King Xiang of the Red Chamber

Chapter 377 Zhu Jinghong’s thoughts

Chapter 377 Zhu Jinghong’s thoughts
When the sun set, Zhu Jinghong put on his clothes again and sat in the dining room with Ke Qing.

The meal was of course first-class, but after a long afternoon of hard work today, Qing was in pain and tired, and had no appetite in front of this delicacy.

"Come on, eat, don't starve yourself!" Zhu Jinghong was extra considerate and even brought food for Ke Qing.

Under Zhu Jinghong's persuasion, Keqing did not dare to refuse even if she didn't want to eat. She could only pick up the vegetables and chew and swallow them like a machine.

Although Zhu Jinghong is a kind-hearted person, he is a dignified prince after all. If you accidentally make him angry, big trouble will definitely happen.

Based on this mentality, Keqing acts with extra caution, which will become her code of conduct for a long time.

Zhu Jinghong thought he was easy-going, but he couldn't understand Qing's current mentality at all.

The two of them talked intermittently. After finishing eating and drinking for about half an hour, Zhu Jinghong stood up to leave.

"I'll see you again in a while!" Zhu Jinghong said before leaving.

Listening to the people in Yuzhai Courtyard, Keqing bowed respectfully and said: "Best farewell to the Thirteenth Master!"

Zhu Jinghong smiled back, then turned and left, and Deng An and others followed immediately.

"Master Thirteen, did you have a lot of fun today?" Deng An asked with a smile.

In fact, Zhu Jinghong knew what role Deng An played in it, so he heard him say with a smile: "You little slave dog, jumping up and down and tossing around, do you think you can do it?"

At this moment, Zhu Jinghong's tone was full of joy, and Deng An knew that he had done the right thing by flattering him this time.

"As long as the Thirteenth Master is happy, I am willing to do anything!" Deng An flattered him at the right time.

The two of them were talking and laughing all the way to the outer courtyard of the palace, where a large number of guards were still waiting.

When Zhu Jinghong was about to drive back to his home, Keqing on the other side slowly returned to the house and sat down with the help of the girl.

"Girl, now that the Thirteenth Master is taking care of me, the girl will have someone to rely on for the rest of her life!"

Although the two Baozhu people have not experienced human affairs, they also understand what happened in the afternoon.

In their view, now that the young lady has become Zhu Jinghong's, her relationship with the palace has become stronger, which is definitely a great thing.

To be honest, the panic-stricken life some time ago really brought a great psychological shadow to these two girls.

Different from the optimism of the two girls, Keqing obviously thinks more.

Although she became a member of Zhu Jinghong's room, she was not the mistress of the palace after all. How to deal with the princess when she arrived would become a new trouble for Ke Qing.

If the princess is not easy to get along with, her life will be very difficult, and she may even be worse off than dead.

"You two, please stop talking and clean up quickly... I'm going to sleep!" Ke Qing said weakly.

In the afternoon, Zhu Jinghong seemed to have endless energy, tossing her to death, and now he had nothing to do and could just rest.

But at the same time, Ke Qing was also thinking about how soon Zhu Jinghong would come over next time.

When Ke Qing fell asleep, Zhu Jinghong also got up and rushed to the palace.

From noon to now, he stayed in the palace for three hours. It might be almost dark when he rushed back to the palace.

It was just that he came back late. The key was that he had done bad things in the palace, and Zhu Jinghong couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

He also understood the principle of preparing for a rainy day, so he made a mental note in the sedan chair to prepare for possible cross-examination by the emperor and empress.

However, he did think too much. When he entered the imperial city and returned to the palace, the whole journey was calm.

After returning to the palace, Zhu Jinghong realized that Baochai had come to see him twice and left again because he was not there.

"Is there something important for her?"

"I don't know, my servant. Miss Xue just said...if Master Thirteen comes back, please send someone to inform her!"

This arrangement seemed even more strange, so Zhu Jinghong said to Yu Hai: "Then you go and tell her now that I am back!"


The sun was almost setting at this moment, and Zhu Jinghong was not sure that Baochai would definitely come over to see him.

But his unusual behavior today allowed Zhu Jinghong to conclude that something must have happened in the palace today.

About ten minutes later, when Zhu Jinghong was leaning on the couch in single clothes, Yu Hai came to report that Baochai had arrived.

So Zhu Jinghong put on his outer robe and went to the front hall where he would receive guests.

When we arrived at the front hall, we saw Baochai standing in the hall, still dazzling under the setting sun.

But Qing is already like that, but he doesn't know what Baochai is like... Looking at Baochai's slightly fat figure, Zhu Jinghong had wild thoughts for a while.

"Master Thirteen has been staring at me. Could it be that there is something written on my face?"

Zhu Jinghong said with a smile: "Everyone has a love for beauty. It's just human nature for me to look twice at a girl who is beautiful... so why make such a fuss!"

Being able to express lust so righteously, no matter how much truth Baochai has, he can't express it at this moment.

Of course, she didn't come here to reason.

After approaching Zhu Jinghong, Baochai lowered his voice and said, "I have something to tell you!"

Zhu Jinghong understood the meaning of these words, so he ordered the eunuchs on his left and right: "You all get out!"

After everyone withdrew as instructed, Baochai finally spoke: "Your Majesty has agreed to let me run for election!"

Zhu Jinghong nodded and said with a smile: "Let me tell long as my fourth sister-in-law helps, my mother will agree to your candidacy!"

Turning her head and looking at Zhu Jinghong, Baochai said solemnly: "It was Princess Rui who helped me make peace and made the empress agree!"

Hearing this, Zhu Jinghong was immediately surprised. He had never expected this result.

"What's going on? Please tell me carefully!"

While talking, Zhu Jinghong pulled Baochai to the side and sat down. The latter had no intention of breaking away at the moment.

After sitting down, Baochai told the whole story, which made Zhu Jinghong frown in deep thought.

"You said...why does Princess Rui want to help me?"

Hearing Baochai ask this, Zhu Jinghong couldn't help but smile: "Don't you understand what she means? It's just what you think!"

"Although she has other motives, she has helped me now. I'm afraid I will have to accept her favor in the future!" Baochai lowered his head. She was afraid that this would make it difficult for Zhu Jinghong.

"Just do whatever you want, don't worry too much!" Zhu Jinghong calmly reassured.

"But I really don't understand why the Jia family doesn't want to help you? They shouldn't be so stupid!"

It's also strange that Baochai saved face for Mrs. Wang. He only said that the Jia family thought she couldn't be chosen and they were worried that she would be humiliated so they didn't help.

Standing up, Zhu Jinghong said slowly: "Forget it, the goal has been achieved anyway, just by doing this... the water of our brothers has been muddied!"

Baochai, who was supposed to be close to Yuan Chun, is now in love with Chen Zhi. The reality is so absurd and wonderful.

But seeing Zhu Jinghong's relaxed look, Baochai guessed that Zhu Jinghong might be happy to see the outcome of this situation.

When the water is mixed, you can fish in troubled waters... Baochai also understands this.

At this moment, she had more guesses about Zhu Jinghong's intentions.

Baochai was very excited about this, and secretly said that the man she had chosen was very attractive.

From the beginning to the end, Baochai was the only one in the world who noticed Zhu Jinghong's uncontrollable ambition under his disguise.

"By the way, I will leave the palace tomorrow!" Baochai said at the right time.

"Your Majesty's decree, I am no longer the princess's attendant!"

Nodding, Zhu Jinghong said: "That's fine, but the status of serving as a student is burdensome!"

"Master Thirteen doesn't want to know who took my place?" Baochai said with a smile.

"who is it?"

Baochai smiled and replied: "That's Miss Lin whom you are worried about!"


Two days passed quickly, and Baochai walked out of the palace, which she was not attached to, with not many salutes.

In order to avoid suspicion, Zhu Jinghong did not come to see her off. Instead, he stayed far away and went to Shanglinyuan.

Whether it was training troops and horses or making guns and cannons, they were all operated in Shanglinyuan. How could Zhu Jinghong not pay close attention to his own business?

"Thirteenth Master, an official has come to see you!" In the gun-making workshop, Zhu Jinghong was inspecting the molds, and Zhang Ping'an's voice came from behind.

Putting down what he was holding, Zhu Jinghong turned around and asked, "Who?"

"Back to the Thirteenth Master, it's Jia Hua, the prefect of Yingtian!"

"Jia Hua? You mean Jia Yucun?" Zhu Jinghong responded.


"What is he doing?"

After muttering, Zhu Jinghong said: "Let him wait for me in the living room!"


Zhang Ping'an brought the message to Jia Yucun, who was led to the living room, where he sat alone and waited.

In Jia Yucun's opinion, Zhu Jinghong's recommendation must be the reason why he was favored by the emperor, so he came here to express his gratitude.

Of course, in addition to thanking him, he still came to hug him. After all, clearing his father-in-law would offend too many people. If there was no strong person in the court to speak out, it would probably not end well.

Jia Yucun was sitting in the living room, listening to the "ding-dong-dang-dang" banging sound outside, looking back at his prepared words with an indifferent expression.

Half an hour passed. After Jia Yucun had finished two cups of tea, he heard voices coming from outside.

After hearing carefully it was Zhu Jinghong's voice, the man immediately stood up, tidied his clothes and hats, and then walked out of the living room.

When he saw that the person coming was Zhu Jinghong, Jia Yucun couldn't help but quicken his pace, knelt down in front of Zhu Jinghong and worshiped.

"Chen Jia Hua, see the Thirteenth Master!"

Judging from Jia Yucun's reaction at this time, we can see how unrestricted the civil servants are now. Facing Zhu Jinghong, he actually knelt down. According to the system, only the emperor and the prince were required to kneel.

Zhu Jinghong was already used to this situation. He stood in front of Jia Yucun and said: "No courtesy, no courtesy!"

"Thank you Thirteen Lord!"

When Jia Yucun got up, he followed Zhu Jinghong into the living room, where they took their seats as guest and host.

"What's the matter with me?"

"I came here this time specifically to thank Master Thirteen for your support!"

"The favor of mentoring?" Zhu Jinghong was a little confused. He didn't remember that he had mentored this guy.

Jia Yucun just thought he was being humble and continued, "Does the Thirteenth Master not know that the task of clearing my father-in-law's land has fallen to me?"

"Oh, I see!"

But Zhu Jinghong still doesn't understand what this has to do with his support of the other party.

But he responded to this sentence, which made Jia Yucun think that he understood, so he stopped worrying about it.

"It's just that a humble minister has little talent and knowledge, so he may not be able to take on such a big responsibility. If something goes wrong accidentally, or if he offends his colleagues, I'm afraid there will be a huge disaster!"

Zhu Jinghong was not surprised that a shrewd man like Jia Yucun could see this. What he was curious about was why this guy was telling him this.

"I dare you...please save my life!" Jia Yucun stood up shamelessly, and then knelt in front of Zhu Jinghong.

This guy really has no moral integrity... Zhu Jinghong thought.

He didn't get up to help him, but asked: "How can I save your life!"

"I only hope that when a disaster is coming, the Thirteenth Master will be able to say a few words of separation for me in front of the Holy Master."

Strictly speaking, Jia Yucun's performance was very rough. Asking for help could never be so straightforward.

In fact, he did do it deliberately because he was afraid that his plan would be too complicated and had too many twists and turns that Zhu Jinghong would not understand.

"Since this mission has been entrusted to you by the Holy One, it shows that he has great faith in you. Don't think too much...get up!"

"I'm just afraid that the small crowd will rise up and attack..." Jia Yucun stood up and said.

"Your Majesty, the Holy Ming Zhuzhao, will not be deceived by others!" Zhu Jinghong said with a smile.

But what he said was actually nonsense. When Jia Yucun needed to be killed to calm public anger, the emperor would not hesitate normally, even if he knew that Jia Yucun was unjustly accused.

"Okay, you don't have to worry... As the saying goes, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge!"

Standing up, Zhu Jinghong said calmly: "Let's go... follow me around the workshop, I have something to trouble you!"

Although Zhu Jinghong did not agree to help, Jia Yucun felt much more at ease when he heard that he had something to tell him.

"I don't know what the Thirteenth Master has asked me to do. I must do my best to handle it!"

Walking in front, Zhu Jinghong said slowly: "Your Yingtian Mansion is close to the sea, and there is Tongzhou Shipping Department not far away. You must be able to see foreigners everywhere!"

"There are craftsmen among the foreigners. If there are any who make guns and cannons, find some for me!"

"In addition, those foreign sailors and captains who have real skills can also be found for me!"

Needless to say, making guns and cannons, Zhu Jinghong asked for a sailor captain, naturally to build a navy and spread culture across the ocean.

"Yes!" Although he didn't understand Zhu Jinghong, Jia Yucun still happily agreed.

When Zhu Jinghong took Jia Yucun to visit, Baochai had already left the palace with his luggage and was rushed to the mansion by his family.

Outside the sedan, after holding it in for a long time, Xue Pan couldn't help but asked: "Sister, do you really want to run for the princess?"

"Yeah!" Baochai replied calmly.

"But a person like Thirteenth Master is probably not easy to get along with... Even if you are really selected, I'm afraid you will have a hard time in the future!" Xue Pan's words were full of worry.

If his sister marries someone else and her life is not going well, he can still come to her and try to reason with her, but if she marries into the prince's palace, he won't have the guts.

Feeling her brother's deep concern, Baochai couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Although the eldest brother is a bit of a bastard, he is still very good to himself and his mother... Baochai thought.

"Brother, don't worry, little sister has her own sense of propriety!" Baochai had no intention of explaining, after all, the eldest brother might not be able to understand if he talked too much.

"I'm just worried!" Xue Pan sighed with a mature and steady expression for a rare moment of seriousness.

Last time Jia Zhen's leg was broken and she almost lost her really brought a great shadow to him.

After all, Jia Zhen is a first-class male conferred by the imperial court after the duke, and he is far behind Xue Pan.

There was no words for the rest of the journey, and soon they returned to the mansion, got off the sedan chair and Baochai rushed to his mother.

"Meet mother!"

Looking at her daughter kneeling in front of her, Aunt Xue felt particularly complicated.

She thought that after the Jia family refused to help, Baochai would give up and retreat, but she still reached this point.

"Baochai, it's still too late for you to regret it!" Aunt Xue said seriously.

In her opinion, her daughter couldn't choose the princess at all. It was completely stupid not to hit the wall and not look back at this moment.

If he loses the election in the future, he will definitely become a laughing stock, which will only bring disgrace to the Xue family.

"My daughter has already made up her mind. There is no need for mother to persuade her!" Baochai raised her head and said.


Sighing, Aunt Xue shook her head, then turned and left.

As Aunt Xue walked away, she said, "Then write the document and ask your brother to hand it over in the next two days!"

Hearing this, Baochai felt her eyes moist.

Although her mother strongly opposed her candidacy, she still supported her on what she had already decided.

"Thank you mother!"

After Aunt Xue left, Xue Pan stepped forward and said, "Sister, get up quickly. In fact, this matter is not really impossible!"

"We still have tens of thousands of taels of silver at home. There is nothing in this world that cannot be done with money. Let's..."

Hearing these words from his brother, although the operability was almost zero, it still made Baochai feel warm.

(End of this chapter)

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