King Xiang of the Red Chamber

Chapter 368 3 Disarming

Chapter 368 Thirteen Disarm
"Thirteenth Master, unless I don't believe you and can't see your will... I dare not let you go unless I die!" Baihu replied extremely humbly, as if he had made some big mistake.

"What are you afraid of? Are you still worried about my rebellion?" Zhu Jinghong really said it bluntly.

Good guy, dozens of guards were stunned when they heard this. The word "rebellion" coming out of the prince's mouth really had an unparalleled impact.

There is no doubt that Zhu Jinghong made a routine mistake again. He went through so many things without being suspected by his two brothers, which shows that his actions are very useful.

"His Majesty agreed two days ago to allow me to accompany the emperor as his escort tonight. Don't you believe me?"

Despite Zhu Jinghong's explanation, the guards on duty still did not dare to let him go. After all, the whole family could lose their heads if they were not careful.

It was very difficult for hundreds of households on duty, but no one else said a word, so he had to continue the conversation.

"Thirteenth Master, without the Holy Order, I will never let you go unless you take off your armor and hand over your weapons!"

Walking up to the man, Zhu Jinghong said slowly: "You want me to take off my armor? You are the first one!"

With their heads lowered and their waists bent, the hundred households continued, "I hope the Thirteenth Master will forgive me for this imperial law!"

"You really can't accommodate?"

"This... the emperor's order is on my side, so I can't obey it!"

Zhu Jinghong nodded, and then said: "Since you are worried, then I will send someone to ask for an order!"

"Dun An!"

"The slave is here!"

"Go to Qianqing Palace and explain the reason to the Holy One!"


Deng An crossed the palace gate and went to Qianqing Palace to relax, but Zhu Jinghong stayed where he was.

"Master Thirteen, sit down!"

Baihu took out the stool from the duty room and respectfully invited Zhu Jinghong to sit down.

Zhu Jinghong was not polite and went up to the table in an upright manner.

"Shouzhi, when did you become stubborn? You won't be able to become a high official in the future!"

The name of this family member is Yang Shouzhi. His father is a commander of the Jingwei Army, and he is born into a standard family of military generals.

Being able to become a sixth-grade dragon guard for hundreds of households has actually proven his ability, and his future is bright.

"The Thirteenth Master's lesson is correct, but the palace is strictly forbidden, and the Lord has issued strict orders recently, so..."

"I understand that you have difficulties. We are all our own people...don't forget this matter. On the contrary, I am embarrassed and have made it difficult for you!"

Hearing Zhu Jinghong's words, Yang Shouzhi felt much relieved, but he was afraid of offending Zhu Jinghong.

But when he thought about it again, he realized that he had really thought too much. How could the Thirteenth Master, a man who was upright and upright, be so fussy about everything?

"Have you eaten all your dinner?"

"Not yet, but the food will be delivered soon!" Yang Shouzhi replied.

"Well... you have to be more vigilant today and don't let the thieves make trouble!"

"Sir, you understand!"

Zhu Jinghong talked with Yang Shouzhi for a while, and then saw Deng An coming with another eunuch, who was one of the eunuchs in charge of Qianqing Palace.

Seeing Zhu Jinghong dressed like this, this person was also shocked and secretly thought that this Thirteenth Master really knew how to do his job.

"Thirteenth Master, the Lord has spoken!"

The person who came was the eunuch in charge of Qianqing Palace, and these people at the scene all knew each other, so no one would doubt his statement.

After everyone bowed down, they heard the eunuch say: "Old Thirteen has come to the palace to pay homage to you!"

"I obey!" Zhu Jinghong responded.

Then he stood up, looked at Yang Shouzhi and said, "How about it? Can I go in?"

"Please, Thirteenth Master!" Yang Shouzhi and others stepped aside.

So Zhu Jinghong was able to pass through, and he also passed the next few palace gates smoothly, and then he arrived outside Qianqing Gate.

"Master Thirteen? What are you?" The head guard was surprised.Zhu Jinghong smiled and replied: "I have been ordered to follow the emperor, and I have the same errand as you!"


"Go in!"

Seeing Zhu Jinghong entering the palace gate wearing armor and a knife, the guards on duty were frightened, and then they glanced at the eunuch in charge of the palace.

After the latter nodded, the guards felt relieved, but they still felt incredible.

To put it bluntly, if Zhu Jinghong was committing murder in Qianqing Palace at this moment, the guards would not be able to react at all, and it would be impossible to stop him.

"It shows how much the Lord trusts Master Thirteen!" This was the emotion of all the guards.

Let's say that when Zhu Jinghong entered the Qianqing Palace, he saw the emperor wearing a dragon dress with twelve chapters and twelve regiments, sitting on the dragon chair in the side hall and reading a book.

It's strange to still be reading at this time. After all, he should be accompanying the Supreme Emperor.

"See Your Majesty!" Zhu Jinghong saluted seriously.

Putting down the book, Zhu Xianming said in a deep voice: "What are you kidding about?"

Standing up, Zhu Jinghong said with a smile: "Dad... there may be a traitor in the palace, and my son is here to protect you!"

"Don't worry, no one can hurt you as long as your son is here!"

Although he thought Zhu Jinghong was just fooling around, Zhu Xianming was still very pleased with his filial piety, secretly saying that his love for this boy was not in vain.

Picking up the teacup on the side, Zhu Xianming asked: "Didn't you say that you have diarrhea and can't even walk? Will it be cured so soon?"

Zhu Jinghong replied: "It's strange to say that I suddenly recovered. Maybe... it was the noble sense of mission to protect my father that made me recover immediately!"

The word "lofty sense of mission" surprised the emperor, and he even felt that Zhu Jinghong was smart.

"Smooth talk, take off the armor!"

"Dad, how can I protect you if my son takes off his clothes?"

Standing up, Zhu Xianming said: "According to your opinion, should I also wear armor and climb the tower?"

"It's just a few thieves who have made you look like a snake. They are wearing armor to protect me. Wouldn't it make people laugh if word spread?"

"The Dragon Guards, Imperial City Yi Guards, and tens of thousands of bodyguards and soldiers are guarding the Imperial City..."

"There are 10,000 soldiers guarding the capital, and there are [-]+ people in the capital camp and bodyguards outside the city. How many thieves...can they make waves?"

Objectively speaking, today's defenses inside and outside the capital are indeed tight. In addition, Jinyiwei and Dongchang are inspecting everywhere. The entire capital has been searched in a few days. It is indeed unlikely that the White Lotus Sect will cause trouble.

But even so, Zhu Jinghong still felt uneasy when he thought about how something almost happened during the Lantern Festival in a certain drama in his previous life.

"But dad..."

Without waiting for Zhu Jinghong to explain, Zhu Xianming said impatiently: "Okay... either go back and recuperate, or take off your armor for me!"

"Yes... I need two people to help me!"

The emperor told him to take off his armor, and several eunuchs immediately came forward to help Zhu Jinghong take off his armor.

Seeing that he was wearing two layers of heavy armor, Zhu Xianming couldn't help but twitch his face. With the way the boy was jumping around just now, he thought he only had the outer layer.

In fact, even if you only wear a layer of armor, it is not easy to move around.

After Zhu Jinghong took off his armor, he wore a red robe with sleeves and a four-clawed python pattern on the shoulders. He looked very capable, because the robe was originally a lightweight garment for practicing martial arts.

Hanging the sword on his waist, he took the pearl folding brimmed hat from the eunuch's hand. After putting it on, he looked both powerful and handsome.

Looking at his son who suddenly looked like a divine soldier, Zhu Xian's memory drifted back to 30 years ago, when he was young and high-spirited.

"It's great to be young!" Zhu Xianming couldn't help but sigh.

He will be fifty after the new year. At the age when he knows his destiny, he is indeed no longer young.

Thinking of this matter and feeling bored, Zhu Xianming said: "Let's go and see your mother!"

Normally, the Queen would also go up to the tower tonight, but Yang Qingyin had caught a cold in the past two days, so she would not go to the tower to enjoy the breeze.

(End of this chapter)

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