimes.

But in order to make her family sober, she had to speak out.

" it true?" Aunt Xue still couldn't believe it.

It's not surprising that she has such thoughts, because the vast majority of people in this world are ordinary people, and they cannot see the essence of things clearly due to their vision.

People like Baochai who are extremely intelligent and live with the royal family are rare.

"Mom, you must know a little about the pomp and ceremony that a crowned princess should have...but do you think these Yuanchun sisters have it?"

After hearing this, Aunt Xue thought about it carefully and felt that it was indeed quite shabby to be granted the title of Yuanchun.Perhaps as Baochai said, that girl Yuanchun is not valued by the royal family, so the Jia family is naturally not that powerful.

"Mother, brother... You will all rot in your stomachs with what I said today, and you must not talk about it outside!"

"These words have broken the taboo of the royal family. If it is spread, our family will definitely die!"

How serious this kind of thing is, there is no need to remind Aunt Xue and both of them know that at this moment, both mother and son are solemnly nodding.

"Brother, don't meddle in the affairs of the Qin family, otherwise no one will be able to save you!"

"I know!" Xue Pan lost his mind, and was still worried and afraid at this moment.

"Baochai, the Thirteenth Lord really doesn't even give the Crown Princess any face?"

Baochai smiled, sat back on the chair and said, "You underestimated Lord Thirteen too much!"

A prince who is good at conquering and fighting, a prince who is deeply valued by the emperor, and a prince who can preside over major military affairs should not be looked down upon.

"Brother, the Thirteenth Master has sent you an errand now, if you specialize in demolishing his corner, what do you think he will think?"

"Brother, have you forgotten the feeling of the knife falling on the neck that day?"

How could Xue Pan forget that feeling? Even thinking about it now, he felt a chill on his back and the urge to urinate.

"Baochai, I...I'll be fine!" Xue Pan swallowed.

Seeing that her elder brother was really scared, Baochai decided to strike while the iron was hot, and then put a curse on him.

"Brother, it's time for you to calm down. Now that you are valued by the Thirteenth Master, you should do more serious things, and you must not go astray again!"

Having said this, Baochai looked at his mother again, and said, "Mother, my elder brother is not young now, you should find me a sister-in-law and take good care of him!"

It seems strange that my sister is planning to marry her brother, but Aunt Xue also agrees with it at the moment.

"Yeah, this matter should also be put on the agenda!"

Hearing this, Xue Pan had nothing to say. After all, he did cause a lot of trouble.

"Mother, I'll go back to the palace early tomorrow morning. I have to explain this matter to the Thirteenth Master, otherwise my brother's fate will be unpredictable!"

She wanted her daughter to go back later, but in the eyes of the matter, she could only follow the authority, so Aunt Xue didn't persuade her any more, she just warned Baochai to handle the matter thoroughly.

The three of them talked for a while, and then went to rest when the night was dark.

The night was uneventful, and the next day soon came.

After the family of three had breakfast, Aunt Xue ordered Xue Pan to send Baochai back to the palace, and she gave her careful warnings before leaving.

On the road, Xue Pan was no longer as proud as he was yesterday, and he looked worried.

"Brother, don't worry too much, I will take care of this matter!"

"It's just that after this time, you have to focus on your business. Before your father dies, he wants you to honor the family. You can't let him down!"

"I know!" Xue Pan replied.

The brother and sister were silent all the way, and soon arrived at the palace gate.

After personally helping Baochai get off the sedan chair, Xue Pan was full of anticipation: "Sister, I will leave this matter to you!"

Seeing his elder brother's haggard appearance, Baochai knew that he didn't sleep well last night, presumably he was worried about fortune and misfortune.

"Brother, don't worry... But you have to remember what I said, and you can't do anything wrong in the future. Although our family is kind to the Thirteenth Lord, there is always a time when favors are exhausted!"

Hearing this, Xue Pan solemnly replied: "Don't worry, sister, I will behave myself in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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